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Show 5 sJi-Z&S'- 4 ' ;? ip St-- . 'r TTsT l -' I on V: ' - Neidvertisements. Vx- I1LTE ! COML11T 1 fri- ' BUT ti It Is a complete Adhesive Washer; it la an excellent strengthener, Itcnres Pain in tbs Side and Breastj'it cures. weak and lams Basks; it .cures Cuts, .Wounds' and vAMMfflraraMffi' 8ri"to i ?' jL e- - Bucm It :ivv things, at reasonable prices Ths above' together,. with n complete Also, In connection, a 'WOODWORTnfl , ;v aiboxtmknt or floorPLANING MACHINE for planing ra FAMILY MEDICINES ing And- - Inmbcr of any thlckness-froand any width np. tc Aro prepW at tbo rr of the In- r; fen.' vento: amount for. for yiiU..Utah any. county, j ipring '?.. :" planing flooring, : ff-K- ' toT ronts por loot,. according to-, Deane iand sold by himself and .Agents ton J t;y j v a at o ant and nlit of lumber. . The floorthrourl the Stats.!;' HT-E.? JOHNSON planed'bv this machine la of faglbstia v qal width ana thickness, and my ntn J&tpoiublt Jfgtnti, '. 'every ttttUment, can' lay. double Iks amount and a better auppltedonreatonabUiermt., ' can with flooring that is floor Ihan-h' " . ;4 r planed by band.", 4' ,!'.; 1 JET JOHNSON'S Peynmnt, and the hjgkeat premium allowed. INK- - The finest in the 'market Mer- v ?I, and fair terms,' V, - I b-ebants few good Carpenters and CabtP.S.A an order : or . calling at addressing Bt makera ,wanted immediately 8PRINGLAKE VILLA. -- - - Iks - - e - ; 0 SCnOOL-CARD- ANTI-CORROSI- J . Av . . inr;;ink dealen-furiueheo- n DROOH S; HiNUFACTORt, "VrOR 1. 2 and 3 of nrire of SCHOOL ,, SraiMd LAK K VILLA, CXIXIST. , CARDS now ready and for sale at the Pinnace Orarh Office BROOMS '? sweep jail jbefere npHESE , JL tbem.,;Made. from:; corn ; of superior . I - A v A ... , v 'Villa. f o p. i(WATER iiip. POWER VALUABLE WITH ESH1N JHE...0...,,u.TgwiT, MACHINE; ? f r CIRCULAR mill;.t'ATHEl Thd nd i i -- wove ie situate in the 3d Ward, aear Ta li- ners grist mill; and ia efferedfor Grain aale foe andtosk .For Particulars apply to Bishop -- Provo," . 'ia- 'f of Provo, thsSTORB formerly occupied by. Birch A. .Stubbs, situate, on Main street, corner of Centre. Apply to Bishop' W. E.j- NUTT ALL, Prove, or to R, W, CLARK. Spring Laks lie" city, -- to-3-in- v4 IhW ISTiTtf RENT, - . M Wv NUT-TAL- L, "A: know the wh ers- red fourty ear-ol- d STEER, ran upon this range far nearly two j ears of Saa may inquire of the. Pound-keepB. F, JOIINSON. taquin, A Pr8n wi,!1,nS -- I- i .1 a: - er U- - . -- 7-- i' r4 v . ' fK-'-tUiimamJ'MtTttryman V !. 'v.-'r PROVO!. r , and Floritt, I : jlyf mi ur cuiurvna ing , I murTsViflpiritfljiuiro ' PROVO, V brush long and atraight. jfim Use the beat. Ginger Composition,' kCaator Oil, Rheu-r-b. Cloves, Camphor,"., Essences British , Steps seeds and Cardenera and Nursery "Buy s broom Oil and Matches. ; Moat sorts j of Gums, for . or and .Sold stock constantly on hand and far salt; wholesale .retail, grain " Herbs! Roots; Pill a aud. Salts., Tinctures, country produce. A nijrply qf Fcmey Goads, aYotidna, Ad. Plants uf Tomatoes',1 Caulifiowercnnd tho finest varieties or Cabbage, good size, at 20c. p- -r dozen; or $1 per 100. Ratter; Eggs, Oats, Poik "and Tallowro- Jk HAPPY 1 BtCOMEINDEPENDEfTr T EW" VARIETIES of Native flowers I eeivabTs In payment y" A r :i ;r : : 4 M ;r and. fruits." Ws can answer, a limited .. H L. SOUTH WORTH. VAiLBiMliRiGtLieADT number, of Orders for seeds and roeti of . li 2 'be rr4i" v" ' DESERET CURRANT, GiLI A LON GAFLORA. ISc-rU-llaeoutus ! p33firiti CARLET PKNSTAMOi, a beautiful if f) native evergreen, xf drooping habit j VlTr J . ' A t . J 'ju r : I ..." . j - t. , :tj i' 1.' 1.- U.:: V: j 1 V- - - iS- . mmn w ;vi t: - - lovie-mcultforail4o- i ur - W ' sbr MANUFACTURE INDUSTRY HOME N. J,' r'- I ;SS8 iEIFCEVoF' LIFE It curesCho- jitrellweirpain fnsUntly; it cures ; -- ' lerflwnd-Dysenter- y -. Qholercjmftr-- i j- and Cholice;it cures Tooth-- a ch eand in :the; fcee ii curec Fafutaecs.pnd tea p ",'rt v'.llNchii it relieves the Fro.t-- Uten; it acts ' .. , , b jqute.r-- J i. 1 sMgi?al..g:-vVT JOHXioits - M1' .and - Bone Elnlmentl ; ' 'i" ALLEY-TA- It will be devoted to the intfrests of the- , Farmer; Mechanic, Fruit and Stock Grow;era, ana serve as aiPracticfcliHhtdSook-ii-s every branch of; domestic induetry,Jakor and economy. : r ' v: V,The great neceasily for more rapid advancement In these funds mentaT elcmeiils. . native currant is I of prosperity tle solid Aits. and Scie-- s' a desire tojarsut m the develop-buXvery eatly 'propagated exceedingly1 I ceatand us to our of ment shrub 1c for desirable gar-a the nativeresource, induces. prolific ei.deastrenuous be the f ItwiU of and tazkv this for the "eb.even beauty fragrance fori-ve- r make-thto itb btoom.r-Th-e of. the .Editor fruit is "very excellent and instructive, aa well as eating,, for.' ipaatries; .sweeimeats.or for j Oraclt useful Some grow toj a 'great aise fromj teres tmg to all, sndA welcome guestat two .to, three finches. In elrcumfarence. every fireside in this Territory j,; There are three distinct ..aorte Red, j XERUS NS.PE& YOLUNE; strictly In low and Placlc. f The cuttings and roots are advance, or on receipt of jthe first number. transported by mail to epsily and safely' - iid a fear other softs'. Or we trill - t r i LILT.' V.r desirable and. beautiful exchange forptherde-- . FS1IC1HX 1 1 eirable articles . for i garden," nursery , or :;v: chard of lawn J E. JOHNSON. -- THE SUSTAIN THE" FARMERS l ORACLE. H5m4TEyARiEGl?ED and home fa . : I . 4 e .1 in-vip- 1,, 1 It ourea JLirgbonea and Spavirirj it cures Sprains, Bruise, Gills ana. Cuts; it cures Burns, Senlds and Cracked Skin; it' cures it Cures Sores and vout add RheUiuatlsm; j Swellings ;v it' cures y Inflammations and above, and will fill orders for teeds. roots LTve-- " Fains;-I- t is good for min and. bsMt.: be jcnttiags : thecoming autumn; or will K mAke exchange ; for r root s or. ciittingk. of cheice'. hardy grapes," final' rotes or other E are prepared to attend to all Jobs- : of Printing; with! punctuality! .teatflovPtring ah rubs, choice fruit or . roOU, i and 'beautiful bulbs and ness seedaTSfjiTars.Vand dispatch.- We will get up at!the- ; Jaundice;' they relieve PalU,IU thk'Bewele flewers. BILL- ; BLANKS, LETTER Chills and usnaV:pri v J Mid ! Agues. Ptemach)ithey:'cnraBilious Vahould ; er.in t 'with Orders be RateJOrnamenUl GAAbs, i.l-- ' accompanied J: HEADS, Complaints i they euro- all nssbeve or articles TICKETS, JBILLS, J posts r CIRCDLAR8, Colors, money,' and.. Pains Headache; curwColds1 j a of the 'currant vw POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, LABELS, A tJ. they i'. ; Jted .health to. the AH thsr,lvs-4sne,ilgpr- : In geod order!. -- v. - jg length . liftf .they. ! ranted to be reeeirea that. , ! j BAGSmrereTylhing ' Ju I k z-i- g, "4 44' 1" rtrsCrr' S art i K v ? V . "yffik r Tft v;.. l : .gauisrg 0 s i - - - - - . ' ' - r ge-etam- ps yoote-or-cutting- a ni !' - i iimi.7. r' xajH !' r V- - ' " V - ..- - Y- 'ily' ...- , " 'v - I - : nr . - . 'V .1-- |