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Show faa T;ii js IvMt'iOnoU. V" HOME., MY' COTTAGE a i , t ' ('.' ' ' j advantage. ..anti cmira, - - . - . Ihr lU BY Al&CUfl'. ii fMih-fntwfii- mMwith flAdTil, C(nl TiohlT-spaaglc- ' " ' d by adopting thin . - of tha flow musical a there brookjwtlh Ktsr my cot tlweuchof child, joyous Danaiag omward To the broad sleaaulaff lake in tlia.CaiU.r- - Ulow, ie d ae saJntug ioui1m hare' W here tho wnipctt-UM- evsiituallypHbdpwn all thly then orgauixej ly electing a President, Secretary and five cotmaittee-rnai- i: t V, tWi It is hoped that as much spirit and aniTae'sea-gu- fl ait llghtlr and dirt her oJiast wink will characterize tho iproceedingj of below. tUo mation tn triUt la the waters to porVlinjc he1 attorn ptfug to etas , the infant Tiathe raven V ere Ii.1 ferk:fclu society a waS manifested iaita iiiJuuiheW ipriM yf ttia aowr. b4i to Dtiiitiit r lf.thsre, is, we inajr. safely organization iliiil tDwarit.llit tillthe nit IrtTi ll- itedarktclaamiac-thade-ia bright babblin'" glorious Cuturo tot. Pay so i Pur 'predict 1 he eaiate wch hit.)io. to see inktittipnspfthiskinil r.jk houui L. hie; bride the one, rejoice lave water the And laugii.whN i n the .different settlements of up 'springing rite. behind my lov'd cottage the tall uonutaia honiajand-Iloofortyaid to cur,uuuiiLaiu Where Hr tree and yiuo iuwrminf a with enow;ne etliftioa the tkiee, 6 dayj". ail being ' not'" fdr die ilint ..'.'xytin Jfo w pUreing the' cloed th 'As Ucarait stud aiiuwera. to the dweller below, v evt ry iiianjvill fsi liiitjer his owh tiue.ariu Near a eoturo the rneea and Jateaniiae Mirim.' 111 of fig tt.iWSii; with full brratn IvlAt ii liee,,J partaking IjoujtTolly of Uie fruits, nil!fiUr the perfume Their tinte are dtdiahtfel, aad richMourn .xf earth, and tiring tloLhed. with appathe, or the bower Xach iiwraing dietiiled.froia the in hirf ptrn hjnre. ' .'SikIi rel tnan'jsKured mint? At th foot of the hillock it eprinr ecwllv their vfsiaiis'whifeh Tooin np in myrod wK ; are. the Where miaaowe art.lightlror batk at result of Cirn.biiifng e :wledota;.'or. II.ro tile froge and the ware on the mid of.thetorue!i hill. thd the uiit ABdtheyuaag orchard farsters nud mcdidJiics uf btii couiiad- r thi-there's faoet that club' was - . ' - , iluro-iwiibl- k . - weter-fonrl-ep.- irt -- ia tny eottage gleam And At bright at the flower that oim to, th liar; ; And roar --cheek td children that Jim ouely ere in With delight ae they follow Uieir iunoeent flay. for Ii talace ear mountain-boun- d Who would chaos. V ,f f j J mc and dthttaiat paoiidaf.J-Xe- t v'Whoro UappinMe brnton andieoinv; the good to oar'inaaatain-val- v Thoeo who knock Lt adairaion will not be Then three sheer for ans thrice happy knnie t the Tale ' Where trnth. virtue, beauty and innocence dwell; hoed not the ctorm-ki- b that ridus in 'the gale, Tor.lle watches o'er us- a W doyth alhwcll, ; - - , Vtak. Bar SO, Mod. OTtah sen ji ' A ISAIAH' M. CouMUS. ' ' Young Folks: Corner. iuil. V - With, juiany . k . . To , at, : - v(Pw ' . ,f - - :.Ute-aios- . (p?Naomi.' danghtarof I! - - 19 u Act. ,U. Id My l, 2 ilt? hdiiWsIIe tiTiTiie price in JifwYul coLhnrkugar-aB$- ,' ;(atrp.J.uut - 4. .; tf Cult! .is ', ' fc, ; ;i rhnJfqif Riiiuiiiig tLbhfckaaa'kf.CharW . ton is Lccsn anj vyrynAjr-cccufrciAiaU fiS-Tli- ;s (rFifiieu Iron iKeprhtgfiercI afucpryHif ,"t NA Va 1 '' 'thnS miksa ' :?& ofSurh.ell ? : V ' niany. 4hitolwhitlfo method bfLtreatrq theih: thi cqnirat iGei:i:rlSflYor- -' jjhjcphuud kthat fea rrf&n4b u b, i s t v briwf lo- jiis ejut'and '4xethft.'ajgritpltykt jjKfiherU pnc of ty, tfut 43 majaeifa - liitlx fields and gardens' 16 !hjs Sstljdlgyiie .to . ; . .. j2f drt 4. , : - :. i. 11 f , York last feek.idhe idiipped UCali2fe-- r 1 ' Tt jstiJddD hfc.s tvS s;k' !tnodsa5muskfete"W4s brought, to perfectiori-b- y ;. .' ;4 4 . c ft eeixkfrccaipt a at Ass oflkee of Intel ifa t ' Ite v'eB d tiiVi'ilt u in e ton acC a1u Ii" oLe million, fwefilinlGrd tiiwiuiaudjdjliArs t3b heitrdQect-4i- g reported' Qtidihna'lrlp V large nu'iuBera otfkeAfpPcrftljaaia- thi lafwers'pnd v-- J' - rT' indigei'ii. M , , giaiLiallyife-ccuiit- g X cargo yr.tas was recently , ri,"Wj "the produdtictH'Of ; - -- Z eo.ir.'aiid others tilbat dij tiMt iTittiia th; i.fuarrew liinitsjof.Deserpt, all ihueJ't6gvtixprr, -- j- : adimpieht offen., f the i aboat-klaty-fiv- e andi'ir n'kUheb Ulfchsilir - wth madder ind nrTpodqcts. - f composed; cf eeintle4tefl-T-t Uif' Tipreejid a.fih; e..JvS'? : lW.aJJp i.tweliave!ftUa&k80ilinlhe: ' wnridi Showed toat S atea are 5,f v ; ? ; ? ? whbllyiYotid foratsfifgWhdatotlieniHe - I- 2 '- which-lio-li?uo- - 53? Brown Bliseii ngY ifrir how. sold fa NewJYerk at ,42 mbU rper yard,-- Jbviiht balA the usual, prllce bufuu; tuevsr balng' . I a bn if-- . tun y a a viiin ruleliien.ia- Pul sal Ye causal',; the of the. .Hubs Ian CouzcAp- severity by -- e . F.iiocli, hundred age WhSu She so. hvas married. Cujiragelaiiiesl recoclois youbg,uan; bjefsid wilh the name oflzaac.' saw tha 'if he Ci drafted, Abrahamwill.be offering un lsaaa !. as a sacriace. m. a "s 2 ! . Tat Amt' i OfraAe, Um As your cohims are to the Agricultural and Uorticult.'ural our Jjgg;and growl ug Stale, interest of m meeting le- -. J thought that un decount thriviu field llftls city, iii fn.oijceutly, which those aubjepU ware JlscusdeJ,would - 'H t b6, u holly (levoil of .ibtaredt,ta ,your Itia not bought, it. uptsofj,;' ; numerous; readers,?:kHoVrl sob has long, bp.isfoJ a tranch'of kc A priceless gift,;, as 'uidirf ale r Pay AC. M,' SobietyAilso-- i istfinotialiiJ io howwliat;l jiupraycuickly;AhdvV,,v .ilepeudcat society 'of their own, i:r which .latrsr capacity tlieyha ve hehl several Voi y rosj ectable fairs, olhe. uicungstp which ed ad to .pn.y.up4. '.r Tlie tofaTlengthTof tlm railroads ia , f. ?fi ; .. 5g lira United Stat'iaV 32,134 milas, aulMy first' iJ the pieaaanUst thirty 'ybT.iaecf their cost'$1223G21,63l. snd crotvdsU street j.y lu AiiJ w hen dame fortune fails td Vmne', ; ie (rS.Y lie Qaalcr Ihiadutna'wklit. 1 floeihe your ctucs woes our beguiled for'couniialiitieA'. : eit:tiafed,'-iiyJ,000 j My sccoiul has a sL;ely mien,;- AiidofLlii w.iter.inay ,MeIs In the wo.ld is thuusatid two- -' .It visits cdaftfrie.ii far jiivd.; hdTe. ; . thirda-wwhich belougto Jiuflutda-dfiu. Y it U9jui-sin th vauies t ' aJiiUcJ .Statas.-whole is Wtfer farlhan jdld.," .a ' ' ; co-iTiir- de-Vct- U, (,A . OrttUestupidity ol an opnosiitg witness . interrocated ;liim'th:aj Mrl Hodge; yii have a non .Who is an iilioe,bave youaietf' he know, anything?! fYes,- lir.'i f !l)n tYery litMe.Hefr uiikch does he know?! than you. fWjill, almost nothing not-nt- r do. The witness jwae aJUnped to- retire ' t without further; question; amid uproarious aureaitu of lSughtcf.' v Golf gives iveryvb:rd'Ufl XoJlbaT dues ndt'throjv It iuCo i&e iic. , IlCbUS. - DEZAilp?.. J iifi kai f ii5 :! la wyer,lrho-- VfilUUfl llipiihlicii. A - r',;Aiicbux.T' Pa'T5M, UTA Col, .. V ' - J - Calg-nthis IcpaTtnieat will be admitted erljjTr.aT hebacses. Charades, OmiitHU, UiddU-l- , Uaestioas and Ansiw-r- a npea. seieasi&e .ai-AacdwcS, roetry.jWi awdifuincr. sub-jei- tt; "Cdrresjjoaileacci; ,V:-- J I prayers , for U;e eucrpss I remain, yours truly, your enterprise, ; . . . r. -- - w'w p BMcellatteamD bits self-sdUini- ng ,r n,rM ; bright fuuu of d.w, murainjdliii light- littUwty roU. thj tint: n, vhiN tht fmiMU'i l areuiiibsoXUr C lt npocnlation' in foreign jartulucfioiiif, forwe will lie, in thi fullest sense cf tlih 'eAprs-sioLfaii fTThe.St.i: V.r. ' coitimnbity. ,, t that r It waVtnoved, 'and carried. , by rrclaina-- wssf ii sen llinf fit a oiflvanfl' stf Da.vaikn 9 rvs4 being , .; Ivgll or we-.yi- o ajl- d ai :e li': ' |