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Show f v. .'" fr ' ' j. ': 1 rj t; ' -- 1.-.- : .f1 'f. - - . "Jr - I ; r, ... wi jV sj coaria c ii sr. ; : dmired alike ,.' hr ' 'T Tt V A3w i v ", -- - j&x "Lt -. rf3".- v; - M overlook, - - f r dont want all sorts of qlna.bio darfestlc infor- -; iethave i r. - 'tle Housewifes corner, II for we I . - the Young JPolks; see that their We will corner T is kept well replenished. ' ' a1? .;icolumn or two give (hem one j . , mu .1 V:; Vt scarcely asked the ru da boy a qaestioni.bul after some conversation with William;, he said he' would be' willing to take him for a tinie on trial:' At the eud of his month of prcuetiqfs. he had grrwn so im.ch in favor .with nil 'pa-liethat the engagement was . TCnewed fora year. . , how, vhair.t tell yon the fetret ; of hi saeqtm? ;' It': was. h.'s politnissj That. means a kind expression of feelings.' Many ., very. fashionable people are ar from bei g poll e,and ronieumes the most lowly aio very .femark able for it. ..'.The merchant knew that the boy who would he truly itte to t(tile ragged , child,- would; never biapior nnpoli:eo cws.omr8."iie knew. that a boy whose plincipirs would hold out .wBeii he W!s laiiglK d at, co.tid be..tru$ted. Remember, that the boy who is un.formlr s -- hrerrt.'srltlL.hiiiliaijt V A TL7k4aj.fVv kfl? gaycty,,.anLateven. t . ask every person Into whdschandy T: this paper comes, to act as apiar I rvereoCthipg.stniljT, charing audlovely. ; i pari ?hM d'Uv VndUe Tfiffef rn'tfaW L; - are ,thyktogred link that eon! meets Wwlth Immortality the smile of de4 ,our Recivjn Amenta; until thin; .flevij chastity and truth; -- .I--- ' ; r followers - 'V t r. v.r : v - . ; v - -- Viv -- & in his behavior, has teiichuceso la the world where a rude boy has S'CCms yodr ' ' ' - experience: . .v , .,T ::M 7 . fjir-VArthur; .'-- , j f ' V of Esrth.iThen Who would -- jW pr" pr iptjjut mnAiuiaita the first issue, How it I. fPEAKxo Bad. Wcaos. ' . volame dont 3 delYupon Esxtbrwlien the" floorers'-- wiiher, fo let those.who .would, jrave scem to hear you speak bad wo?ds? . bjooaitotyg?iin3 iWewodld not.rFk)w complite hasten along their panics. .i asked an old tailor of; a boy on .board '. Ilf' alwrychild sbonjche ;1TTe;want limited nnmber.ot short. ad ;.; Oh, cause I dont V my forgit captains :;rV hat; shouhlparij garenand , J"; rerdsiemenla fxom . znechanice.macnfactu ptders.? " ; iiUifii-jitetpaUure; orders ! pried the old Bailor- - 1 Captains ' n urs'er y men; seedsmen,' machinists! rer s, a, womftaui Dclng desUta.t : I JpoS cpaWrTvQ' didpt know he gave, any. . ? f.i I l. r fifing I and em safe ' I ' keep Lftf.rcfinant1 reeling oft intellectual dnalif merchants &e. IledidfaidJem, oh hand his Th:a his nroist.' f. heroputtiV'g who in doarlnoi .lies havener petflowers .; :'cJ-IJem said .lfliem anddistinct-lowly-AAD GIRLS BOIS a main ps of a FOB THIS ha window . I eay.unto you,. Swear not at all; neither '1,. .. v l: ' ' ia 1b not trill ..f brighten! at " wVrder; whose, hcavenJor it is 'Gods throne; nof by y o. by alPlace. Willfiam gotiXZt'i..-tii "onr earth, for it is hi- foufstoo.t neither by t : ft J. Vlol3feV,bfijWe'ih4ref v i. for, it is the city of the Great1 Jernsalem, w&ntiLin h sines f'mafiyfare an :t 'eh olea .VJwo'hoys, applied for apiece In a gen1 Neither, shall thou swear by thy King. 'blder aiori wia "One tliaa'tlie fTiemans fl.irtW?ilnsfariliam toodr gardeViijand head,, .because- thou canet rot make, one had Mmcnenenee ji tliO'bni hair trhirs or black. But letyoar cover i V f;: ... t gather' arotmdry another, apd make yoor dlherhnd dentlemans eon ai:d well suiess.Ha ea; K"ay, Lay ; for wha'.so-fi ever . more Is these cometh p f evil. than la makingjher the of s ptoir. widow'. His clothes were well .? auUfytn gZtonp-and-and mended his fa ci perfectlyaast I GtBLa.ThfTe. aro twokluds of girls. jnyftho h.sd a quiet, honeat.expVe'sslon, which im One thAt appeals bft abrotd is t tokinc . a n Thpugh pressed strangeraroraMy ar that rih tliejgirls. s, go.1 for.parties, the ofder lad' caino recominenled' fronva VisiLsballs&e., and whose chief deltght the stbiem,ed, mer f Eentiemirrhfchfghty' a i ctlv i iraihaiagrtsing ; Tin. oilier ft hat amd i, widows aonf that lfor ihfOTma(tn w"dYrtproye-th- e daslre , home thpigiiis that appearibssPat ev . i mdchte-thIt oue i Acir. ; Sr. re aorpriet Ptevery end In the dinmg-rcos- h, araueetul Cheerful r ; iseemear)d'm5'Wlt3eL,'L entgnpiemUzentt.afhhjTcrtory; cumstance.whlch t'-tha kitcL'oii, ap.dli tueprs-ciuit- s. ;,:t " laitlnn of lisdlnfl'ieteed., him in maklntbis dreteioh of mev Thy. cider widely in .,&rhe twofhoij S caiQe together, at Uierhpur cbaraclpr. h A . One Is a motli: .'consuming en his Appointed; and fh6 inerenant t her the.niheria(sun-b- e fveryUiui Ration thetmre. r, '"JstrtTien'a oWh.dbDTstp ht m,- inspiring ail e aiul gladness ail. along, poor1' little shivering child crossed, . the her pathway. Now, it roes nut necessariWtbo' side wait street, me! :sot Hipped on. the iCjr stones,. ahUMtfie ly folld'ik1 :that theresbould be two classes cducatidn-wil.modify fell In the half molted snow. The elder ot. gul&K.-e th,ic gjoijguaiitisa and.ULl boii.JilRt:e, . tdwf . boydidihed sorry appearance;, In oae. t ersr : from her.. the waur, .sstilfmant? f JS drippiuj ;r?g;ed the fhild began Cr irg biuerr ii t -la iifa errLf orrWa rlJtrery nromisa a c,oie hut ?v , i ; Iff ahd ear s'.il iig lor the iodr peniiiei- she . ftAd lta-yt 1U0I the: ywjnjger ,toy; has-- , icned to he fide, and helped her search-fohe has learned the fact that pigs ase very ihcm.Ttro were fbyl.d tu tlie sndw,:tiie fond wf coalashcabrlcinder.x, and tfiatyous .:r o'her two Jictle iey can kafdly fatten Inthe' on boat fed floors pigs AViia mbrave!-l- y without them: a: moderate suCly poqlheaiehe h isurhstone. sleeve an d pi unged hi dally, pr. giving y.rippediijj .vocationally. hind dow'Tii.to the 'Water, groping Jabo-j- t do.ii(tjnpp1y asbes, therIla ay;s; eat fillthriaLot Ihd fiiisslng penmeswasfouiid. tho br tea: walls o' their sh-- wilignaw'of " It is.nbto-rlou- s i ba the other seemed hopeiesslylost. ihit fcoaW;ckalirs,i where pigs have., I am afraid that cant bo fdiiadwittU BS lo ihe coala, ars scsessful iS ' p;g feed- : heVald plVaM nOy.j, ' ers'.r' These who find ih a t4 th eir pjgs when XV? gepw4d ihhMbisf tho.hdrahc!ih thi'i girt, ' Shut' up, do'not prdgKrs avoraoij.'-wlll- ' do greaisdehed; a vdi4rCOTrespdnd.withnur ".ThenIChbrf'feefltfie' TwaJ, wiil WU jirid jrfgoimyraud child, A (ho of mine neibbQr tpST plan.j upor dsrgensrakiDffihutiioDCJs. a have no iupfcer,. found lhac Score of fat pigs ; ronsumfd a , tiTh.cte fI to: basket of B urnt pewiytaldAV'illiamrtaklng In the ;ashss dai!. .TArj-i-'fdLaxr . . hdA nlXttf oaf fpom a pqrss which 'oontatnpd but very absence of coal clay asues, clay ' or brick dust ia a good substitute. V6&. la Wieciryr:seertobay msiinsWe i Ms enarsft h(te haddkfrchiif.'itThiothei, ' itaT' At the present tlms'there.'bre only uihtlllkliowfjwL'KcxIl rsolflondieonly, .poylodked; onwiih, conimpL and, re- abons eleTAl duousaJid Jews iu'alhPiilesths-rordar- ' 1 t . v - - pol-t- k s ! . TvJ' . - . e e j . if . -- map-or-wja- - r. .: t its-iort- - . t I j - ;, , and'lohwai '!';. , nbw ijird -- r - van ifwhsyFnTyjsbtf bt ea.TOSTf Afficultnral' Sdetics ; -- -A I. 'b. . S'-c- J'itad - t-'- :. thi.-igs- . r- - e -? - MBMijlit j)fp e ' eicK-row- n, ,wi - - . . .; and-ae-ehst- tped l - iivq f -- t -- - H 4 . j . r were-probabl- ,lyou d: i.-r- V. 1 i' - . - marked; ah' 'Iheypasspd dlong,. ' i-- ' . Vo tv - - ' f: i Jthf-childre- 1. - Jt S: ' JA-r- ' ". ; f i i |