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Show - J i Tn oii 0LQ A It MB XI r j or more trill furnish X names tp add to one like kbit, where the annual influx Qf popu-,- 1 lation is so great, many years will elapse Our list. Let no reader of this; article before fruit will be so ' abundant as not conclude that these hints are for some tor pay, well for its- production. And one else, but let them take it home, and this is. not all. Groves of .trees around let accordingly. a. homestead, through a town or city, maLet those who hare mechanical or terially softens the climate tempers the manufacturing . interests or business, heat ahd cold and checks the winds. which they wish to prosper and pay well, Tour family may sit in the cool shade furnish a card for the Ordcle, Let not and eat of the fruit, whilst they listen to seedsmen nurserymen, owners gf thc cheering notes of wiki songsters in I chinery, breeders of fine stock, and those who have lost or taken up strays, forget the. branches. Plant Orchards ! they are comfort, life or neglect their interest or dily. and health 'to your family, andpay in -- , - Ar- - . ) I1- - dollars pnd cents-besides- . Since in xaanyJlocaliti$s grain is becoming, in . a manner, scarce, and a What We rrantl I- From our farmers and 'others who bountiful harvest is approaching, we have gained the. necessary experience in our instruct agents that, when this region, we want, pr .publication, hereby grain, and other pay is not at hand, abort and concise .essays. or treaties, cash, take-alto responsible. subscriptions to either in whole or in nnmbert, upon the be paid after harvest. following, as well aa many other quesTwo b ushels of wheat, or its equiva-Jetions. In order to get the best results. in other grainy or steck, or ouch t What is soil, time to sow, pre manufactured material as maybe agreed paration of the seed and soil, and best upon, or four pounds of cotton, delivered variety of wheat; the same of corn, hr-- at this place, at Salt Lake City, or ;at ley, oats, potatoes and tnrnips. What such intermediate points, as required, grapes do best here. The best mode shall pay for one volume of the Farmer's of cultivating sugar cane, tobacco. Oraelei and thusjthe plea of. being un: broom cornhemp, ax and cotton; and Lble totake the piper will hi dissipated of .their mtmufaeture or preparation for I C $ use. Best sort of machinery for syrup, 1 I sugar. making,' broom making, breaking .. Tho people of jPayion, Spanish; Fork, and preparing flax and hemp How cab- - j Springville and Provo are regaling upon bage may be protected from;lice. Treat- - I flue large trout, taken with hookand net meni of sheep to prevent ysb: hpw often from the stream contiguous. This must to.be sheared, and howwintered. All im- - j be rare sport (both, catching and eatipg) I provements in implements, machinery, and lack of timers appropriate in that almost makes us envious of those tools, Ac. (The best varieties of garden.! ho enjoy it. seeds, frit,Jbe and comprehensive an - l . I ' 'Vy 'ft - - f - ui the-bes- . . V ? -- To Patrent and Agents. ,j T fields-withgram- : - I, V k . . f- Progress. j" Only about 14 years ago the mountain eers declared to purl pioneers tlmt it would so' produce grafts. in these rallies j as it was then a barren and sterile vale. Now, Nearly one. hundred thousand inhabibmtj Qlwell amid these mountains, producing nearly the whole of the accessories,. ahd many of fhe luxuries Of life. Oun ranges teerh'wjth locks ahd herds, o'uij Orchards withfruil . W hare inand onp deed made the desert to budjind blossom, in a literal sense. Our hamlets, villages, and pities loonrup from every water-sid- a, and the loom, .the wheel and the hammer- j make a din upon every water-cours- e. We had no gold mine to' bring about the. great change, only labor, energy, perspr veronica pnd unity? These have accomplished much, and' will accomjpiisli more. Cheer up,- then' and' to labpr.-S- e what you have done, .and idare attempt anything for Vre soh accomplish anything; and wEen l4 Worejreart harp marked theif footprint. upon our brew, look in wonder at ms dhange! .We'haye gained a high position I ; destiny is marked-fpw to will if greatness . . ' ; . - . -- r ' J" i' ? --TvTT. r' FloWers. i J- - me Sfjir of Empire has proved for this neceasity in a multi- tiidinoua manner providing us the material for our jiniuehry. jo beautify and Improve-- 1 The demands of. the stomach aw of the, : grosser kind, .that .of the eye InUlleetaal, an its food, the eautie.. la the immorial . faradieebf man, ejelaatial flowers in gased upon with adoration; and Nhrd,everv re- - . ji fined and; lovingjj spirit, dwells upon the r beauty of - flowers. .' Children ihoald psj morabe reared apart from flowers than from the food the tustains the phvaicahorgan-luio- nj The rdental must hie fed. wMh pro- whole- per genial food, and what is so some as that of owars,verdare,(brevt and abubbe r musle,the birds and th grand spdianiimof nature f . They emooth their :inigh' tempera, soften the heart saue- -. hie th mind and breath m health of ,'meral fragranes .that evil iyteeialeMVeldV.XWnf - Recent intelligence from the Missouri river, and along. the frontiers, confirms the rumor of a very large emigration Omaha, Council Bluffs and other, bntfit-tin-g ' To I All. points are crowded with emigrants We send this first issue 'of the Far-- ' for every point of habitation from JJtah meric Oracle to many to the Pool fie, including many if er the hoping they may not only give ns their Northern: mines; altogether junking, a 1 joamas, but that tlfey will also .obtain a ruish as great as ihat of A9 and 50 for goodly number of subscribers among California, their neighbors provided our little pa- -, per suits. them aid wenld jtlso ask the farmers, mechanics; fruit ahd tock rueighhor 'of ours, is oh his way home growers j chemises, artists'; Mid literary! and seientifie individuals, .whose expA-i- - (from 'California' with a large herd ' o enco or dUeoverijsfc may benefit the. peoy. I sheep, including several, head of ; the pla of this Territory,: to furnish such jI finest imported. If the news.jis correct. facts for publication. We also trust herb is a dwh in the right direction.1 We , that the friehds of ; our enterprise gene- - have a wide field for the improsrament 0 'ebmsJ ' ,'1 ' jdasK' jkllj,i ymy jraheedber in partievltr,. stvehbf . T ! i ! i v . .- . :VL: S, t m ; f i non-subsorib- !. v ta ; ' -- Who caarcenelv of the desolatenoes of Earth without flowers. With jT out ' flowin oar apring time aodraueam T would be dreary and tpijritlesi, as ireuld be autamn withoutj fruit and grain. tW feed ,the stomach and rest the body, and Wo heart with, the ong apd sofe her strain pf nnslc; add ao should the sfght'b flowers. made iuStrons with die beauty-oDamajii turn a great flower gardener, and -- the various jliseaseajinctdent fo the conn try, and th discovery of medicinal tation, of useful minerals Wad beautiful or fragrant flowers, Ac. ' . i. jthe ! i ?zM i- Tl |