OCR Text |
Show Vc.v I AA 'J ...,. 1 . jv f - . i 'A'-- V --: - ! ,. - - : i ' - . - v I7AR UHS R mm ' j I " . Tfi ': V. . . ' ' . n - . ' t JL Those who feel the importance of this again oar little paper is an innovation subject 'should enlighten his neighbor, upon oar customs' and habits, eonsequent-1.- 1 and awaken a thirst for intelligence and many trill argue that, as they have got .knowledge in. every, branch of domestic A without each an institu- - economy and industry, and whilst we along first-rat- e lion, they cart profitably continuo with-- 1 strive to assist you, let us not faint for Should life and out. and will scarce discover their mis- -I want of sustenance take until the progress of improvement health be spared, we . expect that the ' Oracle will be pabliehed one year, ' ; y. has left them far behind. v a. - ' ; vallieA well or poorly sustained. whether oar believe that .,Wo irooD I. and earnestlymountains contain the r elej adjacent grow f and third Tuesday in ments for bur necessities, and material Ifliat Fruits aliall . thsjint J A Ay '. The above subject gives a broad field idv) rS- aaeh month make comfortable aad even to enough C IlBi JOHNSON. EniToa a Fubushxb. sol- - I for comment, and in the present number Paopaicroa. 'enrich its inhabitants;' yet it takes f If D. JOHNSON, f I ence,. skill, ihdnstry, perseverance and can Only make a contracted prelude to a A-ASVCaTISKMZNTS. 10 uiU mvIIm, mi Umt-S- n Application'' to bring. out the hidden I subject of such importance, but in future tdnrtlitn. ibblliNiU to litoral sad jwlf T ' BnnU aad Okiiurj Notice, aad K.parto ml Ag- - wealth, and defelop the many Comforts, l issues we purpose, making this a promi-Feaad kai HaaMlMtariac Utarar SoaiatiM, ' ritdiiNL countries ever .offered a wider field I nent feature in the Oracle! . y VSira rpkliahavUtoat V to ttt' XSUar for the industrious.' the energetic or sci- - I to Fruit, in proper or extended- variety, illCHTNpniiiH liik Viil. aul iltasri V friS in-home 1 various the in entitle details of '' may, constitute much of the material1 of .. I dastry.A The ffirmer, through his own human"' existence, and taking all the 1 Salutatory. V and the experience of .others, finds room range of climate in our Territory, we may '.rij VvV? ' I to once to move for great improvement iu.the quantity of I produceall 'of .the', most important va ''Tfe' are pleased say all.-I enr friendsoId and new, one and hia crops with lees ' than former labor. tieties cultivated on- - this , continent. hew-dy- e do? - Fate, orsome Qig stock may be improved and increased IAmohg tb most staple of these are the I ipg power place us again upon the tri I when an interchange of experience :is I early berries, such m strawberries, cur-,po- d, and so ire submit. With this our best adopted.; The pomologist may learn j rants, gooseberries, raspberries and bow and a grand ' flourish of our feather, ( where is. to be obtained the best stock of 1 berries ; apricot, peach, plum, J have best teach and the eschewed and leapq J.we fruits, and; pear. Of these and grape, apple,' 1 science more pleas- rmodes of cultivation, propagation," &o. many other varieties, experience has now to the aidr of a nd and hope J The meehanio falls inta' the advancing (proven to-bsuweessful, not only, quite hardy, But profitable I ' 3ur change willaot worse our readers. eolamh,and ind tronrthe abundance of fruTf and rich produces, with lees jabor interests now will be tq raise peta-- 1 expense,. the necsearies of life, and oon,vor,' we find the soil and atmosphere eon- toes instead of aimies to count cabbage I by division of labor. andunioh 6f means genial to ' their growth. Then We may : j. jtastead.ef Totes to sicltour poJPfor j And gtrength, Our artizafis may stay im-- 1 efiswer the question above in rather. a . btans, instead of sense, and reply, grow every aenictCoBgwiw.j pttotf Mw -- by snpplying all Our - most I - f inr jbekt. will be of the eearlet sort fruit whose tree or shrub mayk of wants, limited re? riety important I oluVs?, of the gourd speciee-r-oV . winter. search, discoveries haro already been be protected from the frosts V 1 i. ..I fine beds :of stone coal, gypsum Stump meetings where our cabbage ndade-ot . 'eed grows and ourgreat gatheringi J (plaster of Paris), sialt, brimstone, able- -. 7 . in autumnfroa the garden. ; ratus AcopperaS. alum, nitre, borax, .iron of prodneiisg the stocks, starting frrfn the . .v 0 ' '"'lZ' 9 . ,. Sttch it Ufa all dung J k J. ' ? ; ' . j -- : -- -- - '- -- yf I tod transported at .small expense; then J . 4L - . . .iFwnroS' , -- ue : - i 1 . I t j1- . i f w- W. ' d l - . i. - , -- well-mean- -1 . "thp-cherry- ,, -- e 1 u ; nr . .' . , 1 .. ' . ' 1 . ( ' viftt U Umh liltrli'i WtUkls4 aewe mT waters .of rare medjem&l vir- - I the soil most proper, time and mode of to be useful (as well as ehalylpate toes; limestone, chalk and eolored earths I remoying to, afid care of, the orchard, so and to ns like if rs ornamental), yon try ". also be enumerated. ' We hope our prominent J aaee mors, come on, and wp will promr may I the1 result of their ex- -, Now with the farmep4ui&, stockfgrow- - will communicate live.1 We las the beet we have. to want ' In every branch of this subject r V vege pereals, pruuuiuiE,B'auriMiU'i md earn ow wayfampng m -. a !li I wo shall be glad to present the .am. i. an4 the for withpjherej n. I industry of . . showing itself to our readers. We shall, fronr time to Jlo. no acre's oar band I of better and more extended! time, detail oar limited observations and .We have introduced into a number of new.va- experience in growing 1 tol and V'r ' hro. commenced the publication 1 0fV 4q4 the blessingrof Heaven propagating may be advantageons. th rffther T ;. tis0n with gigantic strides to ah We would say tp nurserymen that now is tise dpl Vaud-ce. eieTi(ed ssd envious, position among the J the time to order Seeds of' every sort of ; I Jt is our desire fruit-growe- A LI-.- the-meehan- -- io . jjng v nt lsrvk'of,th';pabliAber;Asituated U. far fruit, evergreens- and mnamental trees aV.I a sort of and Shrubbery A. A ?.Fherthebqary I inspiration to ' ;: Wat'Brial can onlyie'ebtained, and pur- - tempt assistance in this great pause that Setting aside the comfort and conveni-th- e ' I cash only, underlies .chased atgreat expense, is ence of having of fruit' in ur. prosperity' and t want rof for all'there soeial no is fqnndatioiiA&hew enjoyment, variety ;.flnbrare sWaMoy crop gron that ljfiAf.-S'kdW.I wealth Hndpowr.: ; 'pays ss well ai iruiti; and ik a eetuify r I 'ef.: - 1 - t ? Jtik 4 . .I' V 14. t ' ' ' yynjr - A" Jfc - ' - ?'' V i ' A. ' : ' I':: :;a f v -- ( i - |