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Show ;..' '. , . v . V , . j'' , , ' SrftATK OF TATLbx 'says, if yon; are for pleavurc, merry; if yon prize rosy ibealth, marry. A good wife id HeavenS last best of mercy; minister'of gift to man bh angelhila gom of many Virgraces innumerable; tues ."hi casket of jewels; ber voiced his sweetest mukie; her smiles, hfs brightest day; her kissj the guardian of innocence; her arms the rpkle of ills safety, the baltn if his health the balsam of his life; her industry, his surest wealth; her economy, hie safest, steward;! hiu: lips, his faithful counselor; her bosotn, the softest pillow or his carcF, and her prayer, the ablest advocates of IleavenYbleasIngs on his bead. This is a'very :"Jksext' tbs Fetlock. beaind a hone when .formidable lamoness, comes theanbjectof it, he should be immediately excused from duty. The following is a good liniment for recent jjpritiiis:., Olive -. oil, I pJntj gum camphor, 2:ounces-- land4.ouflces. ether, oupce; sulphuric amim,l Dissolve the camphor in the' osthcr, then aiftl the oil, and then the laudanum. CpM often have a very marked water bandages m n f r fleet' in mderalfbg the paiak and mationj -- rEAM FO BmiiL 3 ClTIVAXTOSt. The Massachusetts Aei iculfur'al Club have, decided that the Bartlett, Do'ai'Bonre do Uibaniste, Bear re dAiijop,- Vicar 'Jersey, : of Wakefield and JderrLtia are the six best varieties of pears for general cultivation; and as second bestthe Becnel, Oaofidag-i- . bheldon,- Beurre ; Bose, Lawrence and . Doyeane.Bousseck. - Let theyoun g man othing derogatory in any employment which piirtisiers' to the g ot the raco. It iethe spirit that is carried hjto any .emplovtnent that, elevates it or degradet. The plowman that Cincinnafus or turns ihe clod, may' be be brother do thd he or '.iyashingoa, may a Take Gornras. To Death potatoc, clod he turns... . There is no glory in the act make an opening in the side of it, and rt ,of alfixing a- signature by which (he treasstrichnine the .size of a grain of bar-le- y; ures at coimhercearc.tranfrrcd. or treaties find the gophers hols, where' he. has between nations are ratified; the glory conlately beenac work, and put theAir-potato in the sists reeiityde of purpose that into ihe hole and coveralf op. (he one; and the grindenr of tno to. and himself the potato, help the other.' - j philanthropy strichnine, and he. has hisown f W ''t ."V- - ' v ' 'dug. 'tiobD.'ADtjCEj-f-Nolhi- ng should be omit ' the of the .or ted port negheted' oq W ax, resin, good cr.jp. . The far i oL.bees waxVotoOv.quarter-ajfmerVhould.Jnidiv What yill best .subservq. i pounq of tallow.; rhe best timd fur setting' the. use of his ' fa mily, And should grow on audthe is the leaves start, when, sap 'grafts ' can ; bo. appropriated .hta thai grrtunua'all V-V. Jtovcs freely. t. ; fbr ihiif : .w: V Jgoone.sho.ild isl- ebnveqiMc' aw to cam .be proc-.re.wh: triy v TimeoV ScrwikoVTiMOTHtj-r- A writer Jqw'bioisclf ' .' fromjiiswwn ground. on , tbis subject11 farmer would ' or as' eithe;.iew veryeariyn thearjng.,. r. late'- dsQctober tli lbe fell Ls hd for spring ThjjSprifeneld . til. J'Jbttfhdfsta'tas that . . .. sowing Jfhoafd be ikted'in'thwfan,' timed by -, ilop, Sibm.ac- Co,'have gojUraeted to build ' tci the PaC:fic. Rowing early, the frosts will bur' ihe seeds- 350 ddijfis pf the railroad, fie' witliipf-- . of Thls'divisfln , in the best manner,; ' Pacific m Q iit ?: iAansad"beyond'which 0 jyir BjSilrpad'prpperlycoramences.; It., is in Sraoo Ch a m act Eae.Streifc'.h oficharav tentie'djta "r nave furfy miles dpeq.the present ... (let cbuifiti cf Ida liiiugs uower.ofMvil! IaAiMiiioiv.''0':'tbedirid grants by yeSr and power df It. teq'yjtiro is Ejaled Uiat- tlikcqmpaiiy Cohgrrss, tor e therefore its Sti.tie: things, , g thej'iuians over ttheiii; have ccu?ed,byjurch:asefroin strong. cominamji fveibgAud n oa-ri?of .valuable oyer 2 Now ; we. aBi very often. mistake 'sibonj lands onthe rdufe. strong character.5 .:A man (who K.lUBas is tdMwiohpUted Avitjiitfour years .feeliigsfor bears efl before him, befoftwKos ftuo dp-- 4 troni .the dale xf . contract. Tie bails, idtostiqs fremble,, a nd whose' bjisiaf of fury. It. will ytc.1 dre alr&dy piirch&sed . 8iaK( theJchildryH ofihe ho'usehaldquake- ces- ' be and without pushed . hjKause hehashio will obeyed, A(FJtis'Wh a 11 ' hnn a . wayia all 'chings-wkstrong : . mWii - The'tra.i., ie' that he is Ihe weax- ScT.rric.-- One day man A. i isfchis. e. it Jt he Ulan; passions ;t hit strorg. .. x:amejto the house of the 'fiodja aiid1 asked mastered by them is weak. You :st inea-sure tbs trejigth of a man 6 1 tLe.pewer of hini for the loau pdf' his donkey; Tlia thatit waq iiot u llhJn the house. ..the feelings Leeubducsjjioi. by (he power ' tbit the donkey ot thpee that subdue him; ; Aud hence, corrf-- 1 But it.BB happened Yvi bin. The man, told the tuny i ef.eu ihe'bigliea reirult of . ppsure Did ,we Bcver'sde A.man receive. IIc.dj4tO,IItQa Effidf, yosay' that the '2 nireug;.. donkey, is notlu the !buse, ' while hebras a,fla grant iniuv, epd then, reply ,vuietl'?' xii it!; .The lhidjA aasyrred, What- - nn a maiirpiiiuiullv stroi.g. Or Jid Tiiut we .evr see a. ni an ii'kaiigiiijih, . eiand,aas if xrraprdiiiary roai. you pi.st!bc;.yoa be' carVcd oe of olid rock, niaslering; hiu- -' lief e t he donkey, and' you do not believe . my grey beard daiiti ini; . A geT Urjoue Lrr' Jii r rem'alh never tell the world ii ; siieku, and .Moths'. r .,.what cdnkeiea hU homcpeaceP That ia rkyixnrixd ;.WoQLaf9 , from all ei'g h. lie whd,: wiih eiioi.g pqaious, The eipaplet'and best way o , ' woolens-tbohgthe summer-frothe d reniki.is.chdsie lie''wheLkecuibeiii:ive, . - wth many poyiers of iijdignatton 1h hini, struciioa of iiMihs.vi- io wrap 'them; vveli be jrovoAed, aud yet restrain himieif, nprr alter ,g them and bvatii-- (hem. ai-i- i hs. 'The mo h can: '' loigive live' arwILe a rung men, the ' in cotton dr li' iea tlo covers' Two neither. well wrapped W. : . d heroes. F. pass . Koptr.sou'. apiruuei and secured from hs air, .will bs around,' I answer. ' An .old sheet will .. s ilfor Curtailed .j An honejt Fife Iars effectual. ..s 's, z ck of goise Vee onC of their, Grifafl numner drink, they will all drink Ua kc,n oftoa make geess of tbem:e!vcy. star (hat basna got its tail entilt aff yet rails EsfrLOTHSXT. remember there is. t IIo.vo well-bein- : , . . in-se- api-pip- ves Go-pbffv- iU - . Ihat-gkaetifie- y graya-al-read- . 5 half-a-pou- A nd - -- - .ibaS-Ob- - . i i -- , - -- r tho-banridai- the-IFalo- , 1 . : self-resirai- nt: - on hllT-a-nuinb- s : r ' Housewife-isiCorner- . ' t . C . v .'A -. . ' . To make good Bread r ? V- . - i. nDn ; - : Hod-ja'repli- cd . com-tncncech- to . ' j Takoanearthen or tin Vessel, holdlrigiwo qnarts or. less, have.it Lhoronghly acalded,, then tike ; one teaspbenjfi of salt,. pour. on itbout pint of hot ' witerf Jet. it stand until yon can hold your ftngen in withouv t . ' . keep it at the sains heat, Do this soon in, the morning, then stir H mprhnghly 3 or '4 hours nftprwaids, and ff4t seems to have grown thin,Apiir in. movenlohr which; will in ike it raise cosher; jthefi whenit begina to apongs, have 'ready a dozen' or less pota- tors; mash them teiy fihe, ahd sprea4!ia the flour to bool;' take (another teaspoonfij I o.f sbD, then ,take ei.fie' - sweet milk or water, wet np the flour and potatoes, add-- !: ins the fifing, mix it Jirarm; do not knead it. too cUlT set ii in--a warm place, Covering lightly wuh- a ciiothL j When it seems.--ready, and If abfficilignt, have your oven lio-tr- . an of wU bake an ordihot, eotly nary '.size ibat, JXhc t potatoes may. bo omitted, bat the foraadjubm.iiiis in'datimich to longer with them. in. This is aiifficient maae four good sized louvre.' ' ' ' .. . - ; , , - i 'Wa . r 1 "Si .l 1 i. Tvioegg i beaten, vsry, ; ; cold water, one tea- of one' pint. lightly.. spobnfhll ofsalt; flodeto.mako it.as thick a hot oven . f as fritters;!i.Jbake L14: j--: i: ; ! VeVmiiu ell Swzet scffjcalea' 'bbdy Roaches devour greed 1y and'dis MU--- v of 'eating, flour paste viis n small-portia. in' .Add stirred, ar; quarter pa sphorous much grease lo keep i from drying. Taka i as much eaoh of ground-blac- k pfpper.ahd sugar as will lie pa a dime, moikten),with of dream or rich nxillc and two boards house-flie- o spread it' on aplatedr eat this, seek the air, iad-dj- a out of dooziL Or mix the liqnpr of boiled poke-roo-t, with a little molasses, knd 'VpTead ir out. half-an-hnur- dn : on I ' V I j ? tea-poo- ns' : -- fu -u'- - tee-Jk- 3.-- . jg, . - - , S'. Wheat bran xnoisienci vitlrwarDime- lasfbs,' then dried and, browned, iis said to be a good substitute : forcoiTtb'. Boll and .' rtJJ serf e ivithoutmore swetcuing, FOR". Af PLZ- - SrR5TIT?TX sJt SAUCS.-Msd- 'b C- ratelyiboii a pintuf inoUije?,from fife to V acc6fdIng'lo its 'cohsia- tweiity inat?s, v add :throe-eg5; thoroughly tencylhen beat- a, hastily; stirring thein;.cou'Jnu to boil a few; minutes longer, and season With iiutnteg.br lemon This Is tba hest substitute tor appIe-sauc; apple buttervbr tomato preserves that can, bo.myd.';-- , I 3 - Cr ia.-ier- . bearing-a.hopeles- s me-wit'- J !' i! . 1 - " V A d I. 44 iflX pre-iervii- m h Potato . i - rr. Of fo-(ato- ea thoroughly .sof theh mash them.ppi as will i AS.nuichJiAiratar,oat-iluDput make.them of. the, cpnsis tpccyof ho yfasr, tBotf kcht, tbrh .oiinces ,oF 'molasses, and when. warm, stir ia, t WaJ11o'va.amAMllrol of. yeast. Keep' tt warm ylt Ithas dohe fsr 9! ': menting, anddh besfitr..usjy - br-.ah- Yeast. Boll one pound ; hours it will twenty-fsuv ; ;.T,.b u .. v r-- Breaxfa3t Cake. Two eg;s , one, cjrp - of mifk, I lire- - cups of flbqr' t w ; teaVpooiv- Inis cream tarUrjOqe teajpnfbl of sods, and. a litje melted'tinte" Bike Li pins. say,. neighbor 5irbdg what Vro you enciDginp ihd tern ;paituxfotf Foftv acs-o- f it would stary a jcpyv' Rich? -l fi t replied Hodw,the cow ooh.? am .. . rating Vf"' "I .y I' A? V . i. t 1 |