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Show -- r. r j. J. ; v r r - f y; ' ; y ,r -- . . - v. ' .I. Ibetp SUnnTltb llie' rrri;Ur.l ; 4 : k f . -- r y'iCtXTiTAT (vcj -- - -- v . or-- cid, lately aeve-au- d for the Infor-giv- e a remtdjV Vb'en any. sharp iron.' in XSX&ZtfSSl I a, . r reperoue humAoeond ' kuca he ia-i..great xe&i . , - twenty-fourbouf- f ilirtha -- : of 5 thePQntarjfjs p.Q.tjlviiine timeq out of . ' ,J ! q ape . ; '.. w,lMlfen a cloth orajk hindker- cadiedT tppwtinteufroto.j chiefjplace ittake .; over the bowl of the jlpe sihI eilu.;to ten of tl tae grsms.are-iplacedntblQW tlie amok( thfough the.a'lem iotonhe the holes.ia. the fie.UL, And tha .produces wound.' Two. .tor ' three' nipefnli ' ill be the defired-effcwithhi B'4ffident Ito set the wound dlchtrging:'' I 6f tfeVemcdvv in V field fcov- - ha ve tried It4 m RelfgTid. Sot i there, and er dlprith l,606finoue-lieli- , they wre- fonnd it rga ve immediate relief:''1 If the followfirat&ll carrf'ilN tlbsed. but' in the .wound-- baa been of some lUudlnK Ingdaybne-half(bnn'veN'igtfD openi it; will open aralu i the da) tubacce is' good.. The reqdired ah'Hy of pbopbonwd Try. it - Co iluaf.Aew lbrker. , ' .7. grain1 wsb then r placed In each bole .a nd the Holesclosed agalnv lOa the following iliy.p. to1 iiiriiTj Sbiri rioiit EiLLi.no Tuiia forty-fjr- e th jgfuld he ' - aultivatsdr asjibaTn.Mir . art; f 07 'it; is altq- catber la Jinp; tldDgvWhoGver;knewa V: tnirthfnlmap, Jto really iwd,bnp?. On ; corerjd I BtdilJ scil5Ced.ror the godd of th tre Apply ihekuifo above a nd jlb; com post, below .ao4 j if- i-i fa T,l:hZr ia A . "JJ1?" any .oue rude a. nail ly dirldetfaad tdiis is ni;xd by htnd vrllh i ftieedb$'o;thiKtr thej mxj'tfd rendered soft and pliable 1rhiakina of squirrels r vrjptbker .anijpala may bd dressed ip. the . ' iiapib'ifayidlKr SrilT Tnake'nieea'rm w:mitteilavior:very Iowa J Ilame ' ' undlegginafor clril drenv--f pitty'tippeta . theeaETa; ihrbuglt wbch'fbejdxoephoro , J , as tVasli jhe.wool carefully ip oap-sud- a How to ' HixW...Mict:ix aeorflitathe skin i$ takenfrom'thaanirdal.' The destrucUftn df er beat witl a stick as the drying J cdif-Ui- Se atqdc.-(U.ertaapw- -- j , . fortnedin thhpcripdfJt'Mrill lied I yoiif ibnual comparatively pruning afterwards, Telegraph... Thewood la of the firat- - consequence it - r atreteh ' ... aboutia'carnHgeH;'th6exoF small lambs are wliifKwilf . lining tuitions .and gl oyes. vsry nice-Xo- - . mOltux lAdampinthaaolsi.fjiourshoei! Eaii.Tj.Cn or Fbuit Thtj If there jia. qat. aiffitent aBher for &lUbl Boston Cultivator gives the following biotas : I . ones . walkvaommeaed with' the prirwipal , , :j;' and jita couple ofyeap the garden them l??llRhM?pSeOb4ri . . - - .I.-' oiR - - . j " ivs- AdormaW or mar- X ' " j ' ifl1 14 . . i TM Dreetlrifc 1 i only tXo,be thing-- I: Vi w . ! . f 'werefouhj open. Youhd.:We,' ganiromahlulkeLtic ' eonrfee' that the, easiest Lnd surest previf TrTiT it: ; toorrespeodent of tiveia io; givl the eow about ?! 1 KaisikO Priifura.-rr- A half-a-pf- nt whisky, wiileh 'eotoni Onyai.dillito drunken b u mill mothers, fcomea'.: eglirtly.Lvmlesa . i towards. -- her '1 . - : , r j " j 0t , . f trf !" I t qmato Zl l Ihfr f Jhe foi. vhould be eandy asytou get a quicker .growth for theyrneedi a season to ilpua PiiUt s' -- ihmtfng-l- l) rthy-bbebme- s jApril to gist upearly.f tajt. i he-thl- bn 1 h ' .ce-.u- r herpo- L'cst udvanta; ol ber inga. er jreedyery; ftoik per .feuaer,' , jso iunch ciriflzed in her disc 1 : f5J. PHtaqurl h of a tea-cu- p "CUed with.Bandy.ltfH; ' Srciproiitcdl .ft bo taken itojreuhofei'it hrfere the wteew -- r. v w . waihed and unwashed, and c arrjed 'and pot ycpicg I I !SteSb!8iSd!frd!a3&S52! fethsasss.iifell cwie,l,fI of ihe pen; but the moro a xUhta. prifk 'f.Taryeasil; jl n;libtral sprinkling of dry sand as eoearap Jy'are aeed a&e3& ?'?; r' - 4oy Ufelishw fqt. qqgt . .w . rfvt. , c'i'i . r W - imilarpaperrineats pring.TTEP;-- tirfo i -- ' . v- -r porn r 1 3p a ha! t undnowy white corn rpseuibiw. largo iUkes' Then -rf- .-Ti-T -- eltled swere - r; iU Lh ; inter flpgredjjirjd so arranged that or sUter; w'dKhdttiecandy aud the bails, jaQtOjtue lou'ejf or un-- - for your.ofiUy.handiBfVveiUXnolo5kJwe.. ttai4pMuiyieepud covered portion, .la jbe feeifing,noi portion ; ?v v paur' uutjl placed pfahedge'.of 'eihpr : ' tfrort lhe tki? iBg of tscsslof retj ' tieSefl gull in v ' F apd;wl;.U:7Por- - lUtf is vcryjwhile Svhh MuUhca)- - with itirefuieit.; fes?oud,examine its 'adhesiRrs- wet and gnead a little yf Whfce apecsip - ;. - ' . , |