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Show .11 I ! t . 7 " I j - J The hand of Industry makes the Desert to bud , Uosm and tear fruit, and rears the proudest No. 1. SPRING .LAKE .VILLA, UTAH COUNTY UTAHjFRIDAYf MAY 1 1 ruciures ojf "V- 2 1863; , - v 1 f'i:-.- Toil Y '- There is adifference of Opinion in re-- 1 producing and quick growing, and if the the latter certainly' gard to the healthfulness of the chicory 'former be no object, : or .wild is is. endive, succory, Chicory, as a beverage. Many of the'old English not indigemous to any part of the United physicians npprovedof its dietetic pro- now: a Pear. Tree was made introduced ' here from pertiei. states, but-Va- s It undoubtedly , excites the -: England,' about 1812. There it is found nerves, andTits. immoderate uke, like that ' " wild,; as it also is m many portions of j0f pure coffee. is without doubt inju-th-e ,;A correspondent of the Wool Grower.. j continent. , .Its ..culture in EnglandKnotts TPrairfe Farmer; .will tell you of an experiment was begun' by Arthur Youne is 1788, i ayj.tiX to make a pear tree bear. ; : Aboht ' and nad (.tried France it though in Belgium Giddiness VeMlgo,or Sheep 23 years ago I planted a small pear.: tree Iong.been grown os a forage plant. .For the pdrposepf rforage, ..it. is sown the hi. Rfiynal considers Vertigo a disease if the Virgalieu variety. It is nowj a. a and at the rate of from of the nervous system, occasioned by same very large and - elegant tree.7 Every-' with bios- . covered be would to thirteen Mr. acre.' it' the cienaries. cert oralis pounds jper pnng eight fruit .the after . and began'jto considered, .ee it Just, ted Very Uhe brain. the from in,. valuable, Lambs, Young agt i(ms. ; for, those'; farmers' keeping ia of 3 w& months, 7 or from four to twelve j!urm, the stems would1 all. fall off and fieciqily of! s wineUo.'alsdrecom-vmbth- s, become the subjects --of it; 'and cQvOr the ground. Ip the ailtumn'of ,1861 mended 'it for soiling, ahd.fpr fatteningf but" rarely : ever after the ago of eighteei 1 determined to try an expei iment that eattle :'li is a perreaBUVplant,la8tieg smooth. The disease is apt to end ii. hpuld either killer' cure.' - The ground from four .to .six yekrv, nbd.'fttim longfery airophyT wasting of the brain and spina-Indeed- was dug away fivp or six feet arOund th itr;is-state' thaf-- the l.inlh ii'r jni"iiTow.t In the rank of roots.i' A small principal causes rank, and down to the was first put in; and i a :tyarkv.WhfereL h enlaces, first, Ilereditariness: second growing1' Mgon loadipf clay Westei;:New Voiade into mortar; on the-toof tlds' I., then over . ana put a barrel of lime,' and. tke his a barrel of back Over Uio whole. 1 862Lnhe tree 'blossomed as Last of year, 'c.onladsa.; some parts the conntrv. lon;, and,like steins felLsff, ' arefviijy;tej.v.Tagnard .milky j ui ce. against the disease, put ou1 ' uaiiaLh few Of the weakest JdaddoUn to' vi 6 jthe pretty blue;''-I- eaVly vfpVAftg .makes a 'Sf the breeding fold both males andirS-fe-- ut enough remaiped; fruit. nrtr tresjgithL .fine salads audited?. shnndannKjdfL8U from 'theewe in 'the vioinityof;mOft;j T:di(uderBd mrt-nr- eed Chicory. I Ip .Fruit'' ; ! in . . j as.-clover- , -- . -- - , -- -- d r n iron-filings- , Oir-sladk- ed iirt'-wasdraw- tlmtlht ; : n , raf i u gOrnpjes. Plnhling .A correspondent,! tljeMichigan far-m- et says. .Fotbe fuppij of .tha.fajily, J ng co nclusio us from'the influencoof.K high pri co ot cp recommendation would. bs elf,, jthe: Taried. to jthe.cultdro .or necossary oues, wt omewhat'. ..There are ibut ton .sown tbke.it.pI&Q$'ib f ought. to put away from, the fioek female who us plan a 'tree oji tunong obiiaby healththem'North.?: who, .thoegk.'lu-apparen- t woulcL as they a;pest; and, ohie tuned, at. nmst;VerhiS '4tlgrour it t selves, have base t produced - diseased for this purppOTtsbii';t:aa,n stocks Translation from the French, by St h j ck y 7- - PercivalL " as for carr o "j , and thin out antf li;bMr:bsar: stiik " Its thqlla; as.j these SrVeiT nreDaMtihsbieVEe i: treatmeut.U , ? To graft upon Juxo wild v;ne, the sips- "the of Far Prairie A correspondent . i. ... S .. ; pleat and j prooess is to reiuoyethst .Remove r. r Mtrthfromaarest met says:. '.r; the vine down to the' roots; t(l have been trying it,' and am batter then ehf; the stenf aquare aoff; abOut4tre 3 'i them,i them' in the satisfied with the qniuity of the produei inchescUt above thefOdt,Und split tharptumai come' browniv than with that of Sorghtfj 'although ii wi tha pruhihg-kn- if 6 or graf ting chisel. knuch less quantity. st wedge-wii.n Shape tnd cuttihg' sourness. of sap d ,nser; in as it wedgergrafujg. ordinlfiy,1 not grain in the ket-Dip a strip.ofdOttou cloth in sOmearxUi : j -- 1 . . s.-rin- , . ; 1 . '' ; 1 ! J. r5'- . . ' - - i ;r--- :: :; -- Al-litt- le ba-di- I : xrafting-.wax- - hlT of. common moldases RoCk Jlaple... .The sweetness of the sap small' to a, quart of the"brpwned root ojid con- - jg ig0 about the same. t.tThe Box Elder tinue stirring it a whiloandit will boon vjg a' handsome and i. very fist growing s be ready for use.. Mix with this hrpwneq Jtree, exoeeded only with me .by tho'io-t- u. nutk chicOr and polaStes oottoslrood and white willow; add eof--, ... roasted eoffee, then go on with-you- r incline to think equAl to' the two ;as nsnalpand those who jai'0f th9three,in most' situations: I V kw the taot to maks a good, cup of oof i would adtiiis tree planters .to plant far . tea-cuj- pi ; y ; one-fif- th , for-fee-mak- ing fo.will krr 'iittrfwn Vttloablrrcbarajwirtifr: ; arodnd the ' .grafted' patts2j 'ho should then bar filled in j and priMsed ;s tround the Hark of , ond with the! othdr, asinitep grafting the apple or,ahy othot treo. - ; J: ti Everybody; shouldplantgrape.ff If yoiu would be tolerated if be tele -- k 1 Sal li |