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Show Postnnater, short a pa as | Wesadly j Continued from Fourth Page. OUR G48 WELLS, |throw what support we can, into]. Physicians and Surgeone. ae persuasive reason why the people under | TheCompany Will Comment Work Upon Thea in| the Si cf a supporters, but anette a we will not ren down a man’s rey B, CARRIN erent if Bari hore, pee rene ed eres expenve i sae cee 3 cs thawwever, hey traded hoe the sanitary and Mr.(C. ‘That. gontlomsn is ses nee rl Sai: orders for Win. Lowe own the machinery. n,a Oe ae gone to Mala Lert ec tho will Maint. whereby he and contract » Colston perfect nob: ‘be sbi He waa2 between # him wish We be} t n twill aS eaeetes | seek Ue 10} ment | z= cx ae ne ie a As Le Hs ne in heat i : Bt titatGnondil iat bent:on for them. Gea tn fle lieMts ob reasons| tice, anal senical anatiane tho people in. the] present conflictare right, and the Coane cil isena fea it ne Council preral aA temporary Ae hadce victory tateso! mato ap ; override the sovereign ee ere, a ff aed a ot 13 ae‘pipes, even it through a defective charter, a fr om Sat Lae, isi in| ‘porary combination are enabled to nae stn ne 8 city. aemanda ot ne ae enti 4 conditions do lease ‘The City Council has no ion wale "Jon Pitingll and no ees ee vl about é ci eaiaas ese a Tro oh pecan Sone ote Isola ng May's reliable will of the people. a fox Fortin seeds, soldby Horsl S.s. tH) will pany, ty lots chi Si gnoe: prep ane on Seat ee Sens A aa ik ed, secure enough patent adver- Assessor and Collector, Alfred west ere, which afford ps earliest ranges in northern ’ oe a the Utah. i Sn a x My van buy on long time, Ge f a pricesat J. C. Gus ‘A igen 0! b a F ee ome time past, wo regret P to poe A-| ; chanté-and busi * aareawnas: See oh ahe a day aro pub- Christensen, Joe Nichols, Charley ur 5 x ae separa ; ; : ! ee = Wi : Sees i <i 4 Pep i > ¢ A a ; a ; ig ae Maxrua, Uran i 1g37|cobbler would okeba in-| they RTI : } re i 5a \ 4 : } : We believe if any fayors are to}! Hindsot reyairing done, Satistaetfon Our enterprising ee | © given, they should be given,| One half block East of Rosenbaum cor-| eae ceatetor has sécure | Mmpressed WithBrigham ay May Mako This His .ane business men of the town, 5 Oe : Brrowam Crry, Uran those who are our peels suppor- Gee : Hom miles of contract on a ce more ——— = Judge O. FT, Wane saker was in| ters. ?/ canal, Bale 0 mite Se ee ee ee in this Gonsidering the Oanedianible.blackemith and town Monday and gave Tue RePe O.ate K,tin x “ThThe SEIEL Judge fand.as we believe in favoring) QA. SACKETT friends we have decided to = 2) mnt? oe in BoxeeWider County } t Le Ee i talus ft: PETERSEN : ¢ \ ore DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, horses’ ~ only their run fo ground is smooth, the Tey where a hilo ree Rereen oe ‘isit to Brig ce on then Brh ina, het with quite @ serious acciden ee ‘ BREA ‘ore nen. AD i line of : MERGHANDISE lowest prices. of Gimp Trimming jast im-<—s-~ re Suits made ee H. Mr G. dia| WA ee cease - or, e prepared. ~ Pee CHa lock wentot esse up CG = G vert HRISTI 5 ‘Merchant Sus : equal ANSEN, ailor aD Main Street, Brigham ity, Utah, a LAND) to best Eastern houses. gash sesSS Has on en a st 2 vet Workmanship accurately| ae in style The reason, as might be known, en “sin was the young lady appearing in 18! turkey red dress, and although Tia B “LH CLOTH 8 i ; s J 4 \ ‘Saal | NG | seizing the “‘woman’s weapon,” the On the 2ist all ththe men on Bish- broomstick, made short work of ensen’s works, near Point| sy, Gobbler, and came out without Conta iad a eoratoh: 09) CAPS \ “HlRy ie | s ntiful young ladies, and | an Teasing town, bis . hor Asheme was unmanageable, broke aie old ObbIbE i h gly old go! MWe have a complete The contest was very intense and ace - a on Be fa for a time it appeared as if the O. 5 G.would; come out triumphent, GENE ae | th adriver whereby he received |i ut as it usually happens, ina case ‘At bad injuries and was "lof bese the young lady re- A ie ve! stock pan BOOTS, _ ‘ HATS, A THRILLING ADVENTURE. re A Belle, and a Cobbler Comes in-Contact. The other day-it happened to be onr pleasure! to witness a zothen }j \ qa pect apie ares sercsa csOo es injuries, to "TiBoe sightwarning Tome | 3th town Of oat the \boys. be a ; J “Tf eae is very. favorably | ouf ‘ Hovs/Axp Syox PAINTER Coxrractos axp Burmprr A our rates so you can afford mpressed maith a city, and we down get too much ae aw! hes es so to locate here. > advertise, in fact so that youcan ne necks, too much is eredidants . Show chi mae Paper Hanging6 a Specialty. pecialeys Estimates furnished and satisfaction ite tols make money Jae it. amet Saltire ~0- | have ‘ba a Senator Ho ooo Crey, of Louisiana} No bu e ; Baraat: an will attempt to Seats Judge of Galyeston, Ha that it ice “hot LE et NS the P paint in and aDistrict | Sree tL suatantend pay him to OE MBE e@upall asi tr te a new, | # exas, 1878 to 1881. He was also| have his name constantly bef i iitt will, YY. Doan Ith, St. Patrick’s Day,| Se as of the : Legisla- ; ra publig, qy as as by soso doing de will” the eli Society had 2 gtand) ture of the State of M ppi| finally become a family by word, JOH N CH RISTENSEN, t en m, giving dinner to) from 1875 to 1876. Heisa gra uate} and when in need of any supplies Dealer In ann 350 people, the oceasion | of the Univeis arsity 0 ouisiana;RS|| willWwe. go to Mr. . Ad 1 earhieer tooO get Dock, theDe ito: being 9 grand SUCCESS: tn oe was admitted to practice in the ae ry Goods, Grocer! es first-class brick yard, |°Y°?™S ball was given, some 76) Supreme Court of California in et we think every business tickets being sold, and on the} 174. 3 (and every man in business HATS, SHO ES, 4 out thousands of ; | following day, a dance and supper} 1p), Judgois a well qualified can) knew his own business was given to the children. lawyer, at Will add lustre to better than does any one ate aut Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Ete. Some time ago, as some! of the| tho profession here, or anywhere the verdict of cause ade in REE ‘ BR h . | boys were running their thotses in}},9 may locate. hands. We will ie "i, »° Brigham City, Utah cued Heres the shoe-maker, the streets, one of th wagon rut, thro to ing & one8 pel foreo to the ean. with eae a dye in the force, the rider narrowly escaping, Se eee au ot l be, : ‘ he) eae | hors Jef to lounge on. tho street ’ . A a: I ae the school will ve ham Tce ors, lished, and who support them ro, otter, Charley: Wade art ‘Treasurer Thos. W. Brewerton. giv ‘Mr. Call; the ae managenient of the Opera] ylarly, : 2 fade, Isaac Jensen, Joo Hansen Dealers in General Merchandise” ells.” tea Cena i take his depar-|+ Houso takes pleasure in _ppagune ey Peek hens E Gnas Lundquist, and Charles a eee Eng-| 4. dorson ow, gentlemen, in plain era Balle ee We fe l to thank him’ for|ing ae BapsKauee Peace, Samuel. i e feel to t OE sipcee ad ecasted I a; lish, we don’t pas this is the way ee ees aad the good work he has done, and D m Ga a the Home}, do'business. Wo do not beGomiaiey.Oley: __ Painting, Or eine rennie say is i there Lieve about) Lake, Salt of ub ane edthe in taken Bee he has Be aicnntell the ‘al ~ . erase th. ae JOHANSE ae is state.it ‘o ne a peeks fo! young our of ucation several city, the of 4 J. ; ( eae G Wee will ee & McMaster at shoare hoop A B. BB n| in Work has commenced here << and a number of| LOCKS AND JEWELR ATC Bee Pagenaeki mated spare man or|* ‘osgre} Is the only ; a sot i % : = ARAN: gress, of f the|the : K on. Sree S AND ee based k : © , 5 state, Brigham has stood sadly inin os tube ‘ : Usan Bs f We Want Your Patronage, and Solicit it on a Busi-| tOWT. = = —- ' ‘ R. L. H. BERG We Co f | Seeerrwemeenmnenneneneneeecteenmemneecn 7 | Indications in Payor of a Good Hartest at That Les prere é h . poleea s this ee ne D BEAR RIVER DEPARTMENT. Placo—Winter et and Barley Tn approaching, as we havo,| Have set our worst days, and as Dennis 6 ell, Hea of the business men of Brig- : aie 8 the foe uae the aout : been reached, if any change is has | i lici City, ham f Ww rece: ‘The quiteae storms left our) are fruit ae~ | stroots Andrew Auiacs of Honeyville he Ra e a es a ‘0 be made, it is for the bee aa BIE ION OE ORC oa as mines: ti came down to Brigham last Tuesveo ie : g hills Pe to The people are oil obliged to! day and, ofFoaacaal called at THe Dee On Ti ooste a ae a oi ek fo ate tile 8 70 | Bmomase Ome, 2) Ue in matter | 8° around through Honeyville,|Repowr office to have his name See ot umes ay Zany), but Pay De os an i cae EMAN JOHNSON nat te tao se cpeter eT wit ee Hope) added to tho subscription list. Mr. about four miles further. plein a ¥ sei to the peo ery . : - entirely forgotten. Madsen says that all, indications Rakopr has moropublished readers than all) bee vanme ee eo: L = 3 = 5 her papers in the|® S107! ago. ee asstad has vibes of tho road} point to a good ee The fall count “tid ae sutuer tion list} Now we have a good band of above | ‘ ee Rae Cau to Bear River?| wheat and barley looking| 5, y; fe ce p ma twenty members aud aie Gorges Vetrisany Surcron | : 3 3: must haye .too}sie eae y peoale in general} Our count; sheave R. E. *) Se wwe, Councilmen, net ones es ave that aynee Bae neey well. The members are: | ward Morgan, Homer ch other business notice | feel satisfied with the onulboks : vied Christ deen e W. 8. Nichols *|Brionam City, Uvran - { patent advertising with t such a trifle, By Robert Dock, John J. ge) Buy a farm before prices advance, A.)™aie contracted for byyt the year, |" °™ Christensen, Will Crawford. p : — G Ose: Kaiser, R. Crawford, sh Toe one for probably rates, low very at a time year's ten on el Show. E. a sheep Numerous herds of -F. Wells and Geo. H. he ible suie Soieae cece Ne prico that Hoste, Fred Peterson, Wesley fourth or one eigth tonin a building those cee GnaNov ou Se ae aaa ean ee Hi. H. Cordon. elr, ae way to the hil § and sinae is the he t time to invest same papers charge we merEnsign, Aaron Rosenbaum, Harold MHE MAN “0. x pap MANT fh shicl: 1 the} lot Yo 8 NTUA CO-OP. aes Ward. is be : \ ; Allwaye prepared for any call. The Report is Pleased to Note the Progress th joys are Making, . . : 10 TILE BUSTRESS 8,. AT HONBSVILLE, cae chants and business men of o ,Puyerctan axp Sunagow ging 8 to Messrs. Eli ee city and county tho benefit of it . Fonen as den e Graehl. Anor Office—Back of City Drug Store r of this, while digging post holes on Will you take ee of our Open day and night Some of this land, Mr. G. Grachl’s, | P'eposition? gas was detected escaping Are Wool Growers: Go to. Be “MeMastors &|Batomam Crry, -° = Uran the same, which seems to indie to | Fossren’s for the B. B. A. sheep shears. cone BRIGHAM'S BRASS BR! nt 3 that there is plenty of it. D® C, H. DAVIDSON are Mtito. ag | & Sous ate the be ee Shae he ea Purerctan axp Surarow, Report could, if we so de- Bricuaw Crry, ees co) lumns, contractedfi i Bes eee a aoe i be begun in’ aly ied wo wish to ’ give the mer.(I)& W: &} WADE rb tly leased by 1S, 3 J. i does not‘support ns. Company, ake-Nataral Ghs 2s asodemand it. Besides, a reservoir to in- eatin ‘ ee of the gas wells the quantity of water is naturally on copies cols ; mk order. 6: Ao Sine who represents the| Uiation or business because porecioh Salt and resi Hopes) ie 1 wealth f |