Show LITERATURE ON THE AUC-TIO- N BLOCK George Robbins the famous auctioneer of London is an historical character His eloquence as exhibited at the many vendues which he and enforced by the conducted auctioneer’s hammer in his gt&d fight hand was the occasion of profound admiration and amazement in all who listened to him We have here in Boston I think a worthy successor of Robbins in the person of Samuel A Walker whose advertisements of property to be sold are quite unique and delightfully readable Looking over the Advertiser the other day I came across one of his characteristic announcements — some extracts from which He inmay entertain your readers the forms public that on the 17th of will be sold a certain mansion May and appurtenances in Dorchester goes on to describe its practical advantages in plain prose and then mounting his i'egasus soars in a poetic flight of romance and poetry with the purpose of assisting the aesthetic claims of the estate to notice and favor After stating that the staircase is broad and easy of access and leads the visitor to the spacious observatory he gets rhetorical and - says: Nowhere are oranges more important than in the Azores These islanders live on them both directly as food and indirectly as a profitable industry Just as in other parts of the world a man’s wealth is reckoned by the number of sheep cattle or horses which he can call his owm so here the orange tree forms the Unit of value You do not say such a one is worth a thousand pounds but that he has a quinta containing so many trees High and low rich and poor alike derive their income from oranges Whether it be good or evil the population are certainly not “divorced from the soil” in the Azores for while the proprietor has his thousand or fifteen hundred stems the peasant rejoices in the “tints that gild the greenest bough” upon his own dozen or half dozen trees During the year when the orange trees are yielding no fruit maze or beans are grown between their racks but seldom afterwards unless the owners be very poor or very greedy The islanders devote their whole time thoughts and energies to the cultivation-o- f the orange and watch over the trees with great care and anxiety to preserve them from the violence of the elements or the ravages of that destructive insect the The crop is generally bought by merchants before it has reached maturity and there are professional valuers who have attained great precision in calculating the product of each tree After the bargain is made however The weather or the insects may play sad havoc with the quinta and cause the purchaser heavy loss n St Michael oranThe so much esteemed in this counges try come from the largest of the Azores which upon an area of 229 miles yields annually oranges to the value of about $450000 and to the co-c- “From this elevated spot a prospect unrivaled in extent and beauty bursts upon the sight and few can look upon the scene without emotion “Here the eye wanders over the features of this magnificent landscape embracing the broad ocean and tracing the beautiful streams gliding tranquilly along through green and shadowy banks while? the loDg raBge of the blue hills of Milton in the back ground complete and harmonize the scene “ ‘From the stately dome Of ‘Belvidere’ the expanse below Ot grove oHawn ol mead survey Whose turf whose shade whose flowers among Wander the graceful streams along Their silvery winding way’ “The grounds composing this love- ly spot are shaded with ornamental trees besides some eight hundred to a thousand fruit trees “ ‘Every tree being crowned With the blossoms of May’” Descending again to practical he describes the excellent qualities of the fences and the water etc and then assumes the didactic: “The superiority of the country over the city as a residence can only be appreciated by comparison which is most strikingly illustrated in the youthful sports of young children when taken from a dingy city to a place like this Witness the display of the buoyant spirits of youth when sporting on the green grass of among the flowers — their unrestrained freedom and cheerful faces their eyes sparkling with gladness whose voices in the force of sweetness and expression mingle wih the gay songsters of the wood” Dr Johnson said “Whoever wishes to attain an English style familiar but not coarse elegant but not y must give his days and nights torhe study of Addison” It may be that some future Johnson will point ambitious pupils to the advertise-ent- s of Walker as models on which to frame an exemplary English style Oor Sac Union things osten-tatious- A SNAKE RIVER BEST AND SHORTEST number of nearly 300000000 A seventh of this quantity is usually consumed by the inhabitants the resf expoi ted — Ex T yramiytherosT congeals the stream of social progress There are 4000 newspapers in the United States A brave man — one who isn’t afraid to wear old clothes until he is able to pay for new Garibaldi has perfectly recovered from his wound and walks freely without limping though he still uses a cane Dr Johnson said of a widower about to marry that it wasaremark- able case of triumph of hope over ex- TO TBS FIELDS GOLD above-name- industrious religious somewhat austere he ruled his household with a despotism which affection and respect on the part of the ruled made light and easy To the blood of the Burnesses a love of knowledge was native as valor in the old times was native to the blood of the Douglasses The poet’s grandfather built a school at Clockenhiil in Kincardine — the first known in that part of the country Burness was of the same strain and he resolved that his sons should have every educational advantage his means could allow Alexander Smith Popular letters — U and I Never deceive the trusting n0r trust the tleceiving Forty whipsaws have been working in Owyhee the past winter Has- - made a still further Reduction in the Prices of its Good WHOLESALE AX'D RETAIL grass In connection with the Ferry we hare a x GENERAL STORE where every article required by Travelers GRAIN BACON COFFEE SUGAR CLOTHING AND A Now b$ing Opened a Full and Splendid Assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE SPRING GOODS Articles too numerous to mention all of which must be cleared out befoltl! the arrival of Goods now being purchased in the Eastern-Marke- ts FLOUR TEA & Tobacco CAN BE OBTAINED from the East s AT REASON ABLE would call the attention of the Citizens BATES We hare also a where all kinds of Iron work will be executed WELL SELECTED STOCK or TAYLOR MORGAN WHEAT SUBSTASTIAL BRIDGE ACROSS SNAKE RIVER f HOLLA AT W New York L G BARLEY and FLOUR OATS KIMBALL & LAWRENCE Market Corner East Temple Street PRODUCE We invite everybody to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere and guarantee to do better aud ?ll more for less money than any other Merchant iu the County NELSON A EMPY N S RANSOHOFF & Co for Agent 60-t- G S L City Nov lMf 1S6 21 SL City HOLLADAY & HALSEY S RANSGHGFF ft nf den Skandinaviske Befolkning CO’S NEW STORE IN WEST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET (OPPOSITE THE OVERLAND STAGE OFFICE Where they will be pleased to show the public the FINEST STILE OF re GOLD DUST scatter VI BET ALE HOIESTE PRIS FOR ALLS SLAGS PRODUKTER Det vilde vere fomuftigt afEnhver at nflegge en Visit i vir Butik indeit de handle andeuatedU da vi torsukhredem eu reel Belutnd ling og ville tage nltakke m d miudre Koutuuter end nogen anden Kjobmaud i Territoriet THEY HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS 50-t- OF - COMMISSION THE MOST SUPERB QUALITY 308 Battery St Country Dealers will find Unsurpassed Ad vantages in purchasing from us The Highest Prices paid for JKtT MERCHANT In soliciting the ORDERS of MERCHANTS and others reaidingln UTAH IDAHO and MONTANA the Subscriber guarantees his personal attention to the SELECTION and PURCHASE of the GOODS which with a longexperience in this business in SAN FRANCISCO will doubtless make it exceedingly advantageous to parties obtaining their supplies through him SHIPMENTS made by whatever routs parties Sanpete eoijaty kiuu res may indicate ioable and The COLORADO ROUTE i now-praGoods can be for ward ad to CALL’S LANDING the Depot for Utah Freight or to HARD Y’ 8 LANDING below Arrangements can be made here for FREIGHTING art far as AUSTIN on the Carson Route and from LOS ANGELES to SALT T AKR on the Southcl Ol FORT EPHRAIU J Stall et almindeligt 1 LAGER ALT HEN HOREXDE til salg for PRIVATE FAMILIER LADMCfD ARBEIDERE ect ect I for hvihl FBAGT j A ECONOMY! Saving of 80 per Cenj FAMILY DYE COLOBS SOLD ONLY AT GODBE’S The BANK OF CALIFORNIA and MERCANTILE HOUSES generally 906 & JAMES LINFORTH CM- Battery Street Sac Francisco - BTJILDD®jj EAST TEMPLE STRE® FACISCOt o-t- f 6 0 ft CITY y fpy ir 1 ALLE SORTER A? EXCHANGE a foi 11 A BENZON k F HYDt A -- enter for ELLIS f 6 by an hvilket vil blive Solgt til aa billige priser sax kan kjobesfori Bout Ikkernt Lake Bye lie lied i - W 8 to id C Of a TIL HANDELSFAGEa GREAT the foat REFERENCES IN SALT LAKE CITY: 42-- tf i we lxh $fif ORDERS from parties unknown in this Market should be accompanied in the first instance with a remittance for the amount PRICE LISTS and awy information in relation to this Market cheerfully furnished on application WM JENNINGS :Esq Merchant and Banker WALKER BRO’S Merchants CRGNYN k CLAYTON Merchant il KHI ern Route IN SAN I ft I TTERhar jegaabnet en nyFending Gods udtryk kelig beregnet for Foraaret bestaaende af Bareger De Laines Straaebatte kl&re og andre Kjoletoier Mernul etc etc Blomster Fjedre Baand Museliner etc et stort Forraad af Toier til almindeligt Uuusbrug Et veludvnlgt Lager af gron og sort Thee Alles-lag- s ft ourrha A BENZON vorrea velbefcjeDdt Handel betjent invitere ban Venoer besoge ham forend de gnae nogeo andre EAGLE EMPORIUM! ed wi vva BOlTIKi 60 Tilli-gem- rit Hit SAN FRANCISCO AGENCY FOR THE PURCHASE AND SHIPMENT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF MERCHANDISE AND MACHINERY ON COMMISSION 48-- Ay OH S L A BENZON A F tlTM Agent for ELLIS BLIYER VEXLET FOR VAftE BETALER BYEXS PRISER REG NET 23-- tf A Its LAYOUTS PRODlCTBi CALIFORNIA PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS our well known Danih his friend to give him a call btfort elsewhere JAS LIN FORTH AND Winter Clothing- NELSON A EMPY Agent for N S RANSOHOFF f (ml iu it TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOOD? hr we will pay CITY PRICES LL8S FHKR Mr BENZON reci Hilll Isica OF COl'YTRY PRODUCE bedsto Sort 0 Just below the Overland Stage Office ALL KIN'DS VELASSORTERET o EVER OFFERED IN TIHS MARKET A compositor employed on one of and the daily newspapers in Glasgow has just been denied the privileges of HOME AND FOREIGN membership in the Free Church of which he and his wife have long been EXCHANGE Farvestoffer Mekaoikeres Landmaends og members simply on account of the Pay Interest on Time Deposits by special agree- Guldgraveres Vaerktoi fact that he is employed for a short ment and transact a General Banking Business Jern-o- g Isenkramvare time on Sundays CORRESPONDENTS: Ligelcles Udsaelger Jeg Heston af mit betydolig8 New York Metropolitan Bank Oplag af faerdigsyede Herreklaeder Hatte og Kas- Serious but cautiously guarded ap- Drexel A Co Philadelphia ketter sum ru ere betydeiig aedsatte i Prison Kerr A Co Leavenworth Kansas prehensions exist in Cuba of an insur- Scott Et velassorteret Udvalg af ovennaevnto Varervil 52 rection among the slaves It is said stadig forefindes i mine Boutikker paa Landet Alle de Varer jeg nu har paa Lager ville blfve that large deposits of arms have been CURTIS eolgte til fhbelagtige billige Priser da jeg onsker at MCKINNON found and that several negroes have faae aldeles udsolgt forend det nyeGods ankotnmer som jeg nu lader nMkjobe i da ostlige Stater been arrested The plot is said to Saddle and Harness Makers embrace the slaves all over the isAlleslags Saedarter tagss som Betaliag (Opposite Hawkins’ Blacksmith Shop) land and the government is fearful Saavel i Mount Pleasant som i Salt Lake City findes en dygtig dansk Handelsbetjent of an outbreak notwithstanding ts fADDhEI AND HARNESS MADE - Should the premature discovery TO ORDER OGDEN Weber county precautions taken prevent a rising in the most Substantial and exquisite style LOGAN Cache county we shall probably as is usual in such Oar Celebrated TREES and STIRRUPS BALT CREEK Juab county cases hear ltitie more about it tf MOUNT PLEASANT iCway os haad 268-!- a os og en Mengde andre Sager robi have hjemme i en Landliandters Butik lor tairige her at opregnes ng low prices as goods can ktj aliased lu any Store of Salt LiU City EPHRAIM DRESS AND STAPLE GOODS At their OLD ESTABLISHMENT which will be offered to thepnMk form ere Indvanrw !iJ undjrfcgnediin DE Bui PETE nt de vil allure eftcr FORT LAGER AF STAPPEL GODS KOLON I A L V ARER MANUFA KTUR V ARER VI ere tilligo forsynedo med den J tfull TTNDERTEGNEDEhllader gig hewed at bekjend vJ tgjore at detea liUTIK i MORONI altid er godt forsynet nied fortrinlige Varer til billige Priser I Sol deles lied fremheve vi vort KLEDER SKOTOI COMPLlT LIES FARMERS LABORERS 60 1 SANPETE ISENKRAM PLAIN AND FANCY At as MORONI 0G 0MEGR AND DEALERS ID1IE- - DES AT N f OS’iUERKSOMHED New Goods! HALSET BANKERS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR The Highest Market Price paid iu Merchandize for Cp° la STOCK OF h AMI of the VERY BEST BRANDS amt a thousand articles too numerous to mention generally othr found in a Country Store LOW PRICES for tlie TIMES at FORT JSPUUA1M with A GENERAL AND for the use of TEAS which they offer at uniform Snake River FORT EPHRimj MERCHANDISE CLOTHING HARDWARE STATIONERY ROOTS AND SHOES etc etc YANKEE NOTIONS etc etc etc Eagle Rock Ferry in the vicinity of the Ferry which will be opened for the passage of teams about the end of May next GROCERIES BOOTS and SHOES & CO NB—We are now constructing a good and undersigned beg leave to state to the good pnEpeople of Moroni wul vicinity that they intend DRY GOODS CROCKERY HARDWARE CLOTHING HATS Freighters to fully secure a supply of grain at the Ferry and depend upon obtaining it should address a letter to the Proprietors via Great Salt Lake City Utah stating the probable time of their arrival aiid the amount required MORONI SANPETE STAPLE AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS GROCERIES moderate prices AT keeping on their STORK at Moroni where a cgm- Assortment cau always be found at LOW We particularly call attention to our PIUCEd fine S TOCK of of Utah to their BLACKSMITH S SHOP BIX AT Having just received the remainder of their G-ood- NEW STORE GREAT ATTRACTION KIMBALL & LAWRENCE FINE ASSORTMENT OF Liquors 51-t- NC PRICES LOW d FERRY is furnished with a substantial Boat and two excellent strong ropes and is now in splendid running order Emigrants and Freighters will find it advantageous to keep on the SOUTH SIDE OF THE RIVER on account of obtaining a supply of THE EXCHANGE AND perience GOLD DUST Pack your cares in as small a space at the as you can so that you can carry OFFICE OF THE OVERLAND STAGE LINE EAST TEMPLE STREET GSt CITY them yourself and not let them anAND noy others VIRGINIA CITY MONTANA TERRITORY Voltaire said to a beautiful lady WILL PAY THE HIGHEST RATES FOR with whom he was dining “Your riGOLD DUST A YD COIN vals are the perfection of art but BELL SIGHT AND TIMS BILLS ON you are the perfection of nature” New York San Francisco Cal Prevailing grief may be expected this season as we are told by the Virginia City Montana Idaho City Idaho fashions that “mourning goods are Boise City Idaho Denver City Colorado excessively becoming and of rare and Atchison Kansas Portland Oregon elegant quality” Victoria British Columbia The coin that is most current Collections made and returns promptly remankind is flattery the only mitted at Current Rates of Exchange Draw Bills on Liverpool London and Paris benefit of which is that by hearing Collections made in Great Britain and France what we are not we may be instructed Government Vouchers purchased ill-natu- d WILLIAM JENNINGS PN0PRIET0R The above Establishment over proverbial fox-- it OF MONTANA in what we ought to be W B Farr Kerr Co Once on a time a little boy was Scott THE FATHER OF THE POET Leavenworth Jos F No CNN AN and his G S L City Kansas mother said to him naughty ROBERT BURNS solemnly: “If you are such a bad SCOTT JCERR & CO Burness was an admirable specimen boy my son you will not go to heavof the Scottish yeoman or small far- en” “Well I believe I’d about as BANKERS mer of the last century for peasant lief stay about town” was his reply The education of most fathers is Successors of Powers Neuman Co he never was nor did he come of a but a system of rules to keep the child race of peasants In his whole menEAST TEMPLE STREET GSL CITY tal build and training he was supe- at a respectable distance from them (Godbe's old Drug Store) rior to the people by whom he was and to form Him more with regard to their surrounded He had forefathers he quiet than his powers or at could look back to he had family most under a tornado of wrath to traditions which he kept sacred impart as much as he can Hard-heade- m&wbiB ROUTE us well-know- mm Eagle Rock Ferry |