Show f rrr!!!ftaw X MTV" V " V v -- r' c- T II mm of Hupeh and Shantung the Mahomed&na e Koaniwjuti-Tbwater of tbe Weber are inveterate opponent Igbtlhlly conversational aclentifioj AlUon Cxsx-A- n disposition to a renew old ftcquointahcq I to that are andwe of lesm before Y them with peacefal labor Tho agricultural subsiding physic on hearlog of the abovesays: He and Information-ttpleased all the IjlUr TELEGRAPH were carrying everything popsUr1 tl is road lower ever I for the “never cured travel will believe mentaof again that the good physic day abound thronghostiu Shanghai and the Taka forts wore to be prospects of that State for hundreds of do air food that makes ami It it’ a it anybody yet all' splendid Totanit swv by the Critlah troops which I miles rowd Richmond are reported by " Tc Hsi— One of the directors of the Jor- Before doctors can substantiate tho claims of we need soms aioiuraara splendid books ism abandoned 55 5 pwsta' n that tables sr inform they physio with him they hTe (9 keep their pawould nof hclp the Imperialists So the I naTneans' promising In a large portion dan Irrigation Company rcmsrksbljr ftv st Celestial country has not yet subsided I of the Statea famine ia v imminent have greet difficult In keeping cattle off tho tients without food for a fortnight and doctor Wlhv' TERMS t 4 CoboBicia train of lotaefo land adjoining the new CaIII recently planted I i V Ter Annnnf(one copy) then wrier an air jumpK Where will he go intoa slate Very highly millenniaL That There will be no reliable crops of wheat ironzl tliU city ItOHO i nal Some herdsmen of tills city reading the Ol i way to Oedu Thr Six Months nation which contains a third of the I corn or roots There is no seed corn canal a convenient place to water at allow to the sceptic! souls bound T Three t d whole o Hiving humanity has been in a I to be obtained In some counties There their herds to wander ever tho W have seen Indians and b4 reports of Awhitbcti rmauM— ny pfnoii jenllBs tea ten abaerlptlon state of revolution for nearly 16 years ' I is no sign of cultivation visible in the land Occasionally soma man who wants a some designs for viUas— designed by an Ar- for that for they looked dl r shall receive a copy gratia and wrare some on cUttoa !Sh5f f1 Daring a civil warr in China in 1644 large agricultural districts on the James stray horse wQl drive up oil he can find over chitect here— for gentlemen of this city They gent Jordan select his single “anlmile" sad then Indicate an intention to distinguish this city like to tee more of it the Mantchoo Tartars helped one otthe I and other rivers where agriculture has turn the whole crowd loose over any ground for fine gentlemanly residences !T the BRITISH fEADE WITH INDIA “Hook and Ladde' CoxrAxIU belligerent parties and - as been the staple business of the inhabl-- ploughed or not that may be handiest The of materials will only come a little 'prices within day we spoke or fire ngin The shutting up" of Jhe ports of the placed the son of their own ling on the tants for generations Very few' cattle formers over (here are endeavoring to fence reach We are already a city of orchards substitute or addition to the kn0 as In as fast 'Chinese meantime the love taste of with and the front now Maiaei Jthrone becomand new comfort the remain will and known well not compete for possible UronRlM cub Southern States os is keep those prince r " herds the : here what are become soon called la the States 'away ground the gaining founder rapid may tho ing Slave fair labor is out of of iaot kab present ruling prizes at any England to look to India and and a Ladder vUlas of We dignified These Companies city dwellings foil other places for a supply of raw cotton dynasty and the family of Ming'being gear by the emancipation decree and Citt Vigilance-- From a conversation expect to see that bench dotted with fine composed of & certain number of c neither free black nor free white labor is yesterday with Street Commissioner Bishop mansions She akojla good customer to tho same thereby displocedi Each end of tho city has its ded with long hook poles buckets iiuT I yet hC I we Sheets lesm the that brash Joron The’ “Triad Society” in 1850 on the easily attainable Of coarse the fences dams extensive portion of her dependencies 1 ouftf attractions the south for coolness and the ders carried on the running gear of 7 on for silk Dot tho trade' is against her death of the reigning Emperor proclaim-- 1 —wattle or rail—have furnished earn- dan street have proved immensely successful north for prospect' Let those fire acre lots The hook poles are about the length ef? out rt the in preventing a large amount of injury to adbeware or they will yet be cut into little lots ladders and are used in hauling the in one respect tho East Indians take ed Tien-t- e a scion of the Ming family I berless camp fire to cook tho fowl and 0 comm joining property A guird has been kept by —some ere very of water up tho sides of day they will V huilding"? too much bullion in exchange for their ‘the rightful sovereign The insurgents the flesh from the “old plantations1’ the ommUdpiiers on the street night and kiuj ol down such walls or portions of btaS ing b p T inscribed banners the word As to the Shenandoah Valley that upon 'their ’r watch the movements of the current products Store Winoowo— From the eagerness of ssniy be necessary toprereattaeZSl re theo With a vie w to remedy this tlx© Topping which being interpreted sig- had severid thorough cleanings Out in and by distributing the jvatcr judiciously the crowd which we see daily round a pro- of the fire Most of the V jUtges andS osteat edo w‘ British Government' wishes to increase nifies general peace a very desirable the latter lend 'of the war and it cannot hrough the principal sects the force of the minent store window and from tho erection the States have one ormoref thMf of other buildings of the same kind - now in and ladder Companies1 Ia esse of the importation of: cotton goods 'to thing They also took the position of be in much better plight tban tho coun- urge stream has been much abated jenty done we judge the displaying of goods they are cencrafiy on jeceede damage pregress 'J Indian instead of hefoi and reformer detenninaa proclaimed try nfear Richmond I t will need help In tcaring down dangeroS’iLS Cten H sending so much ban! in front windows will yet become a popular engine restore tion In carrying water toplices tures to and re-thetruo and — religion caahand in furtherance of this design Wno Wants a Statvx! We rested yester- institution oufhere People liko to seo and “ 1“ j rather than furnish any in the breadstuff deem from J land vil the one of those of the the abode to exhibit and to manufacturers the tyranny of the line- though it once was a large depend- - day opposite know the price of goods before they go in to d of Lis “specie" in this city Who had bny After persons— sensitive as we are of -aUivatr wants ofthc people of India has Collect- - Mantchoo rule They soon were sweep- ence of the Richmond army Ll z' his one row inside trees fence and dUpo of somea course— store Lave entered they feel ed at' great expense and much trouble ing restlessly througa the empirer civiIn many portions of the South trans- planted Sme cheap another onthe sidewalk: and while we cooled what cominilted to purchase raovo Gold Mixes— That dischirr?ju kottitts 'specimens of oil the most characteristic lized nation being at first inclined to portation is almost 'Impossible through oar saered person beneath tho spreading or the b Many dislike enteringto enquire prices bn useful and costly of thrnative manufac- sympathise with them and extend rap- the destruction of the railroad and the boughs we blessed the memory of our bene- that accounL-- - All folks are not like-- stran cal or ours sends ns the following: The II ' arrived News tures in cotton silk and wool The port of recognition under the in lack of material and capital for their re- factor ' We thought if the man who has ger we onco saw enter a store the city of slupo He put his having collection represents every class of fabric idea that they were “ Christians1' investi- pair General Grant it is said has de- planted a bread fruit tree has done his whole fingers into the sugar tasted the tea rubbed ordinaty discoveries of gold in Iror 0 Vs&rKiy to society wbatshall we say of the map specimens of all the paints on his fingers bit sixteen men rushed off immediately witLsfflbhgui manufactured -- and worn in India and gation' proving that they ignored all re- termined to rebuild no railroads which duty who has planted a double row of trees in the off cornets of the tobacco jumped on the their hats Fourteen RoainantM inmH:otl rV the Confederates have destroyed The streets of Salt Lake City The bread fruiters counter displays tber art of the people in decora- vealed religion were colt instanter flbdged christened and kicked dents in the panels poked hlr lyducti tion both as to pattern and color The In 1852 the insmgents were surround-- 1 southern system of railroad intcrcomma-e- d and the cocoa fabulous sums— planters shall absquatn-kt- e the lire with his stick and after an effort to andsold-foejpeciajjj Jljje yhi into Insignificaiice before bis munificcni coant the shelves and examine the nature of midnight Two dog carta srere rifted ilf in Yang-ngo- o and Tlen-t- e was taken I nication so perfect before the war is alpepjjle' enjoy those admirablo patterns ‘ memory “prosperity" shall have his pic- the plastering on thejeeiling walked: coOly instanterbnt thl dogs hot having had thcAjcSon Undcolors'and it'Tis thought that any and deprived of liis head" A new leader I most annihilated The means of ture framed and glazed and when town out Some of ns have not had his education breakfasts Und being opposed to tha mintSren® appeared and the rebellion was I porta tidn and production have been alike attempt'lo rival themwithout an equal al the country rwonUn'IrtfP1 ?u0 a pumps come Into vogue here he shall stand Got lx— Mr F B Granger got into the Tindevelopmenfof knowledge of the mechanical processes continued stretching down to the pro-- 1 swept away by the fierce contest though on tho top cut in the best red sandstone with pans are in Immense demand and I from Los Angeles-Thand the feeling for art which inspires the sent with varying success man took his child’s “cradle" undentaadhSK perhaps the little produco now could one hand in his pocket and tiio other point- city on Tuesday evening train of Tilton & Granger fifteen wagons that gold decoration would be vain The number of lives lost in the war I scarcely employ the limited transporta-mns- t ing beuignantly to the doublo row of trees Ugcncrndly "cradled”" Old for the Eagle Emporium will be ia on Satur- are in creit demand as a ‘‘afore” To recover the balance of trade the washing apparaki have been immense 'and the deso- - j tion yet’ Existing ghost planted day Mr Granger left Los Angelo on the So jtrong WM the feeling about "twelr! j The Under such a state of things famine Ctli of April had the Usual rough trip but English manufacturers must produce lation of thej country terrible clock the night before last' that' acre Asiuved xx tue City — Tracey Esq "textile fabrics to compete with the na- present condition of China utter so long more or less of it must inevitably ensue treasurer the He all well Indiana reports through got shovels ten spades and four pickaxes fo( llor' Mail of the Overland Company tive manufactures In order that the an intestine struggle is doubtless ex- and with lamine will come disease if not arrived in the city- yesterday from the east troublesome below the settieincnta fronulue ted on their own account Thelut seearess inj to San Bernardino Messrs Tliomai them they were stopping st s wajrsMs said manufacturers might study the de-- 1 tremely deplorable Provinces have the plague from Russia something else Mr: Tracey leftNew York some time in March Muddy to die Lare'bceu War who were reported a‘ for refreshment ‘Tat" Inform tnands of the Indian market the govern- been over-ru- n several times by both By the bye we notice a statement that but was detained in the Western States A Mr are Indians still alive killed the by that he knew of it long ago ud that IteKjX ment xnado the collection of specimens parties plundered and replundered until this plague or something Yery much like through sickness He is passing over the below aherd Hcavcrdriving Grangcrlcftthew are thonssnds of huggets there bom itA the Great Through Lino on tho Company’s busireferred to which contains 20jspecimens they1 have almost ceased to produce I has appeared in Canada and if there ness which thousand for tho Utah of three sheep nearly than 175 lbs each all takeu out with cm satwill no doubt be found very ' their market the of death Ilelbinks report will course half Chinese doubtless the the its of joch sort and has been divided--intit Overland Mail ban to which statement he to p: The pursue by anything Perhaps isfactory everywhere the some from of occurred f now running sheep his official emWe most are from available where route is and to there 20 coniplete sets is the Company representatives agents snfieringV The objects have territory e signature glad pillage back to the ranch ' Mr: Cranger tells ns that work re-- ' in a to arc direction teraiinus terminus vhkS t: from ia The springing been placed in volumes each set amount and rapine chance up for and' ployees there victims' greatest °° j needed Ion has soldi! been in markable and for punctnality performances iDmcwhatpnjk ing to 18 substantial folios comprising : TheMahome&m element gives to the seems to be one for a considerable numl’rnns An in relations and in fact a credit to doubt also' reported dead is traveling in for Beare thankful to say that no courtesy n about 700 examples The seta of 18 struggle a triune character not' very ber of them in Dixie Mr G found Mr B at Los VeJuly his train has started who owes us anything k: files the country We have vet to learn the first folios each are to be diatributed to the clear to outsiders The Imperialists The South will undoubtedly recover disparaging word in relation to' the O M C gas springs with two shots’ in his body and if any should we have not the slightest ioslt Oi lfo I II S Bumfield Esq notwithstanding half scalped lie had left his company at of their paying us su early visit oa their r the vi leadipg seats of manufacture in England if any thing are said to be Buddhists after a time but between hay and grass The very significant— in search of turn sr d trying to throw dasUgoId dmt: adherents worshippers of is the fatal time tor stock and between his very delicate health persuaded himself Death Valley— and" deposited for consultation in the the In all few mine fell hands a the of and into a silver — in our eyesParties digpsg k: nalsf ' Chambers of Commerce in those locali- their ancestors- The Mahomed&ns of the stern rule of wax and the restitutions that he was all ryady to start for the"Ruby Indians who very nigh closed the chronicles course there can our have t on credit to tb the M Mr an and left after form hoar about paper J Tracy’s China are estimated at only one and & of peace may be a- fatal time for tho arrival: the - latter The report of extent of Che first six panfuls We thiol disehi ties " his earthly pilgrimage of will notwith gentleman half millions but they have' the reputa- Southerners and a liberal harvest for the standing we trust enjoy himself in the city hanging five Indiana at Sah Bernardino had taking up Provfr Valley as our first elm descr I GENERAL ROBERT E LEE that turns out well we shall annex ha Pieme tion of being the j most warlike elements grim reaper His predecessor A J Centre Esq has got all through among the Indians and they county and then the cotton country for vt to on were picking off the whites wherever they have a large many warm friends fotnilyand slender income T prod Tliere have been many speculations of the whole population: The Mahoma chance "The settlers on the Mojave there are no local marshf arms ltetns got etan is and in reason Wells-will we the be ruhis met shall with be Tux Shantung uprising Abtesux Hupeh were the ranches Having of: results plain in afraid of vacating indulged concerning the future over the mountains on one of those Vm Th Aron moveobstacles bench the the to be Ban Bernardino to discouraging and anjindependent supposed returning Gen Lee the mainstay militarily of the liones in the local-it- y ' of tho Xew Gt Klrbt ‘ ' 8 to move concluded THURSDAY 'MORNING Well tesian Company As for as we can understand this Indian- Fields ment 10 Tl ' Confederacy and one of thf bestgene- to the n Public their operations-oorder boriog White difficulty it is a repetition of the old Pmckdlngs of nre Cm CoaciL-- Ry The abandcsaient by the' English raU tho war haa producod ? Stonewall Got In —C II Darratt Ikqrtrrirei Th 10th Ward Yesterday we passSome Mojave Indians— a rough crowd suggestion of His Honor Mayor Smoot Square of the S3 iiy story teams fin ten Taka male forts and of the ng bring tciday Shanghai main-tainttroops Jackson earned obtained and will tothe Pagoda fixing and iksly— killed a Spaniard ifnd 'some whites from Austin on gfsss jrhich was ezeelte 9 bark the City Connoil at its resnlar session "oxi ed by and looked in situated mouth the of the at latter been saw the working men laborhig away at the went out alter Indians did- not find the trans- and the roads fins never better respect Snd admiration of friend the Peihb bping Taesday (Teniog adopted the foQowinjc wliicb-Peki- n eojoi on and the last commenced water” five found Friday They capital of but" Indians solution: seMuddy foearid jreutral alike Ilia death gressors Mr B left here on the 2d of May bjiU I feet They were another part of the world is situated may eventually prove corre them and for Austin1' ne left Austin last oa tha U “Whereas it has been learned that the Hon have got down twenty-twcured his reputation Th sand Senator Foster but “had the Taith” United of now in quick good the results arc of course as reported and inst and has been twice 'over the roidt Jeff good for Che insurgents and States Hon Schuyler Colfax Speaker spondingly of the Fortuno has npf been soairorable to the right kind of material to have on likely to be much worse If white men could tween times He of the manage:: Com bad for the Imperialists and the Empe- House of Representatives Hon Janies B That’s speaks ' Gen Lee acy Moses is said to have business artesian the skulls an Indian that Previous to his snrrender he ror Chairman of the Senate committee get through their thick of the stage line from here west a exqnbfe think it advisable to flee from Doolittle ' may smote he when an M abundance afihirs Hon on the JndiaxT James had as is free from in fact that all connected with its mua innocent of any crime quite Ashley was very highly regarded both in the just tesfa Chairman of the House committee on Terri rock and was very successful his capital ere long other Indian's of as the any guilt criminality trsreS: toll and of the will ment since South tho the deserve but North that toric8Gcn Garfield member of Congress Jrom good ' man would white be of innocent one another' v W M L Boss Ohio Hon la tJ and ' public- THE event he has fallen a great way below We Bbobet to Bead it— Ore whfto man’s crime there would be Bross of Illinois —— Bowles of the Spring- Sandwich guilty the He with camped v VV field (Um) Republican and Richardson ' Tl Logan Jane 3d 1865 par in the estimation of several persons vastly less Indian outrages in the west We folks oa Shell Cheek Mountain on theSV Y are Tribune to of abont Nr the noticed TELEGRArii: pass It"hos been that am I to Mr Editor frequently sorry warn say folks the scattered through the States and Terrihowever would Seri travelingon of May r and then again at Egan lie bad through this city on their way to the Pacific that the crickets and grasshoppers are makCalifornia route that tliere is tb'er and last talk with Mr W B Wright Southern the tories In fact some of them are by no pestilence follows 'way owing partially Coast: UP ing sad havoc among the field crops in many Resolved thatihe hospitality of the City 0 settlements in Cache County those formida-- danger and they need to say their prayers the night of the 4th Inst They were cu&pL '?It means choice in the languago they use to the facts that want 0 ter large extents Great Salt Lake be extended to them and ble creatures of destruction in connexion and keep their powder dry: about five miles east 'of Austin with floe n last desolathe caused and is absorptions stock by Their all around words we when and AH the have had ter named the the be the him of that with the grass apfollowing gives gentlemen drought speaking long nature Indian is treacherous by and has j fine and traveling up lively fo ' looking tions of war: and want and destitution pointed a committee of arrangements for former rather a gloomy aspect of the coming a' An to that Mconveyany idea of treason torturous philosophy about the life and men women and children all seemed their reception’ FM harvest: wei for pestilencflr )1V0 the trip and in the best ofmkfc theiway full into him Wm H Hooper Gov Doty Chief Justice property of others hut kindness in inter- enjoying brought play against oft odfort pre Mr Barratt brought some course and a steady determination on the FRIDAY MORNING 9 Superintendent Irish J M Bernhisel the loadings of the balance There has been some talk of his going It were impossible after sach a strag- GTitusQ Cannon PeopIe’sStore Tl Albert Carrington John Sharp ' Fire Machines As yet tlonly FireMa- - part of the pale face to' never let his red longing to himself' res to Europe and of the government re- gle os the one just ended that large T B H Stenhouse Harvey Jones William chines we have in this City consist of certain brethren intrude has always prevailed The mm d£2&-ateJennings N II Felt H S Bumfield E' F I most s aux storing to him the Arlington estate as tracts of country should not be so treat Indian countries in Marattached' W E Smith tanka L with experienced Sheets procured Hardy Judge as to lie almost destitute of food sha! ) C little Theodore McKean- James by some of our city merchants for the indi- the Indians kindly bat whenever necessary -- otherwise he would pie be an object of cha-'aaa II- S Eldredge H W Lawrence Veadiness ) Hughes vidual benefit of their stores and warehouses sound in their ears by practical are TEimiBLE EXPLOSION AT JlSWW rity J it lias been said that at least two and of sufficient means of raising ' met in the City In case of fire with a committee the e doctrine of the Yesterday enforce “hands to at their X good ability LOST LIVES of tim chief governments of Europe have Where armies like vast herds of ele- Hall and the TWO HUNDRED measures were taken the command of all we should be better off off" necessary wh wn ''each offered him a high position' in theis phants have been trampling down vege- for carrying out the instructions of the City than very many cities as a supply ofwater is BATTLE IN TEXAS : from Cedar Socth-The Down reports tin armies if accept it The late tation devouring all provender come-atabl- e Council j The several committees report this constant or procurable at any loan’s door City mention the ravages of the cut worm SANDERS AND THOMPSON WPLICAlC Th and appropriating as they pleased morning fit 10 ©’dock A £iiC cost of a moderate sized Engine would From all telegrams however do not favor such a quarters we hear of apprehensions J Rl KIRBY SMITH SUBBENEBEW' with the benefit for next harvestT 'V: compared bo consummation as they talk Of his being everything in the shape of teams that insignificant the Line ExTERraisixOr— The Overland Stage like ours and a city derivable LEeTaHBESTED progressive Pn Indicted for treason on his' old stamping the country afforded 'there must be have GEN : changed their route between this city should not be without one A- street ofshan-tie- s 10 MORNING some inSATURDAY x extensive extended to the help and Boise By going to the tenth' of Fort Hall grpend in Richmond If so then he PROCLAMATIONS BY THE PBESDET is a fine institution for a flare up telehe MiS8ioxARiES-T--following The efhabitants conclusion' at the war of the must" beu tried and if tried on that il! through the Gooke Creek mouhta&as they i yesterday: DISTBIBUTION OF THE GEN’EBIXS gram was received & saving of 90 to 100 miles— they say or must suffer fect they inevitably i of deal greatly X ABMYI A He1lth-"charge there will be a good chance for good : City Platte Bridge June 9 scarlejfe r c before they can recover sufficiently from " him to end his tor the in and rer espe diptheiia prevaSs city ' -between earth and 9 All days We pass here at am bright PlAixs!— A gentleman In this WsshingtoB cei Feox t the chiidreiK' A prominent the nil in wood health ' heaven for President Johnson' has de- their losses to subsist themselves ordered- thst to aR eases ofsta is small daily among a It tho from only plains B reports morning Preston a J ofimprinimeniog clared himself strongly on that point' sp Virginia for instance has been the amount of emigration on theroad- but plenty physician of the clty informs uk that tincture by military tribunals be emitted sentence the to throat war the Iodhie of the externally applied chroin a Alx theYeab Bound— Periodicals theatre ofa four years’ war much of of freight wagons mostly' however- for the The the papers saybe discharged prisoners fbund very successful in cases of nic stateof inflammation has been ttenec in' immediately wffl withoppresrively General her territoiy has been trampled over mines publish - order Althis ed diptheria r carry teresting tales are still the vogue among ma- sary instructions tothe TIIE REBELLION' IN CIITNA and again by the rival armies her ' Gbxkn River' Fxbst —We directthe atPretidenL th again of order X f ny of our citizens Thosethrilling tales the feet By (Signed)fn means of commcmcation- destroyed and tention of emigrants and the traveling public ' 1 Distress! ‘‘Needle'of Pin or the of Agony Several months ago the Clifnese " sl this improvements of tire inhabitants to’ the advertisement ofthe new ferry over it Bruos withfFaraeythe Vampire or the Feast of The New Orleans Timed Green river which is safd to save 60 miles causer was ' reported triumphant Ishers The demand 12th of the of Blood"' Much sfote of ofthe of a fearful would be fit saysf character the in Mr' Pauncefoit pondent strength j swept away: 7000 sfrong travel over the old route with better feed portrait of " but recent- news is not so flattering: ai her population is just returned' from the for the animals Handet at Savage A dttrngers gallery on I by many hbre if procurable We hope some occupied Monterey the pi after occupying Negrette I e ' flourishing The insurgents quietly possess Chang: literature mountain thousand best to The street East photographic hundred loan of a day Temple 2i army and goes koine equally destitute ImperUKtee ofthe In the fight at Saltillo chow and fresh difficulties are occurring with the bid folks at the farms some of SruacDiD Btvaut—Elsewhere ttwfll be viewof Salt U city is to be seen there J around us? in the meantime opponents more Vectoriano Lepedo wd Fierro wer a cannot 1 five or from covered" patronize d taken the views ls of seen farmers Il are “yellow that lu portiona of tho Empire heretofore thenT csptnrea composed by Cortinas flocking' I “All ded but escaped to than - We cannot eager to return to their old life readable hundred one and ill magazine instructive If blended nine different and Bitter :de tit BootaYaDeythousand in points - quiet The Imperial garrison-a- Hang pursuits and sorpe effectually weaned bafo too e Dick-o- f theM ffiggings “GeoTge" paints that view in oilou rix yards the Year Bound" edited by Charles much la bread WMe4fegrewasattcktajJgp show had revolted rad in the r d character tales with de rad oa cas canvass wtiil corns rad see it provinces from them by thb' war" rad witlf Httle ' odOawsy' -- 15 I SEMI-WEEKL- t jbo u koIdiv pnS j s r i" - newly-plante- - ut 1 bealtS5d 1 f - a-rew- -- - in-clnc- ed - — k-- o ’1 ‘ th n ja-’- ’ jtndcom-paratirelyTitt- t le the-groo- nd 1 bene-‘acto- rs - -- a : ed - nt r trans-howev- er -- e ho-wa- - s : JJ - : kou-aski- ng - -- it' o - gwk-ma- : - ' - 1 ? ’ : — - ' : 1 - - - -- ho - o and-han- g -- Vice-Preside- nt N -- eoutkl: ' r Lt-Go- -- "L - : - - 3 ‘ ' '8 t- -- a -- d I - TELEGRAPHIC force-pump- - it Fire-Engin- 'c I — he-woul- d y : : - R - C ' r : - - - THE-REGULA- to-da- y - - - aa - - J s f - r - - ' lm-pcn- t - hun-dred'to’t- he ’P m t ' High-tone- A-- a I" ? |