Show ri i - a1 a-- v-" 1 - truv !“: -- mi- rnAwJwmnefcn ' I' I I - i ' ' t - s t — at the navy yard She reports that on the 24th February an expedition under the command of Ilrig Gen Newton consisting of all the troops both white and colored stationed at Key West in the gunboats Honduras Magnolia end Hendrick Hudson had started fbr the purpose of capturing St Marks The result of the expedition had not been heard at the time the Bermuda sailed ved a subscrfptlbnof provUJons recently held ia Danville Va Hichmon1 Whig fays Gen Lee’ - u'llVfrjorwlll rsssisssasfwsi k for Trrf'wihlmtly become JiXtanly added it ftJiho city any longer" impossible r : or ru which town Early with a email north SSiliorWdUacnwaa Tribune's Washington special says General ' telegraph' from Winchester that some of the ft Lla Sheridan’s victory Si Sen coming in represent than report we have EJ more completefrom henywas for S®od Viv mdU pushing When last heard to Richmond v eaasl running from Lynchburg bo ch he had doubtless reached and destroyed tertChis ru-Jflanday Richmond was excited with the - - : ‘ fhe Mo ofleid u&ca r rirpf weu JfEng OCA i w Jonnstun had defeated Sherman and was SesSiS the position taken up by the latter next day however the Richmond papers - The the falsity of the report bat claimed that had defeated Kilpatrick at Cbeeraw however was brought by a railroad ftknrsert -- Lcmt who was the only one that knew any Vn - 'i ' ' thing 01 lt The stale of feeling in North Carolina is plainly trident fr'un the tone of the press and recent rents Yearly whole company of the 6th N C dry deserted a few days unco atfd came into KewbcJB 'bringing their horses and equipments The rebels vwjes are comingillinthein large numbers boys they can lay hands conscripting Both the troops and people of that- State are ' Ai tepreseated a heartily sick of the warTks Unimpionen confined at Florence wore : 7 'NewYork 10 Btt Balwhniy on the approach of Sherman ’On Winchester Herald’s The confirms our and reached correspondent lines at many escaped Ae wsj over Sheridan the and Early the victory under by reported guidance pf negroes and loyal jfewbern lias Staunton On Sheridan his says occupied v whites march up the valley to that point he met with no have-beeto 10 made AnsDgemeats exchange The report that Early himmaterial mo pruoners at Wilmington and they are now self was opposition Sheridan is not confirmed i captured by i ’ I i befog forwarded: H t Rebel prisoners report heavy Union force ad The Tribuae'a Washington special says about on Lynchburg of the from started vancing of which 100 deserters took the oath we unconfirmed hare capture place north They as y far more are going Month than north and that the dissatisfaction i general The Herald's correspondent from the James 'says ttiusykont the whole army vTliey alM say that are additional indications of Lee's intention there their set nd camp through lrrwle promised to abandon Richmond It It well understood that them more food and clotherand urged them to stores has been going the removal of Government him concluded would not but they stand hr thatit some time on and numbers of troops have de30 he have large there been last 2000 f days par: recently been sent it is presumed to Lynchburg serters arrived hfere 40 of whom were officers The Augusta Constitutionalist says the 13th and Washington 9 Thtf Senate elected the llev Dr Gray 17th corps with Sherman's command has a bag-gagtrain three miles long The 15th corps besaptiiit clergyman of Washington' chaplain for the came drunk and pillaged Columbia burning the ' t!Kh Congress entire length of Main Street Sherman ordered The Goldsboro Journal of tho 4th' says from the pillagers and burners to be shot Two or three Kinston we have the assurance that all is quiet hundred citizens left with the Yankees Most of been made by the enemy the Bototily has people remaining are obliged to live in huts font it fas now thought doubtful if there Their Sherman left' 200 condition is dreadful h any large force at Xewbera head of Jbccf cattle for the' sick and wonnded and Orleans 1 gave arm to the citizen to protect themselves y Cm Canby and staff leave here for the from negroes ' Every article of sabsiatence was ' ' carried-o- ff vicinity of Mobile1 cellars outbuildings' Ac beingsear-che- d ' The city was shelled furiously before taking arrived TliStchcr Acting yesterday V-- and he has aMsumed the command of the possession 7 Vest Gulf squadronYice l'almcr: The same paper says there aro 3000 loedmo The steamer Arizona fitted np as a flag ship fives and cars penned up at Charlotte and says was destroyed by fire 30 miles below here on Sherman will of course destroy this stock They Five of the crew perished and sev were heavily laden with stores The Southern Sunday night end officers tost all their effects "The Arizona was Express Co saved all it valuables but mails were eae of the finest vessels in the fleet and her loss lost every where " 7 willbe severely felt : The Richmond Whig says Sherman’s advance1 ifew York 0 on Columbia was 'unexpected sudden and surpriPer the shcamerFnlton from Hilton Head 6th sing It fohnd all unprepared and he cool enough Everything is progressing favorably at Charleston' to do anything When his guns were heard in the Traders art beginning to open their stores - Gen city this public of course for the first time began Hatch is la command of the Northern District of to think of removing the Government stores Oar the Department of the Sonth Gen Schennnelfin- -' little army gave way step by step nutil flanked but The railroad Is of their position on the opposite side of the Conga-re- e log h in coinumnd at Charleston to Goose Gen when they fell back- - to the city and then becreek Potter advanced completed to ths Santee river without the fork getting off the stores bat' the the At gan upon opposition'1 last accounts Sherman had arrived at Charlotte time was too short and much was left The worst Beanrrgard wav hoveringjn his front The 21st feature of the whole scene was Jh plundering done by Wheeler's cavalry This was done most regiment recruited in Charleston has been mustered into service are soon to be Lights lighted systematically as if they were trained to stealing on Sumter and Moultrie and the channel is being - Several cleared for navigation fires incendiary ALL BY THE EARS have tsUa place in Charleston 7 ' : : 'V ’ti - t : 9 have reached an 7 Francisco The San of Washington journals Information from the army of the Potomac says extreme of ferocity and personal abuse and unless aM is we do qsiet The freshet is subsiding Exchange there is a marked change in theirof temper tf prisoners is resqmed them can liope A report is in circnlstion not understand how two-thir- d that Lynckbrng is in onr possession but it cannot to escape indictment and suppression' as a common 'betraeed to trustworthy authority nuisance Their column are overrunning daily Mr Watts Sherman of the firm of Duncan-She- r with the most disgusting assaults upon the private tun A Co died at Madeira on the 20th of Feb- characters of their editors 'publishers composi the steamer Eagle weiave' Havana dates tors pressmen and carriers and the calendars of folheltb Dates from Mexico to the 16th of the courts seem to be crowded with criminal and and Vera Cruz also had been received The civil libel suits against these newspaper vfilifiers r fell - rumored capture of Oaxaca by the Imperialists was 7 The Bulletin has just been convicted of libel in - sot confirmed - The French claim victory ’over exposing what it termed the“Santiasro Swindle” Antonio Kfjaa hilling Itajaa and 60 soldien besides and mulcted to the tune of $7500 Kisbit of the cnptnring various inanitions of war JRohnery is Bulletin has a suit for damages against McCarthy itpwted captored wititI60ofhis men and 200 of the Flag: and has also succeeded in having him - kjllfd in' hew Ieott Indicted by a grand iurj The Imperialists claim a ' lctor7 over Mendre at BaritaL A report from charge The German Democrat has been sued for Hazatlaa Says SOOOpYench soldiers: have been $8009 for charging a mining secretary with being sent in haste to the Pacific The Sinaloa Joarists a swindler and the Call and Press ore evidentlyare reported in Sonora fond Si endeavoring to good some one' into a similar proshavoc making groat “wa Joareg is said to be still' at Chihuahua ecution And tqen the manner in' which the ediSome 50 emigrants pretending to come from Mis tors' of these journals apeak of each other! They tnitsd Statcs had arrived at Orizaba and fling garbage assault with bludgeons assassinate rfported that from 20 to 25000 more were coming In the back with stillettos They denounce each other ss thieves liars and' murderers — as human ' ftmie pnt®d States to buy lands and settle ImPerll expedition to Yucatan has been ab-- - vampire convicts and violators oCfomale chastity ®9 do they stay: here' The ' Flag ispnblishing s Pyre Soule and his family hare arrived Kor continued romance to more thoroughly blazon and the infamy one of the editors of the A number cf blockade runners have retained to perpetuate Ualietinaiul the News Letter is About to commence DtTMu bivingfailcd to run into Galveston of a thrilling story of which the edthe v :st Louis 9 - itor publication of the Flag is the hero “together with an apThevt earner Imperial struck a of bridge across the pendix containing authentic copies of severalten fomberUml river Nashville bills at rfunV said editor’s and bought up whisky yesterday unpaid k 0000 insurance 25000 ' r cents on th? dollar” 7 The extensive tone the the of house from Bay papers there pork ThomaMfenry & Co Judging Monare not more than two editors in that city who have any right to be outside the wells of Son Quentin New' York 9 - We have never seen the press of Ban Francisco so tiiMaximilian according to advices completely by the earft-ethoroughly and crimjJ2xF®Prw from Ter Vir abusive— Mexico has received at Enterprise inally ' - ware ‘portftprt- ocoa roKd- - part-8 at - Uh atiooi or the East-Tenness- ee ru-mo- t 8 Chief op hard t'kka 7 fv - to-da- y w muck firing a rs J front P-- : the borf e 7 iralon ioned e by-outsid- ers ' t7 8 itowa fjrsnd to-da- ‘ imest rear-Admir- al MS renee lily is j - to-d-ay ’ - mrri- - terri I teres - i 8 iitsry rYii- 1 their J TO MAKE FOUR thout bees : bO ITS ' nt of ftie local that antry may: gen us a inter meat -- ns and moo coo hlch yin ’ r- - - r - 1 8 hid e 1 ad rloti rate ams itof do st bo ar for tf : ' Eng ttiug nso W5SSon -- had col- - tory 1 with ong ire era a 9L ' tbo no of v Sgit 0 thO- - t 4 Y Bear- - JL r SLGingo: an old serv&ht chateau Not long after I took the with its former who had lived there many years tenant a German Count directed my attention to a wall of great thickness extending from the end about forty feet from the of a small bed-rooto 7 ground According him the German nobleman had always slept in that chamber which he allowed no one to enter save in hia presence On himself it appeared to produce a strange effect since on according to the servants he always shuddered as passing the doorway while his countenance earned a sadder expression than ordinary Whether had the opportunity been 'offered him he would before hie death have lifted the veil from the chamber's mystery the old domestio could not say for he died suddenly of apoplexy without lea ving in writing any due to what had so long per7 plexed hi dependants : When viewed from tbe court foelewtho-anoien- t wall in a level with the chamber seemed to be built of large loose stones between the interstices of which swallows passed in and ont : My curiosity being strongly excited I went for a eotfple of m 3nMfemlinDiiiZactnl that a The pair from f? Pogroasei trip ° Mexico oity can now he madn in four Vera Lnnerol mm: tiim loagjisW bf aipio- - c5ns4lar 8PPolntmenta fomads to the United States T eisu-j-0 d ' — v- - Tv -- CHAMBER OF II0RR0RS Tbe fonowing is extracted from an account In ah English magazine of a trip to a Swiss village called lSS5 JCtttv i tor Peter CwpbeU Minister Plenipo-rjniHe- rte?tiriVOrSxtraordiMry Majesty the Qnseu of Englsud PIMeatod to the Emperor of Mexico erwTi letters from Queen Victoria Tl letters Is a formal one accredit- fb5fJ?5n“ter" T18 second is a repetition ofthe w?1 ® H addressed to the Empress Charlotte as Stored is an' ac-- v sister” kniJvlaSCpient of a letter sentTheby third the Emperor to in June last informing her officially of accession to thehrone of Mexico The hr Interest in the welfare of MexicoQueen and the establigbment of the Empirajs Uie era for the coon Bhe congratulates JSPE peror unhis ChO that 1 ss aLT' o "d deo 7 the ' - made by the appoint-- : Fhfldelpfclft- 9 te unship' Bermuda from the west gulf blockading squadrons has arrf- t 1 j fcwe j- - v - - e — ' j f'i v w r f - I - COMWSSUIH 1HERCHAUT ' "5s - - : 208 Battery Street San Francisco aODBEftrilTOHELL - CAIJFOUNLV sgafn assorfoted themsvlvM together 'for th of receiving Quit— ions r iV ! AOIXCr iOR THE rCRClIASE AVD For PurchhIng f fk v'AH i x j - v S'- -- Or XYKHT DESCRIFTtOX ' MACHINERY OR OOJCBIMIOX s r C inirSEfT or DXaCRXmOXS OF MERCHANDISE AND" & MACIIItlEFIV MEnCUAIIDISE : : i :T-- HATE v OCHA NTS helUlliff Cke OKDKHS of MONTANA the 8eh mMlas in UTAH IDAHO endettentlon to the SEEStV-TIO- N penonslGOODS whtfch IN THE CITIES OF THE' EASTERN STATES AND eribsr gusnuiteMihl wifoa long sad PURCHASE of ths In this bariums 4n BAX TRnCMCO wUI aperienes iriu rmauTLVQ jame to oty duubtleM mskt it xceedlugll sdvsntsgsous to partlc s if y yv-'their supplies through bln: ’1 ’ r i SHIPMENTS msd by whatever rout psrtlss assy la ' dlcsts??'’Tf'"-'7- ' They sre PREPARED TO RECEIVE ORDERS' Th OOIiORADO ROT7TK Is new ersetleshls sad Goods 1 past expsrienee la this tin of barinsss tocsthcr be forwarded to CALL’S LANDING tho Depot tar Utah Freight or to HARDY'S LANDING below with ths foct of their haring V i V f :I"i - - 4 441 ' - 4 4 4 '' ' c 4 i oh-taini-ng 4 - ‘ I - - ui rt ' Arrangements can Ire mads here for TBEIGIITING aa for as AUSTIN on th Carson Routs sndfrom LOfi ANGELES to SALT LAKE on tho Southern Xonto nnknown In this MscfcoS 'Se bORDERS ftom mMm rshould tho Ant tortinci with arsmtt noeompnnisd In tance for tho amount ' ' PRICE LISTS and any fnformathm la relation to this r N Market cheerfully furnished ou spplimtloo u Other Large i Purchases - ' i ! to msk la ell ths Prlnelpel Xsstsrn Cltiss they sr en ' sbledto ' Purchase at the Lowest Bates! V : REFERENCES IN SALT WAES CRTS WM JENNINGS Esq Msrehanf and Banker WALKER BlUrS Merchants CROXYN A CLAYTON Merchants V THEY WILL ALSO DELIVER ' - r q IN SAN FRANCISCO: BANK OF CALIFORNIA snd MBRCANTlLS r?'P £i£V Th ’ MOUSES 4 CHICAGO 4 7V -- T - :v JAMES LIXFORTII - 42-- tf v gsnsrslly COS - — CsL Bsttsry StrssL Sen Francises J Either on ths Frontiers or In' this City In ths latter case a few can be delivered very early ths ensuing Fill FAR - )- - We heard a story yesterday in regard to a reputed millionaire which serves to strengthen the axiom that “it is not thoae who make money that grow rich? but those who save it” Croesua had a fonr-b- it piece which he wished to lay out hi mar' ' keting- sohe called hi confidential From long assoto him to give him instruction ciation with his master the man looked like an embodiment of the spirit of economy and his meagre Full Farticulara will be given on into garments hung loosely on a physical system ‘ s was the rule ' and a good abdomen-d- quiry at their Office which istending feed the exception His master told him he wanted some marketing done and he They have for SALE the following articles EXaLIXGE BUILDINGS in new to learn wrinklo a the art of prepared 4 : gettingsomething for nothing “Here” said the - £ s a miserly millionaire “are four bits I want you to if !77meat bits 215-tand return four of worth butcher's 18C5 G f buy 8 LjPlty Msr 9 CHARTER OAK CooUng for Wood or Cost me a dime in change” The economical spirit of n was prepared for almost any the serving-maFANCY DWARF OSes Coal ' '' ' gestion from hi master but really he couldrnt see ’7 CANNON Coal "7-''after expending four bits how he could save a dime ' in change lie asked an explanation “Why yon Wx stupid don’t yon see—7 it can be done easily enough : 7- SHEFT-IKOand 2INa ' In the first place get the piece changed to five ! ‘ dimes Thcii go to one butcher's stall and purClsthlnfi chase a bit's worth of meat for which you pay ten LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT cents Then go 0 three other stalls and make your purchases in the same way Yon will then nave 7 Ilatsi four bits worth of meat and ten cents to spare I BEAVER PLANTERS am astonished that y onwho have been so long with’ " me conld’nt manage so simple an a flair aa saving a CASSIMERE t 7 y dime out of fifty cents after purchasing four lata J WOOL 7 nd worth of an article” - The man who thought he knew it all went off humbled at the reflection that All r:'7 Styles' he had a good deal to learn yet in the art of money Boots sadSkots saving By the time his education Is complete he hopes to be rich as John Jacob Astor or some of MEN’S LiaHT ond 1LEATT the Directors of onr- city street railroads —S F ' ’ - 1 Hooper AEldredgc’s Terms Liberal man-of-all-wo- rk KEW STORE r - r ’ ’ half-ration- Godbo AMitclioll v --- v 1- - 3 - v I N 71 EAGLE EMPORIUM Call ': 1 ry liassEs- ' The undersigned has now on' hand and " s BITS OF NEWS ¥ r J hence ciiiLDS ’ “ WOMMS -: SALE-- :j-C’:r:7PO- easily set on fire - ‘ ywHI I" the roads ruuon BITS GO i y s - - iSlawii- -f ft? ' -- “!SS5 wwwr Wlh 7 'Washington 9 This morning the lion Hugh' McCnllongh formally entered- upon his new duties ns Secretary of the Treasury- The heads of the several bureau of the Department waited upon him In a body and an address or welcome was made to him in their behalf by Judge Lewis Commissioner of internal revenue Mr McCullough respondedT in ra approv‘ priate speech 'Senator Salisbury of Delaware has been omit ted from the' Senate standing committes which were arranged in the Republican caocas lie was previously on the committee of commerce patents and pensions Senator McDongalL formerly on the committee of foreign relations is also omitted from all the 7 T r committees New York 9 The World's Washington letter aayg Senator Gwra recently stated that hi departure for Paris was caused by information which he had received' from trustworthy aourcea-tlithe: province of Sonora had been ceded to France by a secret made public until after treaty which would notofbeMexico the entire pacification by the French He went to Paris to arrange plans' for the colonization and to form an alliance of California and Sonora for the Empire The Virginia senators in the rebel Congress have been- - instructed to vote in favor of the bill to place negroes in the rebel army The bjll was defeated when before the Senate by e vote Both the Virginia' members voted only-on? it against 77 '? The Danville Register says the crisis of the war is rapidly approaching and in a short time a heavy ' and decisive battle will be fonght ' 30 mllcsrom bis starting ud Woodstock' fintt day and though the rain va a falling r°Dil muddy and the atreams much pii'Wonfonrrd rapidly MBCtttl W on the third dar they weald Nit fLth ityr U ' - The Senate to day confirmed the nomination of Senator Jos Harlan to be Secretary of the Interi- Winchester correspondent who here arrived at Winchester state f!?tocvYA Sheridan on the way down lie ir-ra- ' 7 y down the painted canvas with which it was cot tred this proved to be altogether unnecessary since behind it there was a small door - which on v being pushed swung back on itshluges : Before proceeding ony further! dismissed 'tho workmen and ordering a candle to bo brought for tho chamber was pitch dark 1 entered alone 1 The air close and heavy was impregnated as with of odor the thought which immediately proved to be the case Be- bed lay the body of a an woman sbriTcledantiquated to a mummy driw la the for-o- n of a former age with rings its Ktten a necklace about the neck and long pins of g'ild thrust through the air All around the body the bedclothes exhibited stains of b ood Oh one side of the bed I observed n dork coffer worm eaten "covered with dost on lifting the lid of which 1 saw hod tag the other across the breast A slouching a feather covered part of the face the dress was eons and the boots apparently not all decay-ps- e was that of a military I called in the butler showed him the 'contents of the chamber and then inquired the age' of the German Count “lie must” the man replied “have been aomeUiing over eighty” "Is there no tradition among tho peasants-- ! asked- - ‘about the the inmates of this chsteau before your doings 'of time?” ' “It Is 'only ssid” he replied “that for some years there was great feasting and merriment with a perpetual succession of guests who hunted in the neighborhood sailed in pleasure barges on the lake made excursion among the Alps and kept all the adjacent towns alive with theii mirth On a sadden this ceased the and extravagance Count dismissed nearly all Li domestic retaining only my father and two other men while thenceforward no woman was ever permitted to enter the chateau There were no children and the lady was reported to have returned to her relatives in Germany” “To these fscts’M observed "we have the key now before us ’ There lies the Count's lady' and here the paramour for whose sake she was slain” James 'liiyfokth For New York Direct! I 1 '7- '''-- ‘ y ' ' Cancans wars 7:7 ": 25 CRATES of AT KEDVCED PRICES A Fino Stock of - 7' crockery ' '' ' CHINA and' Edwin Forrest has built a private theatre ’ ''GLASSWARE' '7 in Philadelphia for tho education of poor -7 boys and gins in declamation Comprising svoiy artlei' nssdsd tea Household’ An Australian woman recently walked one thousand miles' in one thousand hoars in the & BOYS’ BOOTS & SHOES Corpatoi merican Opera House Liverpool England S sod S Ply In variety now claims c The Fenian Brotherhood Also a SPLENDID' ASSORTMENT of ' '"”7 v funds to ' the of 500000 and Stationery! membership Full Line of 7amount of $1500000 ' ' ' ' " i " LADIES’ FINE LACE AND SCHOOL and BLANK BOOKS The" Cincinnati barbers have decided to SLATES INK "7V 7 J-- i shave no more on Sunday' '' Each particular BALMORAt GAITERS & SHOES FOOLSCAP LEGAL CAP BILVLBTTEB BATH as hair most stand on end till Monday NOTE PAPER The War Department is sudd to be in pos session of two hundred and: five flags— battle Manufoctnred oh the prembss by excellent workmen 7To Farmers and warranted to give Satirikction 3tate and regimental— captured from the 800 DOZEN 7 rebels in battle during the war :fc k 7 ’ A calculation has been made showing that ” SHOVELS o 7 A LAKQE AMOUNT OF the 'cost of maintaining all the dogs in the 0RKSVc:-:-77 world Is $30000000 annually or $75 000000 7- In greenbacks LADIES1 AND GENTS BOOTS AND SHOES ' ' The total revenue of the National Govern- -' or ment from the Internal Berenue and : all other sources amounts to $25 000000 per iNAtirf ' ? EASTERN MANUFACTURE month ::i a At' The German papers say that a very dia-Hooper f f graceful trade is being earned on m the Grand LOW FRIGES Duchi of Hesse and the Duchy of Nassau A '? number of children of both aexes'are being t — bought from their parents by certain'agents and exported for immoral jraxposes to ktagland 'j A LARGE LOT OF and Russia and even California One woman WILL PURCHASE FREIGHT AND I0RW1RD 7 especially has sent to England repeatedly U 7 FAMILY GROCERIES batches of young girU from fourteen to eight-- 1 :'w CLOTIII3TO een years of age embarking them at RotterOar HAND AND FOR SALE- ' BKAeBurBraaifs dam Negotiations are going on between the Dutch ana Prussian governments to prevent or Any article required by'thoM tedic thrir ORDER® I and MONEY on or before the 10th APRIL next He will this vile traffic - 1 : -7- VS : i -- X ' - i i ’ N - ji r — - i wwr77 bldbedgr 18-t- J Sole arid the East!! Ho! X V x Ut: BBOWt pper‘ Leather : i Mrs Antoinetie L Brown Bldckwell ad-dressing ah audience in Clinton Hall New 'York recently upon woman’s rights said she had Vno doubt that little girls are now at school who may yet bo Senators and Governors of States” After Mbs Blackwell friend Greeley was invited "to say something on the question bnt he could not seeit He could nave said those bright little girls might yet govern the Senators and Governors if not the ''iV States also fora connection with s RtfpofSible New Tork Rns for the Sale p f MINER’S STOCK FEET CLAIMS MINZRAXrLODEB i THE ABOVE ARTICLES CAS BE - -- HAD AT THIS k Kecset— Dixsox— At Payson City Utah Feb 26th Mr David H Kinsey to Mis RnthE Dixson finHE past offle addrem of Mrs: POLLY SNYDER I vmm BMidn sum wu Barvo arBana io lm to taw lft wsated at this oOca Ik Ud Fally rpartd tho vicinity of 8oaara jttchiMB oo Ma with tar Mr: Bttpbw Pro—bock last spring for this place - Snyder is dead "ths enquirer would like to 2X51 when and where ths died If Mrs as-cert-ain AI I - Apply BRANCH: STORES ' OF TBE " r" j1 UUh and Mont ina XTsds rly it betex - T D BEOWX ft i i r i- £ If SON bt VcRsczssnosr to k n7 EAGLE EMPORIUM Donglssand Lake City it 4 1 : ' u I i OGDEN "Weber Couxtt -- SALT CBIIEKj Jcab - Coriir MOUNT PLEASANT sifrxrt WILL Kcclv - orders porch W 0 4 for v R V CocNTr Apply oorly 7 a of Chart Hoca-- 14th Ward 00 block aortb tLtrtaqnv Orders and Macias win also be wniwl by my AftnK' Wn B Wright at Buwtt Beberts ttors 307-1- ' - ‘ 1 TERMS REASONABLE A — a fow dijg Isunr for th' Also M aeltin ory J TV a gows oc rreightfng the iuni to th!i: pheej or I will Pwchan fok those who wish to do their own Ireighttag " i it" i A Chance to Send Hast ft LOGAN 6ache Corimr J i' InformationWanted I :l f At MARRIED j 3 - ':7 -- ® f f ' :f' M" - ' T v t- - - - |