Show r- M - I r ' - V' - T - - " 4 V I ''''!: - a '’ w tr'fV V 1 ' ' " w-- "I - ' i' ' I “ j " 1 - -- k V LVVV V - A f f-- : I TIIUnOAY IfORSnG L'- M ?‘i ' 6 1 T ' I terms i j i ' rer Anwmr(on - (formerly 3 ’0 3fO — f V:‘- r: ' ' It IIORACD t - r i it' TKc iSret vdlurte of 3In'CreIeys “History issued by sister in the cf great family of States having i the notices chosen of the the publishers anth frosn so to bein accordance with tlic enab- If f litwral amount of Ji public ling act of ' Congress' which gave her and press must' shari a I Colorado and Nebraska the privilege of electlattentipn i? ithe two first and iv Wc have perused parts ing whether to accept the privileges and reof From work form ajyery high estimate' the sponsibilities of their own governance or remain ! ' the resume of the contents of its thirty-eigSlse chose yCt awhile IhTerritorial tatclage ! : m chapters its' appended notes and analytical tlie former and President Lincoln has anih- -' nounced and confirmed I by- proclamation the l s - index We judge' it toibe one of the: most ' ' iX teres ting works that could be published at new statics which she has assumed the present time The discussions over slav- - As to Colorado wohave seen nothing XV-':v ery that have agitated the Xorth nod South tive of a desire in the majority of her citizens fo s are traced with' special care and the growth change their relations with the general govand secession mpvcrhcnts ernment Nebraska has declined the dignity of the are noted year byyear till tbeir culnvi ition of a State This is ail right for if they volunat Sumter and the taming of 'Mr Line olu’s tarily choose to remain in Territorial bondage famous emancipation proclamation no one has a right to complain But how was it that the territory filling up Jooking at the- array of names and docu- ment' cited onb- is forced to the conclusion the Internal of desert between Colorado and titno has been expend Nevada was carefully excluded from the privthat a vast amount-oed in collating the figures and facts with which ilege or a similar option as to the important it abounds giving more the character of- a question of Stlate or Territory ? AYhy this matured encyclopaedia to 'the work than that partiality? Why this invidious distinction— pfa year's labor from Jthe pen of an editor excluding the pioneer territory of the region from privileges freely granted the younger? a 'daily newspaper in the principal city oTthe Is it usual for the eldest and most enterpris- £:' Union ing child to be a junior tho latest? Ts it A i 1 which wc territorial common law or any Apart from politics in f f c t ' just and generous law at i folks never mingle for tho best of reasons — all that tho first born should come of age last i we' cannot we havo' no political status— we of the family? lfrotthcn what justifiable think Mr Greeley’s “new book” a Valuable reason could be uiged for this palpable slight X :i--i ' contribution to hiatoiy' which maybe profit- result and snubbeiy of the Territory’ which first demonstrated the liabitablencssof these ably read by all ch&sses of the people work which the naturally repulsive mountain Of the of division the region's ? r iV' atid author Jn the preface The persistent cold shouldering and elbowing I: he off of Utah is certainly not indicative of liler-a- l honestly styles '‘‘Ieliminary Egotism” 'states:—'' sentiment nor even the most distant A the golden role—to do to others as "My subject naturally divides itself into t into the AVar for you would have them to two parts: I How you A less sectir the Union and II Howke get oat of it I onal and more catholic- spirit 'il would do much r hare respected this divisiou in my cast of tlie to save and stablish and unite and 1 preseut work and submit this volume as a prosper the -- cleamlucidatioii of llio former of tlieso pro-- nation— far more than any “spotting” or poliaatisfac-toleast be at' blems hoping i tical straight-jacketin- g ' equally tory in my treatment of the latter” A California paper says-- “The condition of Now Mr Greeley having gone thusTar on tjtahr Territory is anomalous: with a popular which v tion of moro than forty thousand slie in 18G2 youand ydnr book and the cause-ideader os an eminent you lire justly regarded adopted: a State constitution and applied to flashes our the through thought landapostIc the Congress of the United States for admis1 u readers with the brain— why entertain our sion into the American Union But for the w i million the for book' a notice of a newjbook first time in the history of the government: our readers- has the privi the petition was when not one disregarded and denied” j of it” lego receivirig 4 'As well wishers to the whole nation inder ’ ' I It is true Ir Grcelcy too true! 3ily dear pendent of our particular interest m this Ter v sir only think of it you have hid yourself ritoiy we should be pleased to see exhibited during the morning hours of twelve months fairness justice generosity and a due regard It il s' in a little room of the Bible House iif your for the’ equal rights of all the various sections fir the benefit of your of this extensive countiy and We ' c i : great city writingdeprecate S: t “countrymen”' and yvhilc you are sttiving to the casting of any intended and unmerited if ' itmkeus wise on antbslareiy salvation with slight or slur or ban upon any portion thereof' a majority in Congress and an administration' whether we or others sufler by it i 'wholly of your own brethren we the pioneers ” JA THE GREAT STRUGGLE of the gTeut weat wc the -- hundreds of thgn-sanL in the Rocky Mountains we who keep The late telegraphic news informs U3 that the Atlantic andPacific united by a highway the long expected and supposed culminating safer purer and wore moral than your own struggle for the possession of Richmond ha3 Broadway' only think of it we are forbidden at fast comnienced After considerable timo " i the perusal of your labors!' by the Federal army in strengthenj IaSt Gpngrcsa did most emphatically deny employed its base receiving and making available to us forever Olid forever books andmagazines ing and efficient heavy reinforcements laying in S:’ the mailt "What do you think of it Air Jhy I suppliesHor the siege or series of battles or AU- Colorado Utah Montana Idaho Ureeley? attacks and in making general preparations i Xovada and atf innumerable host of other for the tremendous contest the preliminary t h V S' plains and towering movements have places on tlie commenced mountains on the centre of the continent are '1 is reasonable to Suppose that Grant with It all deprived of the perusal of yonr book thp ample means at his command has made Xo Congress ever Could seriously think of every arrangement which he could Conceive of ’ mischief and That book so great magazine i and to accomplish the speedy reduc' restrictive law was a blunder for the repeal tion Compass ?v of the Confederate capital and insure the 'V of which wc ask your moiety of influence with full and 'tul perfect success of his new and most AAe r attribute no bad mo-next Congress movement The bulk of the army t m the passage of that jmportant lives to of the Fotomac isa veteran army inured to r law There was a great wrong daily com- life in the field and the trenches and with mitted by a few booksellers in using the pub- most of it3 members fire and sword and the lic: service for their merchandise and ip lute but have increased the extent Dr the forb suffer reaching them the whole people v'M midable nature of their works so much as to ' AV e ask Mr Greeley and all Other pub- - show that they have been on the alert and are 1 i’r Ilsliers to see to their interest and to our not to be overrun as easily a3 a blind horse i i l ' f enlightenment in the rCpeal of that obnoxious haltered-' ’ restriction- that deprives us of much useful' jijii On the other hand the Confederate' PresiT ' Mrs-information and “we shall in duty bound dent G encrals and army — in fact every Southetc — help them some day " erner who has a back bone— will muster up their I BIG BRICES IN rWASIIINGTON DC resolution courage and desperation- to defeat i jthis last grand attempt having considerable A friend ini Washington favors us with the confidence that if they can render it abortive following rather stiff figures current in that or resist with clsuma to shccess Grant’s advany'J city wood per cord $15 coke per Joad Of ces and foil his pmrposes more or less brilli25 bushels 86 coal per ton §22 beeforother antly for the next week' only that Cfcncral’s meat per tb 25 to 30 cents coffee 60 to 75 reputation wUlbe greatly tarnished thespirit ir cents sugar poor qualify 25 to- 3Q cents but- - of the Nortlr chilled under a reaction and the ’ter 70 to 75 cents eggs per dozen 50 cents prospects of the Confederacy illuminated with VV tea poor quality §250 to §3 calico per yard a bright ray of hope v the Great Rebellion hsa bee ln v ' Al- ht - - ! - ' ' - anti-slave- ry f - :l-- - ' ‘ - : - ! ‘ - ‘ : ?- - - ) good-humored- ly ' obser-yance- of we-'gq- t- -- - i V - j i i n i 4 4 -- - - -- - i r - iV r L ! s ds j 4 I -- ' : j vic-tor- THE DROUGHT IN SOUTHERN " CALIFORNIA Lower California has been visited with a months drouth The oldest 'natwenty-fou-r tive Californians have not known such a prolonged lack of rain and of consequent loss and suffering so for back os 1790 and the oldest mission Indians whose memories reach to the first settlements twenty years further have never know nor heard from their progenitors of such an excessive drought It is estimated that at least of the cattle and horses and one-haof the sheep existing in the counties south of the Monterey parallel in January last a total of near 800000 animals have been starved ont and completely lost In the country north' of Monterey it is supposed that the loss will amount to ltalf as much as the above In most parts of the South the remaining herds of sheep and cattle pro merely dragging out an existence ou refuse pasture and very little of the meat except in choice localities is fit to eat If early and copious rains do ( not come tho cold nights of December and January will greatly thin the remainder of the animals The agricultural crops in the- south have n°arly all perished except near Ixra Angelos and San- Buenaventura where irrigation ' is practiced and plentiful At L03 Angelos and in the San Joaquin valley irrigation is carried on more extensively than! ever before and new irrigating works have bpen constntej Most of tlm cattle which were the progeny of the' mission accumulations since' 1770 having gone the way of all flesh jbo summarily many of the ranches of the south can be bought at from §3000 to §4000 a square league and they are described a3 admirably adapted for producing the finest qualities of the grasses — barring the drouth IIopc3 arc entertained that’ the drouth is about played out as the creese dueks and bine bird advents arox early this season which are regarded as favorable indications aftd prognostications of a near and an abund' ant showery season If tho contrary should bo the case grave fears are expressed concerning the probable sad fate of tho poor people of tlie southern ' counties ’ two-thir- ds lf v - - inj-dig- TIIEY CAN AFFORD IT - ' sage-brus- r — L any-perso- n ’ ' - i - ’ ' V-'1- - ii- : !i i : : - -- - -- ’ ‘ ! - I had the pleasure tho other day of learning from a subscriber in a southern settlewas very popular ment that our in that —— - ville It ought to be so and we wercrof conrse pleased to know of its appreciation —the Bishop is a stirring growing man Tho subscriber alluded to however was not half so satisfied with the fact as we were for his neighbors hardly allowed him 'time to look over it before they wanted to borrow it AYith an ever watchfhl “eye to business” we readily suggested that bis neighbors would subscribe if he askedthem but Pthey were too poor at least they thought so they conld not afford it” AVe Semi-AYeek- ly Our compliments to those neighbors land to all other paper borrowing neighbors —we are glad to hear borrowing the paper— that is the itep preceding subscribing a paper is justifiable— go on once twice’ and even thrice AVe never knew 'any person with interest enough in the news to borrow a neighbor s paper three times hut Who felt before akkifig a fourth time that they ! of-yo- ! TUESDAY MORNIN G 1 1 ‘ limekiln in the Ax Old Landuabk GoiNO—-Th- c 26th VTard is disappearing by degrees the rocks Tbx the northern part ©f tiij AfhcrC the ftlortnl oft n whtok things arooni ont ceremony the hts big blow was nor than la this city Mr Anson CU lost Aroet i barns and buildings ineacral 'of othen tofftoE some roughly handled and dripped-o- f licai tb or another Owners if vehicle on the'roki driveto and : passeng rs considered thesu particularly fortunate as long as- - thejr sad Vi conveyances mAiatai: ied ever tremulously: It U described as being siderabte of an acrobatic feat to keep one trsrcllcd tr sedtiou to Vf the in a wagon in that spite gvj'' pr Cree1 J gales f "l : 4 bridge of A gentleman in ia night from the a6rtin the storm of Sundaj and ' Monday made frSme Fences downhayiaf havoo with everythin KiiF c topless and not a part clc ofdust jeft on the vindnc j Lot Smith’s j Fnw ix tub XoTii-Ca- pt stock at Farmington vfa burped down bn Moth I :loon p night Some where about thirty tdns of LaJ consumed itjhight be thcjrork of an inccaiv-J- j a if so that customer pad better look opt STORx-- In their-cquilUbrim- at are being hsoled away and this old land mark by day snd oft times beacon by night promises to ass away from tiie sight and then something more sightly will doubtless arise on its ashes And ' debris AVe hope so t FROMisixq— Mf U B AVallace inform tu j Fix —After a couple of days o bluster cold the prospects for inaki ng the new Jordan daa - Wt-dr&ln hail snow Ice and everything uncomfortable-assocanal arc very good Thcrot appears to be ciated tuna Cot with a nor’ wester the sun came siderable interest token in the initler old 0 clear purr— T out sad strong yesterday Bat changeable of land on the bottomi affected signify thcir Yi great may be the rale for a week or two yet lingness to take their hare in the 'entcrpnzfl i Ax Old Friexd — Among the crowd of letters substantial names arc jeoraing in for the near jq! received yesterday was -- one faom oof old friend vey Though promise nd performance are not a j and fellow citizen AVm Bell Esq He had with identical as they should ' be it is gratifyinj v lnU his family returned from a visit tQ' Scotland and every lover of improvement to learn that the i ytrle Ticks' was still mindfal of his former acquaintance in ricultnral and man&ftictuHpg enterprise in qc Utah AVe should hot be snrprised to see his form tion is receiving attention fa' some degree cviThrew n tho tb commonltr with business its one merurate was ns the of best importance among again lie men ever in Salt Lake City ExrkCTED tuis Eviaiisu—Capt Know’s trahil Jtrosdcletl (dnirro Ou Mails Some folks think it very amusing tq be in this evening J The" good folks will kl yUnnrU" jtettilwM emigrants to get old mail matter and to look hack upon the doubt visit the — pelaines — J inthe States of and it later judge by past history Xot Cehtais— A frnd of onrs who Inspired formation Yes it to very amusing— no doubt of last week with hto eloqjucnce about protecting th 7riih Bniwu to mail now begins to feel very uncertain about to it but to business men it is duccdly-annoyi- ng that were sent two months be- vice on the Platte this winter lie saw glorj get letters y should have been answered at leasts eagles andstars awaiting the volunteer somewtor: fore and which ©iflct T' six weeks before they were received AVe hear of between this and heaven but the weather Ai LPrioJ spi numerous complaints and 'all' the consolation we cooled down ambitioq: ho hardly know he To lcco can give or take to ‘lo! tho poor Indian” Rush Valley “feet” are las good as a diamond lutjUwins We are jost abont tired of tIs kind of thing and ed Damascus blade j towards the Mr Indian feeb considerably as Mr tWhat a luxury it fnttst be to some peoples dnnmfloe Toddles did towards Mr Tliom-p-so- n In hricf xUnpl-this Indian interruption of our mails or rather grumble! ntuegs the white man’s scare “has plaj cd smash” with Jl 3 MORNING THURSDAY) everything Serfs ’ Gone to Boise — Ulf Florencd Bell leh I CutSs — With new subscriptions OlR stage yesterday monldg for Boise to fill & pr Mrs B is personally I Calls we are receiving constant for back numbers fessional engagement sant AVe regret still not without very agreeable and pic: of the lady and profession ranting some degree of pleasure that' we are unable to ally where favored whl a leading part in coined jGnurtK V supply the demands AVe had printed vhst ve is an excellent accessle in to any company a wish her reasonable-incsufficient S10 ti prosperous ngageinent to meet thought likely to be 110x12 rease la our circulation but the success of A Good Idea-N- ow that wood getting the enterprise has far exceeded our calculations mwa in the upper regions in egard and'evei7 Catiri and We are unable-tanpply a complete file of householder Wits are u idergoing tho 'Shbrpesir y bfck numbers of either the Dally or a an winter’s a of the process upon Ktrw supply quest! AY’hett wc therefore do not send files cotoplete I Idea kani to comes Chinaman V u good frqm Johij with new orders we wtoh our rubscribcrs to unk X Tti Johnny packsoddlcs hs donkey Virginia Qnti derstand that it to simply because w$i are unable puts two largo iron h oks on each side of the TVllM ' L lurle to do so saddle takes the paticn animal’on the mountain The Concert— Frofessor Thomas prom toes ris a piles upon him one or two- - hundred 'pounds d j i ots musical treat on Thursday evening AVe need some Wood from otherwise!: accessible jlacer nnilu I I I!'!' IN Ha back again to town fa n time Bring-onthmusic See his advertisement lou Hire tboK on two and a or thistle they’ll f Crn A Question—AVe have been repeatedly asked i things are getting plentiful around' how it occurs that certain- gentlemen down East Driej ilam to it that' !nohe of nor Cold GnirEiiY-lIo- w Temple Street are acquainted with the telegraBaer well-to-d- o AVe canto© men of busitu ss or leisure who can afphic news before it is published answer: perhaps somfcbody else can We will find ford their $300 carriage and their $300 span t draw it have treated tqeir families to the conit out— “you bet” venience and luxury of a vinery — a gIass-JionWEDNESDAY MOUN'ING 2 MO where may be grown ii perfection the choicest The Vikgin and’ ColobidoOh Monday after fniit of the vine which th world produces?- - Ti H I rw noon there waa a meeting at the Historian’s Office not a very pleasant and enjoyable thing for a fam' of persons called upon to assist the Southern Mis- ily to have from a rod 4r two of glasa covered sion The house was crowded and considerable ground a daily supply of tfifo Iriscioiw ffuit from AV interest was manifested in the enterprise of develJuly to Christmas at least in defiance nf Ark of Frost old Boreas and oping the resources of the southern portions thp whole feathered- tribe? ' I : the Territory the Excluding planting jthe winter burying and It was agreed that a large storehouse should be the spring uncovering all the labor cduld be per-- 1 built at the head of Navigation on the Colorado formed by the “w'omen folks’’ devotisg an h'oinr for the reception and storage ofkgoods Shares of occasionally leaving the j’lord” of the- house? the r p- 10 Uth ' $1000 were decided on and fifteen Were taken privilege of assisting fa the consumption m within a few minhtes Some of the merchants : would you thrusl upon the poor women “What k ' tl appeared rchdy to invest fa a cargo of goods to morq work than they already have to 'perform?1' C be brought up the Colorado and thus demonstrate Xo God forbid they hav plenty ©f that on hand P forthwith the practicability of that route for im- always in this section lut we would suggest a portation and for emigration light agreeable and to "Taan'y a most delightful li It is probable that workmen will bq on the site variation in their occupations leaving the “help” which may be selected and be at work upon the to do some of the other j Besides this would he building within a few’ weeks A determination healthful to the body enlivening to the spirits was also evinced to make settlements as hear to and otherwise profitable jto say nothing oL4he the point of debarkation as practicable laudable pride with whiclf the' “glide woman’Lbf" The shareholders in the storehouse will convene the house would present tel her famiiy-aCnguests at the Eagle Emporium East Temple Street on the tempting bnnehes of Mr own production And VL Thursday at 7 p m and the missionaries and per- we trust none of our readcU would hesitate arav sons called fa general will hold another meeting ment if 'able- to enddw ills wife' and dtfughtere r at the City Hall on Tuesday at 2 p m the Histo-fran’- a with such unexceptionable means of impaHiog Office having been found too small to ac sparkles to their eyes vigor and elasticity to their commodate them all steps bloom to their cheeks and elegant luxuries The missionaries now ready to start south are to their tables ' ' not eXpeeted to be hindered or retarded fa'their Tea ix —Capt AVm H Crosby with a small train arrangements by any further movements in this of goods for Godbe and Wpodmansee got in yescity bnt tor foOow ont the arrangements they ' ( terday j have already made ia— That Coxcekt Professor Thomas Is to be Helfixo Themselves — We perdeive that during all his glory this evening ini the Thirteenth AVard the past few days a number of our merchants and Rooms All Hail thon Queen' of Night other substantial men have been hitching np their Assembly the “Prize Glee’ if executed as 'he expects'' teams' and sending tlmm off fa the kauyons deterwill be agem and a perfopt treaV'fo the mnaio irf mined to haul their own ftul rather than pay the ind his wife and loving Everybody public moderate price of $30 for a half cord load of fir or should be there Comjerts don’t come ofieB ' pine In the race for big prices-periJap- s s e sie a § he who j Goixa to OrES—Yestercfay we “droppedla wins wilt lose eventually ' to'the store' of Walker Brothers and saw about s Retobted Sice— We learned with mhch' regret dozen clerks opening bales and boxes of newj the other day that the Hon Amasa M Lyman was' and Vsticking them onjthe shelves under thegoods very sick at Provo We hope to hear i oon of his counter behind the counter be In the wsreroom Convalescence lie is a gentleman highly esteem'1 hind the wareroom and about tbT warerooia ed by the citizens of Utah and for his speedy res- somewhere else choice selection of a hay© They toration to health many fervent prayers will he & i goods and splendid lot of stationery arvl school offered books They open i We leam with regret of the death of the ' a gentiemtoraiied uporf nr its 1 youngest child of the Hon L B Kinney U 8 ask43“ Yesterday line if that fa our i paper jthe day before alout i I Indian Agent now in tb Territory grumblers was devoted to 'him Of course we gar Who the man that wants to- bring' bee had no such aim The folk we cteedei t hives from California? will'ncyer read it ’ gi-Ca- ho ‘ u ic nlbrn - 1 7 HOME AFFAIRS r tervene between the present time and the national election and that momentous things may depend upon the success or failure of the military Operations' on the Jame3 in that brief I " period The desires resolution and tenacity of the North and the bpcspridc ail'd desperation of the South are cast into the contest before Richmond which may be expected to impart to it an extreme fierceness and intensity and y a determination on each side to achieve or nothing For tlie riext fortnight t len the telegrams may bd expected to be of most absorbing character i : row subscribe pay be intelligent and be hap- - MWMB ' I I - comparatively feeble condition of the enemy Then there to the fact that but a few days in- i - ' religioudj vastly benefitted by reading the news of the day v To live In the world without knowing the march of events to perpetual darkness How many a man plods iu obscurity through life little better than a beast of burthen’ a machine who might have been an ornament to society and a blcssirig to his kind had he only educated and developed the intellect that nature blessed him with- Bor- es t -- 3(5ceato beat quality 70 - NKW &OOK D REELEY'S t cento) In-de- ed V V-- ' t ! " Vi $10 00 copy) Pix Months i : f ji j 6 00 - : Three 350 Anj person!' Bending us ten subscriptions- sbaH receive s copy gratis t - ' r Nor to it to ba supposed that thb past few tofl cents factory 50 to CO cents spool cot-- weeks have been allowed to slip away by the rtuls lioilso rent four small Confederates without beingtaken advantage of by thotil in strengthening' and supplying roetti l0yfinunelUilding 030 per month lire? olka will ho Governof their army and means of defence ahd in moattheseat F ment of should pay for it It is some- toring their preparations for the shock i thenewreconnoissance of Grant have thing to baiRn the sunshine of Republican glory' A gllmpsSiktthe shadow of great men revealed that the enemy have not been idle of is worth ah extra 10 cfehts on coffee clash of arms ore as familiar as their daily meals- They jhave too' tho confidence arising EQUAL RIGHTS from saperior numbers exhaustless - 'sap-plif and the conviction of the reduced and Tlie wires inform us that Nevada is now a tttlE SEMlWEEKLY TELEGllAPn yi:i -- '$' ' fWPll A 5 ' u Bor-Dwi- ng : were rich enough-tpay for it for themselves --and cohid' afford it Aside from the personal interest that we have as a publisher in seeking ' subscribers we are satisfied that inen and women are in hveiy way socially morally intellectually and o 1 to-da- s 1 Sexi-Week- Semi-Week- ly ly ’ tp-pne- o Semi-Weekl- I 1 e don-keys- -- i - U se -- - - - - u - i ! -- - d - i'' - T -- - chil--dr- en J - I --- r — y 7 ! - ' I: I -- f - i - "v: A T : S iki p - - J - Jlt 1 - -- - i i 1 A j-- |