Show -- iJJg Page Three THE WEEKLY CARBONICLE Friday May 12 1950 K £ WlKHtlty IWe PickUpAilTe15irt By "JO the Schmoo” “Oh we are Schneider’s ators the Senators the Sena-ta- rs — yoiks! “We dood it! Won a nose! But wasn’t it fun — by Coed day always is you know We'tode ya’s so! Jeepers! "Graduation’’ only a week off— rumor (my best lil’ helper this year) has it that the dance will be Friday night Should be quite a deal too what with all the carefree seniors and sophomores turned loose at once in the same place and at the same time “Plan to attend now!” Oh goodie goodie! Yearbook yet! Tryna’ “get in the act” Jimmie? Well and did you ever see such cutie annuals? There's more to this yearbook editing than would meet the eye Ye fortunate (?) staff took off Wednesday to pick up their finished product and on the way took in a little swimming shopping and general good-timiHmmmmmm — EEEEEEEk there’s a bug on your back!”— “Quick save him for my zoo collection!” Or the common ailment among zoology Sen- ng See Us For Anything studes and Gets ing bugs times not-so-stu- des —huntNothing is free about freedom— interesting at wc all have to ' work for it Just can’t seem to find anything unordinary going on about which to babble into your shell-pin- k ears— must all be boning up for the final finals Who Swore!??? Last issue last column and last year for this kid Question— who’s to edit ye Carbonicle next year?— Well— Feel like a permanent fixture awreddy’! But its really been an experience and a half and my poor uncomplaining staff has done a whale of a job “Geez t’anks youse guys!” This is the end of 40-Last Carbonicle too All youse guys have been 'wit me And goin’ is makin' me blue! Best Wishes I to the “50" Class of Diamanti Cafe Helper Utah 50 Blue White and Gold That is! “Goom ’bye”— and “thirty”! There They Go! Spring registration was begun GRILL CAFE CHINESE DISHES FINEST AMERICAN AND the first of the week and should “IT’S THE FOOD AND be completed by today The same program will be carried out this year as in the past years The tenth grade students have completed their registration and the juniors started theirs SERVICE" Daniel Um Prop FOR GRADUATES GIVE in the Sports Line f We Have the Latest Be-B- op Records BUCK’S Sporting Goods Corona Remington or Royal Eastern Utah Office Equipment Co TYPEWRITER SAVOY HOTEL BUILDING SPECIALISTS PHONE 949 |