Show Page Four cut— He was forced to it But V E W F Bithell wasn’t cut what? Tom doesn't have to worry about the The Voluntary Electronics War current "windblown" look— fare Facilities (V E W F) under 'flow af We PcKUPAliWDii By "JO the Schmoo" "Wha’ Happen?" Omagosh! — Did you ever? and more of Weather-that-- is same—D’ya suppose? — here dawns another Coed-da- y with the usual amount of said weather usual number of So school days left and usual enthu- siasm the direction of the naval reserve Name cards and personality has been set up in the shop buildbooks are sprouting all over the ing place— won’t be long now The equipment that has been set up includes radar units sonar Latest rumor — gleaned from sets transmitter and receiving top source (another quaint hair sets also a portable transcribing cut-kihas it that ye’ Year- set and many more books will be in our pudgy lil The men working on this propaws about May 15 — whopcc ject are II D Christman leading radio mechanic Joseph P Jacobs m spring formal was quite radio mechanic Eugene Brennan Dinner and radio mechanic Hyrum Wright a the at dancing Country club no radio mechanic Ray Schnulbeck less — but it wasn't very "formal" radio mechanic Clarence Julian bandits— Rcgger Fred Drummer CarpenLolsa' fun! that is— ter William Cermak Felco engineers The above men arc under What to do? ? ? The music rivil service festival at Vernal proved very inJustin Olsen will head this deteresting— and very cm harassing partment as soon as the equipfor Charles Madsen Plumbing ment is finished facilities weren't up to much or Students hold classes every should we say down? Thursday nigh under the direction of Lieutenant Commander Now to flip off and get ready C L Frye for the next race— me and me lil broom— whoosh! The United Sates was the greatest candynproducing country in the world in 1948 Latins Go On d) Pi-Ga- blow-out-qu- itc One-arm- ed The limping Lulus and Larrys apparent of late this week are results of the Geology field trips up Rock and Provo canyons ming at too Friday May 5 1950 THE WEEKLY CARBONICLE Park-Ro-S- he Swim- was fun Seniors are next in line for a trek-th- e annual trip to American Fork "Very warm for May" Ha Last Friday crackers and cheese —this week turkey dinner— the turkey shore was good Gus— a Spree Both first and second year Latin classes met in Hamburger Flats Flash I ! near Hiawatha Wednesday April After using Breck Rayve and 26 for a picnic A delightful other various and assorted sham- time was had by all Food conpoos to no avail Prexy Jones fin- sisted of humburger steak fried ally broke down and had a hair potatoes olives pickles salad rolls spudnuts and pop Mrs Jones was general chairman The climax of the day was a rousing game of soft ball which the first year Latins won 11-from the second year Latins fun-pack- 10 ed |