Show THE WEEKLY CARBONICLE Page Two TIME MARCHES ON! lutely childish completely uncfeebleunprovoked minded actions? No because they are so simple-mindthey have no sense of anything that is decent or good They like Hitler and his henchmen understand only the power of brute force — all brawn and no brain Carbon has had a long hard pull to come up from the depths just such groups as these have put us into in the past Arc we going to stand idly by and let such asinine fools cause us degradation and the contempt of all other schools in the state? Do we lack the “intestinal fortitude” to do something about this? This kind of thing never stops of its own volition We must treat it in the only manner open to its low comprehension— force It's high time something is being alled-for EDITOR ed Dear Editor: When the school gets to the point where deccrjt fellows can't have an upright clean organization representative of all that American athletics have always stood for and should stand for it's a pretty mucky mess We have in this school a situation that is worse than that which could happen in any public school Why a few ignoramuses of the worst order arc allowed to take over an organization that has always stood for something line and wonderful is completely beyond our comprehension arid that of the majority of Carbonitcs Can't these dopes feel the contempt the absolute degradory attitude of others for their absor STAFF Editor Associate Editor Advertising Stanley Barras Richard Saccamano Editors Lewis Nielsen Blair Walklnglon Sports Ann Kariharis Evangeline Flatls Society Editors Carmen Aguirre Lucille Jorgensen Rewrite Feature Reporters— Jeannine Clark Mary Hardy Bernice Johnson Alice Robles Theodora Karras Jack Stevenson Exchange Alex Markakls Nick Zumadakls Photographers Reporters— Jolene Bryner Laura Martin Norman Jones Ron a 14 1948 Inquiring Reporter Another school year is over another year of our lives has faded out of sight Are you satisfied with your work? Have you taken all the opportunities that were before you and used them to the greatest possible advantage? Some without hesitation will answer yes Others would probably ask “what were some of the opportunities I had this year?” First the academic part of a school which is certainly the most important division for a chance to improve Second clubs are the best outlets for school spirit as well as the individual abilities of the students They promote growth leadership and school improvement Third athletics form a large part of the school program They teach coordinataion character and the ability to get along with other students in team and individual play SiK'ech activities could be the fourth opportunity at Carbon Dramatics singing band and radio broadcasting form a few of the many available courses Fifth student publications are sources of great interest to many students Work on the yearbook paper and literary magazine constitute an opportunity for advancement of the individual The above named are just a few of the many opportunities Did you try to better yourself and Carbon by entering into any of these activities? --C’mon students let’s look to the future and see if we can’t make Carbon a better college Many things have to be done of which we are all quite aware but these problems could be remedied by actual school participation of all students By making yourself useful to Carbon you make Carbon useful to yourself DAVE FORSYTH LETTERS TO THE Friday May By HARDY A JOHNSON Sophomores and seniors how does it seem to be graduating Reid rowell: “I’ll tell you there’s nothing like it It’s wonderful You have that free sooth- Oh you know” Janet Carr: “Scrumptuous— Thought I'd never make it” Toy Atwood: "I don't want to answer it Tell you the night af- ing feeling ter I graduate" Ramona Harrison: "It's wonder- ful" "It's a great honor a group of fine such to be among upstanding citizens of such a fine school It gives one a remarkable feeling of freedom” Edna Borla: "It's an honor to graduate from Carbon college I feel great to be graduating but I sure will miss the school" Dick Baker: done It's a pretty mess when people can't even have decent citizens in school— the world is in its present terrible state because of just such fools and their moronic actions The whole mess is a disgrace to the school and a deplorable situation for those few decent fellows who do try to maintain the high standard the name “Lettermen” has always stood for Never before have barbaric actions been allowed why start now? Why let us few imbccilic characters ruin our reputation-d- rag us as a school down to their level because of their stupidity? Something needs to be done forcibly finally and now! Disgusted Carbonites Your Carbonite Staff VOGUE DRY GOODS Your Friendly Store HELPER UTAH |