Show DATE turnabout set DEC 12 4e J C FORENSIC MEET AT CARBON Theme Kept as 11th Hour Surprise A W S 4 Carbon Volume 13 v College Carbon College December 5 1947 Jean Juliano Takes D A R Contest Thacker Rowley in Runnerup Spots Look out boys! The annual Preference Ball sponsored by the A W S held December 12 at the College gym is well under way Arrangements for the dance are under the supervision of Mrs Bess Jones and the following members of the council: Arlene Thomas Jean Thomas vice president president JoAnn McAllister secNumber 3 retary and representatives: Bobbie McGowan Helen Mele Nan Leonard Patsy Burdick Colleen Helstcn Pearl Oliver and Goldie Marakis Dance chairman is David Fau-se- tt who is in charge of decorations Petite Jean Juliano president of the Junior class won the D A R essay contest which was held in the "Little Theater” Thursday November 13 The six finalists who were chosen by the school Judges to compete for the three top places were: Janet Deckel Patsy Burdick Helen Thacker Jean Row-le- y Arlene Wilson and Jean Juli-an- o Theme of this formal dance is to be kept secret until the night of the Preference Ball but it will have something to do with Christ- fi rk’ V Taking second and third places were Helen Thacker and Jean Rowley PIGSKIN STARS TO BE FETED BY EAGLETTES The Carbon College Golden Eagles will receive the honors and credit they so richly deserve for taking th Intermountain Junior College championship this year On December 9 7:30 in the school cafeteria It is the first banquet of its type to be held for college footTop picture: Benny Richardson popular senior student contemball players It is hoped that this event as plates his fate at the Annual Preference Ball as "lucky” girls will become an annual Barbara Campbell Lois Larsen La Dona Richmond and Char-maithe players are very deserving of Hill look on its significance Bottom picture: Judd Killpack general chairman announced the The banquet is under the sponof the Junior College Forensic meet as follows: Dick committee sorship of the members of the Scow awards lone Conover registration Norma Anderson banEaglette and the Quarterback Judd quets Killpack John Daskalos debates and Maxine Vuk-siniClubs who have a deep interest invitations in the football players Club Although the Quarterback is helping sponsor the banquet it On is up to the girls of the Eaglette Club to make all of the arrangements and preparations One of the tasks and privileges of the girls is to write a toast At the present time plans are named to handle arrangements dedicated to a certain player that underway for the Junior College for the various phases Committee they have chosen to honor Forensic meet which is to be held chairmen are as follows: Judd at Carbon Feb 13 and 14 under Killpack general chairman Northe sponsorship of the Interna- ma Anderson banquets and luncheons lone Conover registra club tional Relations A Face Carbon College was selected as tion Dick Scow awards John es George a new flag the site of the Forensic meet at Daskalos debates Feeling a need for reservations and Maxine for the Caarbonicle the staff is the recent goodwill meeting held Vuksinlck invitations to two dollars at Mesa Junior College Student offering a prize of A best request has been made by the the person who draws the body president Judd Killpack now being was very instrumental in securing general committee that as many flag to replace the one used the meet which may become an students as possible open their homes to the visiting students in The present "Old English” flag annual affair was drawn by Henry Clavel in There will be approximately order to cut expenses to a mini1944 The staff decided that a sixteen Jnulor colleges in attend- mum This will enable more stumore modern flag was needed for ance from Colorado Wyoming dents to participate in the meet a more modem paper All those and Utah At this meet will be and thus make it a big success If anyone feels that he can take who would like to enter the con- team debates extemporaneous care of one or more students will test are asked to submit their and orations he please contact Van Perkins drawings to Mr Ballard before speaking Several committees have been 'George Babotes or Mr Ballard December 19 ne JEAN JULIANO The girls were dressed in for mals and delivered their essays from the stage of the little theater to an audience of three Judges Edward Sheya and John Ruggeri from Price and William Vaughn from Helper and fifty of the D A R members Saturday the three finalists read their essays over Station KOAL The title of Miss Juliano's essay was "Molly Pitcher” a story of the Revolutionary heroine who fought along with the men against the British Helen Thacker's essay was mi the "National Anthem and Its Author” Jean Rowley delivered "Democracy in the Colonies” The girls also read their essays in the Price Civic auditorium to the Women’s club under the direction of Mrs Orson Guyman Thursday night November 20 at 7:30 mas Most preferred men from the lower and upper division will be revealed at the ball and the two will receive gifts The Preference Ball is sponsored every year by the Associated Women Students to give every girl a chance to go out with the boy she prefers A list of four boys are handed in and from this the council figures it out so that all the girls will get one of the four she preferred Every preferred boy is given an invitation with the name of the girl who he is to ask to the dance If they are unable to attend the dance he is to notify Mrs Bess Jones so that she can make other arrangements for the girl The dance will begin at 9:00 p m and invitations should be presented at the door Music will be furnished by Jimmy Dart and his orchestra PEP-SENAT- SET E ck College Debate Teams to Clash Federal World Government Question Carbonicle Gets Lifting Ba-bot- BANQUET FOR GRID TEAM te annual formal banquet will be held at the college cafeteria with John Jones and Barbara McGowan presiding Guest speakers will be Dr Hubbard Dr Jones Mr Stubby Petersen Judd Killpack and the coaches Summerhays and Garrett and Clarke Neil-se- n and Duane Quinn There will be approximately 220 persons attending The banquet will begin at 7:30 p m and the program consists of various m u si c a 1 entertainments Each football player will be toasted by a member uf the Pep club during the banquet Theme of this banquet 'Will be "Football” with a large floral football as center piece These banquets are held annually by the Pep and Senate clubs in the honor of the Carbon Lower Division football team Twenty-thir- d Pep-Sena- ins |