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Show - RLY 19 : | _BoryGin ite : PAGE 4 3 Public Hearings Scheduled for July 5th Agent, said he did not know AGRICULTURE PROTECTION AREA Beaver - Commissioners County will hear public comment next week on the advisability of adopting an ordinance to establish "Agricultural ’ Protection Areas" within the - county. _ Senate Bill No. 227, introduced by Senator Leonard Blackham (Rep. District 28) and passed in the 1994 General Session of the Legislature, provided the means for setting areas" up in how much agriculture land had suffered encroachment in the past few years. "Areas along the Wasatch . Front have lost 10 to 20 percent of their farm ground in the past five years. It hasn't been a problem here yet,” he said. At least one | commissioner, Gary | Sullivan, plans to be informed and__ prepared before the hearing. He has a Thursday appointment with Rick Wyss at the Attorney "protection individual counties. The act General's Office in Salt Lake City. "I would just like to _ affects selected sections 17- be sure I understand the finer points of the legislation before the hearing," he said. Sullivan, a farmer himself, is interested in protection for the industry, but not at the expense of quality of life for other factions in the county. "I don't want to see a 41-101 through 17-41-404 of the Utah Code. Warren Peterson, -.- attorney for - Farms, addressed __ the Circle -.. Commissioners Four regarding establish another board, — which might limit the authority of elected commissioners, to either regulate or protect the industry in the county. Whitney, Mark Commission County Precinct A candidate in who will oppose Sullivan in November, would like to read Ordinance No. 94-03 before making a comment. "It sounds like it would protect both property buyers and the agriculture industry. I would just like to see the criteria associated with the actual ordinance before committing," he said. General procedure requires placing _ the Ordinance, after it has been ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF BEAVER COUNTY, UTAH ENACTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF BEAVER COUNTY, 1989, TO ESTABLISH AN AGRICULTURE PROTECTION AREA ADVISORY BOARD, CREATE AGRICULTURE PROTECTION AREAS, PROVIDING FOR FILING FEES AND ENACTING OTHER AMENDMENTS. [The “Board A. The code Beaver County. discussed the time logistics involved in having the draft ready for the July 5 hearing. "The purpose of the hearing individuals visit the Farmer John hog operation near Snowflake. He expressed interest in viewing their production system, including lagoons and disposing of dead animals. "I would like to considering a property purchase would have access talk with the people who live there and determine to recorded information labeling an area as a "protected" agricultural area. Being forewarned that their reaction after two years of dealing with the , company," Sullivan said. Bill Dalton, Dalton Farms, is involved in a general farming and cattle operation which includes growing, cubing, and shipping hay, plus raising set fees by Resolution. The Ordinance would be added as a chapter in the County Agricultural Ordinances. livestock through to the feedlot or finishing stage. EDITOR'S NOTE: comments Adopting for - concerning "Ordinance No. 94-03; ° According to . Blackham, the spirit of the legislation is to residential. prevent development - from encroaching _ into agricultural areas... and shutting down production. Consequently, the primary land use is dedicated to agriculture would prevent nuisance suits for activities related to the sound practice of that industry. "Protection area "status would allow no more latitude than current laws. It would just provide the agriculture industry with a higher barrier __ against nuisance law suits," he said. Mark Nelson, Utah State University Extension concentration in any one area if it is going to create a "We operate a stationary cuber. There is no way we can eliminate dust from the process - close neighbors might complain," Dalton said. However, questioned the need he to draft, of said the he ordinance and Kanell is to put the ordinance before the public for comment. Mr. Kanell can be a part of the public," Peterson said. Peterson added that the Ordinance simply provides for the County to have agriculture protection - areas, establish a board, and Mr. Peterson provided of MANUFACTURED AND MODULAR HOUSING Beaver Housing Ordinance. Ordinances of The homes must be County , 1989 (Ordinance No. 89-03) in order to establish a comprehensive of ordinances B. a 94-03 for Dodge City News. The copy is being printed as a public service before the hearing for readers who have expressed concerns. built in accordance with U. S. Department of Housing Beaver The ~ for and Urban Development standards, located on lots zoned for single family © dwellings, and meet FHAVA, Utah (continued on page 9) LOT WIDTH IN AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS be placed on a permanent Compliance with all existing zoning requirements; Constructed Ordinance. The proposed amendment would allow the dimension; 2 : 7-1-76; Be multi- sectional or multimodular; Width shall face side yards, not the street to which the - Structure is addressed; exterior Conventiona. ¥ = ] covering; Minimum of 3-12 logistically possible _ to maintain’ the currently "We specified lot width. didn't realize that it wouldn't work when the ordinance after Minimum width of 24' with width being the smallest Craig Davis, County Planning and Zoning Director, said it was not ‘ Be compatible with other existing structures; Insignia of approval by HUD; public comment concerning amending Section 10.17.050 for the County Zoning © equivalent, foundation; Running gear must be removed; At 2:30 p.m. the Commissioners will hear ° or financing standards. Conditions for issuance of a building permit include: — Manufactured houses must minimum width of lots in Agricultural Districts to be reduced to 300'. Currently A-5 lots must be 500'. A-10 lots - 600'; A-20 lots 1,000. : copy of ORDINANCE NO. At 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5, the Board of County Commissioners will hear public commentconcerning the adoption of a Manufactured and Modular Commission the Revised author set flexibility in design, and to create lots that make sense without disturbing mountainous terrain. Commission"), declares the problem," he said. Sullivan also plans to _ Subsequently, a hearing was of the change is to allow following as part of the basis for adopting this ordinance: _ County adopted he said. Larry Sower, who is also involved in county planning, said the purpose _ legislative body of Beaver County (referred to herein as the "Beaver County review through the County Courthouse. However, County Attorney Leo Kanell will not return from vacation until July 5, the day of the. hearing. (Warren) Peterson, the legislation during ‘their — June 6 meeting. it into practice, it wasn't realistic," Commissioners of Beaver County, Utah, as the drafted or reviewed by the County Attomey, for public was drawn up. We put it computer two through programs, and it looked good. When we tried to put NO. 94-03 a pitch on roof; 8" eave; Appendages conform to applicable codes; Permanent utility connection with two hose bibbs. The house will subsequently be taxed as real property. |