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Show ' f THE BULLETIN it it it it It 7heJHcttlVko-0-6- STAR DUST it Tales and it fram American it it it Political HANK Bj VIRGINIA VALE OE E. BROWN has been hav ELMO J ing a grand time William Powell has sold his orwith the gold door knobs and is living in simpler quarters. Those nate home rumors of a romance between him and Jean Harlow but persist apparently everybody whos unattached wants to marry him nowadays, and that includes girls whove never even seen him, except on the screen. ly, IncidentalPowell is re- one of the most skillful and talent- ed members of the profession a tribute which is justly deserved. Bob Bums (dont tell me you havent heard him and his basooka on the Bing Crosby broadcasts!) Is having honors heaped upon him. He worked In Rhythm on the Range" with Bing, so the pictures premiere was staged in Little Rock, Ark., because Bob hails from the Ozarks. Once upon a time The Revelers were the most popular quartette on the air. From time to time one of the sweet singers would drop out and make a name for himself all alone Jimmy Melton was one who 'did it, Frank Luther was another but somebody else would step in and the result would still be swell. You dont hear so much about them as you used to, but theyre still on the air, at 6:35 afternoons and they're still one of the best. ORIGINAL pic- every-wher- Chamber of Commerce of that city is still trying to get Metro to take out earthquake wise- scenes! Very ly, Metro is refuslots of people ing go to see the picture especially to see them. The picture has added to the popular Clark Gables following and has demonstrated again that he has a great deal of versatility as an actor. t . . . Remember Baby Peggy"f She a big girl bow. under her making i screen come-bac- k whole name, Margaret Montgomery, and you'll tee her in a mall part in Girl Dormitory" . . . Ginger Roger had a birthday party recently . with tiny dancing representing herself and Fred figure Astaire on top of the cake . . . String Time'1 i finished Fred mil go lo England with his tcifa and son or a tarution, end Ginger hope to lakea in llmraii before alerting MothIt look a if er Carer' Chicken" that f,ifl00fi00 suit which Paramount hat brought against Samuel Goldwyn for sign-a ing Cary Cooper must possiblycan be ugn . Surely Gary jm Itl icily stunt he. . want lo when hit preswith anybody Tower of ent contract expire . . - The I.tmdon H'as tha scene of tha ptovtpa of "Sine Day a Quern" an tngitsh picture based on the story of Lady Jena Grey. Union. n ... O Weelere Newepeper Tha Body of Benjamin Vranklln, Printer, (Like the cover of on old book, lie contents torn out. And atrlpt of its letterlns and (tiding.) Lies food for worms: Washington. President Roosevelt does not limit the workers wholly Yet the work itself shell not bo lost, rerestricsuch to relief. a In on courses making For It will (as ha balleved) appear again has changed once more. lief. This time he tion as the President has done, it Tries G. O. P. has launched an is held in some quarters that there In new and more beautiful edition, Corrected end Ameoded by will not be too many communities Relief Plan experiment The Author. becomes most sig- able to take advantage of the fresh Franklin at the age of twenty-thre- e nificant and interesting because he federal funds. The reason for this is trying out in a small way the is that particularly in the smaller wrote that for bis own gravestone. But very heart of the relief proposal communities there is not a great the Idea wasnt original with him. lie contained in the Republican plat- amount of skilled labor. This com- "Irorrowed It from one of two sources. of small proportion In 1681 Rev. Joseph Capen suggested form. paratively Without any ballyhoo or any de- skilled labor, comparatively small an an appropriate epitaph for John Fostailed statement, the President has when measured against the amount ter, who had act up the flrat printing of common labor, or unskilled press in Massachusetts, one which likallocated $22,700,000 of Works Administration funds for use labor, available makes it impos- - ened the printers body to an old almaln direct grants to states and has sible in a good many instances for nac, for the present only's out of date" laid down a formula for use of this the smaller communities to obtain and predicted at the resurrection we shall see a fair edition . . . free money that takes it into the same money, The situation is simply this: in from errata, new In Heaven set forth." category as the Republican plan. But the one which Franklin more The President took this action per- the construction of sewage and sonally. He has not only prescribed I water systems and most other con- likely copied was written by Benjamin the conditions under which the struction Jobs, there is more skilled j Woodbridge, s member of the first grants will be made but has laid labor required than will be avail- - graduating clans of Harvard college, down rules for PWA which will, in able in the communities where it was for some unknown friend In effect, bring to his attention any these public works are to be un- - j which he waa compared to a living, completed arrangements involving dertaken. Further, with the pick breathing Bible and declared that: up in industry, however small it these funds. When In a mw edition, hi cornu forthl may yet be, the skilled artisan has Without the The program provides that orrnta may wo think holl be. has more to than chances get jobs federal government will bear 45 per. In lea vee and covera of eternity! In common laborer. addition, cent of the cost, a municipality or the I think it can be fairly said that a This waa printed In Cotton Mathers county contributing the other 55 per skilled worker is of the type to be Magnolia Christl Americana" and cent out of its own funds, and before the allocation is made definite- among the last to go on relief rolls. Franklins early life was greatly InfluIn event, he will not go on enced by the writings of that famous ly, the municipality or county re- the any rolls until there is no Puritan clergyman. relief emto must agree ceiving the funds He is able to other alternative. As a matter of fact neither Capen's ploy 100 per cent relief labor. of pay nor Woodbrldge's Idea was original. a rate earn much higher In this manner, the need for reis available to him as a relief Both probably "borrowed from a still lief becomes the measuring stick. than dole and naturally is not content earlier epitaph which was engraved on If the local community is unable to remain on the relief rolls longer the tomb of Jacob Tonsen, a London to supply only unskilled labor from than is contained refers bookseller and which necessary. absolutely of the relief rolls and the project trouble In this direction to ences the then, test in his life original construction planned for the commay lie. Possibly some communi- and " a new edition in the future. skilled of use the munity requires ties will be guilty of seeking to inlabor, it does not get the money. duce skilled workers to go on relie! Coincidence of time rolls for a sufficient YOU believe that a cow started the in the category of this new expert- - to enable them to length out an carry great Chicago tire in 1871, then you ment include a great many worth-- 1 agreement to employ only relief la- can also believe that a little negro while construction jobs such a bor. This is regrettable possibil- boxer started the San Francisco earthschool houses, sewage systems and but is a very real one. In 1906. Deacon Jonea was water systems. The things pro- ityIn allit fairness to the President, quake posed, therefore, may be said to b'e I think it must be said that he is his name and when he was In his cups, which was he was quarrelof permanent value and to that exon a method to reach some and frequent, scrappy the whole 105 tent represent a veering by the proceeding that communities and of him. President to the theory which Sec- hitherto have been unemployed rather like step- pounds On of the the of morning of April 18, 1900, Ickes Department retary relief projects he children. The Into "The Tip, a famous staggered Interior always has held, namely, under the former big PWA system, and owned by Tim McGrath, end barroom that if federal funds are expended the Harry Hopkins method of handrink. The bartender, they should be used in the construc- dling relief in some way or other demanded his condition, refused to serve tion and maintenance of permanent have seeing managed to be concentrated him. Improvements. ii, the great cities. While some perDeacon" persisted In his demand sons may be unkind enough to say and refused beAlthough the general idea of this that tiie President is expanding his cameupon being repeatedly he seized very angry. Finally new experiment in relief, new to g machine to the small the New Deal, was communities, it nevertheless re- the bar rail and shouted White boy, pull yo bar down If yo don Handled, practically forced mains as fact that the system Ie gwlne me dat drink I Refused again, he ge therPresident upon now undertaken will let some relief Locally to shake the bar. by the necessity of dribble down to those who have not began at that moment came the first Just the present relief mess, it neverthe- - had it before. In any event, since the historic shock of which earthquake less represents a return to a method it is the Republican proposal and most of Son Frannot only destroyed .of students New many out by the long regarded it is being tried by the problem as the only way in Deal, it is an experiment very well cisco hot "The Tip as well "Deacon" was buried under a pile of broken which relief funds can be properly worth watching. bottles and other debris that tumbled handled. It places back in the hands from the shelves. of of local communities the task The nations of the world find A moment later he dug himself out looking after their own destitute and themselves in one of those peculiar sober and repentant. charity cases. The federal governand almost humor-Quirk- s of the wreckage ment contributes a share of the of . ous situations that Looking up Into the face of the scared bartender be said: funds, of course, but it does not boss Diplomacy can develop only riease tell Mr. McGrath I'm sorry the job as has been the practice unfrom the queer such a disturbance I" caused der Harry Hopkins and his Works I not roll-cal- long. ENDS er er listen-ers-i- AMD R er Therell be excitement on the sir waves in September, when Major Bowes and his amateurs go into action at the same time as the "'Showboat" broadcasts. Nobodys sure which program the great pubn lic will prefer some say the are getting tired of ima tears, and others claim that "Showboat has been sailing too ODDS STEAM-ROLLE- steam-rollmay not cover ground with the speed of an antelope, but it gets there just the same. tactiFirst of the steam-rollcians to appear on the American political scene was the illustrious Marcus A Hanna of Ohio, whose effective maneuvering behind the scenes still serve as an outstanding lesson in the political primer. Steam-rollmethods of attaining the objective, which in this case was the nomination of William McKinley for President, were first utilized by Mark Hanna in the Republican convention of 1896. And they succeeded. Hanna had observed the amazing switch of delegates to James A. Garfield in 1880 when the latter was earnestly and honestly pleading the cause of John Sherman of Ohio. Sherman tried again in 1888, this time employing McKinlej as his convention manager. At one stage of the proceedings, the report spread that if McKinley would say the word the strength of the delegates would be thrown to him. He promptly put an end to the movement, his vigorous interl, for he alruption of the ready had received a vote, ending No dele with a demand that: gate who would not cast reflection upon me shall cast a ballot for me. Hanna was impressed, as were many others. From that day he moved his support from Sherman, who had been defeated three times, and began to groom McKinley for the presidency. The opportunity came in 1896. When the convention met, only delegates were seated. regular The national committee o.k.d them,, one by one, by the vote of 35 to 15. And it just happened they all were McKinley men. Newspaper reports of the times describe the proceedings as a farce. But at any rate they were successful for McKinleys principal opponent was courting the southern vote, ipany of whom could not prove an unbroken chain of party fealty, and therefore were not seated. The result was an outstanding majority for McKinley on the first ballot, Thomas B. Reed of Maine running a tired second, flattened under the weight of the original steam-rolle- r, today an accepted national our of politics part pHE Cowboys have for years been known as devoted fans when Western pictures are shown, a fact which puzzled one motion picture executive so much that he questioned some of them about it. He wanted to know whether they went because the pictures were so much like their own life. Oh, no, they aint like our life at all," one of them explained. We go because maybe we think thats the way other 'cowboys go on. -- SCOn WATSON anti-clma- Apparently nobodys happy any snore until theyve seen Hollywood. Young John Jacob Astor and his wife are the latest recruits of note; they are on their way to the film metropolis in a private car. the PKRUAP8 the most famous epitaph history is this: g, garded by actors everywhere as San Francisco" is a grand ture, and is making money its( shown, especially in San Francisco. Yet the Epitaph E. HAGEN SPEECH OF NOMINATION 1 OST of the reason for the title 1 1 of these little stories The Man Who is supplied by the orators at political conventions who place the name of candidates in nomination. Today from the loudspeakers come to most of us convincing talks, startlingly free of modesty, which extol the virtues of this favorite son or that one s his name is placed before convention delegates. But the most successful of these nominating speeches occurred long before static was a household word. It was made in Chicago at the Republican convention of 1880 by James A. Garfield, and made honestly, in behalf of the nomination of John Sherman. Its net result was that Sherman failed to win the nomination but Garfield succeeded. So that Garfield, later a martyred President, actually is the man who nominated himself. Here is how it happened. President Hayes had pledged himself not to be a candidate. When the convention opened it was plain that great efforts would be made to nominate General Grant for a third term. James G. Blaine was a formidable candidate but Grant had been presented in a glowing burst of oratory from Roscoe Conk-lina bitter enemy of Blaine. Garfields speech in behalf of Slierman followed Conkling's effort. Instead of qualifyng merely as an x it is described by those who were there as an outstanding oratorical triumph. Grant, Blaine, Sherman, George F. Edmunds, Elihu B. Washburne and William Windom divided the votes until the thirty-fourt- h ballot. Then Garfield, whose speech still resounded in the minds of the delegates, received 17 votes. He immediately took the floor and protested that he was there only in the interests of Sherman, whose candidacy he managed. He was ruled out of order. On the next ballot his strength had increased to 50 votes. Chi the thirty-sixt- h ballot, with 399 votes, he received the nomination which his epochal speech had asked for another man. 1935. still By Elmo Scott Watson Hutory A for himself his With latest 'lately. picture, Earthworm Tractor," welcomed by the public as one of the funniest hes ever made, he started off on a vacation. Being a rabid baseball fan, he took in a few games when he reached the East enroute to Europe. In New York he went to a double-heade- r between the Yankees and the St. Louis Browns, and presented to that sensational new Yankee outfielder, Joe DiMaggio, the award for being the most valuable player in the Coast league in o Curiosa Americans Traditions it it it Radio JMovie ' 0 WHdri Nawspspsr Union. Little Things Life and death, Little things! prosperity and ruin, happiness and misery, hang upon little things; to the they are like the linch-pi- n wheel, on which depends the safety of the vehicle; they are like the rudder to the vast mass which it guides; like the slender nerves to the hollow muscles Loquacious Elmer "Elmer Elmer, do you lov me?" Do you think You bet." t that Public J Read 1 One Mast Mrs. Simpton Daughter, 1st me impress upon you that yon should never let a man kiss you. How perfectly silly, Dorothy mamma. You certainly wouldnt want me to have to do all ths kissing, would you? Enough in One Theres one thing I like about that boy of yours, Jones." said Smith, after he had patiently listened to the latest achievement of the child. Whats that? father. He said the fond Isnt a twin." EVEN A WORM Tom Fish Careful, Ed, Ivt heard that worms turn on you. You Guess It parson had taken for his text at his young mens class the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. In conclusion, ha said: Now, you young men, which would you prefer? The five wise virgins with the light, or the five foolish virgins in the dark?" The vote was unanimous. A young I j The Brute Miss Modern (to judge): Not only did he break my heart and wreck my life, but he messed up my entire evening." The Conquest Im the happiest woman In the world. Im marrying the man X want." Oh, thats nothing. True hap piness comes to a girl who marries the man somebody else wants! It and Wonder TAYLOR Rub Cuticura Ointment Into scalp-l- eave overnight then wash with rick lathering, medicated Cuticura Soapw Helps clear out dandruff, relieves itchy scalp and promotes lustrous hair growth. Start the Cuticura treatment today. FREE Sample write "Cuticura Dept 32, Malden, Mass. thyme Use eb its imp lean on scent (bear. ; Gnome attar, Anna Ilea align; NtloB mlc lander verse says knot, I How Airon'witM'dem'Lntiiot!1 slo But when they rend It again and aloud they found it was: WEALTH AND HEALTH 1 Good heslthand success go tngether.Dont handicap yourself get rid of s sluggish, acid condition with tastyMilnesia. ths original milk of magnesia in wafer form. Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonfuls milk of magnesia. Neutralizer acids and gives you pleasant elimination. 20c, 35c & 60c lizeSL A POEM When first you ucsn this silly rhyms To try to msko ths meaning clear. You think twouid but bo wasting liras You say it's simply sonaenss sbssr. I an-ma- . ; ... xy, shun my slender veraee For cryptlo poetry like mine, not, Howiar unwieldy, means a lot. 0 Western WNU W 34-- 46 Mewipspsr Union. I . I I I poli-mea- 1 I I START OF RED CROSS An International conference met in Geneva, Switzerland, In 1804 to devise a code of hospital and ambulance rules and safeguard for use In warfare. The Red Cross societies are the outgrowth of this convention. A symbol and flag were needed to mark hospitals ambulances and the persons carrying on thla sort of work. Tha flag of Switzerland Is red with a white cross. ' As a compliment to the nation In which the conference waa being held. It was decided' to adopt as tha International relief symbol this same device with the colore reversed a red cross on a white Held. The cross, therefore, la heraldic rather than religious In origin, and It has never had any religions significance ao far as the Red Cross organization era concerned. rtO you suffer burning, scanty ot frequent urination backache, headache, dizziness, losa of energy, leg pains, swellings and puffincss under the eyes? Are you tired, new ous fed all unstrung and dont know what ii wrong? Then give some thought to your oJ too I kidneys. He sure they function properly for functional kidney disorder per mits excess waste to stay in the blood, and to poison and upset the whole system. Use Doans Fills. Doan's are for the kidneys only. They are recommended fee world over. You can get the gend Doans at any drug uine, store. time-teste- mmm .! . ape owi em when fur stews can this lit ear rm Toot rye tomb ache theme een ink leer, Toutn inked wood butt bee way .tins . I w Oh, Elmer, you say the nicest things. Tell me some more.' Is famous as the of the score for the opera The King's Henchman" and as one of the country's leading authorities on music. But back In 1912 his name meant aomethlng else that of a writer of amusing oddities In verse. For instance, readers of tlie Century magazine must have rubbed their eyes when they read over his signature this: JF.EMS beautiful?" "Uh-huh- ." a quirks of diplomacy. It has progressed far enough yet for anyone to say what the outcome of this new diplomatic situation will be but it is not devoid, nevertheboth from the less, of the Republican proposal for han- serious possibilities as well as the humorous dling federal relief. The Republi- side. federal can platform calls for It may have escaped general grants in aid to the states and, ter ce that, under Mussolinis or- der8 Kn Victor Emanuel is now, T;ihiethr!!drnlftfnT1Xn not only kin of Italy but he ta tha ah5 emperor, of Ethiopia. He was burden to be provided from the rev- immediately AnlS new u. enues of states and local hordes of the after I conquering admin- - Julians had held their meats, au engaged in relief EjV; triumphant istration to be selected on the basis march Rome andf as far as Mus- iff merit and fitness; adequate pro- - concerned, had Wasvisions to be made for the encour- - gone out of existence, Ethiopia a dead na-agement of those persons who are jon trying to become Despite the fact that Mussolini I hear much discussion around would like to have Emperor Haile; Washington that the Presidents ex--1 Selassie known only as a plain Mr. periment meets the Republican Tafari, most of the nations of the program in every way except as world still are compelled, through to the second provision which re-- treaty agreement, foreign policy lates to the selection cf the adminis-- 1 or plain desire to consider that Mr. trative personnel upon the basis Tafari still has the title of emperor of merit and fitness." There are of Ethiopia which he and his who believe Mr. Roosevelt cestors so long bore. has reached the conclusion that There is, however, this circum- there is considerable merit in the stance: since no nation has extend-- , contention that unless steps are ed formal recognition to Italy as taken to get relief of the unem- embracing Ethiopia, no diplomat ployed back into the local com- - can be formally received in that muni ties, it will become an unwork - capacity. For example, the new able monster, a Frankenstein. Italian ambassador to the United On the other hand, some of the states will come to' Washington as bitter critics of the Roosevelt ad-- the 'plenipotentiary of the king of ministration are contending that Italy and emperor of Ethiopia but Mr. Roosevelt seeks to try out the our ambassador to Italy, Mr. Republican proposal in this manner Welles, will go to Rome when he in order to demonstrate that it is returns to his post thi. fail as the unworkable. They point also to the ambassador to the court of King omission of the second provision, Victor Emanuel nothing being just mentioned, and declare that aid about Ethiopia. the President will use political j?atAll of this results from American ronage rather than merit as the I foreign policy and the foreign of creating supervision. cies of other nations who oppose the taking of territory of another While the new method has not I nation or race by force. It is a been made fully operative so that policy firmly footed, as witness the ... to anyone can see it course of all of the nations except- in full detail, t h e ing only Salvador in their attitude Way restriction which toward Manchuria which is now un- Dodge Mr. Roosevelt has dCr Japanese control. Salvador laid down that only relief labor recognized Japanese sovereignty shall be used is looked upon as pro-- over Manchuria largely because it viding a means of dodging complete was thereby enabled to consummate operation of the plan. It is to be a great coffee sale, Union. e noted that the Republican Flank Im Are my eyes the loveliest you've ever seen?" Yes." my mouth like a rosebud?" You know It." "and my figure divine?" vote-gettin- Progress Administration further than the requirements that relief labor be employed. As stated above, the plan now on trial constitutes the very heart of - ' Tll say. A |