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Show ' the bulletin .CARILLONS TORN BY WAR BEING REBUILT j WE Check Citizenship of Child Now 103 I Are Out of the High Rent DUtrlrt i Melodie Heard Again Over Home in Belgium. HAVE We Own Our Own Building and Washington. Melodies ring out again over rebuilt homes in Belgium. A new carillon Mitchell recently installed there replaces We Buy in Carload Lota one destroyed along with practical IN PERSON ' ly the entire town, during severe Will Give A fighting in the World war. 26 Years Building Made of copper and tin, caril- -' Take Advantage of All Cash Ions have more than once been and Pam the Savings on seized in war times and melted to You down into cannon," says the National Geographic society. SPECIAL FOR AUGUST Belgian carillons destroyed or This BUSINESS Low .carried as as away during the last war Y'ou join the crowds include those at Ypres, Louvain, coming to For Children and our Store and Buy Now and Saw rDinant, Nieuport, Ostende, Roulers and Thourout, while France lost Low as as those at St. Quentin and Arras. BUSINESS IS GOOD Fur Ladles Many of these have been reconJust a steady flow of buyers Very Best Solutions Used structed, notably the splendid ones every day, all week long, every at Ypres and Louvain, for once month. accustomed to a carillons lively Nearly half a million Wave and Shampoo, Finger dollars In charge accounts. Money music, no town in Europe would All for 50o Rinse coming In every day, all the time willingly be without it. Built Huge Towers year after year customers. Kxpcrt I Julies Hair Cutting ...50c Carillons originated in Belgium, 23o Children WE DELIVER EVERYWHERE the Netherlands, and northeastern Distance means nothing. France. In lowlands stretching inAll land from the North sea, towns over Utah, up into Idaho over :: 8553 Call built towers that soared above the ; into Wyoming and across into For Appointment surrounding plains. From them Nevada. Wherever you live our sentinels could watch for invaders i trucks go by your door. or breaking dikes. At the beginning of the World war a telephone : AND BY YOUR PATRONAGE connected the carillon tower of You have helped build up Holland, with coast defenses. 1 i 1053 South 21st East As store huge clocks were added to which is always full of big these towers in the Fifteenth centhe Furniture of the Modern Mode tury a large bell was struck to anand other masterful patterns. nounce the hour. Later, small to attention call were bells rung PARENTS REUNITED to the striking. At their merry BY SMILE OF BABY chiming, townsfolk swarming like ants in the marketplace far below, L would pause and listen for the solMost beautiful thing shout Chicago. emn booming they knew would folthe Scrlptumi Is they never grow obi. low. No world will ever grow ton mnileru The small bells usually numOut of the High Rent District fur the wise words of tlinae undents. bered four. Cities began to rival Take fhut line "And s Utile child each other in adding more and bet1050 East 21 tt South shall lead them." ter bells until brief melodies could One led n father and mother nut ot Sugarhouse be played. In the Seventeenth cena courtroom Into sunshine und future tury the present form of carillon a Moment before happiness. they had was reached, consisting of a numhated eaeh other. of bells attuned to the intervals I.lltle Jemi Frandsen Is the kind of ber of the chromatic acale, usually covgirl who brings kisses and loving arms a range of four octaves. The where angry tears and slinking fists ering bells, ranging in weight from a few had been. to several tons, are hung in pounds Before Judge Justin F. McCarthy In one above another. Unlike tiers Town Hall court stood an angry husbells which are rung by ropes and 1062 East 21st South band and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John ' swing freely, carillon bells are usuIs Frandsen, arguing their eases. But You Cannot Beat This Place ally hung fixed,' being bolted to a the court all ears! Those bailiffs are framework of steel, or wood and For Permanents, playing and lifting and shyly hugging iron. a cute little human bundle, bubbling, Carillons are played either autoWE GUARANTEE love and laughter. It Is the child these matically or by a carillonneur. The parents brought Into the world. few clear notes that sprinkle down Gradually pride crept over the face from a carillon at the hour, half Special on of the father, then a sly smile. The hour, and quarter hour, are usually mother beamed, and Into two hearts played automatically by a clockcame the glow of lore returned. work mechanism something like a The cutest darn baby," said the gigantic music box. Hundreds of for School Judge. Imagine having such s treaspegs set in a huge revolving cylinure." der trip levers which in turn pull MAKE YOUR "All she does Is laugh, your honor. wires that make hammers strike APPOINTMENTS NOW the bells. Did you ever see such a cute, happy Lange Jan" in Middel-burchild?" Holland, is one of the busiest OPERATORS Oh, yes, what were you snylng, Mr. of this type, playing a few notes Ferol White and Mrs. Frandsen, shout your June Smart every seven and a half minutes. fists temper nagging Plays Like an Organ. "When keys and pedal keys conand" Call "Judge oh, John, I do love you; trolling the bells are gathered toIm sorry; we gether in a keyboard, they form "It was all my fault, Madeline; I've part of an instrument which a carillonneur plays like an organist, usthe burghers hall, fitted with heavy been a beast." The Judge turned sway as John ing both hands and feet. So strenchandeliers of Hue crystal, beautiful carillon-neur- s Statues, paintings, and rich draperies. Frandsen and his wife went Into each uous is the art that many One of Rembrandts greatest paintplay in track suits and sanothers anna anil kissed. Sometimes," said Judge McCarthy, dals and protect their hands with ings If not his greatest originally was an ornament of decoration. The. as a niun and woman and a laughing leather pads. In the Low Countries, carillon work. The Klghtwatch," Is now the baby walked out Into the sunshine, s man has to seek afar to discover concerts are frequently given cm star niece of the state museum here market days, Sundays, holidays the precious things he had at hand. fend certain evenings in summer. On warm nights one is apt to find traffic in cities diverted while thousands congregate in a public square, watching a glowing window far up in a tower. From it an un1928 SEDAN seen player floods the air with music. The vantage point from which Just Overhauled New Tin Good Battery to enjoy a carillon concert to its Exceptionally Good Condition fullest is a quiet place about 500 feet away. "Carillon towers are a delight to ; Car In Bring the eye as well as the ear, many of them being of matchless archiTune tectural beauty, 200 to 300 feet At Amersfoort, Holland, high. stands one popularly called 'The Mother and Child' because of a litEXPERT AUTO MECHANIC tle spire springing from the main 1 1 34 21 tower as if carried in arms. 3 1 86-- V Carillons have long adorned churches and public buildings. Since the World war they have also been chosen for soldiers' memorials. Between 1924 and 1933 the United States installed over 30 carillons and Canada over half a dozEstablished 1009 en. .Noted carillons in the United -dA States include those of the RiverGENERAL mill WORK nnd KILN DRIED LUMBER side church in New York City, the Office Fixtures and Stair Building a Specialty University of Chicago, and the Bok F. R. Sandberg, Mgr. e Singing Tower in Florida. St. Rombold's in Malines, Bel? 2167 Eleventh is the finest of the ancient gium, 1617 carillons. At Malines also is loIN SUGARIIOUSE cated the famous School of Carillon Instruction which has trained many of the world's master Warehouse Adjacent Dix-mud- BEEN , Mr. . e, . . I Up Die-coun- PERMANENT WAVE ts ( Great j i SUGAR HOUSE BEAUTY SALON Bri-ell- e, EurnitureIcp; SMART BEAUTY SHOP PERMANENTS $2.00 g, dim-eulti- Hy. 8342 FOR SALE CHEAP PONTIAC $125.00 Your Fall For A Up HANSEN AUTO SHOP st South Hyland GRANITE MILL AND FIXTURE CO. Cj East Hyland caril-lonneu- Peerless Laundry COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICE Flower With a Past Medford, Ore. Oregon has considerable reasons for believing that its state flower, the "Oregon grape, is of native origin. Dr. G. A. Arnold, paleobotanist at the State university, has established the fact that it has been growing ior th prst 30,690,000 yqars. itattleri Plentiful 1 84 East 2 st South 1 Lamar, jt is reported that there are a large number of rattlesnakes on the prairies this year. Col. Hyland 2 82 1 rs. Plant Blest-Eatin- g DIRECTORY BARGAIN Miller Combination FOUR NATIONS RACE Gam and Coal RANGE FOR OCEAN AIRWAYS Excellent Condition $1.50 Hvland 1 Utica. Oneida county officials have been asked to establish the fact that a child" of William and Anna Ashcroft is a citizen of the United States. The child is one hundred and three years old. The citizenship query came to Oneida county from La Feria, Texas, where she has applied for old age relief. The child" is now Mrs. Anna Howarth. She must prove she is a citizen. A Salt Lake City A local restaurant manager feeds his .two plants - a monthly ration of 'raw hamburger, slightly seasoned with paprika. They are dalingtonias, carnivorous plants which live on insects and meat. , $2.00 East CjABBY (fERTIE Special $24.75 ELEVENTH EAST FURNITURE STORE Domination of North Atlantic Flying Is Sought. New York. This summer will 2016 South 11th Fast Hy. 6368 see the last undeveloped airways Atlantic of the world, the North routes, divided un among England, "A miss in the motor can b satUnited States, France and Geradjusted wllh one baud isfactorily in many soys William Clemmens, on the wheel." Shop Cosmopolitan. comThese are the four nations "FOR EXCELLENT SERVICE" peting in the race to establish commercial air routes between Europe 1107 East 21st South and North America, and whoever Bookaneer Saya can dominate North transatlantic x UriIOLSTERING in the flying will be "MEN WHO RUN AMERICA" CLEANING -- .. .... REPAIRING commercial aviation of the entire RECOVERING By Arthur IL Ilowden Smith earth, he states. For two years the United States Old Firnturo Blade New What Men Who Run America," la a has had the equipment, the skill We Promise, Wo Do. and the experience to establish penetrating, Impartial study of air transport between Europe and Sugarhouse Uphostering capitalism as it cKta in Amerhe points out. North America, ica today. For the same period France and Shop Germany have been flying the 1105 East 21st South Ily. 8439 South Atlantic. But Great Britain has not been ready, and without her consent nobody can move in KEYS the North Atlantic. Now at last A We comHave Key For Your Car she is ready to treat with her WE HAVE THE petitors. Rackets England Holds Advantage.. NECESSARY So far as aviation is concerned Phil ft Joes today, the North Atlantic is a BritSchool Supplies ish pond. England holds the air advantages because she controls the terminals. With flying equipment what it is now, there are on1118 East 21st South Ily. 8596 ly two feasible routes that will pay dividends to stockholders, available to the transatlantic flyer. One is BOOK INSULATION DOESNT COST by way of Newfoundland and IreCOMPANY land, the other via Bermuda and IT PAYS the Azores, and England controls Let Us Figure Yours For You 44 EAST On SOUTH TEMPLE both these routes." on Old or New Houses. Contrary to the general belief, the air is not free. The gentlemen who divided the loot at Versailles saw to that," he 1074 East 21st South Hyland 8739 TIIE NEW goes on. ."The World war had adWorld Brighter" We the Make twenvanced aviation as much as done. have could of peace ty years It was evident that the planes WELDING? which had crossed international borders to drop bombs could also Just Bring in the Pieces" fly across with samples and salesGRANITE WELDING men. Main St. 702 "Therefore, the treaty makers & WORKS voted into international law the of of and the land control 2021 Buying Selling South 11th East principle that Hyland 458 carried with it the control of the NEW and USED CARS air above that land, and .that no terMowers aircraft could fly over foreign CHECK THESE CARS forof the without permission ritory BEFORE BUYING Sharpened eign government. We Repair Bicycles Tricycles America has certain advantages 1936 Ford Deluxe Sedan, (reposin the air race, however. She has Washers - Irons - Vacuum Cleaners tested oceanic equipment and session) Big Discount trained personnel, and Pan AmeriSHOP" Sedan 1929 Ford $143 IDEAL can Airways has an agreement 225 Roadster 1930 Ford with Imperial Airways and also 1988 South 11th East Hyland 2111 holds rights in Greenland and Ice575 1935 Ford Deluxe Coupe land. 475 1934 Ford Deluxe Qtupe Frances Position. F. W. KIEPE 125 1928 Chevrolet Coarh France is in a good position to Sugarhouse make advantageous trades in the BUYS Most EXCELLENT 40 OTHER Distinguished North Atlantic, because of the situTAILOR ation in Europe and the Orient. SEE CLOTHES REMODELED Britain's shortest air route to her CLEANED PRESSED Grant Morgan or Art Jeckman African and Asiatic colonies lies across France, and French IndoSuits Made To Order For Better Values in a Good china is cn the direct route from 1090 East 21st South Used Car. to France Hong Kong. Singapore also is ready to fly the North AtWORN SHOES lantic. Germany has less to trade with England. But she has the Made Like New p from MORGAN zeppelins, which fly At The Germany to New York. And German planes are now flying the narSuper -- Service rower South Atlantic with the aid of REBUILDERS TIRES OIL GAS mother ships permanently stationed in 1059 21st South Hyland 877iF East ACCESSORIES "So," he concludes, "it seems We Aim to Flense likely that all the nations will emerge with something, and the Drive 2189 set-u- p may be something like this: Great Britain and the United 996 States virtually partners from the operational point of view, with ImCoal perial Airways and Pan American Airways running a Joint service across the Newfoundland-Ire-lan- d route, and a spur service from the United States to Bermuda; CO. France and Germany operating independently on the Bermuda-Azore- s SENTINEL STOKERS route. H. Van Harten Barber .. The pre-emine- nt $3.00 Tennis Restrung SOUTHEAST REPAIR SHOP DESERET THE PAINT POT Morgan Motor & Finance Co. South WIRE Lawn REPAIR non-sto- PROGRESS SHOE mid-ocea- n. Highland Hyland Highest Quality SUGAR HOUSE COAL 2191 Highland Drive Hyland 2520 . 2521 .252? Lobbs On The Job" Oldest Savings Account Found in New York Bank New York. The oldest savings account, in all probability, in the United States and possibly in the world rests in a Manhattan bank, it was learned by workers of the Federal Writers' project checking facts for the forthcoming New York City.' Guide Book. Interest on the $15 originally deposited in 1819 amounts now to $3,455.03. This account was opened in the Bank for Savings on August 19, 1819, in the name of John S. Thorne, a newborn child. None of the money was ever withdrawn, and Thorne lived to a ripe old age. After his death, his heirs for sentimental reasons kept the account active by presentation of the pass-- j book for crediting of interest. SUGARHOUSE TRANSFER Firestone Furniture Moving Our Specialty - Auto Supply & Service Slorc i COURTEOUS TNO Broadway and 2nd Blast - REASONABLE Phone: Hy. 1220 WW'iP!n ...ah, ML- liil 327 ' |