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Show WESTERN AMERICANA Union Leaders Must Work For by Milt Bissegger Gazette Editorial Writer VC kbrated another holiday dedicated to the wnrktno ng man and there are some, including the Salt Lake TObune m an editorial September 1. 1975. who say that ense' anymore as a tribute to the ti.ni lb0r"' ay he has not only eliminated, thnoi.i. ac,v,y conditions lhat made him part of a . . n Sroup. but has, to a certain extent, become a B Ptagt greedy, over-pai- d and rebel, oblivious to the conmc "Mlth of his employer and a burden topublic society, even say there is no. longer any need for unions, ommon sense should tell us that unions arc still necessary tle epansion of organized labor into the area of public workers - police, firemen, teacher, etc. - is not only logical but can and should be an aid to more satisfactory relations between these employees and their bosses. These 1,0 (DfAII Gtizens arid Country must uf their mm. public servants have just as much need and just as organidefend to professional their interests through right zations as do plumbers and trackers, steelworkers and miners. And certainly their pay is. not exorbitant when compared to were the wages of most of the traditional laborers 'who meant to be honored by Labor Day. Even policemen in San d Francisco do mil have salaries as high as most and skilled workers in the construction trades. own Although all workers have the right to defend their interests through unions, where have been excesses by some unions, and perhaps some of the strikes by public employees could have been avoided by more of a spirit of compromise by worker's representatives. But one of the greatest sources of abuse by labor is not the average workers themselves, who Labor unions and arc neighbors and friends of all of us. other professional organizations arc basically political groups leaders are motivated by polictical objectives 'What do you want members? he said, More!1"' Labor union politicians: they have to produce in order to Many years ago a labor leader was asked. fur your union - leaden, are like May in office. Unfortunately, many of them go far beyond hat many members would consider reasonable, especially in limes of economic Most union as citi- members, difficulty. semi-skille- zens, would recognize the need for moderation in their demands during times of crisis, but often are goaded into extreme positions by their leaders who want to in office stay their militancy, 'defending the workers' interests.' One of the other negative influences in unions is the lack ol pantiipulion by the rank and file. This is due largely to Hufailure of leadership to If encourage such participation. unions are to remain as important and responsible part part f mu system they must make some changes to their organ b) showing - No izations. Ihey must be more attuned to the needs ot society And they must actively encourage more particiiiTgcncral. pation by the rank and file in union activities. One way to do this would be to make union membership entirely voluntary. If there were no pressure to join unions, the union leaders would have to undertake a vigorous campaign to show potential members why they should jinn the union. And this in turn, would bring about more rank and file interest in their uniuns. If they join because they want to, they will be more active in union affairs. Many will say that this is an idealistic, even unrealistic, But unions were approach to problems caused by unions. with That idealism idealistic objectives. originally organized sould now work for the benefit of all workers and country in general so that Labor Day has more significance for all of us in years to come. busses no lights Mothers march, demanding safer conditions for students About 160 children w ho must After a meeting Wednesday walk to school along a half with the school supt.. Mrs. mile sirctch of Redwood Road Shuster stated that the school arc being escorted by their district believes that it is the parents to and from school. responsibility of West Jordan During the walks to and from City to provide a crossing school the parents blocked the West Jordan CITY Patent! of children attending the Majestic Elementaiy School are going back to school along with their children this week north bound lane of traffic on has said that the city r Redwood Road. After a medoes not' have the fund to eting with West Jordan City provide a crossing guard. The Police Chief, the parents have school district says that they agreed to keep the children will provide a crossing guard out of the lane of traffic. for this year if the West JorMr. Jeanne Schuster, Presdan City will take it over next ident of the local P.T.A. and year. The parents have said busspokesman for the group of said the that parents ing could stop if a semaphore parents will continue escorting the chis installed at 7000 South and ildren to and from school until Redwood Road and if sidewathe district agrees to bus the lks arc built along the children to the school and have pledged to continue to do so until school districts officials agree to either install safety lights or provide buses. Bike-a-Ra- John Wheadon, a member Although signs with flaking of the Jordan board says he lights warning motorists of school zone have been sympathizes with the parents are the they were not working and feels sidewalks offered to He has solution. that It appears Wednesday. donate $100 to help them they have not been connected struct the sidewalk if a way to the electrical source. Mrs. Shuster said that last, can kt found. USvggt.il. worked, year students were bused to out. According to the state traWest Jordan Elementary, hoffic engineers department the wever. with the construction traffic flow on Redwood and of the new school the students are seven tenths of a 7000 South is 7400 cars per mile from the school so they day on a yearly average, with peak traffic flow from 7:30 to have to walk. Jordan Supt. 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 to 4:30 Donald Parr said the district is not providing hazardous p.m., the same time children arc going to and returning this year transportation school. those funds have been eliminated by the legislature. t-- c-- ma set Sept. 13 Majestic Elementary School in West Jordan will sponsor a Saturday Sept. 13 at the school. The event will conclude the school's week long bicycle safety drive. Officer Stan Shelby will be on hand Thursday and Friday with films and other activities for the children exemplifying proper bicycle habits. Oificcr Shelby will inform the children on proper maintancncc nd use of their bicycle as well as requirements for safest Bikc-a-Ra- On Saturday, volunteer pa- rents will join with officers to Salt register bicycles with the take County Sheriffs Department. The fathers will in- Sandy firemen stand aside emergency rescue unit. The rescue is seeing increasing use by the department for such things as heart attacks, strokes, and persons with respiratory problems. The Deseret Gazette in conjunction with the Sandy Fire Department are attempting to raise funds to purchase an EKG heart monitor fin- the rescue unit to aid victims. - Sandy Drive Continues or spect the bicycles for flaws fi damages and attempt to them for licensing. Volunteers from the Spoke and Kim Bicycle shop will ho on hand to engrave registration numbers in bikes that do not already have them. Children will then he invited to go through a basic skill ride driving course. They will through a course of highway cones. Registration will be done from ltl-Saturday as follows: is from 10 am to II am. E 2 A-- Think for a moment about the price you pay to insure your health. A small family would pay a minimum of about $30.00 per month for what is probably inadequate coverage against the cost of illness or accident. Many of your tax dollars go to sgencics that guard against products hitting the market that harm you. You watch what you buy at the store by reading labels and planning diets that provide proper nutrition. You guard your children against busy streets. All in all you spend slot of time and alot of money insuring your family's health. But consider, in the event of an emergency, the time spent in transit between the scene of the accident and the hospital. All of your careful planning is no longer effective. The life of the fireman, but if the victim has been afflicted by victim is in the qualified hands of s rescue-traine- d heart attack or electrical shock, his heart beat must be elcetonically monitored and results sent to the hospital by means of a two channel EKG machine. Now is your opportunity to enhance your insurance coverage by supporting the Sandy Firemen in their fund raising drive for this machine. When a representative comes to your home selling subscriptions to the Deseret Gazette, $2.00 of the SS.00 cost will go to the EKG fund, $2.00 will cover the cost of a full year subscription to the Gazette and S1.00 will go to the organization selling the subscription. Make this drive a part of your complete health care plan. Third grade students at the Terra Linda Elementary School have a pleased look on their faces as school opens for the to K will he Irom II ani to 12 am. I. to R will he front 12 to I pnt. And the S to . will he front I to 2 pm. Jordan District offers adult Fall p-r- 75-7- session. 6 open-spac- e, team-teachi- Students at this school are involved in an learning program. begins School opens; Business as usual education over Many people who arc of age of the age thirty years thand have not yet finished will education school eir high now have the opportunity of School doing so. The Jordan District has received funds to be used for the extension of adult high school education o leggrams in the area, islation for the adult high s- - I I 2. chool will begin September with classes beginning September 8th. According to LaMar S director of the district's adult education program, the allocation made by the Legislature is a response to this year's House Bill 166, which extends public education to all wren-so- regardless of age. For most valley youngsters Tuesday was an exciting day. School began all over Salt County signaling the end of summer and the beginning uf fall. With the exception of the parents of West Jordan demanding bus transportation, the four county districts reported normal conditions for first day of school. The Terra Linda Elementary in West Jordan was one of the many schools opened its doors last This school uses a to the learnapproach uniuqc According to ing process. R. Nelson, principal, Linda is an open space, team teaching school which c- School mphasizes the importance of meeting the personal needs of each child through a team to teaching. More than 700 students the Terra Linda School which teaches the grades of sikindergsrden through the xth grade. |