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Show motion passed Wednesday. Sandy City Council on order approved added expenditures for the fire engine now and scheduled for a November delivery. Fire Chrif Bill Gough, proposed the expenditures to keep up with fire fighting innovations made available since ordering the SANDY- - In a engine. In addition to new items. Chcif Clough, in a recent engine inspection trip in California, found the base cost for the engine had also seen an inflationary rise. Final cost of the engine is S79.1W.00. - here. Wednesday night, disclosed the results in bidding for a sand spreader for the city. Low price for the piece of equipment was a little more than 542.000 by Atlas Machinery with delivery promised in 45 days. The second lowest bidder had promised 30 day delivery but councilmcn felt the difference in price warranted the wait. According to Mr. Randy Hooicy, President of the Utah Stuntmens Assn., the group has about 20 different exhibits to sponsor. WEST JORDAN- - The new Bingham High School will open as scheduled next week for the opening of school despite the fact that the building has not been completed. Accorading to the Jordan School District there is about one months work left before the building is completely finished. The students will be allowed to go to school while the remaining work is completed by the contractor. SANDY- - Councilmcn in Salt Lake SALT LAKE COUNTY- - Construction work on north-sout- h County has shunted traffic volumes onto other major arteries, increasing their loads by 10 to 23 percent, according to the Utah Transportation Department. A monthly report of traffic volumes showed State Street's traffic load jumped 23 percent in Redwood Road July, compared to a similar period last year. traffic increased 17 percent and 7th East increased 10 percent. PARK CITY - Legends of the old West to be relived here this weekend range from Wyatt Earp shooting it out in the O.K. Corral to Judge Roy Bean, the only law west of the Pecos, holdir court. She i featuring gunfighters such as Billy the Kid will be presented yb the Utah Stuntmen's Assn, just off Park Gty's Main Street hourly Saturday and Sunday between 1 and 5p.m. The free exhibitions are scheduled to continue each Saturday and Sunday through September. DRAPER- - Thorpe Brothers were the high bidders to build the new elementary school in Draper. They won the bidding with a It is estimated to take about 300 high bid of SI. 507,000. calender days to build the school. DRAPER Fire of undetermined origin destroyed a barn, shed and contents of both Wednesday at 535 p.m. at 12640 South 1565 East. Battalion Chief Burt Nichols, Salt Lake County Fire Department, said the cause of the blaze was under investigation. He aaid the total damage was about S10.000. DRAPER Dayton Belgard. 32. Salt Lke City, was listed as an escapee by Utah State Prison authorities Wednesday after he had walked away from Odyssey House where he had been transferred for treatment. Belgard was serving six months to 10 years for attempted burglary and had received a parole date of Jan. 22, 1977. A 66 year-ol- d South Jordan weir n died JORDAN Wednesday at 7;13 p.m. when she was struck by an au' nobble at 11400 South 1840 West. SOUTH additions and remodeling included a rental remodel at 521,000 115 single family Investigating Deputy Jack Terry said the driver was Steve E. and an LDS church remodel at 540,000. Banta. 19, 16200South 2497 West. Mrs. Nelson had just walked residences building permits were issued at a value of 53,539,250. her granddaughter home and was returning to her own home when she was struck. MIDVALE Darrell Denis, 15, Midvale, recently won a gold medal during the 1975 International Special Oympics Games at SANDY Classifying Lone Peak area as a wilderness area in the Mt. Pleasant, Mich. The award was earned with a first place Wastch and Uinta national forests drew support from envir- finish in the Olympics softball throw. More than 3200 mentally onmental groups Wednesday during a USForest Service hearing retarded youngsters and young adults from throughout the United States and other countries competed in the games. The at Jordan High School. by CMU and the Joseph P. Kennedy, However, skiers favored the classification as a wilderness, only games were Jr. Foundation. if the White Pines area is not included. The water officials from Salt Lake Gty favored a different altemative-tha- t of allowing special management through the A West Jordan truck driver has been named the best twin Forest Service rather than federal classification as a wilderness. (tractor and two trailers) driver in America. At the heart of the controversy was how best to protect the Roger L. Bailey, 2956 Oak view C. (7725 So.), a driver for watershed and preserve the area for future generations. Consolidated Freightways. returned home Monday after winning the weekend competition at the 35th Annual National Truck Roadeo at Indianapolis, Ind. Conditional use permits were granted to WEST- JORDAN T had to beat 17 other drivers to win the 51,000 prize and in her home in West award1, Mr. Bailey said. Colleen Larson to operate a Mrs. Larson stated that she would like to have 13 Jordan. Bailey, winner of the Utah Roadeo championship, has a accident-fre- e children,2 hours per day, 3 days per week. Paul Turner was nine-yedriving record. granted a conditional use permit to operate a part time barber shop in his home with the stipulation that if any complaints are received the license will be suspended. The fifth annual Rabies Ginic sponsored by the Utah VeterThe clinic is inary Medical Assn, will be held Sept. 20. WEST JORDAN Outstanding invoices as of August 15, 1975 by local community service organizations. were approved to be paid by the West Jordan Gty Council. Rabies shots for dogs and cats will be administered by. a The total for all departments came to 540,792.19. veterinarian between. 2 and 5p.m. at a cost of S3 per shot through these sponsors st their respective locations: SANDY The Riverton Lions Gub in Riverton; The Olympus Kiwanis Building permits issued during the month of July totaled 133 with the value of the work being done at 53,666,900. Gub at West Jordan Park, Fairmont Park, Murray Park, White The only commercial permit that was issued was for 517,000 Gty Park, Riverside Park, Granger Park, and Murray Park Commcrical Pavilion. with the work being dime cn 9136 South State. She was identified as Ellen Nelson, 66, 11400South 1904 West. . Business Profile This Week s Mail Redwood Restaurant: Success Story To the Editor The recent articles in the Deseret Gazette concerning the current impasse, between theJordan .School District and the Jordan Education Association show a welcomne interest in education. There are. however, several thoughts which have not been expressed to date. It seems that in this current power struggle between the district and the education association each party is looking after their own interest but one wonders who, if anyone, is looking Who is after the Interests of the public and their children. there to see that the quality of education has not and is not being sacrificed? This current impasse provides an opportunity for the elected school board, the public's voice in school affairs, to look again to the matter of accountability in education. With school costs at record levels the taxpaying public has a right to expert quality education. Lets look at some of the indices of quality. Colleges and universitiea report a steady decline in standardized entrance examination scores. More and more remedial classes are required to prepare students for college work. Employers are becoming alarmed at the number of students coming through the public schools who are functionally illiterate. Many though-fu- l parents too realize that their children are simply not learning what they themselves- learned years ago. Many parents would be alarmed if they could invisibly follow their children through school for a few days. THEY WOULD PROBABLY SEE WIDESPREAD BOREDOM OF STUDENTS AND A STARTLING LACK OF DISCIPLINE AND RESPECT FOR TEACHERS. It is not my position that teachers alone deserve the blame for the condition of schools; they are only one factor of several. The lawmaking bodies and courts have placed serious handicaps on the educational process. Disruptive and incorrigible students are required by state law to be in school to the high school level. School administrators themselves often find it easiest to take the course of least resistance. It is often easier to simply bill the taxpayers for broken windows and other property than to search out and collect from those doing such distraction. In an effort to hold down costs of education districts economics on teacher quality. With the vast over supply of teacher applicants today why is it that class room size remains so high in Jordan - REDWOOD Family Restaurant 7777 South Redwood Road "Where Good Friends Meet to Eat serving top quality food at reasonable prices we have enjoyed good success District? Why is it that so few teachers with advanced degrees One of the main problems to and experience are hired by Jordan District? One Utah school overcome was that many perofficer, whose identity I will not reveal, indicated that his district sons would judge the restaurant gave preference to teacher applicants intending to teach three by its outside, appearances. years or less(three years being the time required to establish However slowly this is being tenure). Thus, persons helping their spouse through college, or taken care of. those helping to save up enough money for a down payment on The Redwood Restaurant sera house receive preference over career trained teachers with ves steak and seaadvanced degrees. food dinners as well as breakThe public schools belong to us, the public. They will be as fasts and lunch. They also effective or as ineffective as we insist or allow them to be. offer banquet facilities. Rather than giving the schools more money to continue as The restaurant is alsc ue of before, lets insist that more financial support be accompanied the few remaining eating places by increases in quality education on the part at both the adminoffering children's portions, soistrators and teachers. mething that seems to have been given up in most estabSincerely, lishments because of the added Jon U. Wilson costs and effort on the part l. the kitchen. Chris's philnsphy is that in order to have families come back again to eat you have to serve them great food at a reasonable price. 'The philosophy The question of whether the terms of the statehood charter, lake bed boundaries. The state seems to work as there are State of Utah or the Federal and (2) application of the law charter stipulates mat the beds many families who eat dinner Government owns certain lands of reliction to the Great Salt of navigable lakes and streams here four or five times a week.' surrounding the Great Salt Lake Lake, which provides that land- became the property off Utah' The Gazette would like to will soon be decided by the owners adjacent to fluctuating with the granting of statehood. extend an invitation to all area U.S. Supreme Court. bodies of water have property The Court is now determining families to drop in and meet Division of Wildlife Resources rights to lands uncovered as where the boundaries of the Chris and enjoy a great meal. Assistant Director Donald A. waters recede. lake were at the time of Smith and Ogden Bay Water-foBoth of these concerns were resolved in the interest of the Management Area SuperQualified intendent Noland Nelson recenState of Utah, rather than the Sufi The difference of the few Always tly returned from testifying at a Federal Government, through Available earlier hearings and decisions feet in elevation between what hearing in Washington, D.C., Chris Ritzakis. owner and manager of the Redwood Fan iwkafUN. the two units of government dealing with that question. by the Court. McPaupsl Restaurant in West Jordan. claim involves a substantial lake bad boundaries Testimony was before the Honorable Charles E. Fahey, specThe present phase is one of amount of land,' says Smith. -ial master appointed by the Went Jordan Martnary Supreme Court to hear testimony on the case. third phase Smith pointed out the Court actually is now in its third phase of determining ownershThe first two questions ip. considered by the Court were (I) navigability of the lake, which affects ownership under . (cDeiuja, Citizens of Sandy Thursday Special Top Sirloin Steak Complete Dinner Redwood Family Restaurant is the place to eat Every cut of steak just can't be beat Desserts that tempt the hungry palate We would call them tops on any ballot Orders of seafood and sandwiches too Over generous portions we'll serve to you Daily lunch specialsto fit yourpocket book come take a look! Including childrens portions Now is the timetotry our lobsterand salad Now is the end of our present ballad Reception 561-08- Siow Your Support Of Your Fire Department and Local Youth Groups Center Seeing is believing Receptions Weddings Anniversaries Club Parties Private Parties 561-71- Open: Monday 'Saturday 6a.m. to 10p.m. Sunday 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. Phone: Chris Ritzakis, owner and manager of the Redwood Family Restaurant, is very happy about settling down in West Jordan.' Originally from Greece, Chris has lived in Germany, Canada, and different parts at the United States. He finally settled down in West Jordan four years ago after buying the Redwood Inn from the previous owners who were losing money on the venture. He feds Wert Jordan is the best town I've ever lived in'. Chris has operated the Redwood Restaurant for the past four years. At first, it was real tough,' he said, many people felt that it would go under, too. But due to hard work and Fate of Great Salt Lake LandsDedded Soon Cris 'owner' $2.50 in W. Jordan 82 When a representative knocks on your door - buy that subscription to the South Valley's newest news source: The Deseret Gazette It will help buy YOUR rescue unit a Heart Monitor to further extend the capabilities of this fine city depart- - ment Goal: Heart Monitor 2295 W. 8200 So. Owners Ray and Ivy Smith (If a representative misses you: contact Gaxette at 561-755- 1) the fire department at 571-51- 19 or the Deseret Your informative community news source fi |