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Show The Deseret Gazette Page 6 Home by Shirley Farnworth Home and Family Writer ??( i( one cup measuring cup every ten minutes, the waste will amount to 3.2K5 gallons per year. We waste dollars every day because of things that are out of adjustment or by pure oversight. If we were better informed we could cut most of our own waste problems. You needn't preheat the oven for foods that require an hour or more of cooking, an exception is patrics. Don't open the oven door any more than necessary. Everytime it's opened the temperature drops 25 degrees. Also 15 minutes before food is done, turn off the stove. The retained hear will complete the cooking, If your and Family get it all leaky faucet fills a cook in skillets or electric appliances. Using a toaster over is great for cooking. Think of the energy saved when cooking a potatoe in a toaster oven, rather than your big oven. Every six months vacum the condenser coils in the back or front of your refrigerator. Dishwashers should only be turned on when full. After the final rinse, turn off the dishwasher, and open the door to let the dishes dry. Many of us are guilty of leaving the faucet running to rinse food. This wastes 5 to 6 gallons a minute. To cut down water consumption when bathing, buy a flow restrictor which is installed in the pipe leading to the showerhead. It can be bought at any hardware store for under ten dollars and they are easy to install. For those with air conditioners, set the thermostat between 78 to 80 degrees. Example, lets say last year you set the thermostat at 72 by Candy Osgood Home and Family Miter 6 degrees cooler. This year you set it at 78 to 80 degrees, your an ideal time!. cooling costs should drop 47 per cent says the Federal Energy Administration. Once a month dean the heating and cooling filters. Storm windows could reduce heat loss by half. Weather strip windows and doors with smidl cracks. Otherwise you'll be increasing your heating and cooling bills by 15 to 30 percent. In the winter when the fireplace isn't being used, always keep the damper closed. It can draw up to 20 per cent of the hear each hour. RwtorUN. n.DavM Me DtWftll McDseeat Weak Dont water every day unleu you're planting new lawn now, New lawns are often disappointing because of the weeds and bare spots. But do not despair. That can be cured! If you planted your lawn in the spring this year, you probably have some weeds. Now that the weather is cooling somewhat, and the lawn is better established, you can consider weed killing remedies. For very few and scattered weeds, use your dandelion fork to pry out those roots. And now that weekly mowing takes place, you will notice many of the annual weeds dying out. But for a few other weeds you'll need to apply a commercial weed killer. Be sure to read all labels and see that the product is safe to use on new lawns. Jsrdaa Martaary Water early in the morning, when there ia plenty of water pressure, and be thorough. Evening watering will encourage mildew and rot in the lawn. Clay soils will hold moisture much better than sandy soil, and need leu frequent watering. Fertilizing ic really important to keep your turf thick and lush. Use any good balanced fertll-lize- r. Now is a good time, but be sure to water very well alter the application to prevent burning. Later-i- the fall is another time you'll want to fertilize your lawn. Some dry fertilizer products are mixed with a weed killer and do very well in dandelion plagued areu. Many people will notice broIf wn spots in their lawns. you're sure it isn't a regular dog. mired by a slingshot, it may be from several other causes. Large brown patches can be caused by poor water distribution or from over fertilizing. The larvae of white grubs can also do it For smaller spots you could suspect damage by billbergs. They feed on the root systems like the grubs, and the sod will be loose. Melvin S. Burning-haUSU area horticulturist, recommends 8 fluid ounces of 25 per cent diazinon per 1000 " sq. feet. Water the lawn 1m- mediately after application. About 1 inch of water. These , bugs have built a resistance to ' di lords ne, and the EPA has imposed restrictions on this i garden chemical. CHRISTMAS t NEXT WEEK ALREADY? ' po-pul- CHEF CHUCK MSNGaOAQB MOUNTAIN VIEW APPLIANCES CARPETING StU Set d HHil ""Hibson 254-07- Kids Saturday Matinee Quick Tamalu Flu The Deseret Gazette in Midvale IB CIRCLE M FAMUES L,yg TO Free matinee for 8 weeks featuring exciting movies and cartoons No age limit Momor Dad, pick upyourfreetickets at one of your friendly local merchants listed below Browns Shoes and PENNEYS Browns Boutique In Midvale BEST SELECTION OF Semi Annual Sale 25 to 50 BACK TO SCHOOL dro OFF from Penny's in downtown Midvale CHILDRENS COATS See our Miniarcade next to Vincent Drug Foosball, Pinball, Games 3 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Layaway now m nm ,N 561-518- SA NDY 26.000 OVER mm HRCTIC MIDVALE 4 SERVING SANDY. MIDVALE. RIVERTON. Cask ground WEST JORDAN. COPPERTON. KEARNS. SOUTH JORDAN. Layer Swing Yon Sine 1933 103 E. Ctnttr St., Midvalt Parade Of Homes L - , a 255-710- i and top with grated Display Home b Drain DRAPER Leonard Newbold Co r This week oie Cheffy Poo has had one of tboce weeks that some No time to do times you middle dass hair in curler girls have. all that time consuming cooking and planning. This week in my I have decided to give you a so called quid: family pleaser. I can it Quick Tamale Fie. 29 the aft Gazebo Theatre OVER AM Greetings Luscious Lovefles: have h, a fantastically delightful dish Alright ladies, there-yodesigned to save you time and effort. Now You'll have time for one more hand of gin. Don't work too hard. I dont after all I am Chef Chuck. u fHueismu Nano lotto Nmmom By 9 Mike Carmichael Originally from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Dr. tinctive Simbari received his M.S. and M.D. degrees from the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. He, tam t become a "westerner after his internship at L.D. S. eriors warn ffl LITTON Mctowms Cooking however, decided to HMhMlI Hospital in Salt Lake City. The Store that Cares coupon 8021 So. State 7710 So. State Michaels FoodMart OVER of ac 7-- Pepsi FuelChief Gasoline Leadfree Gasoline Havoline Motor Oil Marfax Lubrication Tires, Batteries and Accessories SANDY. Top Sirloin Steak Complete Dinner $2.50 6 j.m. to 10 p.m. Sun 7 d.m. to 12 a.rn. Mon-Si- t Redwood Rd. West Jordan 7777 So. 561-0B- Guri OVER 26.000 K families LIVE noiniPAPH iHISDB 561-518- KEARNS. SOUTH Free Tickets with every JORDAN. DRAPER 14 Pizza Order DISCOUNT FOODS Where vou find everyday low prices like there VINE RIPE TOMATOES SLICED BEEF LIVER Toni or. 79c 239 ,b. 49c Save$1.15 readership of this publication This ad will entitle the bearer to an Extra months of and AUGUST Stop in and bring this ad JULY 0 A HOME furnishings j SVWV3(f L 800 Center, Midvale E. A trill wM Phone DRAPER Vincent Drug 21 NorttvMaln Midvale, 1 Staff 255-354- OVER U. Gazette U mf 7710 7 26.000 FAMILIES UVE IN OUR PAPER THE FRIENDUEST &HIS0B STORE IN TOWN 561-518- SANDY. MIDVALE. RIVERTON. WEST JORDAN. COPPERTON. KEARNS. SOUTH JORDAN. Discount ALBERTSONS PERMANENT S144 This is a Survey Ad Were interested in knowing the besides our regtiar discount on furniture purch es during the SALAD DRESSING State Street Free Tickets Kids Matinee Members Only 4 SERVING l RIVERTON. BERNS 81 ,i. MIDVALE. WEST JORDAN. COPPERTON. REDWOOD Family Restaurant Thursday Special 4 SERVING "Trust your car fo the man that wears the star." uupon SUPPECbtSB Midviilc, Utah u-ms- ot 561-518- the capacity of Flight Surgeon in the U. S. Air Force and a three year specialty UVE mnm HI.hi South SkyChief Gasoline the Store That Cares ( The years following his internship included serving in 26.000 Uti DeSlHt ( Good for 30c off a six-pCoke Sprite 12 oz. cans sff exeeaatva Stir to can amaL AdiaBvsa id meat mixture to Balm at 350 degress ribeat 28 4 SERVING 45 Center St. Midvr.le SANDY. MIDVALE. RIVERTON. WEST JOROAN. COPPERTON. KEARNS. SOUTH JORDAN. DRAPER Si Dr. Bernard J.Simbari has recently moved to Salt Lake City where he has opened his practice of Dermatology at the Southwood Medical Pavilion, 880 East 9400 South, Sandy, Utah. training in Dermatology at the Medical College of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Wisconsin. Dr. Simbari resides in Salt Lake City with his wife, Carol, and four year old daughter, Jenny. |