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Show Tribal Loadar (Continued from Tribal Leader To Serve Third Term on Board Ptp l) In dw af the The Tribal Chairman received word fast week from the Governor's office Mr. Curry rf the significant sevfee ia various to his stating he has been third term on the Board of Indian Affairs. chairHomey Secakuku also serves man of the Governor's board which includes five other Indians; a Piute, Shoshone, and two Navajos. His appointment read in part, Therefore, I, Calvin L. Hampton, Governor of the State of Utah, reposing special confidence in the ability and integrity of Homey Secakuku do hereby reappoint the same Mr. Secakuku a member of the said Board for a term expiring March ef the u Aa active person, Rex accepted leadership role fa P.TA. presidency and wee a peat Regfaael P.T.A. Couacfl preai-de- nt ud put local P.T.A. preaideet. Hia lie wu Det ail work daring hie 58 years. He enjoyed aporta aad outdoor life aad liated hia Hkea hoatfag, fishing, to qaate Mr. Aad aad wife, archery. u Garry, "Net particalaiiy fa that order. Ihe SX. Club Beehive Waaatch lac. liated hfai ea their mcmber-ahi- p rooter. Mr. Carry wu ea active member ef the LDd. Church. He wu aa advocate e( Iadfaa water rights aad hia werk wfil be Bow-kuater- auay ceouaitteu each aa, u 1. 1977." The board is involved in state policymaking inasmuch as it pertains to s, aad ChaHu WeDe, Service Unit UA 0 IHS; expfafa plau. nitiHttr-- to Job Opportunity IB travel the Bottle Position: Lease Operator andor Plant Operator (WorkingTraining Position) Branch: SHELL OIL COMPANY Location: Altamont, Utah Opening Date: May 24, 1973 Salary : $4.65 Per Hour aw the Stady Committee far Duck-esa- e Water Plaaatag far Ceatral Utah Project aad Lakeforfc Water Stady Committee. Rex wu bora Oct. 20, 1914, fa Fort Docheane to Oraa aad Delia Harrii Carry. He wu railed ia the Altoaoh area where hie father wu a forester ranger. He married Dora Sprouse ea Aog. 19, 1935 la VeraaL The marriage wu later lolemoiaed fa the Salt Lake Temple. Sorvivora faclode hie widow, a aoa aad three daoghten, Jamu E., Rock Springe, Wyo.; Gwennka Showalter, Craig, Cole.; Dianne Brock, Slader, Cole.; Rebecca QUALIFICATIONS: Applicant should be a high school graduate, a mature individual with his own inititive, should be ambitious and in good health (physical exam required). Position will require some basic math. DUTIES: Position will be on the job training - 40 hours per week. Tower type work (rotating shifts). Training Program will fast a period of 4 years and will be training on lease operation, gas plant operation, training in repair of pumps, compressors and any type equipment used in the oil field. After basic training, the individual will receive a certain amount of training! on overtime and will receive overtime pay. Daily work will consist of a certain amount of record keeping and daily and monthly reports. 3-- WQaon, Cowley, Wye.; eight grandchildren; a brother aad sisters, Richard, Roosevelt; Thelma Iorg, Fort Docheane; and Oreaaa Garda, Gallup, N. Mex. Funeral aerdcu were conducted May 2 fa the Rhouvelt LBS. Stake Center. Burial wu ia the Booocvelt Cemetery. For further information concerning this position, contact Michael Quinn (Tri- bal CAMPS Office) Ext 64. Arrangements for interviews with the Shell 00 Representative will be made through Mr. Quinn. Selections will be made according to Indian Preference Guidelines. 722-226- 8, Supplies Available To Senior Citizens Wilson Johnson, director of the Senior Citizen's Center, reminds members of Nu-Gh- they are welcome at the center an any weekday. Mr. WQaon stresses the sale of beads and arts and crafts sopplfas at the Center but stated members must have their identification cards in order to purchase the supplies at cost Yon cannot hdp men permanently by doing for them what they could and ' should do for themselves. ' 06itUAXiA Wilbur Tabbee A . Ouray resident expired April at the age of 60 at his home. Funeral services were conducted May 3 for Wilbur Tabbee in the Church of he life-lon- g 29 FAR EAST VISITORS - Were impressed when they toured the Ufatah and Ouray Reservaioa fast week. Representatives of a saonthly magazine aad a weekly Chafa-maHomey Secakuku aad newspaper fa Toyko, Japan met with Tribal discussed tribal structure, Teta Kikucfai deft aad Tomosuke Nods ore gathering information of modern day Iadfaa reservations and Kie for the are exposed to PTAK-.- U They explained the only Indians the Japanese people are the ones fa movies aad televison. The Navajo Nation and other southwest tribes wfil be visited this week. The tow of the day included UteFab, Research Lab, housing project aad potato north and waa conducted by Recreation Director Rex LaRoee. a fast-han- d Holy Spirit at Randlett Wilbur was born March 5, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Davis Tabbee. Survivors include his widow, Diana Ice, Ouray, sons by a previous marriage, Clyde, White rocks; Alvin, Dallas, Tex.; and Willis Thompson Roosevelt; Julie Ice Patterson, Ouray; 18 grandchildren; brothers, Wallace and William, both of Randlett Burial was in the Ouray Cemetery. step-childre- Esther A. Martinez A 40 year old Ute woman expired at a Sacramento, Calif., hospital April 29. Funeral services were conducted May 4 for Esther Apporas Martinez in St Elizabeth's Church at Whiterocks. Mrs. Martinez was born Feb. 2, 1933, to Lew and Leola Gardner Apporas in Fort Duchesne. Survivors include her husband, Joe Martinez of Sacramento, Calif.; children from a previous marriage, Phillip Perez, New York; Josepha Perez and Remelia Perez, both of Sacramento; a sister, Florence Chegup, Fort Duchesne. Burial was in the Myton Cemetery. |