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Show Pag 4 Thursday, Mgr Tha Ula Outdoor Camping 1M, 1V7S Getting Down to the 0 Summer of 73 to See Youth Camp in Action Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons; It is to grow in the open air and to eat nd sleep with the earth. - Walt Whitman Song of the Open Road FIRST DAY EXCITEMENT - Of going to camp will be a repeat performance for Dennis Murray, on step 7, son of Mrs. Sandra Lucero and Larry Murray, and Todd Gardner 6, foster son af Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cole. The boys took an afternoon off from school last week and tawed the Youth Camp with newly appointed directors Bob Angle, left and Mike Jackson. A perfect place to sleep and eat with the earth was established by the Ute Tribe over a decade ago in Uintah Canyon. The Youth Camp was used continously from 1958 to 1964 but at that time all Tribal service programs were terminated and the camp was vacated except for occasional attemps of church groups to revive it. In the past two years, the only use the buildings have seen is by the local areas party froup - strictly unofficial business. On June 18 a bus load of vivacious youth will again invade the canyon with all the exuberance of the first group 15 years aga Through combined efforts of the Tribe, 'hireau of Indian Affairs, University of ih Social Center, USU Extension the Reservation communities, mp will be open again this summer as well as an mg as a Off-an- d day-cam- p ht camp. Camp Name, Director Chosen When asked to design an emblem for the camp Clifford Duncan, tribal member and manager of Bottle Hollow Arts and Crafts shop, also suggested the camp name Nana Mah meaning Togetherness." The emblem, shown on this page, depicts the togetherness it is hoped the the camp will encourage. Chosen by the Youth Coordinated Committee and the Ute TVibal Business Committee to direct the camp are Bob Angle and Mike Jackson. Both young men, BYU graduates, have been working on the U & 0 Reservation the past year with the University of Utah Social Work Program. Jackson has been working with the Indian Alcoholism Program as well as with youth programs. Angle has been working with Mike and has had valuable experence of running a program for ghetto children in Washington, D.C. Both men were involved in the first successful "Play Day" at Randlett last day-cam- p winter. Sample of Activities All children ages 5 to 10 will be eligible to attend day camp and participate in a variety of activities such as arts and crafts, hiking, fishing, swimming, photography, outdoor games, field trips and drama and storytelling. The children will be bused to and from the camp being away from home a total of approximately nine hours. Overnight camping will be geared to the older children in the age range of 11 to 16 and will include bicycling, canoeing outpost camping, athletic activities, survival trips, photography, scouting skills, riflery, archery, and Educational programs such as first-ainature study, Ute history and lore, camp cookery and outdoor survival will also be an portion of the camp program. Registration brochures will be mailed to all families on the Reservation and forms should be filled out and returned by the registration deadline. The $5 registration fee per child for each two- week period will include transportation to and from camp on a daily hai for day camp, lunch for day camp and three meals a day for overnight campers. back-packin- g. d, on-goi- CAMP EMBLEM - Designed by Clifford Duncan symbolizes the togetherness theme of the camping endeavor. The Add Your Suggestions Poor community three tepees around the fire represent the three Ute bands png together, the rainbow encircling the tepee, the' peace and beauty of nature. Nana Mah means togetherness hi the Ute "5 participation has been at the two meetings already to plan a youth ramp. Bob Angle stated that if the camp is to reflect f people' support and involvement is immunity necessary. All interested parents and possible camp employees should attend next meeting slated for 10 a.m. Thursday, May 17. Parents and community leaders are urged to attend. Camp Staff Approximately 25 to be need to .operate the campdfiSnSf Positions will include camp ln the fields . crafts, swammuig; etc.; cooks, cooks aides, first md specialist and a maintenance supervis- - couSL OLD INDIAN METHODS - Of rubbing sticks together probably wont be used during actual camping sessions but its a safe way to keep two fkst graders occupied arounda camp fire. Todd and Dennis said napping even be pup The boys are too young far overnight camping bat returned from their tow with big plans of attending BOTH sessions of aiht tt. day-cam- fun-jne- Applieants would be at least 16 years to aPPly and .. with Fioyd Mainstream Office, Ute Tribal Office UdSopS Nh" ChiUren 10 realize . such a camp may Drovide tneir nest interests at heart |