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Show Vy Dugway Gridders End Season In 55-- 7 Loss Officers Notch Football Crown Unbeaten Wasps Hand Mustangs 7th Defeat The Dugway intramural flag football season closed out its schedule last week with the Officers Open Mess wrapping with up the league championship HEBER CITY, UTAH - Po- werful Wasatch, champions of Region Five competition, closed out- an undefeated season here November 4 by handing Dugway a 55--7 licking. THE LOSS for the Mustangs brought to an end a long season for Coach Dick Raben. Dugways final loop record was good for sixth place in the standings. Their overall mark was The Mustangs ran up against a fantastic passing attack at Wasatch with three quarterbacks calling the plays for die Wasps. Ace DaFirst string signal-callvis, listed as a halfback, fired two touchdown passes, while second team QB Mark Scofield also added two TD areials. Third Mark Hatch team signal-callsaw action late in the game and the three QBs combined to complete 16 of 26 aerials for 297 yards through the air, compared to four-o- f seven for Dugway for 36 yards. The Mustangs the Wasps on the ground, 221-18with senior fullback Terry Foote leading the way with 131 yards in 25 carries to close out a great season. Foote also scored Dugways only touchdown in the early portion of the fourth quarter. The d fullback climaxed a drive when he broke loose for a 36 yard Jaunt through the right side of the line. He then plunged over for the extra point to make it a 48-- 7 game.' WASATCH MARCHED right back to account for the final 55-- 7 score when Scofield connected with end Scott Mahoney for a TD aerial. The Mustangs took the games opening kickoff and drove 52 yards, before losing the ball on downs on Wasatch's line. The Wasps then broke the ice four plays later when halfback Tom Wright galloped 38 yards t paydirt. Later in the period, halfback Dave Densley, who was listed as a quarterback, scored on a!Three-yar- d run for a 13-- 0 first period advantage. Davis then connected with Densley for a d scoring pass early in the second quarter and seconds later Densley tallied again from 12 yards out for a 2T--0 half-tim-e lead. WASATCH TOOK the second half kickoff and chalked up four straight first downs in four plays before Davjf his Densley for a touchdown pass. 1-- 5, 1-- 7. er er -- out-rush- 6, . 10-ga- The reserves took over for Wasatch at this point, and Scofield hit Brent Kelly, a halfback, for TD aerial. Fullback Lew a Giles scored early in the final run for a period on a 48-- 0 Wasatch lead Davis and Densley were the big offensive factors for Wasatch, with Densley scoring four TDs and displaying sane beautiful running. End Guy Coleman booted extra points for the Wasps. The starting offensive lineup for Wasatch averaged 165, six pounds more than Dugways 159. The defensive team of the Wasps outweighed Dugway by 170-15a difference of 12 pounds per man. DUGWAYS offensive team consisted of Eugene McClure and Danny Anderton at ends, Dennis Madsen and Wayne Clark at tackles, Lloyd Neilson and David Palmer at guards, Claude Rasmussen at center, Mike Golden at quarterback, Terry Foote at fullback, and Stan Sur and Bill Church at halfbacks. The defensive eleven were McClure, Madsen, Mark Hereim, Alan Smith, Neilson, David Minnesang, Rasmussen, Clark, Mark Earlewine, Mike Donnelly and John Basilio. FOOTBALL SCORES 1 November CBR 14, HHC 6. 2 November Officers Open Mess 20, Medical Detachment 0. 3 November Sigmet 21, Civilians 7. Officers Open 8 November Mess 22, CBR 6. 9 November HHC 14, Sigmet 8. Medical Detach10 November ment 28, Civilians 0. 15 November Sigmet 13, CBR 12. Officers Open 16 November Mess 26, Civilians 6. Medical Detach17 November ment 22, HHC 20. - 12-ya- rd 26-ya- 170-poun- 8, all-st- ar 7-- 5-- 4-- Saving is the key to independence! When you save your hard earned money at your credit union, it provides generous dividends. The Credit Union Umbrella Man says: Savings at your credit union provides availability and safety. Credit union members work, loan and not for save together 'profit not for charity but for mutual service. is Savings Foote, McClure Top Statistics future" a key to the Dugway Credit Union, Two DHS Standouts End Prep Careers Federal 522-257- 2 Dugways Mustangs closed out an unsuccessful grid season November 4 at Heber City, suffering a 55--7 defeat at the hands of the undefeated Wasatch eleven; for a couple of Mustang seniors, however, the year proved to be The Yardstick! 1-- lf 5.6-ya- rd ng lals! SCap OCao Kleodl 0 PJgpCafi OCa pra (lossy Uoy Oca cdp (SGacissOtaasis ScsipipOsGuaQGaO M Roalty IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! OWNERS TRANSFERRED! We have two nearly new homes available fa occupancy. Both are immaculate and priced to sell. Save time and money by buying the equity and assuming the low interest existing mortgage. Fa more information, call Dottie Keytar, 8822321. CRI W-Ke- les, . rd Mustang Cage Rosters Set For Opening Tilt a ar 297-245- 1. P-t- pass-catchi- P-2- m P-2- er 882-342- 9. 5-- Pistol Team Pow! 884-341- 884-552- 4. P-2- first-plac- e, 0 884-336- 2-- 6. 884-336- also-bein- g 882-3(X)- KILLING, under state inspection. Choice Grade A beef, 47 cents; grain fed pork, 40 cents; lambs, 54 cents; mut- ton, 26 cents. Prices include 7 or processing. CRI CUSTOM ' 884-383- , 884-665- 6. catsT SAGE small dogs. 75 cents day. Heat1 ed. KlJ7B(rding 884-505- 5. 298-344- CHECK OUR PRICES on moling anil siding, before cold weather. Complete financing. Hunt and Long Co.. 8824731. 1 e. 882-343- gage. Ph 8824594. 22 HAVE a two bedroom home we can move on your lot. $1200 WE . - Complete financing. Hunt and 22 Long Co. 8824731. HOMES FOR SALE MUST SELL - 1959 Melody Homes. Take over payments. Small down payment. 8821681. LAND FOR SALE 29 EXERCISING bicycle, rowing action. Used one vear. New condition. 8821775.' 882-022- I FOR SALE - fireplace wood. Call 8822624 after 5 p.m. . YOUR insurance rates gone up? Check our low rates. PEDERSENS INSURANCE AGENCY. 8823572 T-C- 5 FOR SALE - 57 Ford Sed. $125; 58 Chev sed. $175. Call 882-414:30 to 6:30 p.in. C'DAR POST and fireplace wood o Dec. 13 8822802 FOR SALE stokermatic. Excellent condition. $100; two bunk beds, $15. Call 8" h-- t. 6 std. from C-2- 5 1 884-502- PROFESSIONAL carpet and upholstery cleaning in your home. Free estimates. 882-465- 4. FOR SALE - drastically reduced, three aluminum car ports, 12 x 20 and 10 x 20'. Aluma-lin- e Corp. Phone Collect HU4-8502130 South 155 W. , P-t- n Doc. ft ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All makes. Steam irons cleaned and repaired. ELMERS, 38 West Vine. CRI 8, ately. 8821394 882-401- ' HAVE I P-t- 191 North Main offers NEW EXECUTIVE CONTEMPORARY ON EXCLUSIVE SOUTHEAST BENCH - - -quality unmatched, beautiful view, 4 or 5 lied room, 114 bath possibl' more. Fireplaces, automatic dish washer, self cleaning oven, hood, snack bar, covered sun deck. Completely landscaped. Available immedi- 23 WELDING, wheel ludance, tune lip. Louie's Service, X'ewtown. 7 Call 8829942 or for CRI appointment. HAINES REALTY 5ti $1(2,000. 864-347- 7. PF-2- 2.1 acres. South. FOR SALE 491 West 8823614. LAND FOR SALE or lease with option- -3 bedroom, 1 baths, Grantsville. Full basement. Carpeted, drapes, fenced. Must sell this week. $14,500 or best offer. P-2- 882-363- Sheraton Chain Offers Reduced Room Rates SEE ME for your piano and or gan needs. Wuriitzer, Story and Clark, Sohmer and other piano $400 and up. New Wuriitzers and Conn Organ starting at $800. Representing Hart Bros. Music Co., Call F. G. Cunard, " CRI 882-261- 4. let-ter- m 297-206- n. home NINE ROOM Salt Lake City area. Approx. 10 years old. Trade equities with someone Tooele, Grants- HOST CLEANS CARPET withait ville area. Smaller home prewater carpets ready for instant use. Brush rental $1.(X) per 9 ferred. R. Conk, Ph. owners. day with cleaner. Gordons Furniture Co., 60 So. Main. THR'E BEDROOM brick home, CRI , full basement, 4 years old. CHOICE RED POTATOES -$1500 equity. Take over mortFrank Grgrich, Erda. 425 South 525 West. 12-m- x, APPRENTICE CHEMIST, high school graduate with chemistry iMckground. Contact personnel department, intemauuuai Smelting and Refining Co., 9 a.m. until 3 p.in. FENDER GUITARS - Marie Chau-doiAmps h supplies; Salt Lake prices. 220 S. Main. Call 8823336 or 882108k ? 25 , 882-006- Lam-reau- MALE HELP WANTED NEW WURLITZER SpinefPianos from $495 Parkers Music Co. ' 56 N. Main. CRI Woodward 36-ya- rd W-Gi- MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE 20-yar- 3 with a string of eight straight victories to win the title by two games over the second place team. Medical Detachment, with a 3 mark. Finishing third was CBR with a 5 mark, while Headquarters Company and Sigmet tied for fourth with 6 slates. 7 28-ya- 5-- ber Shown above are two of Dugway Highs top football players this season, fullback Terry Foote (35), left, and end Gene McClure (81). 'Both gridders played their final prep game November 4 at Heber City in a 55-- loss to Wasatch. 25-ya- rd . 22 to Sigmet, the Officers Open Mess closed out the season an overall 9--1 record. The Officers captured both the first and second half titles and no playoff game will be played. However, Welfare and Morale, which handles the program, scheduled an team to play the Officers last Tuesday. After losing during the second week of the season on Septem - very successful. Fullback Terry Foote, a and end Gene McClure, the top offensive a threats of the Mustangs, closed out a fine prep career for Dugway. 7 DESPITE DUGWAYS season record, Foote has been (me of the top backs in Region Five play. He alone has accountof Dugways ed for over one-harushing yardage, racking up 816 yards in 145 carries for a average each time he got his hands on the ball. As a team, 1, 0 Fumbles, Fumbles Lost 3, 0 Dugway compiled only 1367 0 Punts, Average 3, 8.3 rushing yards through eight games. 25 Yards Penalized 5 Foote was second only to Score by quarters: this McClure in team-scori0 0 0 7 7 Dugway season. He has touchdown runs of 13 14 14 14 55 Wasatch TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: six, 18, eight and 36 yards to 5 mil per word - Regular (light bee type) Scoring summary: v his credit, including four extra 10 ceute per word - Surinam (dork fere type) W Wright, 38, run (Coleman TD jaunt point runs. The 50 cents per fane Up to one inch (monthly rate) kick) came in the game against Wasatch 91 per inch - Over one inch (monthly rate) '' 3) run (Kick and resulted in Dugways only L50 per inch - Diqil ay ads blocked) score. MONTHLY RATES are far nnneecutive Inwitfami only, with no Foote played his best game 20, pass from Da4th burinem firms and individuab who mrintaio vis (Coleman Kick) in Dugways bout with the Park with the Tranmript and Bulletin, all damffied ad-- i 12, run (Giles run) Miners. The City are CASH IN ADVANCE. 17, pass from 5 foot 10 inch powerhouse piled AN ERROR in a chnrified ad Aould be reported fanmodietaiy. Davis (Coleman kick) carin 20 up 150 yards rushing The paper fa iwpnurihlo far one Incorrect insertion only lly, 12, pass from Sco- -' less 46 than the ALL CLASSDIEDS wfl ho included in the TEST BUN, a newsries, only yards field (Coleman kick) entire Dugway team. He had one paper dirtributed to '.MOO Dugway Proving Ground' nrirtmiti and 26, run (Coleman wwrhns, twice aonthfy,' without additfanal chmge. run of 45 yards during that game, kick) DEADLINE far clarified .mfa fa 11 are. iky of his longest of the year. Against D Foote, 36, run (Foote run) Wasatch, Foote racked up 131 ! W Mahoney, 25, pass from SPECIAL NOTICES in 25 carries quite a feat yards Scofield (Coleman kick) against a team which averaged 12 pounds per man more than M FURNISHED APARTMENTS two Dugway. and three rooms. New kitchens Dick COACH DUGWAY and appliances, including elecRaben says that Foote has the tric ranges, automatic gas heat, potential to play small college air conditioned. Large recreafootball Foote actually played tion area. Rates start at $75 first hill season as a starter his Dugways Mustangs open their Mark Earlewine, a guard; Mark this per month with all utilities year, as he wprked as the basketball season on the week- Heriem, a forward; John McBride, furnished. Rent by day, week, last end of December 2 and 3 and a guard; Sam' McEvoy, a center; second string quarterback month year. Linen service season. Coach Walden Gurney is quickly Ted McIntosh, a guard; Stan WESTERN APARTavailable. four-ye. letterman a Foote, trying to shape his cagers into Sur, a guard; freshmen Jim Jef- in football has been an unstopMENT, 515 North Main, Toocondition for their debut. 2 ele Phone feries, a guard; Harold Jones, a pable cog in the Dugway grid Coach Gurney has listed a 6--2 center; Casey CRI Livingston, a machine this year ana has been playing roster for the forward; Phil Lowe, a forward; thrown for very few losses. He varsity squad, including four MAGNA $65. New 2 bedroom junion Mike Alg, a forward; Duane also plays for the varsity baseball en, three from last years Clarke, a center, Dennis duplex, drapes, birch cabinets, team and the jayvee basketball team which compiled a 13-- 7 rea forward; and Bruce foil bath, automatic washer, squad. cord for third place in Region McCullough, a forward. gas heat, wall to wall space 6 foot McClure, a Five. Season tickets are now on sale carpeting, yard asphalt park3 inch senior, has been another GURNEY STATED that the for all Dugway home games, ing. Will partly or completely big wheel in Dugways offensive Post be the will furnish. 1 which in or be will a in played Mustangs rebuilding drives with some phenomenal o Dec. 1 year with seven juniors and one Gymnasium. The season tickets He also played cm freshmen on the club. There are for nine home tilts can be bought THREE ROOM unfurnished apt. also four seniors and no sopho- for individuals for $6, while the defensive team at a hnifhak 5 for rent. Call 7. doubles can be purchased for slot. mores on the varsity roster. for the individual Admission McCLURE MusLED the $10. club this 'Heading years cage TWO BEDROOM house. Unfurare lettermen Ken Bixby, Lee home contests will be $1 per tangs in scoring with five touchP-nished. 882180. down He has and also person. four1 passes. Critchlow, Craig Geerlings for the time jayvee interceptions to his credit and Starting TWO BEDROOM home. New Roger Outran. Bixby is a 6--5 senior center and one of the top games will be 6:30 p.m., while he averaged about five catches kitchen. $85. Call 8823740. the varsity contests follow at 8:00 5 prospects for the Mustangs. He per game. Coach Raben pointed is a transfer from Texas. Critch- p.m. out that this was unique, for Mclow, a 1 senior, is vying for a FOR RENT - clean, modern Clure had to work with three different quarterbacks due to inguard spot, while Outran, a 6--1 house. Gas heat, space senior, and Geerlings, a 6--2 junior, heater. Cook stove. In Lake juries this season. are seeking forward positions. McClure had his best game 5 Point. See Cliff Long. Other varsity members are against Park City also, when he snared three TD passes, includforwards Ed Whittle, a junior; and FOR SALE - 3 piece bedroom EXPERIENCED set with bookcase headboard. Eugene McClure, a 6-- senior; ing me for 89 yards and another baseman seeking employment. Dennis Lowe, a 6--0 junior, guards for 60 yards. Also day bed. 882-33evenings Ph Clude Rasmussen, a 9 junior; Active Duty military personVirgil Johnson, a 5--7 junior; Mark nel may now stay at MAKE $30 or more per day on any Shera: Geerlings, a 5--9 freshman; Mike ton Hotel in the United States local Food Route. Man or FURNISHED or unfurnished apts. Golden, a 5-- 9 junior; and center and benefit from reduced rates. woman, part or full time. Exfor rent. $65. Heat furnished. Dennis Madsen, a 6--0 junior. Dugway'x Pistol Team has On any Friday, Saturday or perience not required. Write Call after 5 p.m. or weekends. COACH GURNEY says he done it again. This time, they Earl Stetson, Box 4014 OakSunday, the rates are reduced by 5 or will not decide on the starting 50 & 28 1 land, Calif. cent; the hotels are also competed in the California State per quintet until the seasons opener offering reduced rates on non- Pistol Championships and returnand that all positions are up for ed total a victorious, capturing and baby sitting my JEWING weekends, though the reduction of six medals - two 882 grabs now. is less than 50 per cent. home. 942 E. 3rd North. FOR RENT - 2 bedroom house. second-plac-e third-plac- e. Well be tough on the PNov-2three and one 3016. It is not necessary to Ire in . Reasonable. Phone boards, said Gurney, and well uniform to benefit from this new be a good defensive club. 1 think matches were held in The MEN AND WOMEN space age personnel have San well be a ball control club with policy.to Military their Diego, California, Novemlier jolts fa technical people. Exactive only present duty APT FOR RENT - one or two Over 200 shooters from the good patterns, but we also hope ID cards to take cellent earnings. Live in area advantage of western states 2. to utilize the hist break also, the people. Phone competed in the of your choice. Our Home Study savings. he added. UnitThe matches. with Championship course will NOT interfere , WOMEN write or call for FREE ed States Air Force Pistol Team, Cjumey tab Grantsville as a your present employment. Age the Sixth Army Pistol Team, the real threat in Region Fives JorOpportunity Bmiklet altout the no liarrier. Free placement. Wonderful Wald of Vivian Fifth Army. Pistol Team and a dan Division with St. Joseph's LifctiineService.20vearsuhead Woodard Cosmetics. P. O. Box a contender. I think SSG Johnny M. McKcc of .. team from the Army of the Reof any other school in Tech' we can finish in the top four," Welfare and Morale has announc- public of Mexico were lmt a few 597, Delta. Phone 4 nical Training. Phone 22 commented the first year mentor. ed that the Dugway intramural of the participating teams. between lOandS.TECI INICAL Memltcrs of Dugway's winCOACH DICK Raben, head basketball season is scheduled to INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. football mentor, will handle the 5 ning pistol team are 1LT Roy get underway on December 6. 1LT Paul Busan, SG1 boys jayvee program for Dugway. Stigawa, for I960 comthe BUICK LeSabre $3X. plans Complete They will play the same 21 game ing cage season hiive not been Gerald Seiler and SP4 Gordon Ph. 8824998. The team placed 'first schedule as the vanity club. made ax of yet, but it is hoped Spellman. In the .22 calilier and centerfire for Players starting vying that a league can lie formed with berths on the jayvee club are matches.,.nmpeting against teams eight teams. In the inhiksinaiisliip class. sophomores Bill Church, a guard; 67-ya- rd Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Nov. 25, 1966 LIKE N'EW - Hollywood double . DRAPERIES Ready Made or Cuslied, HcadlxxmL innerspriogs tom Built. All fabrics: modem 8 and mattress. $50. Call designs. Gordon Furniture Go. 5 1 Eveningsi 8823566 8821155 88a-130- P-2- 60 So. Main. ELECTROLUX Vacuum Cleaners The ideal gift for year round BE gentle, lie kind, to that expensive carpet, dean it with enjoyment. Cleans easier, fastBlue Lustre. Rent electric er and longer than other comshainponer $1. Cordon Fiimi- parable machines. Sales and , tore Company, 60 S. Main. M. 35 . C. Service, Palmer, ' 6 Main, Crantsville. PILE is soft and lofty . . . colors retain brilliance in cur- FOR SALE - sofa and chair in cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rets good conditiai. Verv reasonelectric shainponer SI. 5 able 8821115. Tooele Merc. SWIX'C SET - Like new. Cost $45. Will sell for $30. Phone DRUMS - full set, large size. cellent present. See at 329 Way or call a.m. to 6:30 p.in. THREE OX'LY Queen size - 9:(X) ' FOR SALE'- - 1958 Bob Halladav. . WILL TEND children Clark. Ph. 8821038. - Jov c. 15 882-499- 8. LeSabre. 1. ' VETERAN'S - We can Imild a new home or set a moved In"1' anywhere in the county. HX financing. Hunt and Long k Cl 882-473- 1. -2 WE HAVE a nuinlier of iHiil'I-ingwe can move on your M. I Hl'ICK Phone $5. nl 884-556- VEHICLES FOR SALE 1960 . mattresses Heaiityrest and Ixm springs at regular price. Get $48 frame free. 882-416- 1. FOR SALE - video accordian. excellent condition. Paid $3iX). Take $150. 8823771. Call after 5 p.m. Sim-- mons Ex- Mill-cree- 8823783. CRI $.KXI. Make good s shops, lianis of remodel into limnes. Cotni14'1'' financing. Hunt and Ijhiji 8824731. ,:r I . |