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Show Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Nov. 25, 1066 Your Civil Service Retirement System by FFC Ballard by SP4 Gutierrez i Ho-Ho- weeks ago. mean it or not!) It's the time of year when we plan our gift lists, wondering if we'll receive as much as we give. It is important that we plan our lists, however, to suit our receiver's needs. THIS IS A short suggestion list for Christmas '66, Dugway style: for all your military friends, there is an endless supply of gifts available. There's the Inspection Gift Box; this is a phony consisting of the standard display for easy fitting There are the Gift Certificates. These include a fake clearer' receipt enabling the man to hide his clothes during inspection, and then say that they are being cleaned; a five hair-cgift package for all of your hairy friends; a book of tickets for all the thrilling rides offered on nost. including a tour of the motor pool, a dunes ride and . nf mum ' . t the rifle ranm o- -, a round trip bus ride over John- son's Pass with PFC Maguire. If you need some cordial gift ideas for casual acquaintances, here are a few suggestions: a can of Brasso, containers of shoe polish, of the recipient's voice saying "HERE" for playback at morning formations, free passes to the Service Club and -best of all - a free pass to lunch or dinner at the East Area Mess Hall. (Ditto Area if preferred, but for lunch only!) What more could one desire! I Soon everyone will be out hunting, ax in hand, for the traditional Christmas tree. Unfortunately, on Dugway, about the ' only thing to settle for is a bush or a very large weed! I can see that there is a big need for some trees on Dugway so, when Arbor Day comes around, I will head a delegation of and bring the giant sequoia to Dugway. (Maybe they 11 change us into a state park . . . who Q. IS SERVICE performed under another Federal retirement system creditable under the Civil Service Retirement Act? A. Yes, provided the employee is not receiving any benefits for the service under the other system. If the other system is a contributory plan, the employee must, if he has not already done so, draw a refund of his deductions under the other system and redeposit the refund, with interest, in the Civil Service retirement fund. If the other system is a noncontributory plan, credit is allowable and the employee may make a deposit. The Social Security System is not a Federal retirement system for this purQ. Is extra credit allowed for service in foreign countries or for any other kind of service? actual calendar time. Q. How is credit given for service which is performed on a basis? A. Only the actual days worked may be credited. Q. WHAT DOES the term "military service" cover? A. Honorable, active service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, including the service academies, and, after June 30, 1960, in the Regular Corps or Reserve Corps at the Public Health Service, and, after June 3a 1961, as a commissioned officer of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. five-gall- Q. Is military service creditable under the Retirement Act? A. AS A GENERAL rule, military service is creditable gs provided it was active service, was terminated under honorable conditions, and was performed before separation from a civilian position under the Retirement Act. For exceptions to this general rule, see the questions immediately following. Q. Does the receipt of pension or compensation under laws administered by the Veterans' Administration bar the crediting of military service? A. No. Regardless of the. length of time on which the pension or compensation is based, or the reason for its allowance, full credit is given under the Civil Service Retirement Act for the military service. tree-plante- rs knows?!) ARE alDECORATIONS a Christmas at ways big problem time. The problem is what to put up, and, then, how to make it have some meaning. The people in housing area will probably put up the traditional lights and ornaments, but what about the men living in the barracks? They will probably try to make do with what they have available. A broom or mop will be used as a Christ mas tree, then that will be decorated with some convenient orBrasso cans, naments hub caps, motor-cycl- e wheels, article 15s, fatigues, rundown boots, etc. The question then may come to mind "Does this really' represent Christmas?" Maybe not in the complete sense, but we all feel that the thought is there, and that's what counts! HOUSEHOLD RKAKCE - ...for 150,000 88ffvicemen a yeas H to Ronald Reagan for nabbing the California governorship. Congratulations! It should be interesting to see which actor goes to the White House first Ronald Reagan or George Hamilton! - PAYMINT PI AMI m U U 2JL35 $38.33 $44.00 52.50 93.75 107.75 130.00 181.94 209.83 251.66 Attn pay" I lacfti New GI Bill 49.17 95.00 Benefits Any soldier or veteran who has served on active duty for at least 181 days since January 31, 1955, is eligible to apply for financial benefits under the Veterans' Readjustment Benefits Act of 1966 (the new GI Bill). The new bill provides financial assistance for other than educational purposes and includes aid for home and farm home loans, medical care and hospitalization. Veterans' Administration Pam and 1 outline phlets the program and may be obtained from local or regional Veterans' Administration Offices or Army Education Centers. principal tmd ckmttM mam m xkM. ml pajmtmiM it MiyjiiKi Jul HFC Offas Opan Saturday monimgs uirhl HOUHNOie PMANCI COWOIATION Of tut uii crrr uma 160 South Main St.-PH- ONE: PICTURED ABOVE IS the Headquarters and Headquarters Company bowling team .which captured first place in the summer military league. LTC William Black, second from right, presented trophies to the HHC team recently. Team members are, left to right, SP4 Vic Romano, SFC Bill Boy, SP4 Hal Mayer and SGT Bill Kane. The Hospital Detachment finished runner-u- p in the standings. 0titmo$ 21-66- UTAH 328-42- 01 23-66-- WHAT IS A JOB DESCRIPTION? The official definition states that a JOB DESCRIPTION IS THE WRITTEN RECORD OF SUPERVISORY CONTROLS, MAJOR DUTIES AND WORKING CONDITIONS. Personnel people like to think of a job description as a short and concise word picture of YOUR position and all other positions that are IDENTICAL or NEARLY IDENTICAL to YOUR POSITION. EACH job should be described before action can be taken to determine pay category, rates of pay and qualification requirements in order to effect appointments, promotions and re assignments of individuals. To help you to understand the terminology, the official Army definitions of POSITION and JOB are quoted below: POSITION CONSISTS OF one or more current duties established by administrative authority for performance by one person. At any given time, a position may be filled or vacant. To be recognized for pay, as well as other personnel administration purposes, a line supervisor above the position must officially designate the duty or duties as those which are necessary to further the mission of the organization for which he is responsible. If the position is filled, the duty or duties must be performed. Job includes all positions that have nearly identical supervisory controls, major duties, and working conditions. In the latest bowling reports a wwr-r- Would you believe its pos- sible for a player to score all the points in a football game for both teams! Well, it's possible, THERE WAS a game be tween aouinem 141 anu ington in which Bryon Haines of Washington tallied all the points in a 6-- 2 Husky victory. He scor- - . ed a touchdown for his own . team and later in the game was 4 tackled behind his own goal line,. , giving a safety to his opponents. Did you know that the Frank Skul Memorial Golf Course here ' at Dugway is one of 8,000 golf ' States? courses in the United There are eight million golfers, so ' that figures out to one course for ' every 1,000 duffers. Dugway's ' ' W tint f1fl W 11 V the 15H-16V- 4; Post Bowling Alley Tate Insurance has moved into the lead in the Wednesday Night Handicap League with a 24 and loss one-ha- lf won 7 and one-harecord The Bowling Alley is close behind, after dropping out 0 of the top spot, with a third is mark. Salescraft running with a 21-1- 1 slate. ROUNDING OUT the league standings are: Officers' Club, from lf 22-1- 19U-12- P&A, Hawkins, 19-1- 3; 10-2- 2; 15-1- 7; 7-- 1 191-52- Derelicts, Photo, Bachelors, Personnel, Page Aircraft, and Met Team, Heading the November 2 bowlBlack of ing action was William P&A, who rolled a 229 scratch and a 252 handicap. He also had a 576 scratch series, while Bobby Dean had a 652 handicap series, pacing the Officers' Club to a 1076 high team game and a 2952 high team series. In the October 26 play, Don Howard tossed a 221 scratch, 259 handicap in leading the Met Team. Roy Ritchie had a 605 scratch series and a 647 handicap series. Salescraft rolled a 1001 high team game and the Officers' Club had a 2921 high team series. BETTY Henderson's team ' continues to pace the Dugway f Women's Winter League with a 24-- 8 record. Chris Ritchie's follow), club is second ed by Flo Black's and Shirley Zumwalt's groups, both with 1 marks. The remaining loop standings include: ReNon Anderson, Carol JoAnn McAuliffe, 16-117V4-141- 4; 1814-13- K; 12-2- 0; 12-2- 0; 11-2- 1; 6-2- 6. 3; A MAJOR DUTY A duty is a major duty when the end product or purpose served from its performance constitutes an essential and basic reason for establishment or existence of the position. In addition, any continuing or periodically recurring duty will constitute a major duty if it either (1) occupies 25 per cent or more of the incuml)ent's time or (2) is sufficiently different from the other major duties of the position to require additional entrance qualifications or extensive training. JOB DESCRIPTIONS should be short and concise but d resent the complexity of assigned duties and responsibilities. This is all that is necessarv to cover in a WRITTEN RECORD of . a job. This record, plus existing regulatory material and personal knowledge of the organizations, function and details of the work, is used by position classification specialists in comparing the job with published standards by the Civil Service Commission and Department of the Army to determine the proper title, series and grade of the job. Many current descriptions are too long due to the inclusion of much useless detail. This useless material can be eliminated from job descriptions if a conscientious effort to do so is made by supervisory personnel. A considerable saving in time, file bulk and costs will result if this is done. WHY DO WE HAVE JOB DESCRIPTIONS? Job descriptions serve as the WRITTEN RECORD on which titles, series and grades are based and, thus, they are the official BACK-U- P for our pay checks. Job descriptions are also used in connection with performance appraisals, awards and for other management purposes. These are secondary uses though and are so treated by the position classification specialist. Under no condition should job descriptions be considered as detailed operating procedures all operations involved in performance of p which give the job. nt j 4tr SSSlllCZ A FESTIVE wsm . I Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Drive Carefully (On our Tires We Hope) Clyde Gibson Tire Shop (21Vi-10tt- (ffonMffy Rod Jmm) 725 North Iftafc Stratt 21-1- 17-1- 5; 6; ft step-by-ste- what happens this winter in the way of precipitation. For those who like their sport year around, many waters remain openM to fishing through Decern- 1 1 .1 uer 01 so cneca ine current pro- Utah's 1968 general angling cuunaiion ror mese waters ana season will close at 9 p.m. on enjoy some fine winter fishing. November 30 after one of the ft Angling Season most successful seasons on record. Excell ent water levels carrying over from 1965 and good ' carryover of fish in many waters got this year's season off to a fast start and the action has yet to slow down. Late season angling pressure has been the heaviest in years and good catches are still being reported from all of the State. post-seas- Round-U- p u Stoafoar Cnmnimiv'e f-laOar ft ft jaj ft. Si ft ft The 1968 harvest report cov ering the moose and buffalo ' hunts released today showed j Utah's harvest of these two mals running about the same as 's into the t 1967 season in years with hunters Coing lakes and reservoirs are, vesting 5 moose on the 10 per- not in good shape to cany fish m'ts "sued tor a si per cent throueh the winter in manvV I success ratio and buffalo hunters " cases. The past summer drought harvesting 10 animals on the 10 has caused heavy drawn down ' P"""" ,ssucu 1UI 1U P-s- on reservoirs. Much of next year's fishing success depends on 1 25 Lakepoint, Utah Roast Young Turkey with Dressing & Cranberry Sauce Salad, Soup, Vegetable, Potatoes and Dessert Also "Featuring! Choice Cut Club Steak - Lyonaise Potatoes Top Sirloin Steak - O'Brian Potatoes T Bone Steak. - French Fries ft ft ft ft ft har-Utah- success. ( Moose permits were issued for j Of bulls only and were again valid Jfc on the north slope of the Uinta Mountains.. This was the ninth JL ft. Three capable men await your visit ta Stoker Motor Company's Grand Opening. Loft to .right: Office and Business Manager H. M. Short, Harold Stoker, owner. Sales Ma noser J. R. Kirk, Jr. Grand Opening new shoiv- room ana offices continues through Saturday at Stokers. m off $1 25 animal of lb ?r.rrM Seven nf the lm hiiffaln h .ed were bulls; the other three I were adult cows. ft Grand Opening Continues! Moose, Buffalo Harvest Remains Same As in Past sued for a mature nmnnnni dur-sever- al ' Kegler's Our Thanksgiving Special 40-5- 0 - ' UNBEATEN and Notre Dame, already assured of a winning season, has its eye course doesn't seem to be that on the national college football crowded, does it? championship. Which college would you ' d The Irish, a grid has appeared in the most power, have one of the most say bowl games in foot- - 1 his-in records football amazing ball history? Give up? Well,': Alabama holds this distinction as the Crimson Tide has appear15K-16Barbara Mendenhall, ed in 19 different bowl games Jean Edgeman, Gilmore, over the yean. Georgia Tech's Helen Roy, Betty ' Yellow Jackets rank second in and Maxine ' G rathe, .8K-23this category with 17 appearances. Grace, Jean Edgeman completely Doak Walker ' dominated the November 1 acand of SMU Bobby Layne of ' scratch and Texas went on to become big tion with a 216-52- 6 a 236-58- 6 handicap. Flo Black's stars in Professional football af-team had a 777 high team game ter their college days. But did and a 2201 high team series. you know that these two grid . Ritchie Chris On October 25, greats once played on the same , 7 a with action the high school team? Back in the led scratch and a 578 handicap. Lucy 1940's, when Walker was a sopho-- , more and Layne a senior, they Teagarden had a 227 handicap both played football for High- - , rolled team Ritchie's Chris game. land Park High in Dallas, Texas. a 761 high team game, while compiling a 2152 high team series. top-rank- job Description: nrn ' HiWay - a tory. From 1889 to 1955 Dame Notre 68 of years period experienced only one losing scaion. Their only losing season ing that period was in 1933. long-note- Closes Nov. 30 H tumh $5.93 $10.07 taymtt SIN 29N h, Right? A shake of the Cauldron goes toot timh shoe-polis- - Need extra money . . . promptly? See Household Finance. HFC has loam to help you pay bilk, buy a better ear, take a leave . . . meet any need. You borrow confidently, repay conveniently. No wonder so many servicemen make Household their "headquarters company" for money help. You're MONTHLY 7. ut d" welcome, DUKE WAS holding a prac- tice session three days prior to the game. An airplane circled the field dropping yellow messages onto the playing turf late in the afternoon. Printed on the small of vellow naner was the dim a oive up uook . . . message: Forfeit the game." The messages were unsigned, but the color was associated with Ceorgia Tech's Yellow Jackets. Maybe "Dook" should have taken the advice, because when the two teams played the game, the Yellow Jackets recovered three Duke fumbles and intercepted three passes to trounce the Blue Devils 48-- foot-lock- er pose. A. NO. CREDIT FOR service may never exceed the football teams re-sort to psychological means to win games. For instance, take contest the Ceorgia Tech-Duk- e Sometimes Cheers! Greeting!! And plenty 's too! Yes, friends, the Christmas season is. rapidly coining upon us. It is that time of year when we all smile and wish to one and all the best of Season's Creetfngs. (Whether we of This ii the eighth of series of "Question and Answer" articles on the Federal Civil Service Retirement System. Questions answered are those most frequently asked about the System. Any other questions you may have will be answered by the Civilian Personnel Division, Employee Services Branch. - BUNTS AND BOUNCES The Cauldron 1 Snipe Hunting Continues On The 1966 season for hunting Wilson snipe is now open and will continue open until the close of the waterfowl hunt on January 5, 1967. must know Scattergunners their bird when shooting as all dure birds such as stilts and avocets are protected and it is the shooter's responsibility to know his target. Snipe hunting can provide some of the fastest shooting on. the marsh and with a bag limit of eight, hunters can make a good meal from a day's shoot Ift Come in and see the new Cadillacs and Pontiacs now on display, Drive the 1 967 Cadillac Eldorado. Register for the drawing on the colored urcmas ,pjriMine iqqifi iv ei. K STOKER MOTOR CO. 44 E. firef North Phon 882-106- 6 ft ft ft ft. ft ft. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft |