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Show I I Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Nov. 25, 1966 Win Tho Battlo Against Christmas Shopping and Mounting Tonsions a Revised Travel, Moving Regulations Announced Shop for two hours. Then Christmas shopping, like vices of this nature. Taka adany other "battle, should be vantage of the step saved by rest for an hour over lunch, planned in advance. And since shopping the boutique and oth- during which you can make any necessary changes, or amendmother is usually the "general er special departments. ments to your list Shop for two a for the annual foray, tactics For instance, from homo. Aa nd strategy fall to her. in Dallas to Famous-Bar- r more hours; then go soiHi as you arrive, take a leisare Louis there in St Unfortunately, she must do the Christmas shopping while "stores within stores" where urely bath, two aspirin tablets muscles, and lie to care denying on countless other you ean buy anything and ev- down foraching 20 minutes. This 15 to household, family and social erything for the man in your will leave you refreshed for obligations. To help her, the life. In fact these stores and your family. sections makers of Bayer Aspirin sur- others like them, have Remember, let family memveyed large department stores especially for HIM. who are old enough do bers and selected small stores across In other areas of the country, the nation, and learned some tores like Rich's in Atlanta their own shopping. Gat to the tores early, before others helpful tip. and J. L. Hudson in Detroit the counters. First, like a good general, have carried the idea of spec- crowd Mechanised operations save assess your alliea and utilise ialty departments even further the help they offer. In this eaae, by aetting up secret shop." manpower, or in this ease, your allies are the stores which In them children ean shop for womanpower. Use the trains, and buses to eliminate provide rest areas, refreah-mea- parents, friends and pete withand other incentives. All out parental interference. Par- driving and parking problems. r And never exceed the the department stores surveyed ents only get to see the bill hopping limit. Strategic withreport increased customer ser- - kept to very sensible limits. fit to shop While smaller stores have no drawal leaves you Neiman-Mareu- (Editors Note: This article is the first in a series which will appear in the Test Run. Ve believe that the alterations in travel regulations described below will be of interest to all civilian emmore mobility among employees and may change the verv nature of the Federal Service, causing the information furnished to ployees and their families. Therefore, we are publishing, in its entirety, us by the Civilian Personnel Office.) CHANCE 19 Joint Travel Regulations dated December 1, 19H. has been received at Dug8 and revises most aspects of pennan wav Proving Ground. The change spells out Public Law at government expense. Most of these reof station travel and movement of household goods 1988. visions are effective beginning July 21, A transportation agreement must be signed by Department . of Defense employees prior to PCS within the continental United 1 UMLCy SIlOOl States, chiding Alaska. Employees recently transferring to DugDe-way will be requested to sign an agreement to work for the ReSUltS months. 12 for the Army pertinent of for a vaauthorizes act allowances The payment MEMBERS OF THE NCO WIVES AUXILIARY pause moving and household m The annual Welfare and Mofor a coffee break during their riety of expenses related to employee transfers tour of the benefits: basic the act rale the following provides Turkey Shoot was held at installation. This photo was taken in the CBR auditorium ing. Generally, the Post Skeet Ranee on Noin Headquarters Building. vember 19. The shoot em-up began at approximately 9 a.rp for trans(1) AN INCREASE in the maximum allowance household of AMMUNITION arid clay piportation, packing, crating temporary storage, etc., to 11,000 pounds geons were furnished by the Welfrom 7,000 effects pounds and personal good, fare and Morale Division. for married employees. Weights for eligible employees without The winners included 1LT RoOn November 10, more than .The tour members had lunch families changed from 2JSOO pounds to 5,000 pounds mi October bert between travel Byrd, Don Johnson, Grady 30 members and guests of the at the NCO Open Mess where duty involving overseas workers on round trip Connell Larsen, CPT McEvoy, Noncommissioned Officers Wives Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., Comtours. Ronald Mitchell, Bob Solomon in a addressed the dayAuxiliary participated manding Officer, and Elbert Lowry. Each winner long briefing, including demon- ladies outlining Dugways misreceived a Thanksgiving turkey. conducted staff for sion of subsistence and facilities. Following the strations, (2) Per diem allowance instead by the employee The entry fee was $1.50. All and faculty of the U. S. Army luncheon, the ladies visited Ditto and spouse for transportation to the area to which being assigned and civilian personnel military CBR Weapons Orientation Course. Area. This visit was hosted by to seek permanent housing This provision is limited to the con14 over years of age were eligible The ladies also toured the Ditto LTC Richard Gordon, Deputy tinental U. S., excluding Alaska, and pays for one round trip by to Children under participate. Technical Area. Director, Test Operations. the employee andor spouse. 17 had to be accompanied by an THE LADIES were FROM DITTO first the , Area, adult. Shooters who had particiwelcomed by Colonel Wah G. ladies traveled by bus to the pated in previous Welfare and S. -U. Chin, Army CBR Weapons Wig Mountain gun position and (3) Subsistence allowance for 30 days after transferring Morale skeet shoots were assignOrientation Course Commandant, witnessed the firing of artillery while for 30 another which can be extended in some areas days ed averages, based on a maxiin the CBR auditorium. They were weapons and a decontamination occupying temporary quarters. mum score of 25. briefed on chemical operations demonstration. Explanations of ALL OF THE shooters comby LTC Arthur Nieto and were the demonstrations were providin one of the following peted erf residence ed or (4) PAYMENT FOR the expenses by CPT Richard Dwinell. selling a given an introduction to. bioloclasses: The final stop on the tour settling an unexpired lease at die old station and of buying a gical operations by MAJ ThoClass A average score 20-2mas George. LTC Domenic Lon go was at the student observation home at the new station. Class B" average score 15-1-9 and CPT Walter McDonald then post where the ladies saw a film Class C average score 4 briefed the tour members on of a toxic shoot. Demonstrations weeks salary and Class D average score 10 of other weapons and equipment-includin- g (5) Payment to married employees of two CBR defense. and under various types of greto rfngla employees of one weeks salary to cover miscellaneous Following the briefings, the The new shooters having no ladies toured the auditorium fa- nades and a flame field expedimoving expenses. established handicap shot in Class ent conducted. were The final the cilities, visiting backstage B. area and examining the displays event of the day was a tour of the static display area. in the rear of the auditorium. (6) Permanent storage of household goods and personal effects when assigned to an isolated area where residence quarters are not available. - 89-51- , rOStCd CBR-sponsor- -- CBR Hosts Tour For NCO Wives . ts four-hou- Many New Games In 3-- D Plastic Look to games this Christmas for surprise action and laugh -ter unlimited. The moat exhilarating new formate, many of them in SD plastic, appeal to the whole family. Focused on imaginative concepts, these, novel competitions set a record for ingenuity ranging from zany to wildly bizarre. . Consider Twister, a hilarious new game, that has nothing to do with that discotheque dance. Twister is a frenetic game of skill and action, played on a big plastic mat marked off with colored circles. Barefoot players stand on the dote and put hands and feet on the colors called out by the person spinning the dial. The idea ia to twist their bodies in aa many knots aa possible, with the goal to keep ones balance aa long as possible. Blop ia another bixarre new addition to merry making thats keyed to uninhibited hilarity. Each player gives this amiable monsters tongue a knock and up shoots a plastic ball from a hole in his head. To adore, the player must catch a plastic ball in his assigned . color. NEW APPOINTEES assigned to positions outside die. conSecret agents and double tinental U. S. and those going to jobs within the country for agents add spice to a variety which the Civil Service Commission decides that a manpower Dean E. Medin has just been of new game formate, ranging from the Fort Knox milieu of shortage exists also qualify for benefits. appointed range scientist at die a Goldfinger game to the Intermountain Forest and Range File and a John Drake Ipcreaa Experiment Station, according to J Spy game. Another unusual approach While traveling the members of the employees fondly will announcement by Director JoF. Pechanec. Mr. Medin to competiton is the Batman receive a per diem allowance. Again, if they are leaving from seph will be stationed at Boise, Idaho, game, which ia a combination nmn point other than die old duty station or going to someplace where he will be in charge of jigsaw and game. what odiw tbn the new one, this payment may not be more than research on rehabilitation and d The thrill of manipulating usually-usedie traveled by they would be entitled to if they had e winter large sums of play money has management of route between assignments. This work is a cooperative eternal appeal. The compeIt is important to note that the per diem allowance is not range. effort with die Idaho FHsh and tition with the moatest in thounew of families for authorized appointees. sand dollar bills ia Games of Game Department. For the past 7 years, Mr. Life, where players try to get the lion's share of an assortMedin has been a wildlife bioloment of $8 million and be first PER DIEM ALLOWANCES for the employees spouse gist with the Colorado Departto win the title of millionaire. are as follows: ment of Came, Fish and Parks, The 3ft hoard provides a road three-fourtthe where he conducted a kmg-tremployee, (1) When the spouse is accompanied by through life full of realistic entitled is of the per mem rate to which the employee study of mule' deer ecology. and downs. ups Standardized 1949 and the of Mr. Medin is a graduate of under the Travel Expense Act Among the bixarre fun Government Travel Regulations. However, the minimum allow- Iowa State University, with a makers that maintain high ance will be 8 unless the employee receives a per diem of less master of science degree from popularity ia Time Bomb, a than 8. in that case, the spouse will receive the same rate as the Colorado State University. He contemporary version' of the has published a number of ar--1 old favorite, hot potato. The employee. tides in scientific journals and bomb ia tossed frantically back and forth. The player holding is a member of several profesit when it goes "boom loses. sional societies. (2) When the spouse is not accompanied by the employee, Operation is another example diem the per amount to which the employee would have been enof far out fun concepts. In titled had they traveled together. (When more than one privately-owne- d auto is used in travel, the spouse will be considered to have been accompanied by the employee if travel is performed on the same days along the same general route.) - pedaUaed departments of this nature, they do offer the Christinas shopper special advantages. Individual attention in leu hectic surroundings, for instance. It ia also true that their smaller inventories allow for greater specialty, variety and daring in exotic imports or such regional favorites as foods and crafts. Learning what special services local atorea offer ia armto be chair reconnaissance done comfortably at home with e. the aid of newspapers and Then make gift lists for everyone. Include beside each name clothing sixes, hobbies and special interests. Armed with there, plan your assault in the following manner: The Balladiers a touring group of entertainers from Utah State University will perform three shows in Tooele County on November 30th. The group, ihade up of 82 boys and girl, students from USU will first perform at 9 a.m. at Dug-wa- y High School. Then, at noon, they will perform before Crants-vill- e High School students, and finally, at 2:30 pjn. they will perform for Tooele High School stu- LEONARD 5 11-1- HANSEN" 49 S 1st Sent 882-30- dents. 05 The world is populated with people willing to tell everybody how important they are. 3 Enjoy . ON-BAS- FULL-SERVIC- E E BANKING big-gam- hs (3) FOR EACH other member of the employees family who of the is 12 years of age or older, a per diem of three-fourtf. under child each 12, employees rate is authorized; for emunless the is allowance diem the $6 minimum Again, per ployees is less than that amount. Under this circumstance, the member will receive the same rate as the employee. short. electric shaver, the 600 Selek-tronic- . It features an exclusive dial which adjusts to four different shaving positions. The first position permits shaving tender akin and neck areas without Second through irritation. fourth positions raise the shaving heads above the guard combs to allow progressively closer shaves for any combination of akin and beard. The haver cornea with recharging console in a black vinyl case with built-i- n shaving mirror. By the way, mistletoe ean be used for things other than a romantic excuse. The mantel of the fireplace or center of u Christmas wreath are ideal pots for this colorful decoration. Mistletoe berries and leaves would make fins garland for an unusual twist in tree ornaments aa well. Moat gala could take a tip from the younger generation. Some teenage girls are carrying sprigs of mistletoe in their purees these days in eaae the right moment presents itself and no greenery can be found. ed For Forest Land ' It is difficult to make both ends meet, when the income is Mistletoe, one of America's favorite holiday decorations, brings to mind an especially pleasant custom: that of catching an unsuspecting (or so it may seem) sweetheart under the mistletoe" for a Idas. The green leaved, white-berriplant really does have quite a romantic history. References to it appear aa far back in history aa the days of the gladiators. The Romans made first recorded use of the plant aa a symbol of peace. Enemies meeting under it were required to discard their weapons and declare a truce. Parallels in later history occur in Norse mythology which records the mistletoe plant aa a symbol of love. The custom of kissing beneath tha bright leaves comes from the None marriage rite in which it was used aa a major decoration. Another Christmas custom popular through the ages ia gift giving. A great gift idea this Christinas and a sure way for a gal. to ensure a smooth-cheeke- d Idsa under the mistletoe ia Remingtons newest Appointed To Tour Schools - Did you know there ia a ring created especially to honor Mother? A ring containing her birthstone, that of Dad and each of the children makes a moat appropriate and sentimental gift this Christmas. Delightful Mistletoe Custom Range Scientist Entertainers Cleanup doesn't atop even for Christmas. Just to make aura you dont spend a harried holiday, put pine cleaner" on your Christmas shopping list It's a gift you ean give yourself good for wiping up everything from crushed candy canes to the pine tree stains. tele-plum- l USU another day! i - i !! REMINGiKON m . TUNIS UP SPECIAL ONE DAY ONLY Sat. 'Nov. 261 . hs one-hal- r-v I . - ' CIVILIAN AND MILITARY PERSONNEL AT DUGWAY . . . thefe's no need to travel to larger cities to get the kind of banking cervices you want or need . . . because your on Base First Security Bank Office offers you the extra advantages of Banking right here on Base! Full-Servi- ce f By banking at First Security you get the time- convenience of doing saving and money-savin- g all your .banking business under one roof in one stop. You may open a checking or savings account several plans are available for each; Travelers Cheques and money orders; and all kinds of financial advice when you need it. Good reasons whyt bank for yon. First Security Bank is ( shaver The Bureau has ruled that travel-wit- h or without a a private auto is advantageous to the government. Travel lowances will be granted for such travel in all cases disassembled New head cutter prime New hair stoppers and dustcoven New oscillator installed .whan required al- Mileage allowances are as follows: (1) FOR EMPLOYEE ONLY, or one member of immediate family - six cents. (2) For employee and one member or two members of mediate family - eight cents.-- FREE with (3) For employee and two members, or three members of immediate family - 10 cents. and three or more or four or more members of immediate family 12 mits. members, -- (Every pthailr Friday) 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Military Pay Days (Last day of Month) DlROlil IwIMtwf MlWIMt CofOfillM Dvgwoy Provluf Orpwwd HHHMlt BIFT? YES! But be sure you take several other factors into consideration. When choosini s puppy select ont that isos dose to 8 weeks old ss possible. A mile Is inclined to be inort turessive end to ram. A female is usually nun trset-- , ind bit neater. Be sure the new pup is in (ood health, his sturdy legs, ood food eppeir-inc- i: teeth with proper bite, end clean, firm turns. Look for in and coat that's hsndsom, due, largely, to proper dear eyed, active, well-fe- d diet Photo, courtesy Friskies. a i Per diem allowances in cases where the employee drives his own car between assignments will be computed on the basis ol what the Department' defines as reasonable driving distance per day. The Budget Bureau, however, specifies that this may not be less than an average of 300 miles per day. ' Tune-u- p $088 tUF plus tax Pra Shave lotion or Overhaul $1.00 value BATEMAN 5 N. Main Jewelry - 882-13R- 2 Remingtons own factory representative will be here to assure you of expert service. HUTMOfUC; jpiwy Um Cp,iWi and Lids will Open at New Location (54 S Main) Tuesday, November 29 at 12 noon. Will be Closed Monddyand Tuesday morn a ing while moving) Al For example, if an average minimum distance of 300 miles per day, the per diem payment will be $4 for each 75 miles, or fraction of 75 miles, traveled between the old and new duty posts FIRST SECURITY BANK parts replacsd Complete overhaul includes cord models and cordless Laktronic models im- (4) FOREMPLOYEE - Any damaged or worn plus tax the Post Exchange Bldg. BANKING HOURS 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday thru Fridays 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., on Civilian Pay Days COMPLETE OVERHAUL New shaver heads Motor parts replaced if needed TUNE UP Cleaned and fubricated-an- tirs (The next article in this series will deal with regulation! changes vis a vis the one-ca- r rule, authorization of trips to the new station to seek quarters, subsistence allowanctl provisions, and so forth.) 1 A |