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Show EUKEKA REPORTER r By Mathieu SPOT YOUR PLANE i e.u. ir r? Thursday, November 12, 1942 THEATRIWERPTOSES On the Seven Seas u Friday - Saturday For 45 yean Oencral Electric hat developed and built electric equipment for warshipa. Hera art a few of tha ways ia which electricity serves the Navy. November 13 and II Ths Wild Junqla's Wildasi Thrills BEYOND THE BLUE years Hollywood has complained that there were too many extras for too few jobs. Now it begins to look as if the HORIZON" 1 featuring DOROTHY LAMOUR RICHARD DENNING And Other Stars Sunday - Monday Ncrvpmbar 15 and 16 GEORGE MONTGOMERY ANN RUTHERFORD With GLEN MILLER and his BAND ORCHESTRA WIVES Abo Such Stars as LYNN BARI. CAROL LANDIS, and CAESAR ROMERO MATINEE SUNDAY TUESDAY ONLY November LLOYD By VIRGINIA VALE Released by Wisiern Newspaper Union. BEECHCRAFT --I& shoe might be put on the other foot. For the extras are getting jobs in war plants. The other day at Columbia they were shooting a big banquet scene for "The Power of the Press," with Lee Tra- 900H.K-- PUCE- S- M.5f MO S 40. ABOUT POA TAAMAS 130 M OVA MAYOACt AUOTOOAAAHT AW UTILITY TAANSPOAT yXS M TUI ANTARCTIC, AMO MILE SZLASSig VWVAAO WOAWNg All OYfA Tut WOALO. NAVE J4O00 trfSTMATStt MAU cy, Gloria Gibson, Guy Kibbee and Otto Kruger. There were also 150 dressed-u- p extras and practically all of them were atudying hooka on welding, die sinking, etc., between shots. THAN THAOUOH OUHTNfSJ. (C4l) USED TN EM. - Just one battleship may have electric generators to produce as much aa 180,000 kilowatts. This power would supply the needs of a city of 375,000. I- PKTVAt SHOWS AMO OISTAACt -- TO EECOMO WITH MMI HUMAN ACCUMACV TACTICS.CHAHACTE op the nMAM,mri op planes and INSTMMCNTS.EIC...SOMBEES EiCORO fOA (AT-7-), (P-2-). Tut PAMKHUS tH OtOTHA" OUAtOA.UUO THE roomoM "i ACCURACY OP THEIE HITS... AMAHNE MAPS AlTfTUOt WOAP, IN COMPLETE DETAIL ARE INSTANTLY MAM WITH THOU THt MINUTES ONLY CAMERAS... PVt NEW PRECISION OOOAOPA A AND DEVELOP NOW TO NEEDED PRINT,! tftCACAAPTPi. TENT... A TIMED PORTABLE "FLASH ROMS IS USEO POR NISHT WORK.. .COLOR PHOTOS CAN DISCOVER CAMOUFLASCD OBJECTS HIDDEN TO THE HUMAN EVE ,ANO THE INFRA-REPROCESS CAN PIERCE A HEAVY HAZE THAT BUNDS A TELESCOPE. Pat O'Brien (The Navy Cornea Through ia keeping him busy) owe his dramatic experience to the fact that the state of Wisconsin paid men 630 a month to complete their educations, after the last war. Discharged ea a seaman, second class, he went to New York and enrolled in dramatic school, and The Front landed on Broadway. Page, his first film, put him on ths JUST OFF BROADWAY with MARJORIE WILSON and see what a grand whiskey it is! Irene Dunnes going to have her work cut out fur her in Gaslight if she gives a performance equaling Judith Evelyn's in the stage version, "Angel Street"; seems as if Metro might have done right by the public by letting them see her in g " CHEERFUL ,1$ iTSNAME" 7 4. When a battleship goes into action, electricity helps direct tha hip, operate the guns, and give tha order. G.E. ia building equipment Electricity hclpi to these operations. to do these jobs. General Electric believes that Ita first duty aa a good citixan is to be a good aoldier. Cantrml Elactric Company, Schanaetady, N. Y, "GANG BUSTERS" The Weakly Family Show OLD November 18 and Is Suhny Brook Wednesday - Thursday IS Straight Rnurbon ThiikrT HOW GREEN WAS MY S. More than 20 different operations are performed in bringing a naval gun to bear on it target. ,i and PHIL SILVERS Chapter t Nut:on:l Dimillrrs Corp, N. Y. Troilm-t- s - BRAD 90.1 ?& Proof -v r Sj VALLEY GENERALS ELECTRIC Wives of men serving in the armed forces abroad, who are using cars registered in the name of their husbands, may obtain gasoline rations even though hubby" isnt at home to sign his application blank as the the OlA has announced. In such will not regcases, the ister for gasoline rations at school house sites instead will apply direct to local War Price and Ration car-own- car-use- The Story of a Lore That Defied The World with WALTER PIDGEON MAURINE O'HARA DONALD CRISP IRENE DUNNE it. Shes had a lot of stage WludyouBmfWUU WAR MINUS The Aerial Camera fur use un Scout and Observation and planes It essential to both the Army and Navy air furces in planning battle (urmatiuns and in obtaining information on enemy fortifications and movements. They look something like a cannon, and cost about 63.400 apiece. experi- and England, and is a leading radio actress, with beauty and talent to burn. Several movie companies have been dickering with her, and why not last year ahe won the Drama league'a award for the season's most distinguished performance. ence in Canada Recon-naisan- Tebaece to New Yark Dutch East Indies tobacco grower are shipping most of their crop to New York. Cad Prolific The cod la one of the most prolific of fish a female 39 Inches long produces about 3,000.000 eggs. First Flay First play written and produced professionally in tha U. S. was "Tha trag-ed-y Prince of Parthia, a five-aIn blank verse, produced in 1759. Power la Gaa Thera la enough power la a gallon of gasoline to propel a car 450 miles if It wart not for wind resistance, friction and a few other details. ct Farmer Uses Steel More than 30 tons of steal products e are required to equip a grain and dairy farm with a fun eomplcment of Implements, machinery, fencing, milk cans, and own Little evidence of gasoline hoarding in anticipation of -wide rationing has been in the Rocky Mountain spirit of among motorists anxious to conserve rubber nation- ed Whan you, the citizens of Utah, voted NO on Preposition No. 2, you asserted your right, in no uncertain terms, to shop where you please. You said NO to a misguided attompt to cur tail your personal liberty. You refused to bo deprived of the right to search out for yourselves the best p!aces to shop tha places where you can buy to best advantage. Your vote showed that you recognised these a ... 'tQoifg important facts: . . that retail stores live ond grow only if they fill a real need: otherwise nobody patronizes them. . . . that whon a retail businoss prospers, it is proof that it is doing a good job for its customers. . . . that tho J. C. Penney Company U such a business, and epnrates such stores. ...that tho J. C Penney Company has grown and prospered in Utah only it has served Utah pcaple well. the last war. WUet yu&uy Witts WAR MINUS Our army spells and pronounces it ponton, not pontoon'', as you da Ponton bridges cost all tha way from 615,000 to $700,000. The smaller bridge using individual metal pontons Is pictured here. The largest ponton bridge Is 1,080 feet long and is mada of rubber Instead of aluminum. If you're homesick for the dear old days of vaudeville you mustn't miss Metro's For Me and My Gal," with Judy Garland and Gene Kelly. It'll send you away tinging the old songs. Judy and Kelly will do Anchors Away" after she finishes Girl Crazy." bo-cau- se 4 Sister Eileen, with Rosalind Brian Aherne and Janet Blair, ia aa funny as the stage play, which is saying a lot. Even though the Hays office stepped on the script but lightly it hasn't lost much. Don't miss itl My chandise at right prices. America in Utah nobody is compelled to buy at Ponneys, or at any other store. If you like the goods wo sell, the service we give, and tho prices wo ask, you make your purchases from us. But you always retain comIn - Sines Esther Williams finished work ia Andy Hardy Steps Oat", she's been waiting so serenely for her next assignment that somebody asked her how she did 1L When I was badly defeated at my first my swimming meet," said she, mother said, 'Remember, yon have to lose a long time befora yon win.' And that's practically perfect advice for all young actresses, most of whom need IL a 4 smaller streams. But whether our army uses the smaller or largest puBton, our engineers need plenty of them. If you and every American Invests at least 10 percent of Income hs War Bonds every pay day we can supply our fighting forces with those essentials to a victorious war. All purchases made, anywhere, by anyone, in Penney stores, have always been voluntary transactions, based on this alone: good mer- Russell, On his return from South America Orson Wellca saw hia Journey Into Fear" for the first time hi finished form, and set out for Hollywood and the RKO studios to shoot a new ending. inspirrd by current world and war events. Dolores Del Rio heads tha east. One small bridge has a weight capacity of 35 tuns, using about 2.000 individual metal pontons. The smallest Is used only to take troops over with rationing regulations, be accounted for by coupons removed from ration books. Stored gasoline must not be used in amounts greater than those permitted by rationing. Compulsory periodic tire inspection will show whether wear on tires has exceeded that to be expected under gasoline rationing. OPA has called upon local War Price and Ration Boards to appoint all competent tire men in their communities as VOTE OF CONFIDENCE k The aerial cameraman can plot wide territories in bold relief so that Army or Navy Intelligence can make accurate measurements of enemy territory. We need many of these cameras so necessary to the air arms of the Army and Navy. You can help buy them with your purchases at War Bonds. Invest at least tan percent of your Income every pay day, and help your county go aver its War Bond Quota. as a war measure is excellent All gasoline put into the tanks of automobiles after the plan goes into effect must, in accordance THANKS FOR YOUR entertainments. Raymond Massey played s touching farewell scene, his biggest one, Action in the when. In Warner' North Atlantic, he bade good-b- y to his wife, played by Ruth Gordon. When the picture's dons he'll Jola the Royal Canadian army as a major; be waa an officer with them ia rs Boards. Trips te Planet Airplane trips to a planet or to the moon are out of the question, according to soma astronomers, because most of the way between tha earth and the moon there Is no afr. 150-acr- When the Red Cross army and navy nurses who were feted at Abbott and Costello's roller skating party left fur foreign duty they took with them a book of radio scripts from the comics material . for the soldiers' target. Broo Sip 4i NOLAN detecting enemy ships and planes, and to guide Navy gunners to their MI movie map. 17 Searchlights produce millions Iof candlepower of light to aid hi OVDS Al) F.xna-Jo- hm Ty era you barilutte a ihr Si. Limit Municipal Opt rumiwiiv, wi (fit r.Jr o "Karma T in I remake uf "SW B.wt Mel ra . Altut llulr uy i ht V0 mile lo a gall grit fUMiliiia in hi, btkt troator . . . IWbH. I 'ud Harm fan bought oaa . lla rilnnd Mudied firM did la in UHourk," - and th learned Inal the Has la be lha iirtim . 1 berel e srarrily of artificial hair lb dait, so If arner Urol, ordered olmoipbi and bit pto ers fur The ddteoinres Mark Ti min" lo grote ihrir heo . , . Cheilrr Morris heads a troupe irh shim s ol sereire ramps. stases u eehl Furnace fires glow and smoke surges from the stacks of thousands of industrial plants producing an quantity of planes, tanks, guns and other implements of war. That's the smoke that gets in the eyes of the Axis. plete freedom of action. That's tho American system the American Way of Lift. That's what you voted for . . . and that was straight thinking. ... ever-increasi- ... not The Penney Company thanks you only in words, but in the promise of tinuing good values and good service! Raw materials and completed units are loaded on long rows of freight cars, go rum.lir.g acioss country in a procession, haubi ky gigantic locomotives followed by trails of amcka smoke that smarts the eyes of Ilitler and Hirohito. never-endin- g The American way is the thrifty way tha thrifty way Is tha Penney way. - Smoke 'em out! that's our job. Union Pacific, t1 con- v Strategic Middle Route connecting WlJ with Tast, is doir.g its part by keeping 'em rolling." Tkorni of Union Pacific employees are working tirelessly - and buying War Bonds generously -- for victory 1 IWru m, 7he fSefsiTMtite UHiON PACIFIC RAILED 7tic ij'uiufc D JmU J. C. PENNEY COMPANY, Inc. |