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Show Thursday, Aagrrt 184.93 eubeka reporter Pil 4 Tintic Jurors Drawn for District Court Senrc. Copper Railroad Car Was Put Into Service Saturday ONLY THURSDAY BETT open-face- d HENRY DAVE - Sheriff lleber Mellor hue beeu busy tb pant few day eervin on Tlnilc people who ha - I been drawn to aerva during the preeJ let 1 iftb the of ont seaalon follow. Court. They ire Burtla Jameson. Percy Beery, Dun Llv-seMartin, William Treloar, Thoa. GoodLee J. Sullivan, Phillip Handle, rich, Karl Beck. Harry Mitchell Black, Elizabeth L. Franke. Thomas Ball, George A. Wallace, 8.1 L. Jerman and Harry Pitta. that only one It U understood crlmlual ceae I coming up during tbs aelon of court, that belug on a Tlie Following are Eveale lliai Happened la Tlatlc IMetric! a Hcnre of Yea re A. jj FRIDAY August - SATURDAY 10th anil FOmilGHT SSOtli CASE Of HYSTERICS edw.g. ROBINSON I iof:murder Big Double Feature Program Winter Comes- - y, Do Bettor Than to Have a Bin Full of Highgrode You FORM ITS ITS William Dodds, aged til years und ' resident of Jljitif. J bl preoBt borne In following a dM t0 Infirm It- - of old Deh DONT because The tiol m tod i hunt CLEANER and it's tloni ( The IN AND GET OUR STORAGE DELAY-CO- ME leg sex, sfrntlni it will We Want to Olve Complete Satisfaction Jones Coal Co. p,m, ,hou, thr- - resity years ago and established hie dence In Goshen. He never married Surviving are a brother. John A. of Coahen. and a half brother Podd and Huff Louisa Jack Plckrord, the atate'a nerinnnent arhonl fund N- - P- - Wilson of Salt Lake ( Ity. hud lost $1,200,000 during the laal Alma Ruheiia were featured motion Funeral aervlcea and interment twenty years because of bad farm took place at Goshen today. loans. 1 ron RATES He waa born In England Jane is. i$B7, a eon of Thomas and Annl Richardson Dodds, and ha come to I'tah with bla parents when e mere child. He apent many years In Tln- tic as a miner while a young man duvidll the be .1 Bar the xf gists Newel! carnet PHONE 91 lime Foil (he bo io It! aBasaTSaSffiBS i md dlitrle to bo HKGI.WTRATION DATES ARE IJSTE1) AGAIN AS WARNING SOtb. ee c dtyi have once again asked Ihe Reporter to urge all persona to register. nr see wl- -I tbit th-- lr names are pro"irly reg!e-tered- , ct the earllet possible data so that all may be able to vote at all elections to be held this fs'I. Tha primary eler'lon will be held on September 1 3th and that leaves only three registration dates open to hors who care to vote. They are 11th and Auvust 27th, September 12th. Two other datea follow tli .rmary. They are Sept, ISth and November 1st. The urge Is that all voters shout I (1.111 Hulah. register so that they may t:ke ps DANCE: KITI KDIY Archie D. Ryan, of the United In the whole election program. Officers of the Tinllr Standard Stales Geological Survey, who waa a TINTIC ROYS ATTENDING Club of Dividend announce that a former Tintic resident, was back RIG LEAGUE It 11.1. SCHOOL be will held at a take on visit. the district dancing party on Side the evening of Saturdiiv, the Curtis Butler and Roxer and RodVern Okay was at American Fork 20th of August, and extend an Invitation for all to attend. Speclul ar-- , vlaltlng with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ney Feft reported ycaterday mor itnx at Suit take City at the buaeball Coddington. rangementa are being mndo to school which la being sponsored by In a manner everyone royal Dr. L. B. taker returned to Eure- - ,he Cincinnati Reds of the Nalloiu! that night. ka after apending a few days at League. Play opened at 10 a. I Ralph Mlgliocclo's Chlraro orches- Provo and Salt Lake City. community park In that rlty. tra ha been engaged for furnish the Members of the Reds staff who music. Miss Msrrella Sulllvsn rrturnrJ are In rharxn of the school are Mir. borne after a visit at tha capital. key Shader, llauk Suverrid and Chu-t- . POUTICA I. A X XOVXCKM ENT. K. Chapman. lu view of the fact hut big Irvrue I hereby announce my randld:icv are usually looking for talcnr for tho nomination of Couulv Revoder the age of tweuty ve.irs thcorder on the Democratic Ticket at the Primary to he held In beys from Dividend will he ulrhd 1 will rpprcrlnte the Dr. Steele Bailey, Jr., waa at Ne-- closely for tho reason that all three September. them are classy Junior players, support of my friends and fellow phi where he went In connection voters from both aides of the county. with the Juab County Draft Board,1 LAVKI.L CA7.1ER SVEDIN. of which he was a member. POLITIC.! LAN NOl.NtFAl ENT Slats aud county Big COAL FREE FROM CLINKERS. fer Guy recommended that tha next I'tah leglaloture appropriate money to pay back the school fund, which under I'tah law must be guaranteed by the atate against loaa or diversion., The special auditor waa named to Mlaa Marjorie Sheehan of S:lt look over the land board accounts Lake City wa in Eureka for a by the 1937 legislature. Aa a result with bar aunt, Mra. Mary Harrlng-o- f an earlier report returned by tha ton. Investigator, George A. Flaher, former executive secretary of the board; Powell Ipaon. recently dlcharced cashier, and tauren W. Glhha, Silt Uke City bond broker, were Indicted A picnic party wa held In the by a county grand Jury and charred mountains. Tintic Present North with criminal practices In connection were: Allre HanThompson. Dorothy with operations of the old land non. Berniers Bourne. Helen Beesley, board. Margaret Jones, Gertrude Mrllon- Catharine Franks and Frances aid, TINTIC STANDI HD TOPS THE VOl. i', gives MORE HEAT, M1XFK DIED AT GONIIKN MOMMY Ell TINTIC ,h Cant CASTLE GATE larceny charge. . SKN).(N) CASH DRAWING tL. sub-pone- ee to Utahns by company official. Called the "Copper King," tbo lounge went into aervlce with the aireamliner "City of I.oa Annelea, The quarterly MINING NOTES Auk. II. Couaoll-th- e Chief Minin who the ahowed that offlclula, insperted report new rar during ita atop at Baltldatlld Mining Co. had a reaerve fund Lake depot, found a dazzling array of fgoO.OOO. Two new ore bodies of copper used for everything front been t)pon,.d Up on the luO and the porter's uniform buitona lo the 1Zu0 HVMu of the Gndlva. Jeaae rsr'a wall paneling. Knight of Provo who owned several Ii. I). Moffett, vie president of n,1IlM (n Tlnilc, waa In the district, the l.'tah Copper Company, and 00kn), over Ms propertied. Produc- to secure representative of the Culled States era ,,0id ,,rl) and IteflnliiK Company. E ,x pi,r Bmeltlng bonus on the yellow and the American Smelting and He- - niHll, t waB u(ad lhpt the mines! The1 fining Company, were among the of rtllh f0uld 74t 200 persona who viewed the cnr'e c.emlnl Mining Co. waa iuHialling Interior during the Salt take atop, large motor at the well In Homana- "A copper mans dream," com- - V )rosperting was being done on mented Mr. Moffait. ,he 1800 ,Me, of tha Rldpt BBd Val- Mrs. W. A. lUrrinian, w'fe of A drUl WM b.Bg run on the the chairman of tha Cnlnn Pacific goOQ level of the Eureka Bullion. board of directors, worked out the Prof. I. L. Williamson, auperln- In (be used decorative design of the Tintic echool district, tendont "Copper King. m announced that school would open September 4, 1111. )KH FOUND IN HEAVY Memorial aervlcea were held at the IMlIi August Twenty Years Ago veritable copper wine, the Union Pacific Hailroad'a lateet contribution In the lounge car field ii last Saturday introduced A T( o'Mrlais kxntli aisy d bi kuntli ronrM till ol Doo Utah hxntlt Utahn In and d trlrt damai or grt raniet Ant board don i ! (alibi-- ; mull' toll, ln efJruqpHUiyn SUNDAY - MONDAY AukunI 2 lit ami 22ml Men Against Men for Geld! Man Against Man for a Woman I porml kind barbai Acr JO yon oi either only. Mat (d, an - ciua. turns tu m a mm tosimt row announce myself a for tha position of slate rep resentatlve from Juab County on tho Democratic ticket, subject to the action of voters In the September priI hereby Matinee 2 p. m. Sunday TUESDAY ONLY - mary. August 23nl MRS. GERTRUDE CHESTER MORRIS JOAN fONTRINE XI My Neighbor Says: wttk It V FOOTE. Mining Blanks at Reporter Office StantMt RICHARD Dll H un-dldat- e CARIV Fxvieeurem IAOiO PlCIUII 0 Our Big 10c Bargain Show Tlow-- 1 Tin FIs Hw La grand for snack service at any hour toasted sandwiches, bacon and eggs, pancakes aod sausage and similar dishes. And you'll Uke the Relish Server to serve the things that add sest to the cooker's tasty foods pineapple for grilled ham. pickles for toasted sandwiches, etc. The Server becomes a tray. too. when you remove the glass lining. Both the cooker and the server are Manning-Bowma- n products, modemly designed in chromium and walnut This special combination price, however, is good for a limited time only. So come in soon see what a bargain it is. The Pioneer Cooker Snjoij 6ctU rUHiq itfdh Quap E&EGUDGB weak solution of chloride of lime will remove peach stains from linen. A WEDNESDAY August 21th ONLY YOUR COSTS COME vicKVomt fRE D WNWNG, UP WHEN YOUR CAR COES sunlight. eld-tim- e Drive in for Specialixcd Lubrication at regular intervals. ltKGt'I.AIl STATIONS EVERYWHERE ADMISSION ! IN UTAH Af O IDAHO . j Vtr FiKorr Tuna They used to 45'-- - A FEU EAQ3 THEN i UCft-- WEU. IF IT AiWT PAU, HARR. MV OLD MAVEWT 9CEN lid Wive VEAR- - JP' are you, (vmpwkim a too. In Nrvei durln; Thi trol ledge, and I. Fin few a n&tur Piper to be Four of Ui ee tC lira j for w legeo To cook mushrooms for creaming or escalloping, remove thin peeling, cover with water and boil genin covered pan live minutes tly to Thi egeo lean and for tl Preserved flgs stuffed with white cream cheese and arranged on pine- apple slices placed on lettuce and topped with salad dressing makes a very good rslad. C Awwlalae Naaptr -- WNU In ery Th ihnul Fame don regul Snw. Labi ngr ThU you TOtMv - Has C When using pastry flour in cooking, use a little more than when using bread flour. Bread flour thickens a little stiffer than pastry flour. 7ty.U9 VO U yon; ntnh ell In are g bund rolng In making gelatin desserts a of fruit Juice instead of water cup may be used, then flavor the sauce contrast with or intensify it High! up (her on the grease rack, dollars can be chopped off your operating costa. Author ities say that 80 of aU repair bills are due lo faulty lubrication. That's why slapdash grease Jobe Just won't da. It takes Special ed Lubrication scientifically correct lubricant for every friction point to give your car sure protection against excessive wear and needless expense. Doc In Ca IK)E big Ferns require light and sir. They grow best when placed near a window where they do not get direct QQl'N 1! cither W5V WlL, I'LL eat MV Ovp FRlEWO. ARE Vd&9 VST CftV- - MARRIED Th brntp ft'rm In 1 1'HVe ervH Th e Hr p the i llTHl Iher. if j ell topi one the laid |