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Show DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13,' 1907. c ' 1 TRUL : 4 ! s . Clothes of Quality i You see quality 4 TELEPHONE WAR hen you look at HIED WITH INTEREST nev clocks THE KENTUCKY FEUD CASES CAUSE BELL WANTED TO ABSORB OPPOSING LINES. I You experience Wanted te Kmp it Quiet Sa People Story of The Murder ef Dr. Cox, Who Waa Killed While an The Way te Would Not Know They Were BeThe Flammed Flim by arge Visit a Sick Daughter Shots Were ing Fired From Hargis Place. Monopoly. it when you wear them. i t fji 4 . ' i An Interesting sidelight Is thrown the alleged attempt of the Rocky upon It is quality all the way Mountain Bell Telephone company of this city to absorb tha Utah Independthrough with this splendid proent Telephone company by stories duct. If the best" Is what you which appear in the New Turk papers. want, you want this make. According to a dispatch in the New Tork World, the attempt to. absorb the The latest styles of suits are Independent company Is merely a part of a scheme on the part of the here; prices from $20 to $30. telephone trust, or Bell company, to We want you to see them for absorb all Independent lines. Attorney-Gener- al Jackson of New we are proud of them. Tork, it appears, baa been conducting a hearing relative to the alleged attempt to form a telephone monopoly, and, according to tha World, It was shown that in an agreement entered Into by the American Telephone and Telegraph company through President F.) P. Fish, the Bell company made a secret arrangement with George Eastman, Hiram W. Sibley, James 8. Watson, Walter B. Duffy, T. W. Finucanc and Edward Busch, Rochester millionaires, by which the New Jersey Title home In Baltimore. They hare Just Guarantee and Trust company of JerrroKMHl the continent on the initial sey City was to buy the big independBISHOP SAILS stage of what Is to be a circuit of the ent system and run It for tha Bell comTheir next stop will be Hono- pany In strict accordance with written FOR THE ORIENT globe.where a few days will be passed orders to be given by n Bell representlulu, before resuming the Journey arrutt ative. seas to China. Bishop Wilson's Aral This was so the public would not SAN FKANCIFIO, Cal, March IS Among the pHKsenKrrs booked to sail work In China will be to rrprveent (he know that the Independent lines were for thr Orient today are the vriur-abl- ff Methodist Episcopal church. South, at owned and managed by the trust Ths secret agreement prbvlded In ttiNlmji Alpheus W. Wilson of the the centenary celebration of the enchurch. South, trance of the Arst Protestant mission- detal las to how the trust company was Method tat KiIkchmI and Mrs. Wilson, who recently cele- ary Into China. This celebration la to to place Bell men In the directorate of be held at Shanghai the latter part cl the United States Independent Telebrated their golden wedding at tlu-lnext month and will tje participated phone company, who were to do as the In by all the missionaries of China, Bell representative directed. The Bell and by representatives of the mission- company agreed to furnish all the cash ary boards that maintain missions In and pay the New Jersey Title GuaranChina. After this celebration Is con- tee and Trust company for Its work cluded Bishop Wilson will go to Japan and save It from loss. to attend the Arst general conference The World goes on to describe how of the new Methodist church of Japan, the scheme originated, according to the which will be held In May. He will testimony, which. It la claimed, was represent the M. E. church. 8outh, at adduced at the hearing before the at this conference, which will mark the torney-genera- t. On thla point the union of the work of Are great World says;, branches of Methodism In Japan. "George Eastman told how the proposed monopoly originated. It was tn his office at Rochester. He suggested Llfaa Outlook at Wa Maka It If you Inslat upon wearing the black that he could get In touch with the American Telephone and Telegraph of goggles of pessimists, It lant for you Aclals through M. B. Phillip of New to complain If life looki dark. York. Thla wps done and reaeulted In secret conferences between President Fish, E. J. Hall of the A. T. A T. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Eastman, Mayor Cutler of Rochester and the other men named. wlx or seven ruuin modHall testlAed that he was present ern house, close In. No children, st most of the conferences, and that ha Ind: phone, 191. was there as the representative of the Bell. This was considered an Imporwo sell is made to stand ser-vic- u tant point in proving Attorney-GenerOP PRIVATE SALE and rough handling. REAL ESTATE. Jackson's claim of an attempted mon THE DISTRICT COURT OF opoly, both in operating telephone lines llodicH of tough brasswood, theINSecond Judicial, district for Weber and In the manufacture of telephone stale. with narrow elm slats to lend county, Utah. Estate of Elisabeth equipmentU. In this 8. L men, after making the The Wadsworth Douglass, deceased. The their added strength. undersigned will sell for cash, on or arrangement with President Fish, after tha 23rd day of March, 1907, the agreed that tha trust company was to HEAVY STRAP NIH6ES following described real estate situated act as their agent It was then an' In Weber county, Utah: A part of lot nounced in Rochester that not Bell infine locks, extra straps and six (S), block ten (10), In plat "A" of terests, but tha trust company, was jCIty survey, beginning at the buying the Independent system. It riveted corners. All sizes, Ogden northwest corner of said lot and block, was also claimed that the men they running thenca south M 1- feet, thence were buying It for were not Bell men. styles and grades. east 133 feet, thenca north 391-- 1 feet, The proposed merger Involved the thence west 133 feet to the place of be control of the New Tork Independent TRUSKS REPAIRED ginning. Written bids will be received Teleplsine company, organised and by the undersigned at No. 2312 Madison Aoated by Thomas W. Flnucane. Had avenue, Ogden City, Weber county, not Jackson stopped the merger, the Bell company would have secured the Utah. Dated March 13th. 1907. alleged franchise for New Tork, which Flnucane capitalised on a- - $30,000,000 JAMES 1L DOUGLASS. Administrator. basis. President Fish admitted that out' N. J. Harris, Attorney for Adminisside of the U. 8. I. the Consolidated trator. TRUNK FACTORY (Date Arst publication. Mar. 13, 1907.! Telephone company of Buffalo Is the OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. (Date last publication, Mar. 23, 1907.) only large Independent operating and manufacturing concern In the state. This company controls a franchise In New Tork City." C. D. IVES Broom Hotel Corner r Every Trunk al -1 GALLACHER THE GAME OF HEARTS Postal Cards Aid Bciance. is often played to the accompaniment of a Piano. Many an engagement has been begun under the spell of exThe quisite melody. touch of the keys of one -- ; J :r- - of our sweet-tone- d pianos seems to draw out the romantic feelings of both sexes. For happy hours at home too, they are incomparable. Beautifully made, scientifically and admirable in tone, touch and exthese pression, pianos are .pronounced the best ever manufactured, by the best musical critics. con-construct- M. G. BARNES ed ORAND OPERA HOUSE BLOCK TIME IS. THE THIEF of opportunity and delays breed danger. Some day you Intend to start a bank account and let your surplus earnings accumulate and place you on the road to a greater prosperity why not do It now? The sooner you form the bank-accou- nt habit and get a good on tba habits of thrift and economy the better for you and tha grip larger trill your accumulation grow. Start your account with us and wc furnish you pus and check books free of charge. THE OQDEN STATE BANK 00 OF XL C. BIGELOW. President J. M. BROWNING, Vice DEN, UTAH Pres A. P. BIGELOW. Cashier. R-- A. MOTES. Aut Cash. The postal cards that have been distributed by the .German meteorological bureaua since laat June have proved aucceufal aide to science. On these cards Information of Interost Is sent from all points of Germany to the meterologlcal bureaus of Berlin, Hamburg, Koenlgsberg, Magdeburg, etc. The cards are exempt from postage. Tweezera and Magnifying Glass. Tweezers are so frequently used for removing lnAnltesImsl particles from the skin that it has occurred to some genius to make a combination of tweezer and magnifying glass. This is a small folding affair taking up little room in the fiocket, and In use the llass la held suspended directly over 'he point of the tweezers. In rjev clocks) lei LEXINGTON. Ky March 13. That the panion of Kentucky known as dur-iux frud district has been the scene the past week or so of two trials the results of which are awaited with s lively Interest. In the little court-io- n at Jackson. Judge James Hargis notorious as the Breathitt county feud leader, is being tried for the alleged itMwInstioD of Dr. B. D. Cox. At Beattyville, Lee county, John Smith, B. Fulton French and John Abner are on trial for the assassination of James B. Marcum at Jackson. Dr. B. D. Cox was assassinated In April, 1902. as he was passing the Hargis residence In Jackson, to visit his child, who waa 11L Tha fatal shots were A red from a shed belonging to Judge Hargis Judge James Hargis. and Sheriff Ed. Callahan were charged with the assassination. Last June Anbury Spicer, a noted feudist, made a confession in which ha swore that Tudge Hargis and Ed. Callahan had mployed John Smith, John Abner and llmself to murder Dr. Cox. He said hot after waiting every night for a week for Cox to pass the shed. Elbert Hargis, a brother cf the Judge, one night signaled to Smith, Abner and ilmmlf that Cox waa coming. Spicer wore that he dosed, and was awaken-- d by the crack of a gun. He hxiked jp and saw that Smith had juat fired, tnd Abner was in the act of shoot' ng Cox. who lay on the ground groan When Cox Was dead. Spicer. ng. Smith and Abner went Into Judge 'largis' yard, where Judge James and tenator Alex. Hargla and Ed. Calls um awaited them. Judge Hargla com minded them for killing Cox. Spicer's Hinfeiwlon was corroborated in full 'set January, when John Smith alao made a confession telling the same lory as tliat of Spicer, saying, how' jver. that he had not fired at Cox. The assassination of James B. Marcum occurred May 4, 1902, He wa killed aa he stood In the courthouse loor at Jackson. Judge Hargis and Sheriff Callahan were accused of employing Curt Jett and Tom White to lo the killing. Jett was sentenced tn hang and White given a life term In the penitentiary. Last June Jett confessed, saying that he had killed Mar-uat the behest of Hargis and Cal ahan. He said White had nothing to In with It. Later, however, Jett was jlaced on the witness stand, and he then repudiated In full hla confession, saying he had been forced to make It iy attorneys for the prosecution. Tudge Hargis and Callahan were a& quitted, while Mrs. Marcum, widow of the murdered man, swore vengeance, Later Curt Jett was given a life sen tence for the assassination of James ?ochriIl, and upon a reversal of his lealh sentence for killing Marcum waa given a life sentence for that murder also. Jett la now In the penitentiary with two life sentences hang-n- g over him. Fulton, French, Smith and Abner were charged with complicity In the isaasiil nation of Marcum, and tried at Eeattyvllle. on a change of venue from Breathitt county. The Jury stood eight for hanging and four ' for acquIttaL They could not agree and were dla CsanussyraLSmiskiswissiTSwirrics. Boa - - for very little bother vljep Bird telr eonje to vep grnt. 9ev outer fyey clo&k. but people oftep bothered very njuc to buy ij &re tyey conjc First, tf?ey tr)X 9t kflov vl?t ityle to get. W1?m Corge to tfye tore vfyere tl?ey c&rry 909c tylll? good; you nj&ke 90 e&9 do? but njU-t&- ke. 9otl?er trouble U price. Durlpg e&09 rg9y tore believe I9 getttyg very ell tl?e lef?lgk profit ty&t tey ny tover." v?e9 ttyey lMigl?ter &Ie. Would you not rather get the low price &re out-of-d- M Me when ycu need the cloak? Silk Shirt Waist Suits starting at $12.50. Swell Tailored Suits at $17.50 and up. You will have no more trouble than a bird if you come to a reliable store. m Cordially. J. BURT & S. SIN Reported Daily by tha Inter-Stat- e kerage Company. JUST RECEIVED! Bro- BAN FRANCISCO, March 13.' The following era today's mining Hibernia . in the city Wm. Driver .......... Ogdens Bast Drug Store. Bath phonos S8; 2453 Wash. Avt Odd Prices Explained. Theres n reason for everything" said n dry goods merchant Tbere'i even a reason for odd prlcea ILtt 14.99, 3.24 and so on. The reason for these prices to that they keep the patron waiting tor change, and while be waits he looki around, seeing, two to one, somethtoi else that he wants to buy. Odd prices, causing the customer to examine the stock, are responsible for some 16 or 20 per cent of eack days ealea." Old Yankee Girl Man. Cons Orig. Man Man. Mining Man. Cowboy Man. Bronco Man. Pine Nut ... Man. Tellow Horse Man. Dexter Man. Stray Dog Man. Crescent .... Man. Gold Wedge Hickory Stockings WE HAVENT SAID MUCH STOCKABOUT, OLD HICKORY INGS" LATELY, BUT WE'VE BEEN BELLING LOADS OF Government Buys Tramways. The government of South has purchased the tramwaysAustralia of the city of Adelaide. The lines are to be Immediately electrified and managed by a trust comprising of the government andrepresentatives all tba and local bodies, governing say. tha Times, of London. A fow of 91,40000 to cover the purchase money la to be raised forthwith locally. metro-pollta- ."!? 4 Son ;DRUG COMPANY . CHAMBERLIN The finest and most complete line of Manicure Articles . Florence Ex. Golden Anchor -- Strength ef Beverages. Net Enthusiastic. Wine of medium strength contains Soma day we shall be conversing 84 to 10 per cent of alcohol; port with the Inhabitants of Mars." wine, IB per cent; sherry, from IB to "I hope not," answered the weary XI to per cent; champagne, per business man. The telephone tolls beer averages from X to f per cent; for conversing within the narrow limcent; whiskey, abont jS per cent; its of this earth are big enough to brandy, about 60 per cent. Automomake one shudder at tha thought" bile Magazine. BROS. FRANCISCO MINING STOCKS .,... Jim Butler Col. Mt. -barged. French la the former leader Red HillsExtension if his faction In the French Evetnole Tonopah Gold ' West. feud war In Perry county, In which Cracker Jack Blue Bell nearly one hundred men were killed. Sandstorm Red Top JOE THOMAS BACK Mohawk Jumbo . FROM DENVER MEET Columbia Mtn. Jumbo Extension ... Bays Tha Ogden Beys Ware Treated in Vernal . ........... Royal Stylo Leedom and Clay Will Booth Blue Bull Go an East for a Visit With Rsla tivaa and Friends Closes .Tonight. Adams Silver Pick Nevada Boy Joe Thomas, one of Ogdens star B. B. Extension .... bowlers who accompanied the Ogden Dixie . ......... team to Denver to take part In the an BL Jves nual tournament of the Western Lone Star Bowling congress returned this morn Oro . . Ing and Is enthusiastic at tha way the Atlanta Great Bend noople of the Colorado metropolis Red Top Extension . treated the Ogden boys. Joe states Dlamondfleld that they were given the place of hon- Diamondilald Trlang. or In the big auto parade Saturday Daisy . .......... art. being the first delegation in the Comb. Fraction . . parade, following the band. He states Great Bend Ex. ... laso, that the boys did remarkably Great Bend Annex well In their work and were among the B. B. Bonanza . ... iass A teams. Mr. Thomas did not Kewana Ex. liowi himself but waa In attendance Mohawk Lmu Dillon lit every day's session of the tourna- Silver Pick Ex. .. ment. He stated that play would not Goldfield Cons. ... ease until this evening when the rest Bullfrog Mining . . f the Ogden bunch would leave for National Bank .... Gold Bar home. The Crooked Path. Who la the poor man In the ragged coat, mamma?" An Inventor, my child. Thankg to Precautions. him, tha world saves an Incalculable What have you to be thankful forr amount of time, labor and money." asked the discouraged person. And the gentleman with tha fur 1 don't know yet," answered the lined coat he Is not an Inventor, la And when I find out I'm optimist her going to keep it a secret for fear Indeed, no. He steals and Improves somebody like you will try to argue the Inventions of others." me out of IL" Washington Star. Peculiar Holiday Number. As a sort of holiday number the London Practitioner announced recently that It was about to Issue a ipeclal number dealing entirely with Influenza. (gpj nc why 5ouId you not" eJso Cijspeoor OF MUCH COMMENT. 4 4 ids puhp If&y, n THEM. OLD STOCKINGS" HICKORY ARE FAST BLACK, HEAVY-RIBBE- D TWO-THREA- AND BEAMLESS. THEY ARE THE BEST WEAK-IN- C BEEN HOSE WE HAVE ABLE TO BUY FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN. COUH REMEDY Ran Short of Funds medicine of great worth . merit Try it when Laat night Sam Baker, after emptyhave a court or cold and you areyoucertain to ing hla- bottle, decided to tako a trip th u,ck which to Europe. Thla morning he was It T'th affords It la pleasant to taka and around trying to borrow a chew of ton depended opon. For bacco. Keltoa (Wyo.) Gazette. sale by all druggists. CLARKS STORES |