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Show THE DIXIE itfEWS THE DIXIE NEWS Published THE VALUE OF THE READING IIAHIT by the students of the Dixie College. Subscription price fifty cents per year. semi-month- of character worth cultivating and commendable ambitions worth the struggle of realization. One would not go far astray with such ideals as expressed in the Boys Prayer: Give me clean hands, clean words and clean thoughts. Help me to stand for the hard righ models (College Prize Esay ly THE VALUE OF THE unfortunately, one of the most neglected forms of human activREADING HABIT ity. Usually it is not indulged in until compulsion. Ordinary life not being very compelling in this line, one must seek the needed stimulation in books. Though thinking is the first requisite of mental development, it is by no means the only one. Of what use are thoughts if one can not them deliver the express so to goods, speak? For exam- (Prize College Essay by Lucy Hall Esta Smith) An accepted philosophy is that Music stirs the soul, literature EDITORIAL STAFF man shall be trained and educatelevates it. And this for each Ellis Everett ed ; that he is saved only as he Editor in his own tongue. The poet Verna Cox gains knowledge. Differently Assistant Editor says: Howard Miller stated Man cannot be saved in ag&inst the easy wrong. Save Assistant Editor It isnt the fact that youre Business Manager Mary Graham ignorance. Legally ignorance me from habits that harm ; help dead that counts Advisory Editors ...A, K. Hafen, L. A. Phillips of a law does not excuse the me to work as hard and play as But only how did you die? .. Hose Ashby, Joseph Music! fair in Thy sight alone as if the With an apology to him, one breaker. Typists Durward Terry The most expedient means o whole world saw. Forgive me might say of reading: Exchange ple, one may have a gem of I Athletics Karl Starr obtaining knowledge is through when am unkind and forgive It isnt only the fact that you thought such as is given in Elvis B. Terry reading. It is a divine injunc- those who are unkind to me. read that counts, Doanes Sculpture Boy, but, if Society Class and Club reporters he must keep it to himself, the tion: Seek ye diligently am Keep ready to help others a But also, how and why ? to some cost teach one another words of wismyself. Send me Special reporters for this issue : II. L. Reid, E. M. Jensen Consistency and abundance in world will not be the benefactor. dom ; yea seek ye out of the bes chances to do a little every day, reading are most desirable. To Reading increases and polishes books words of wisdom, seek and so grow more like Christ. be there must be the vocabulary, gives new chanOUR OHJECTIONAL THE LIBRARY AND A student of literature has a a varied diet. Material must be nels and variety, makes utterlearning even by study. LAND POLICY COMMUNITY There are many individua broadened scope. He may sit chosen with reference to sub- ance effective and convincing-free- ing benefits derived from reading; it with Irving in an old New Eng- ject, style, and taste. The latideas for the real service Foolish indeed is the man who (High School Prize Essay is vicarious living. It broadens land home and live again the ter must of humanity. usually be trained would sit on a projecting limb o Bernice Benson) contact beyond the possible lim- Knickerbocker history of New somewhat. The Literature says the very thing ordinary person a tree and proceed to cut off the The of one is its an a have York live or library ; community may with Dickens dur- appears either not to recognize averages experience. long thought, but limb thus contributing to his lever, educationally, socially, and It makes possible a living of the ing the French Revolution and reading returns, or to consider could not express. In Mallochs own downfall. And yet in our industrially. Through its books, experiences of those who have see the fanaticism of it ; or ap- the cost too great. He, never West, one sees his own thots system in the city it renders a service which can- gone before, it brings joy by repreciate with George Elliot the having paid the price, little real- clothed in beautiful form. Linof St. George are we not operat- not be In a the service fact it is simple rural life of England ;' or izes how Precious and priceless coln, the man of the people, exduplicated; storing past. ing on the same principle?. which reaches every citizen in the only way of preserving rac- with Scott study chivalry am are the blessings books scatter presses the very heart of comThroughout the city, where-eve- r, every vocation its va- ial experiences. With Gayleys the formation of an English peo- around the readers daily paths. mon folk in the simplest, most Through one turns, may be fount riety of appeals, it is bound to classic myths of Greece anc ple ; or with Browning, Tennyson He walks, in imagination, with effective way. Walt Whitman vacant, unused lots. These lots strike the note which will make Rome one may live again the and Bryant find an expression of the noblest spirits through the interprets the American spirit appear to be of very little value of the individual a better citizen time of many Gods, or with Tenmost enchanting regions reg- as no one else has done or perevery mood. to the owner. The fences about and, through him, a better com- nyson visualize Knighthood in Through books of travel the ions wrhich to all that is lovely in haps can do. them are in a tumble-dowfor a the courts of Action is stimulated by literamunity, communitys great King Arthur. north pole may be brought to the forms and colors of earth. condition. Weeds ant ness is measured in terms of ture. Uncle Toms Cabin probits A Bible student reaps the ben ones own room and the life of Add the gleam salt grass are the principal crop individuals did efits of centuries in which the the south sea islands made fammore toward precipitatably The light that never was on grown on many of them, and The library elevates intellect- Hebrew people climbed to God. iliar. The reader Cival War than any poling the may go with sea or land judging from the appearance of uality. It provides a free edu- It is not necessary to start itician did. An appeal like to Roosevelt again the interior of AfriThe consecration and the pothe lotB, they are of little value. cation which is God give us men ! A time like not, obtainable at the bottom of religion at the ca or take a delightful trip to the ets dream If, however, one desires to pur- elsewhere; an education which first conception of God and grad- jungles of India with Kipling. A motion of the hand brings this demands chase one of these lots, he dis- raises the standards of the com- ually climb. Religious infancy Reading provides an outlet for all Arcadia to sight. The war of Strong minds, great hearts, covers that they are not purchasmunity, broadens citizens view- can be lived in a few short hours ; the human soul. If one cannot Troy can at ones bidding, rage true faith, and ready hands! able except at a fancy price. would surely touch some hearts, points, and trains the untrained and leave the reader upon the effectively express his thoughts in the narrowest chamber. With and Is this policy not a block in the citizen. shoulders of the past prepared to bring the desired results. out stirring from the fireside, one progress of the community? Is These opportunities will be understand and appreciate mod- in his own words, he may do it in On the other hand, literature is he language of a poet. Who may roam the remotest regions it not preventing the very grow- grasped by one of the best means of concili-tatio- n. citizens ern revelation. las not recognized in a boy in of the earth or soar into realms th that would spell prosperity? as a means of Poems A like The Blue student of history may he streets a man of tomorrow? where Spencers personal uplift shapes of un and Are not the pennies being held so the They will in turn unconsciously know the governmental experi- Yet who but a Gray perhaps did more poet could say earthly beauty flock to meet him, to closely to the eyes that the dol demand counter advancement in ences of nations that have been the gulf between North Blessing on thee, little man where Miltons angels chant in andbridge lars at a distance are being lost fellow citizens. South He than any action of They will set may choose the good and sucarefoot boy with cheeks of lis ears the choral hymns of parsight of? the standards of enlightment cessful points, omitting the fail- :an. Who Lincolns" Congress. Gettysburg has not felt a thrill adise. These delapidated, weedy, un- and intelligence which Address was a benediction over compan ures. It is unnecessary to per of, love and appreciation of the In an hour is with it Poe, posused lots give to the community ions and friends must a tom country, and is as vital toform again the experimental West? Yet who attain. but Chapman sible to go from the sublimest in some parts, an uninviting, unas when delivered. Reading has become a com work, or fall into the tested mail-stro- could Out where ones of bells, or tenderest ex day express it. progressive appearance. Men of munity lever, but the Thotful of failure. reading assists man to library the hand clasps a little stronger pressions of love, to the most wealth who w'ould be delighted of vision. As different view's once with the Greece Acquaint understand human nature his and Roman out where the smile dwells a lit- weird black catish sensations. to build winter homes here and are own and his fellows Historical brought together and set people and modern history reThen too, one may take a enjoy the pleasures of the sun- orth in books, they are certain veals the inexpediency of wars, tle longer thats where the literature portrays' the past not west begins. trip through the jungles shine and the privileges of the ;o create mere events causes for 'heir and dates but and effects questions thought, may be But greatest of all, it gives an of India with Kipling, or with temple and school are repelled by n the mind of the individual. avoided, saving enormous exfolks! Present day humanity ideal that lifts to God and pro- rohn Muir ascend the snowclad the excessive prices and the un- There must be an outlet for all seen is in the of the past, pense in resources, wealth and duces such an understanding of peaks of Alaska or roam Califor with the addedlight progressive appearances. :his. That outlet, discussion ives. The experiences may be qualities, ideals man such as Holmes had when nias enchanted parks. Scott, Were the prices lower, many with other toand bund out in a short period of activities of today. individuals, brings )y stroke of pen, portrays most le wrote : men would be glad to build here. s. educates. The Glory gether again conflicting Reading study. A knowledge of the past Build thee more stately man- vividly, people and scenes that of God is Every winter home built would the stimulates an of Intelligence, and thru amalgamThrough appreciation the might have been lost forever. mean the leaving of several ation of all oh as sions, swift the soul, my the comes a new and good in the present, develops a this, reading habit is the surest Dickens characters are some of thousand dollars in the commun- individual to knowledge. Christianity way scope of vision, a view- recognization of the good and seasons roll. he best friends possible Let each new mansion nobler ity. Every winter home built point broader, stronger, and centers effort and is founded on the worlds greattoenergies Shakespeare has created a host would mean the incoming of a more han the thee chut from last, to est ward eradication of the bad susceptible growth literary masterpiece the of people who come thronging at family of at least moderate In every community, there is thereby improving environment. leaven with a dome' more vast, . a moments Bible. It is said by great men notice to dispel Till thou at length art free, means, to leave in their foot- the untrained citizen who is atone if that studies the Bible diliReading creates vision and obgloom and care. prints dollars. Every such home tempting to carry responsibili- jective, making progress possi- eaving thine outgrown shell will he gain a liberal eduSuch vicarious living broadens gently built would add to the appear- ties for which he is lifes sea. By ble. unresting The student and admirer wholly incapthe viewpoint of life, and creates cation. ance of the city which in turn able. What can be more understand- a more Probably too late, he has of Washington or Lincoln has books are real thotful attitude toward to a book-love- r, would help to sell the city to come to realize that he has let him an ideal to attain ing than Bryant in the closing things in general. He who reads friends; they do not intrude others. educational opportunities pass, projects the really worthwhile stanzas of Thanatopsis which is little or none is certain to be nar- when he wishes to be alone, yet A city full of winter homes or probably has had few. In orSo live that when thy sumrow. An omnivorous reader sees they are always available when would mean increased market der to do mons to gain that innumerable justice to himself and Proper entertainment is one of beyond his little world and ad- he is ready for choice companionfor grain, wood, vegetables, his duties, this citizen must be- the moves to that mys-terothat social caravan, assets of the greatest mits the vitality of others prob- ship. To him reading is the chickens, eggs, milk and etc. It come educated. He has conquer- community. What amusement realm. Where each shall lems and staff of life, he gets real pleasopinions. Indeed, he would also mean increased busi- ed the difficulties which can be could be more ake chambers his in the silent uplifting and edaccepts world problems as his ure as well as information from ness for the merchants, garages mastered by manual labor, his lalls death. of Then not like a than go wholesome good ucating own. Such a .reader is more it. Every one may not have this and others, which in its turn further slave at and aid but he may still receive night, scourged likely to be progress depends reading, provided by the library? uarry regard- passion, creates more work and thus sets upon the development of his While the desire for to his sustained and dungeon, the if. he will. It need and benefits, pleasure ing any subject and to delay his in circulation a cycle that spells mind. He must build character rest from routine is being satis- soothed by an unfaltering trust, conclusions until he has the facts not cost a cent the only requireprosperity. and formulate a purpose. His fied, the mind is being developed But approach thy grave like one of the case. A reader is ment is the desire to read. Howprofuse The policy should be such as aid lies in the library. who the and educated. Were the library wraps a very small sum spent drapery of his more apt in adjusting readily to ever, to invite the would-b- e winter The library is a social lever. not here, how would this time be couch about him and lies down new situations. He has lived judiciously for immeasurable revisitor. The community, just as It creates an educated and refin- profitably to dreams. pleasant spent? What would vicariously and learns of differ- turns. One can not fully comthe individual, must plan and ed atmosphere. It stimulates take its place? A reader is not Masterly composition keeps ent conditions. Hence, when a prehend the values he receives work if it is to progress. To individuality. It provides up- the from books ; he can only read and before one the appreciation of new phase of life community loafer. presents itself, hold land for an excessive price lifting entertainment and fosters Ideas gained outside the home God and nature and leads the he is able to adjust without rad- grow in ability and appreciation. is a hindrance to growrth, and the refined atmosphere. The are topics inevitably taken into the reader to exclaim with Joyce ical or disturbing changes. citizen or community that fol- of discussion are of educational home and here benefit Poems are made by again. Kilmer, Wide reading develops a sense MAKE DIXIE INVITING lows that policy is blocking value; community activities arc Habits and ideals formed in the fools like me but only God can of humor, and there is no acquiof a progressive nature, and citi- home are lasting and reveal make a tree. sition of more worth than this: It has long been the tradition zens possess culture. There is themselves in community life. The reading habit turns leis- it sifts sunshine into life. Who of the younger generation in a definite, purposeful organiza- The library is again responsible. ure time into profitable informa- could read Man in the Dixie to cherish the idea that Rileys THE ESSAY Out of all ideals and habits tion. It creates an ideal as a Moon, or Waitin for the cat to there are tion, and there is individuality, greater advantages for which most necesis that formed thing through social and educa- safeguard to character. It may Die, and still retain a spirit of them elsewhere. Education has three important Upon graduato factors: get the facts, recall sary to personal advancement, tional means, eventually will prove to be a brake to prevent gloom or worry? Life is made tion from the College, many seek and the formation of charac- (come progress. As increased one from rolling down the em- so much easier by a good laugh higher fields of learning, never them, and state them. "Lest we ter. It is individual act-- 1 reading, discursion, and assimil bankment of opinion yieldit behooves morality by that all to develop to expecting to return. This idea forget, the prize essays are ed which moulds character, ation takes place, common upon, evil to an In utmost the temptation. ing this little spark of the must be changed printed in this issue as a remindradically. person must know what he unity ideals and educational in- fact, it is the greatest habit her- divine humor, living ever with Dixies er of reading and its value. is natural resources must doing and why he is doing interests will be worked over and itage which can be left to a child. the poets. be developed ; her sons must They were written by people who He should not be driven by opin-- ; built up. Impossibilities will Thinking and expression are grow up with collected the facts and stated and help her ions of others or blindly follow. become dreams, dreams will beIt is announced that Mr. V. M. stimulated by the mental food to grow. Thisher,will not them. only He must be a unit in a commun- come possibilities, and possibili- Tanner has been awarded anoth- obtained thru literary browsing. make it conducive for her own to ity of thousands of such units, a ties will become realities. The er scholarship at Stanford. He Thinking must precede real stay or to return, but it will inTell the good things about our literary vision, made possible by library is literally a community is engaged in an important re- knowledge or expression. It is vite others to come as students school and our town. the library, is his safeguard. lever. search project. one of the most important but, and as home builders. ; ; ; ; well-balance- land-holdi- d, ng n, far-sight-ed ms de-ight- ful view-M)int- ' be-fo- re us open-mind- ed com-Eve- ry |