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Show SIMMS SIMMS SMEM The identification mark of good hats Men are More Criti- qal than Ever . . . manly in fashion. Nowhere will you find more quality, better style. ' . . . finely-mad- e Rothschild Star Hats See the 'many new styles and colors; all first quality You cant but like them. 1fheyra most desirable to buy and wear. About Quality These Days. We have just received a particularly interesting assortment of Hats. iThe critical dresser will find among them the very Hat he has been looking for. The variety of styles is most and their wearing quality is udques- tiened. CO. Better & TOOELE Drc38 BMKKKKKKMMMMKKKKKMMMWCMMMKimCMMKKKI HIGH COUNCIL AND HOME cordially invited. MISSIONARY WARD CONFERENCES. . Tooele South Norjh and 31st. The folowing are the High Wards, Sunday, August TOOELE PRESSTAKE Council and Home Missionary IDENCY, appointments for Tooele Stake By John W. Tate, Stake Clerk. for Sunday, August 17th, 1919. Batesville Gustave Anderson LYCEUM COURSE GUARANand Joseph Soelberg. TORS. Benmore James L. Wrathall The following is a list of the and Jasper D. Brown: Clover Lyman A. McBride persons who signed the guaranty to the Redpath Lyceum Bureau and Joseph Wagstaff. E. T. John E. Johnson and for an entertainment course to be given in Hie Opera House David L. Bowen. Grants ville 1st Wm. Frank during the coming winter. The course has been selected so as to Atkin and Wm. H. Cassity. fit in with the local entertain-2nd-AlWalA. Grantsville ments and with the local High ters and Loami E. England. Lake View Members of the School work. Dr. J. A. Phipps, Mrs. Elmer Stake Presidency. St John John A. Bevan and G. Smith, Marjorie S. Bardwell, Clarence E. Fisher, A. L. Hanks, Samuel W. Lee. Tooele North Robt T. Brown E. M. Orme, Alfred M. Nelson, Dr. L. A. McBride, Fred L. Engand C. R. Fawson. T. Vemon Eugene Woolley land, Sol J. Selvin, JCuthbert and David Sudworth. Welsh, George Howarth, Chas. & A. Kuchs, Nels Bloomstrom, Jno. Stockton Stake Presidency Stake Sunday School Board. J. Gillett, W. Sidney Isgreen, W. Monthly Stake Priesthood Leo Isgreen, Matthew Speirs, E. meetings, etc., Sunday, August T. Noall, S. T. Carman, R. P. 24th, 2:00 p. m. prompt Tooele King, E. M. Reid, Vem Vowles, South Ward Chapel. Everybody Dr. F. M. Davis, W. S. Marks, vin on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 17 degrees 30 minutes east, as follows : Commencing at Post No. 1, a comer of the claim, (from which U. S. M. M. No. 1 bears S 51 deg. 24 min. E. 4639.7 ft.), and running thence S 38 deg. 16 min. W. 671.3 ft to Cor. No. 2; thence N. 56 deg. 24 min. W. 1500 ft. to Cor. No. 8; Thence N. 88 deg. 16 min. E. 571.3 ft to Cor. No. 4; thence & AS deg. 24 min. EL 1500 ft to Cor. NaT, the place of beginning. Said lode mining claim ia located in Unsurveyed T. 7 8., R. 18 W., S. L. M., and con-taia total and net area tef 19.607 Idwal Ajax, Frank Whitehouse, acres. Said Red Devil lode mining Geo. C. Chase, C. Alvin Orme, claim being of record in the office of M. J. Andrews, Harry G. Baker, the Recorder of said mining district at Tooele in County, Tooele, George J.. Johnston. Utah. The nearest known location being the Lucky Jim lode. Lot No. 59. 1 directthat this notice be published Lake View Club Selects Officers. In the Grantsville News at Grantsville, At a meeting of the Lake View Utah, the newspaper publishedfornearthe est the said mining claim, Club held Monday night at the period of nine consecutive' weeks. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Club rooms on Broadway the Register. : officers were elected following Date first publication Aug. 15, 1919. President John F. Hogan. Date last publication Oct. 10, 1919. D. E. Claimants Attorney, Secretary James McCardell. Salt LakeDunn, City, Utah. Mrs. R. H. Page, J. D. Hicks, Mildred Park, Alex F. Dunn, J. L. Royle, A. T. Crandall, E. Brampton, A. L. Chiistainsen, Forsythe Millinery, R. J. Huntington, H. T. Goodjohn, M. E. Hover, Peter Clegg, Tooele High School, e M. Atkin, M. H.. Ostler, Edna P. Hickinan, P. J. Rock, A. I. Nelson, J. M. England, N. J. Barlow, Treasurer Jas. H. Crellin. For Shabby at Weather-wor- n Automobiles SUMMONS. Justice's Court, In and for Wendover Precinct, County of Tooele, State of Utah. Before William A. Lyman, Justice of the Peace. In the Your Strength By Conserving Your Nervous Energy For Nervousness or jfiK 8PECIAL NOTICE. will pay Site r:r share for Fifty, One Hundred or Two Hundred uharei of Victor Motor and Clutch tock. Address A-co Bulletin, Tcoele. I There is no need for your car to be shabby, weatherworn and mud stained. You can easily refinish the entire car, or touch up the shabby spots with Lincoln Auto Enamel Finishes simplify the problem of anto refinishing. They ue made especially for automobiles, from selected materials which are adapted for the pur- - NOTICE No. 024,62, Application for Patent United States Land Office, Salt City, Utah, Ausuat 13, 1919. Notice ia hereby given that George F. Tilaon of Pay son, Utah, and Biff Simona of Burley, Idaho, have made application for a United States Patent for the Red Devil lode mining claim, situate In Clifton Mining District Tooele County, Utah, of the 1500 linear feet thereof, and surface ground 571.3 feet wide Survey No. 476 and described In the field notes and plat of the official surrey Ask at our store for color sample card and instruction sheet showing in detail how easy it is to make old shabby a. cars spiek-and-spa- Tooele Motor Co. C5Stl h-t-wg - - J t J 'V Make It Brief. may nut he of much interest to you, Mr. Visitor, hut the fellow who asks you how-yo- u feel today doesnt want to listen to a lot of symptoms. Remember that. From (Hot 8prlngs) Arkansaw Thomas Gut . Misses Lettie Marsden and Bertha Speirs who had been visSquirrel, , Idaho, with iting Miss Marsden's brother, Curtis, returned home last Friday. Both report having had a fine time. Whiskers Explained. The early Jews were literally 1ms on whiskers and made good use of them. The Jews beard was a sort of standing notice fo the world concerning his state of mind. If everything was propitious wife and children well end business good his beard was combed out and perhaps died. But If death, had entered his family, his beard was a mete tangled mass of hair. The condition of the whiskers also Indicated the existence of other emotions. It The above officers together Morris Dunn and John Dply form the Board of Directors for coming year. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Burke wish to extend thrir sincere thanks to the people of Tooele for kind assistance and their heartfelt sympathy during the illnes and death of their son, Billy, and for the many floral offerings. Good Rules for Lifes Conduct Those that are perfect men do not easily give credit to everything one telle them ; for they know thnt human frailty le prone to evil, and very subject to fall Inwards. It Is great wisdom not to be rash In thy proceedings, not to stand stiffly In thine own conceits ; as also not to believe everything which thou hearest, nor presently to relate again to others wliat thou hast heard or dost believe. , A Nerve Sedethre containing Ingredients recognized by Specialists as having great value in die Treatment of Nervous Diseases. AT ALL DRUGGISTS MILKS MEDICAL CO, Elkhart, lad. n A. J. Spencer Company, Incorporated, Plaintiff, vs. Gus Mares, Defen- dant SUMMONS. The State of Utah to the Defendant You are hereby summoned to appear before the above entitled Court within ten days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action la brought otherwise, within twenty days after service .and defend the entitled action against you to recover Judgment for the snm of $54.75, with Interest thereon from and since June 18th, 1919, and for Interest on said judgment as the rate of one per THE QLD Justice of the Peace. Date first publication July 25, 1919. AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance amending the Revised Ordinances of Tooele City, 1913, defining the rules regulating vehicles upon the streets of Tooele City, tfr amending Section 8 thereof, so thst same shall read as follows: Section i. It shall be unlawful for any persoi. riding or driving a motorcycle or motor vehicle, within the limits of Tooele City, to ride or drive at a greater rate of speed than fifteen miles an hour, and provided farther, that it shall be unlawful to ride or drive. same In the business section, or over crossings, or to turn any corner where there is an obstructed view, at a greater rate of speed than eight miles an hour. Upon approaching any curve or descent, or street, or public-- or private crossing, the operator of a motor vehicle or mortorcycle shall at all times have the vehicle under Immediate control. Further, it dull be unlawful for any person driving or riding In a motor vehicle to cross over where the view ia obany side-wal- k structed, on either side, without first bringing his machine to a full stop, and sounding the horn, or otherwise giving a warning signal. t This Ordinance shall take effect imfiled and pubmediately upon being lished. Passed this 1st day of July, 1911. Approved this 1st day of July, 1919. Published this 18th day of July, ,- 1919. PETER CLEGG, Mayor. Attest: IDWAL AJAX, , City Recorder. Date first publication July 18, 1919. RELIABLE Let us put New Life in your Old Shoes so that you would not know your Old Shoefe for comfortable wear. Our Work is Guaranteed and at Reasonable Prices. We use only the Best Material to be had. t Shoes sent by Pared Post wfll be returned the following day. ' Modern JShoe Repairing Co. ; MATT LEONETTL Prop. Vine St, Opposite Oquirrh Hotel. v J.Lm . WILLIAM A. LYMAN, MMMMMMHHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIMMMMMMHMIIMMMMIIHIMHMIMINI fiMWWMMMNMMM J cent per month until paid and for costa of said action, for good a, wares and merchandise which plaintiff alleges to have delivered to you between the dates of May 16th, 1919, and June 18th, 1919, and In case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint Given under my hand this day of June, 1919. . Toode, Utah. |