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Show THE; SENTINEL! volume xi. BANNOCKS MANTI.UTAII, AFTER THE CORPORATIONS. ARE DEflANT. TWO HUNDRED .11 Wi:i)XESI)AV, LY BLACKBURN KILLED. J 7, 18SI5. NO. RESUMES. EXPESr REIN FOBCEKEXTS AND HAVE RULED IN DENVER LONG JAPS SLAUGHTER THE CHINESE NO RESTBICTXONS ON THE DEATH STALKS THE LAND. N THE CYCLONE'S 1 WAKE. Evidence That the Sassoun Butchery Was Carefully Planned Orders Were Sent from Constantinople for Five Persons Xllled snd Twenty-Seve- n the Massacre of the Inhabitants of Houses Wrecked at Cherry Gettkra Aie Alr.rL.Cu nud Talk of Arapohoe County Commissioners Japanese Lost but Eleven Russia The Senator Denounces Carlisle and MolliLan Christiana of Van The Cyclone Fays New York Hill Homes Sixteen Advocates Free Coinage and Free Will Compel Them to Pay Taxes Leaving Their Threatened With Death. Explains Her Objections to Japans Visit Thousands of Dollars rr.cd $75 Eactt. Trade Situation Unchanged. on Franchises Likely to Win. ese Extension Peru Will Fight. Worth of Property Destroyed Demolished Everything in Its Path. Van, Armenia, May 24. From the Denver, Colo., July 13. A special to I.ouisviiY. Ky.. July 13. -- Thu result of special correspondent of the Associated 12. Be veil hundred Colo., July 13. Special to Yokohama. Denver, July -lilt Republics n fr.iin Cheyenne, Wyo., Tribune. In hi'ini'i-i- i thi Kiate iYnlr.il i'lvss. The Sassoun massacre, It wvuld addition to the light being Chinese attacked llsintachu, Formosa. th Guys: Govcrnur liicliun! has received made to Hackensack, N. J., July IS. A terrific loth. Two hundred of them were Commit lee. tin Yinui ratlc Hominies fjr uppeur, was one uf the most carefully July to water the company compel Die following letter from a citizen or planned outrages In history. The evi- storm swept over this section this afterkilled and many captured. On the State uilii-uii'l pruitilnunt iciuovrat citieireunistanllul to reduce of dence rates its Is the this consumers, only, Maryville, the nearest town to the eleven. from ai! putts uf me Statu Inst night, Is but It is Japanese side the loss was alleged to be nolle the less noon, doing great damage. At Cherry Keen' of the Indian troubles In nnrth-v- . zens have instituted another crusade on Kan Fruneisco, July 11'. Th steamer now mill bo to that II111, a small village a few miles from e. coiielusii Gaelic arrived with the tal- nru to If tu si rict Iona iB'.ern the corporations. The street railroads, Inipused upon During the months uf June, July and here. It develujied cyclonic fury, atudviees: "1 he l"ii Bum m l; huclce nnd six lowing Japanese electric and wafer, gas, light companies Tukio. Jt i.e 29. Rumors are current rnmpaiL'titin- speakers. ot:u r than ruch sup- August preceding the Sassoun niiissa-vc;:; imvi in the'iasi raid nave have tlie Kunlish chiefs In the country tended by the demolition of the village practically controlled ti.o politics if ciincilUtury udmi.eis by Russia port of h.ini-n1m i n jtin as lvoi:,"lit in and were ;;lven a and elections iiiio Ju the Sassoun region, and and a number of deaths. Cherry Hill of be the util i 'UiT'iumling tu said is State, county toward Japan. i n iitvl.in-.herring In 'li, re the j;Ytlec of the eace city fur a number of years. The peo- willing to it that a the districts In tile south received the full sweep of the wind, sense vk'toiy a In particularly explain deadly here mill liiieil $73 mid fur free spui-liii till each, a un;ii W.nrlKKIi'i- - and southwest, were apiwretitly her objections to Japanese expansion luii'to and within a minute after the etorm a i nomn'ing Curl.Klo'a l. tutiil of about $1200. As you ple have seldom disputed their privilege on scatlu assurthe up usually busy und to the gathering continent, give anil giii-thu tiuinUt'ii broke twenty-seve- n it laion :t cnKidenilile ;osse to to do so, advocating houses 'were un tered for of tlielr warriors the tribes, ances that she will lint oppose free coiii.igt' ui it, io 1, free trade mid the attack their parti-- s; the scouts are out Since the present war was begun all growth of the Island empire wrecked. The cyclone made a clean Invasion of the Sassoun region. in other ubolll-uof N.iiloitul liaiikM. luiw uiul will report In a day or two, the other corporations huve rallied to directions, but will, on the contrary, 3 hosu who bae lii'ii'tofur.1 fuvureti the In July and August enormous quan- path through the center of the place, ivhc:t. if there ure less than 1U0, we will the claim that the plautirm tities of petroleum were shipped from carrying everything before It. Houses The regurd such growth with satisfaction, guid fcl&nd.,ij of water the company. support ,l111 .vlor. ment of the of Krzemuin and Moiisli. This ietroleuni were unroofed snd thrown down, trees go to them. If there are more, we will if guarantees can be given L1,.Y'jn? level-ninclined to unite now and that mid I'arlUli', an-- theypolicy d will no wus shlpiied from Russia to Krzeroum, were uprooted, and the that Ho Interference will be attempted compelled to have UFsislance or all people appear construe on ii and the tu, the all develo-mew Mump. corporations, and so grout was the qu inllty brought fields were leveled to the crops in the In Russia's projects for the (if our past work ill lie more than lost, against The situ it. on is now just as it waa be- over ground. At thu mountain roads that It was a the present time it le known of Siberia, an alliance may l u:i tne lndiuns. now detlant, will be- day pressure was brought to bear on fore the convention, except thul the that five come aggressive. of t 'lei eland and Carlisle is subject of remark to very many perthe County Commissioners to compel formed on terms mutually beneficial. were killed, and the injured are numsons. looked It a Yamcn For as The time Id uf claimed the Tsung m,-though bered by the score, many it Is believed, "Koine of our people ure much Beared all corporations to pay taxes on their by the sound nnmt-apathy tu la eiidiirstiiient of their interpretation uf nothing went over the rouds between nnd talk of leaving tlicir homes, for franchises. This is a new thing, which has compelled the representative of an me l his Krzeroum Iluili to France a decided und Moush but hifagu platform. take factions step, lly petroleum. fatally. four of trouble here In the valley. One has never been done in Colorado, but The dead are Conrad Frelderman, a to til iin in,. I'hlcagu four French ships of war huve iigii'e platform, Non'. It Is u fact that Moush does not hotel of limn, whose wife Is lialf-- 1 ndlan, has three of the live members of the Arapa- orders bill Ifini'klmril Inkeeper; three unknown laborers, opposed the eildurseineni use u great quaintly of petroleum herwith Tse the started up river, Yung iMunii'd from the Fall river basin hoe County Hoard think the franchise, structions to innke a forcible duminv of Ihc Adininislialiun. and a child of William Ahrens. nor sell do much of her merchants self, an At liii'uinul meeting of the cainpa'.gn ,M.d n ' i ts inure than not) Indians heThe storm came from the northwest, which Is the must valuable part of the Stratton at Nanking, utid to proceed tu coininiltee. tile gecreinry was directed to it to the surrounding country. In the heralded lm; in the nc.ion mul that they say: property of a corporation, should l such extremities un the case may de- proposu oil are of by great banka of clouds and candles fut lo llie villages sheep ltcpiililieun cumpalmi nmi. used 'There will e heaps of Indians here by taxed, and this crusade appeara likely mand. milieu ii Jo. lit ili'lmtu between for lights. What Moush wanted a stirring breeze. The atmosphere was candithe to win. and by, and then we will llKht.1 The Osaka mint has commenced coin- dates for Goveriiur. lleudquurters will with those countless cans of petroleum warm fur a time and then cold, and n The writer askcil the Governor to silver pieces, producing be opened at once, and niosl thorough was a mystery. then after a second rush of warmth ing 39.000 dally. The object of tills un- orgunixullnn will be begun. But the mystery was a mystery no came the cyclone, rarrylng death and prepare for emergencies which may A DIPLOMATIC SCANDAL usual output is unknown. The silver nrise by having t limps sent within easy longer after the Kassoun massacre, for destruction in its course. The storm DESCENDED ON NEW YORK. access. The nearest troops are at Fort yen are never needed for domestic cirthe iH'troleuin was used to burn the center was about 300 feet In and to of Plot Prevent Alleged Payment culation in Jnpan. houses of the Kassutin villages, and to the strip over which it passedwidth, Washakie, over three days' march for is a mass One Life Lost and Much Mora Claim. Valuable the cremate the bodies of the wretched vil- of ruin. Not a building In Its cavalry from the scene of the expected was path Property Destroyed. Republican Silver Clubs. New York, July 15. A sieclal to the lagers who fell victims to the awful trouble. The trouble Is interfering serGreat amounts of wreckage St. Paul, July 13. Congressman Charles New York. July 13. The first cyclone butchery. In burning the houses, the spared. were iously with the ranch work of the sea- World from Washington says: Spain's A. Towns carried through the air by the of the Sixth district, In many years struck New York this petroleum was thrown upon the woodson, as the settlers are all under arms payment of the Mora claim, as indiFrank A. Ray and other ufternuun, adding to the destruction. and resulted fatally in one work In generouH quantities and set gale, and are serving with the various offi- cated conference The silver a held have Kcpubllrans depot standing between the by cable, will at last defeat the here, and a large on fire. decided not to call a sliver con- instance, besides wrecking cers of the district. Governor Richof the New York traocks Jersey railamount of valuable BURNED ALIVE. rilu a American of and foreign vention, hut to begin campaign property. ards said in regard to the trouble: Intrigues of was demolished. The freight deway The clulis descended will cation. silver cyclone uisin In the upbodies of the dead, the They organize This state of affairs was distinctly claim sharps. For years a coterie was also wrecked and the big platin the ranks of the Republican party. The per part of Fast New York, known as were. rremailng In many cases, placed between pot foreshadowed in my letter to the Sec- diplomats at Washington and Madrid first form carried away. will be organized in Duluth. club 4:30 o'clock, continued at Hill, Cypress wimmI of Into sort a built and up layers sought to make the settlement of on its way to the lower plains dlHtrlct of retary of the Interior on June 17th. The have Opposite the depot was the hotel of funeral pile. The entire mass was same trouble comes up every year, and this historic award conditional on the INCITED BY CHILE. the village, kept by Conrad Fried nnd from there traveled tu Woodhaven. then saturated set and with s counter-claimpetroleum by the settlements are so sparse in the acknowledgment of The cluud was first seen going over Cy- on fire. It hi In the hotel at the time besides charged that living men the d Hill, it was were his wife snd three press hunting countries that the settlers theTheUnited States. to Send Bolivia an and proprietor were In same the but Army cremated Prepared way. nre practically without protection. It story of all this plotting to mulct very low to the ground. At the this was a merciful way of putting children. Just as the storm troke he hung Peru. Into Is outside Indians who are doing the the Government of millions brings to upper end wus a red spot, that ap- the unfortunate creatures to death, in hurried them Into the street fearing the New York, July 13. A special to the peared inure like an Incandescent mischief. At the larmier reservation in light a serious diplomatic scandal and light comparison with the tortures inflicted building was unsafe. Then he returned secretHerald from Buenos Ayres says: The than anything else. this State, when the Indians get at shows how the Mora claim has to secure some money, and had reachuixin many others. The cyclone swept over the city cemn ed the door to the street, when the The massing uf troops near the large, the olil chief Washakie sends his ly been made to figure as an imiiortant, attitude of Rolivla towards Peru is inetery, wrecking handsome and costly Indian police after them and brings incident in a scheme for securing the spired by Chilean diplomacy. and particularly at Moush, whirlwind struck him. He was caught region, monuments. tore It duwn trees for was carried on fur some time before up and hurled fifteen or transfer of Cuba to the United States, them In. Unless Peru shall accede to the de- about hOO feet, and then turned into twenty feet to n inNathaniel Paige, the When asked p.s to the outcome the the beginning of the massacre. In order the ground, the building toppling over of avenue Bolivia mands Bolivian Minister Jamaica ut the Crescent street, that everything might be in readiness, and crushing him to death. One of his Governor suld: "I think the settlers ternational lawyer, who fur years has went Jamaica avenue for about according to the programme said to boys was injured by the falling will he able to protect themselves by represented the Mora family, furnishes will retire from Lima. Following this half a ip Mile. were Trees torn down and have len carefully Bolivia will made out at Con occupy the district of Funo, telephone and massing together and giving their time documents and letters which seem to wires trolley dcgnollshed. a department of Peru. For some time, Right in the middle uf the wreckage, stantlnople. and attention to the marauders, but I throw a flood of light on the obstrucThe infant of the Ahrens family waa tions interposed tu prevent the pay- It Is also said, modern guns and rifles six cutis were caught. must say that they should not be ORDERS FROM CONSTANTINOPLE. lying In a crib when the crash came. belonged They to do that, especially against the ment of the Mora award. Mr. Paige and the Brooklyn & Suburban Railroad, Several weeks after the Sassoun mas- The house was unroofed, and a flying artillery, suitable for action in to of wards of the general government, who specifically charges and were struck when In front of the sacre, mountainous It is claimed, orders were sent stick struck the child in the head, tearsent been have districts, to Spain John W. are not only supposed to obey the law State and Stewart Home. The cars were filled from the one of the ears as clean as Bolivia into of palace at Constantinople for ing off severed the Chilean way by port with iwssengers, and there was great like ordinary citizens, but to be under Foster with opposing this award. Mr. of massacre of of the by a surgeon's knife, the inhabitants though Antofagasta. Foster has denied the charge and now exclteirent. Half a dozen passengers civil and military restraint." When .death. to a district tbe south husband. and. causing Within lying fifteen is it vi'erb days, reported, Mr. Paige comes forward with papers Slightly injured. The 'cyclone southeast of Sassoun, but when It was who is a New York business man, reBolivia can throw an force of armed 8h?rt Line Foreclosure, wrecked Woodhaven houses at thirty which, he claims, substantiate it. Mr. four thousand men into this destrict. masseen an of sun was the that the turned, shining brightly, investigation and a very large rortlund, Or., July 13. The American Paige, however, charges that several sacre at Sassoun was Inevitable, the and his wife was sitting amid the question is exciting great Interest There were twenty residents of order. Loan & Trust Company of New York Siianlsh Ministers to this country, as The It Is was and recalled, said, of with ruins her dead child the here. body Woodhaven struck by the various obhas won its case against the Oregon well as attaches of the French legation, was not molested, except In the in her arma Khurt Line & Utah Northern Railway obstructed the Mora Interests and tried jects which were carried through the ordinary course of the jiersecutlon genTwo of the Polish laborers who were air. Chimneys sailed through space as eral in all Coiniany. Judge Dellinger, In the Uni to induce him to press claims they held One Woman Killed and Twenty-Si- x parts of Armenia. killed took shelter in a barn, which was no were than ren and hold heavier ted Slates Circuit Court though they Wrecked. In the city of Van at this moment carried away Dwellings up the Mora claims. the storm. Half an feathers. At Woodhaven a woman was there an opinion upon which a decree are 599 young men sworn to give hour later, thebymangled d n sick In Mr. Mora is living In West Woodhaven, L. I., July 13. bodies were bed. The house was picked up themselves ordering the foreclosure of the consol! to as a sacrifice Turkish dragged from the ruins. The street. New York City, with his and Union Course suffered al- and carried by the storm more than a third Pole duied mortgage and the sale of that In attenthe the hnie that most as much rs did Cherry Hill, N. block. Finally the woman was landed butchery. killed met hla fate in n similar way. portion of the road in Oregon, Idaho daughter. more be of tion may strongly England one Gide of the street and the house un Montana will be entered. The deHouses were unroofed and blown un Hardly a person living In the track called to the desperate situation of on the other. The woman had a miracBaptist Deacon Convicted. of the storm escaped injury. All are rive Is sufficient to sell the road in the Ukiah, duwn. one so has far 15. Only their David refatality people. Oldham, Cal., July ulous escape from serious lenilury mentioned. The Armenians cannot accept any cut and bruised and many, it la who was arrested some weeks ago for been reported, atnl sixteen are In- ceiving only a slight cut oninjury, the fore- scheme j lie court's decision. which was given of reform which does not have thought, are fatally injured. jured. MendoIn of the the head. robbery complicity verbally, was very brief. The Judge cino The storm at these points was like The latest reports indicate that Will Its fundamental for was on 15th, June principles the abMrs. of Third stage Louisa adKetreuquln suid that the Short Line Company Hlll- -a that C. at Unwhirlwind. In control of towers. solute Cherry deacon was a Frlederman, whose father was Oldham found European killed. was near avenue, guilty. used the Kockaway, mitted having borrowed anil Houses were blown down and trees She stood In the will also die. the and less there controls In killed, this reforms, Church the Europe city house ob-of her Baptist was all doorway valid, iiic iurlgugu j Hiluprooted. Tlu tract over which It when a flying beam struck her on the will be a massacre of 20,000 Christians went through the village named The an with cyclone employee conspired hud bum to that closure fi ctuuH in the city within three months. The rapidly and ten minutes after the first to hold up the stage. The crime swept was a mile long by an eighth of head, crushing in her skull. made wore punly technical and verbal ton Hilton alone, Old- a mile wide. The cable and cars In Harlem Armenians themselves will bring this gusts of wind gave Indication of the an in the form of the court's orders, was committed by Harry Smith's hotel at Union Course were blocked fortrolley at home in order to station houra by falling about rather than be cast adrift by coming storm the sun was shining. and there was no reason why plaiuyff ham remaining was badly wreckej. Union and telegraph poles. Several ol their fellow Christians of the west. At the hamlet of Falrtnount, a few prove an alibi for his accomplice. was not entitled to a decree. Course schoolhouse, n lirlck building, trees There Is no language quite adequate miles from Cherry Hill, six houses were the big thoroughfares were made ImThe counsel in the case will prepare was blown down. Shot. fur traffic, owing to the net- to a description of the real condition blown down and a dozen persons InStrung Up and 15. a written decree and submit It tu the Greenville. Mrs. Jennie l'etrtquan, who lived at passable S. C.. July work of fallen wires and other ob- of Armenia at present. Men are beat- jured. As yet no fatalities have been Ira Johns- Union ei'Url fur approval. The decision Is a with her Course, husband and man structions that had been male by the en. robbed and murdered, and women reported. The storm did no great vie lory for tlic scheme of disintegration ton, who killed a ayoung white Piedmother, left her house Just as the cy- wind and hail. are ravished by Kurds and Turkish Lonford, in quarrel at I the l l'ui'iiit system, but some named ten in Hackensack. on the 7th, clone swept along. The air was full of of the soldiers. Woe anil want and despair damage The side on florists west miles from the here, mont, foreclosure the before Hire The news of the disaster at Cherry ellipse flying debris, and she was struck on city and in the annexed ills, rict were and death stalk abroad In this beautiwas taken from the county Jail at and tale is of! if ltd. Although the at- o'clock was Hill head by a rafter and her neck the greatest sufferers, losing brought here, and all the all ful land, that was once a part of the this morning, by 100 men, who the torneys refused to Ulrcuss the matter, died Instantly. available physlcans In town started at limits and broken. She their growing plants and their con- Garden of Eden. It is intimated that the case will be carried him outside the city riddled x dwelling-house- s Twenty-sionce were for the scene. Governor Wertz his wrecked. The inhabitants of Van are living carried to the Court of Appeals, and swung him to a tree and wrecked. Most of them servatories being badly been completely asked to send tents to the has massacre from a on of brink the bullets. with of day Court the body Anally to the Supreme were occupied by poor people. homeless. MAN. to day. KNIFED BY TRAVELING nittil Slater. A The storm swept from Cherry Hill to Murdered His Sweetheart. By the transfer from Van to ConRailroads Cir.n:ed an Extension. Ban Francisco. C. B. Henderson of Rochester Stabs a stantinople of the advance guard of Ander Cliff. There It was not so disJuly 15. Thomas ANOTHER BATTLE FOUGHT, the Armenian revolutionary movement, astrous. for it merely grazed the vilWashington, July J3. The Interstate Wood, a steamship waiter, shot Mabel San Franciscan. and then captured in the village of Tchthoukla lage. Many houses were unroofed and Commerce Commission granted Kent, a milliner, Kan Francisco, July 13. C. B. Hen- on May 19th, the Turkish Government trees were uprooted. nil extension of time within which the committed suicide. The murder was of Rochester, N. Y., a commer- has taken a decisive step toward quietMiddle New Jersey caught an end of railroads must equip their cars with the result of the refusal of Miss Kent's BANNOCKS KILLED AND THE derson in cial Clarence eastern stabbed the excitement traveler, him tu fatally public to ing western visitor. Somersvllle felt a the marry permit her secure grab irons and hand holds on parents SETTLERS WOUNDED. of the Empire. Harr, a Chinatown guide, in the part corner of It. and the storm swept the ends and sides of cars from July 1st Miss Kent died immediately. of the Baldwin Hotel the Rockaway valley, stripCONFESSION. WILLIAMS'S viifll Recoin Hr 1st next. The time for through Henderson arrived from the East yesNine Years for a Banker. the fruit trees. The damage done Further News from the Jackson Hole terday on the complying with the act requiring the which he has Governor of Van, llahrl Pasha, ping The annual trip Federal 15. In the Keokuk. In In., July use of drawbars of standard height on in the habit uf making for the has during the week added several in- In that section cannot be estimated. Country How the Trouble Started been Judge Wnolsou sentenced all cars has ulsu been extended until Court Kochi ster boot and shoe firm of which teresting facts to the alleged confes- Somerset county the grain crop ais flatthe K. R. CubhuU, Senator Were Indians Slaughtering Elk. lie is said to be a partner. He spent the sion of Harry Williams, the leader of tened, and will probably prove total February 13, 1896. Pella bank wrecker, to nine years In night in visiting various resorts, where the raptured band. According to the loss. Anamosa penitentiary. , Passenger Meeting Adjourns. Plainfield caught a portion of the he drunk heavily. WTthout having been Governor, Williams has confessed that 13. 13. of to the Denver, Colo., The meeting A siuclal to lied he entered the Baldwin billiard-rooJuly the revolutionary party, which sent storm at 3:15. Skylights, conservatories Chicago. July Drowned in a Rain Barrel, News Passenger Association shouting: 'A friend told him to begin the revolution, has 30uo and greenhouses were battered In by Lander, Wyo., Indicates l to Trib- the Helena. Mont., July 1.1. to (uui'itliT measures to prevent the une. come here and kill the to ine rlfics In Trieste. Austria, whleh will he the hall. The damage In Plainfield will besecond a that battle has occurred II. son R. A of little hoy. Ashley, demoralization in the eastern territory und I guess I will have to do shipped lo Armenia for the use of the amount to thousands of dollars. was tween of Uunnock the ml Helena, it the Indians stablekeeper over the tickets to the Christian En- livery It. at the earliest possible Th in a rain lmm-1drowned white settlers in the Jackson Hole No attention belr.g paid to Henderdeavor convention at lies ton adjourned ehllil was playing ut the hurn-lfell in of south Yellowstone Tlu Dark. until Witlni sduy. when each line will und was drowned lieforo he was missed son's threat, he entered Into conversaAn Interesting Incident of Williams's Ia New York. dispatch says: siil'iuii a report of nil tickets sold by from the liousc. tion with Barr, who hud been playing confession, us made public by Bahrl, comes Word N. from Wind the Grafton, and how drinkto convention Upper I., July 14. A cyclone st llii'in the many and who had also been Is the fact that he Is not a British subriver that some Indians have billiards, OTtunnellsen, sis miles northeast of here. so freely as Hender- ject at nil, but Is a native of the Caunot cf them are still outstanding. FUNERAL GOVERNOR ullhougli ing, Is this afternoon. It was about reiHirted been killed and several white ihuii son. l'.urr Ini lied the stranger to casus region of Asia, and strangely three rods wide. At a schoolhouse near no particulars have been but wounded, Bridge Charges Saved. the Invitation in accepted. district drink, which by people were at church and heard It being Reenough, of the very received. Alton. 111.. July 13. The ltlg Four A Long Procession Followed the Neither offering to pay, the barkeeper Bahrl himself was born. coming. It first struck a large machinery On to mains the L. W. Tuesday morning Cemetery. Simpson, uske for the money, jiolh men denied lias Just completed arrangements with of consideration entirely shed, lifted that up, turned it completely out I,euvlng who of i he 31. K. ii T. Railway and the Alton this Tribune. 13. attorney county, Iloise, Ida., July Special to living the host, and during the alterca- the second revolutionary band across around and dropped It five rods away has relatives living in Jackson Hole, tion K. A The funeral of which followed Barr called Hen- the IVrslan border. It Is an undeniable in a grove. It was full of machinery, bridges for the currying of ur. Immense o mount of cot tun for export and stuck Stevenson occurred this afternoon. The headed a small parly to go to the res- derson' u liar. The two grappled, but fact that the Armenian situation was which was twisted out of sliaiie. u it then struck a house five rods away. und incuts tu vile nriilmiii'il. This route body was plueed In the Masonic Hull cue of friends there. Word from Jack-so- were separated, and llendersun, who never at a more critical tsilnt. frame The house was a large, J!oli Is anxiously awaited here. Kails bridge this was using very abusive language, was and from 19 lo 1 o'clock the ravel the charges of the met morning, on a brick foundation. It liftYour correspondent e yesterday Y.is!t:i-kibuilding, A e from Furl special message v.cw the to an had He coni Mne at Si. Li uis mid immediately public oiporlunlty the representative of a fourth revolu- ed this house In the air, whirled It arouml says that In the encounter ejected. reinutlix At 1 o'clock the Masons held a 1'iaul. and drawing a large pocket-kniflet It fall. The building struck on tionary party, with agents In Austria, und secret service. At S the procession formed with tho Indians three settlers were plunged abInto one corner and broke to pieces. There Barr's the weaisin The America. and Year. headquarthe for England Musomu the to In snil escorted remains the und several badly wounded, that Coinage Mrs. In the house. were five The praccssloii was very long, diuns were ulso wounded and some domen. The wounded mail sunk to the ters seem to lie In America, where a Nelson waspersons porch, with a Washington, July 13. A statement cemetery. silting on the In ami wna headed hy the hand, uftcr which killed, but it is not known bow many. ground. This seemed to sober Hen- party newspaper is published, and revtn she arms. the shows While Bureau her air Mint baby the ut derson. who closed the bloody knife, prepiirci came inllitiu, the lire company, uniform Indian isilice were funds are collected. Thl.s dropped the baby and was carried thirty (lispatehed several replaced it In his pocket, and left the olutionary iniiiiigi' during the last llscnl year as rank. K. of 1'.. members of the Imr. duys Is and a feet. were Both agent uninjured. ago from Khushone agency to saloon. follows: Gold. 11:1.933.473; silver. Grand Lodge Masons, lueul Masonic A d named Peters girl strong views on the situation. was in Jackson Hole, and disHenderson was arrested as he started holds minor coin, $71 7,7. 94 ; total, $33,715,- - lodge. Governor and stsff. A long line Marysvale hi not expected to and has hurt fourth The badly party revolutionary front are there due Is now In jail, of rarriugcH followed. There was a pro patches nnd street r.m. the waa ncniss live. man feet The hired carried brought no guns to Armenia, nor does and The trouble was started by nn atAll business wus sum fusion uf Mowers. wound. of Is llnrr'a In result He the a grove. badly dropiied awaiting arms hidden the agent say he has any Broken Down Engineers. pended from 1 to 3, and all flags were ut tempt to arrest a band of Kalmucks, The physicians say that Barr has no In but will rerover. The servant girl the mountains. The party's princi- hurt, who were wantonly slaughtering fe- chance of recovery. Henderson, who about the feet and hack. Washington. July 13. Two more nav-:.- tl of the most radical was badly hurt are however, out male elk the ples, for In the house was smashed of purpose down taking his Everything broken takes to the discuss physl refuses affray, engineers have sort. advanced Boise. and Peaee at Into fragments. the foetus, which is regarded as a arrest coolly. His one desire seems to work, nnd eslly. as a twill of severe Three miles away a farmer named dainty luxury by the Indians. Lust be to kcct of his predicthe Holse, Ida., July 13. Special to Trllnino, knowledge will lie 11 lie veil. One Is Chief Knglneer Knuilson had the roof taken off hla house tor hi1 Warrants hundred I the Indians Lynchers. killed several year lielwccn trouble tlireuteneu The bis wife. ament fn the at an it invalid Me. gee, who lias been 15. For several and thpre is much damage east of here, of the cow elks for the same purpose, Council over aptKdnlinents Kan., and July Mayor Emporia, he ever since f reports coming In that grain Is badly New York Navy Yard Mayor 1lcrce had and the while settlers protested loudly weeks detectives have been at work se- damaged. pnssed awuy Breeze. tbe Er was detached from the Miiiiterey and claimed the right to appoint, but the against the outrage, and posed by men the who evidence prepared against curing fireman's heart disease, lie Council went ahem! and electedIn the ijoIIc themselves to arrest andthey Larncd t Kan., July 11. Folk Cline, an lynched George Rose at Cottonwood alcllin(if punish any waa spent negntln Guardian for Foley's Heir. band uf the was rellreil Knturdny and ordered be- force. Ycsterdiiy Indians ISM. who been There are twenty-fiv- e who should reitvat has in this Of Falls city, May. attorney looking tuwurd a compromise. Them fore a reviewing board. The second is tlons s itches for the Kansas Breeze, warrants In the hands of the SherNev July 13. In accordance with new force were or- offense this yenr. Rena nnd the writing fell through, lias Chief Kngilicer Mersehelmnln, who was rkht'I Bed on the street here last iff for imminent people In Cottonwood his petition, the District Court apdered by the Cuunellnien to enter upon Drowned-ithsPlatte. Thomas Haun of Jetmore, Falls and Strong City. The trouble pointed l)r. O. 8. Thoma guardian of a record of haul service and hair the discharge f their duties this mornevening tin1 31. Alice airs. under to old child, alleged to force, acting The Cheyenne. Wyo.. July 13. Special snd sciAvly beaten over the head grew out of the recent closing of Strong lie the son andHartley's hreiiillh eyciipcs that few can match, ing. Jielr of the late Senator orders, had refused to vuenie. Tribune. The body of Walter Is said that the liq- M. out it of and trouble The with a grew cJS,.e. Joints, lie was In charge or the engines on the Mayor's City la now servu Imy of 17 wlio dlsapiMiired ulmut hut Hits morning the upiwsltlnn eollnpsed which aptsared In the last uor crusaders are the men for whom ing D.anFoley. rMrs. Hartley Trenton" when she went mul sentence for killing u. month ago, was found on a sand bur In nn artlcnew force went on. Mayor the out. The are warrants peobest Haun the down before the Samoa n hurricane, I'lerce was Anally advised by his attor- tli Flutle river twenty miles from Cas- Issue of le Breeze, describing Foley. The guardianship was the first niul behaved then with great coolness neys tlint the position of the Council wus per, yesterday. The boy's parents live ns dune? f In a negro dive at Dodge ple In Chase county fear serious trouble step In a suit against the Foley estate, la valued at $3WI,um, for tho child's portion. eettled. before the t Blair, Nub. quarrel correct. City. and gallantry. THREATEN A FIGHT. ENOUGH. KEN- TUCKY DEMOCRATS. ON FORMOSA. Iu-eim- iii ! ciHifi'11-n.-i- ' i 1 tin-r- Wyi-mliiK- : n, - ib.-i- r run.-deiicc- s . Km-rii- linti-kbit- ; i 1 n-s- t uiuler-lil:i::i- sp.-i-- vi.-w- l s pupi-rs- ; . 1m- - l nt n-.- i 1 one-ye- 1 Lieutenant-Go- vernor er-m- t funnel-shape- Ras-sou- well-know- tlm-be- m com-IM'll- ed Mol-llka- ur . school-hous- th. e. Mol-llk- an to-da-y, di'i-e- Sixty-Thir- Wood-have- I . to-d- 1 nir-M-. nt-ur- 1 t:i-il- bar-mo- m to-da- y. I to-d- te m Wi-suV- to-d- ay to-da-y, Sis-clu- liar-keepe- r, . to-d- (tail-lot- s (qqtor-tunit- y. . to-d- ay STbV-NaO.- 1 ty two-ator- y, llfly-mll- ht e, Kussian-Arnienla- $9,069,-jsi- n, i; twelve-year-ol- 1UU half-mus- t. y. y IHack-Hliin- c. eleven-yea- I |