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Show 'X. V t' em a tVfi'nr in'iii mLMiZL - .. a. piiovo COAJ-TE- larble Works. IE J.'fo81!l,N.,lu;,, HONS lit iNSON.CmJiier. km kb 55JhiaiJtkrs, et, tn luire piu orajjuuua, who amined tlie night lieaide tlu-llairM, hiy atreteheil or aeato.1 in all tlw pivlunwjue groupinga of a bivouac; kome ulrcu !y leaucil ui autl atirriug; tBlu-rujxjn their elbows, and look.'d about aa if unwilling to believe that their rest was over; while mm, stretched ia deep slumber, woka not with the tumult around them. Having dressed, ha walked up and down the narrow room, tortured and aguoixedby aad reflection.. Suddenly he uw a group of horsemen arrive at whose approach the pickets were on the alert and the guard at the gats presented arms. The sound of voices beneath him informed him that the party occupied the room below his own; so he strained his ear to catch the current of their murmured conversation. The next minute his door wai unlocked and anoflieer entered, bowing politely aa he advanced Into the middle of the room. Will you have the goodness to follow me this way?" Charlie had barely time to ask into whose presence he waa about to he ushered, when, with a am 11a of strange meaning, he opened a door and introduced him into a spacious apartment Although he had seen at least a doa-horsemen arrive, there were but three present One of these, who sat at a small table near the window, never lifted his head on his entrance, but assiduously continued his occupation. The one, however, on whom Charlie's attention was especially coacantratcd e, stood with his back to tbs open sternly contemplating his approach. What ia your rank, sir?" he asked, in a tone of command. Captain of infantry, " waa tha sullen reply. What waa the Federal force under arms yestenlayf I do not feel able to give you any information, air, aa to the number or movements of our army," Fulton said, respectfully, yet flrmly. 'The devil! Do you know to whom you are talking and what yon are saying, sirf Smith, do you hear the fellow?" Yea, air, the other replied. "And, if you will permit me to deal with him I will have the information out of him before he ia ten minutes older, General Bragg. Ah, you rascal, I believe you, the superior smiled, graciously; but I'm not going to trust him to your gentle catechism." Had you dispatches? he added, taming to Fulton, who preserved an obstinate silence, on seeing which he addressed tha officer who bud brought the Were any dispatches prisoner in: found cm him when he waa taken?" No, sir; nothing was found on him except this loelcet. Ah! said Bragg, gaxing at the beautiful features of Mary Laaoelles. "Another of my Lady Fantastic's hapless victims taka the prisoner back to r AFereon gal Co-o- p.. DUNCAN a I TEATER eneral Merchandise HaU, .'Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Everything Hardware, First-clas- s Belonging to a than Goods Cheaper Store, in the House other any County. Largest Store South Price, - Jat . - erron Utah. aad Good Coal at the Manti e Canyon, at miles f A wife of Manti. U Coal at the mines only $8,50 per Ion of l.lme. only Via. ;i A anpsrior quality rates on Six-mil- At bushel. large given Bpeelal iatSIS It Thomas & Co. Bit mia ('y.n "n wa.wiiiet R h aW?DEALER IN" V'PENER AL AnsnCHANDISE. T. Agent fo1 Studebaker Bros. Wagons, (Carriages and Carts. Agentf (or Amos Whitneys Steef Mowers and Reapers. I Post Office, 1 J - - Utah: Gilina, fl ran cow., . -- . m,al DEALERS IN .' Merchandise- rOODS, tencral DRY 'Groceries, TjbliOTHIN O Agents for the Cooper Wagon "and the McCormickMachinery. VI AH U&LLJQtA; TM IlSO E. 1st St. Oity, Xa. i. V t&A W; ttcXotv vw I:. I1' VyS-"v t tXwv M ft i ' n ij sToaS Northern flag, my luy, the star and atriin'a, they are trampliug under foot!" waa the exuliuut buat CHAPTER XIV. nr fbomusl sos uxrrraa The Stone river U a sluggish stream, bordered by which flow with muddy waters through a swampy country four miles from Murfreesboro. On the aoth of December it. placid bank are bristling with the armed men of two great forces on its left, Rosecrans with fifty thousand warriors; on its right, between it and the city, Bragg with at many more cedar-brake- quartet. .. y. HOUSE mDIHQ 3 Blks From Temple. 3 ACCOMMODATIONS Sample Room J Fielding Prop. UTAH SdSiAlfTI, B. MMi.SrvlMV . A. MiH flndp. M. 1V.RfirrTiMw o. W.Mnm, N. UMaupr. Uah, Mi til! Smoot Drug Co. m uil tapwtefeof and Ubolmls .1 , ,r bug, , Retail Olia, ratals, ' i :- - Pys Stuffs, Perfumeries, Tobaccos and Cigars. i - - - Utah. Ib?po TiU enc TriE Fumy BEST. Coa U. .! ,ta a!. ft Dctcnpiirc and Tricrd iSet lk 1691 ij Annual FREE wiH be Mailed Laafi applicant, and to laaracaKA! ceewm. I: better tbuevar.j 1 petaoo Kdng Urdu. tfcvMr r bitU Sttdl, tend for H. AiMrw WJ Md I D. M.FCRftV ACO. J OKTROIT, MICM. M Bbpdlisr liana Inthe werid J IT9(k NEWSPAPER Etllllo. sow llwly, Abnnko(nvn .atiliif nor. ... ;rADVtRTISING;S h ihn Ik. aim. rfn Tina. rlmlMlna Mtrnpaftor la tha i.im. Mewapaper Ihiwctorp of MuntlbetS&i-ARji- M eaplae oaeb iaana, with the coal per liaa for I.iet of the Met of VIPpMtVhetVsi. 1 druUtUie, is owry city and towa rf Mare uiidgbf KOWpww Mlloe by fbe larb for 5?,,fcrSpec,el liBtaofdaily.roamry village paper. HirgilM imrre of valaato AMI FtwilwTaorlhoee wiablMe leeipenMMtt Fbowa amoamuf hkm. idiapbilf whb a mail Webweey "bw t pel the mom emke M Mid teenyi rt tAr. gyi a aiUnn gjwH r. Kowvll 'akilrtw. rMBi aanmi.ina a emu, btbioMA mM 'rarxJSMJjJ.' Co. Y.- -- i 1, m FERKCLINE r a :'A And thtrAjLuMui quality ud qulHy of -- I p Read the following tesciakoat - y Strf.'HV i:i ul li- - hie Id, laV . i, . n t , .iu , i H.il ii - II, I ,. ,,.M I ' JU Nxiin, Utao, OX. LIAN MORGAN. , ! R I.iKi! 1L.. DS "SL? rkw'nT h h.i, ux r. . i, . u . nf ...iiiiru. tiull.llul iv uiiui.iiizli r:ji'. I ii .,. ii(J,iri an, 1 .link,. ii v.ii- ii i.. in' bvn.lL limxi'P. tzi.i, ,.l liu .hi'. zi. I .... t., hii;i-,.i.i- . d iimi 1,.. runiiiiiiiicIlH'iv B.I III !. lOk'jt , , , hwi'jz hilL ii,. ,.i i k i;.. i,:u, mtii ikt . , . oil uii.ll, I"1. l.iriUvi' tivJliiii hen 1. altu.iluuL-- "' j !T. j? HO intunM - -T 'T ,kM tSSS Ml vslna Ij faibita tvUc tb uMirf mu incfeULviiuiuiiiio B? .! j!mZu uLmHiJSffaSBK, BuSvShCatSa tCffi&Kx , HI fruai ; in Itlul i. . fi . s.'hT, - lilt- l (' ! i TESTIMONIAL. V . thoeL SHEEP DIP a trial. It aur aad wEU .tl uf luuiiey. tic ' A. 1'. U'lJKKYS. ' II'. t i. 1 .'Hi . i f I Tl nf I iMdankli Is, viaslrol T. tel Hi I lk fiSfoS. (fopwd) WTLUktt MORGAN, . FERNOUMC WriJ!ir",b,ain SMECP D,P from your deafer, a Bmte Fcrnolino Chemical Co., 18 Broadways Nft Weber Pianos, 35,000 in use. T' Slate Bank of Utah. Capital, Vo. 15'fl.OOO. Kan St CO SaH Laka City. Utah IIK1IKH J.UK.tST.rn-lMrBti M. II. I k KTi i . i, IIKlihK i'u I'll F. -- wr tVcl4at. . WKI.Lh.extabt. Oireetora- liu.il. Biuluii, uiilk, fc'.' ' I' VuriilMiii IM'.iiuihi, - i. n. . ri lii.wiu Awry?.:: r.j JLuxcal at Collier Jc Sncuirci'c-,- ' itired, bait L.t?cc City Utah. Nrpbl W. Hlavuia, rmkl.TwIir, T. r.nuvurtk Pkiki '.HuNiirrli KH'karU w. loaax Ih urrA. Nusllry. i'iii4 iliMUa w,ibl aa tlnasaS. iiiont'.v mi x;iinirMl Srniriljr, jjilhm.1 xrU.nxiHxll rtiirlw nuiais. ht rai. us uviuss il.Mir 'iMiiiHiuiiii. luli ml liiivrwa uiurtxrijr. i.U h ini. i iiuliualbr.. It. il;i CATALOGUES FOKU. E- - L.Tmy . E. W. I Ion ell VuYOv-.- e HOWELL & CO.. JOSEPH MARRIOTT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Carnets, MLT.RAY.il. I - CO., UTAH, Mtiiiufiichircr of Pure Ft Hit Extracts. a complete line of furniture, carpets, window lilimis.fea-tliera- , wail paper, Wagons Iron Etc, Parties dealing with 11s ran get as good prices as any house south of .Salt e. We are pre pared at our Planing mills to custom work on the hhortest notice. e carry MAYFIELD I-- 40-- 62 CO-O- P, Dealers in FAIRVIKW, UTAH. to-da- No adulteration lo the fnllnaliig KlaoilkM itimedies. Mxudrake Liver PBls, Muter of i'aiu. and Tar Ifonlial. I. S.- - Mv Kktrscl air all made (rum fiesh (mils, samples of wMch roa lie teen at ilii- - Sknisi i, ultirc. Rubens Ac Nelden, Druggist sole agents for Utah. A Wall paper, Etc. high-flow- ktant'i hesitation.' Frank was awed to silence by the Majors einiestnens. Yon are, Bcsant," the older man continued, I am In possession of facts concerning which you know nothing. A spark of intelligence flashed ooc. aamvaox, with oolousix uia xaxd, d WBO VBLL A eron TVS BATIU OV uivxa, n eUMUOUSLr LXAUXC XOOSD TSXAS naoium SI ruin WAS BUSIXD BY SOLMBBS. i Bccooumo or an sisoi " Rude aa the tablet was, simple aa the d gram looked by the lantern light, Frank thought that many a grand mausoleum would bear but poor comparison beside that humble tribute to a brave man's memory, though the first blasts of winter would destroy the rough memento. That night they slept upon the battlefield. Now, it must not be supposed that Charlia Fulton absence from his post had not caused consternation among his comrades and intense distress to his fat if r. None, however, but Major Hopkins and Frank Bessnt bad attributed auspicious motives to his disappearance, and you may be assured that counsel, jealous of they Wept Hiefr their comrade's ktiuor and mindful of their Uilonel, whose heart they knew would b broken if bis buy fell into disgrace, so it was generally accepted that be had ridden farther than was prudent and had fallen into the toils of the enemy. Bnt the Major and Frank had drawn the worst conclusion, especially whrn the latter learned from the pickets the direction the absentee had taken when he started on the journey from which he bad never returned, limsnl hoped against hope, bnt llopkins vowed that be bad sold imself body and soul fo pretty faro, and had gna pier to the enemy. He aiwaye bed preposterous Ideas neatly-rounde- w v.-- n LUMBER AND BUILDING CO., in 4 Frank's brain. And your informant, sir, was James Lawson?" be asked eagurly. If so, what then? rudely-painte- piyHbt VSMW" TCSTIMOMAL. In' use ,'i 'it f.'l court-marti- l. ball-roo- t. A. PnnljTsgtUUfi, Ssb toSssUi riaa Trsc. You tMii Kell aim;.! imagined, tlicn, how cl SHEEP DIP. tiCL surs t j p r:rr.:tj Health cf Chceu. his heart brat with renew hope when on the afternoon of the SJ, while a fearful storm was raging, wliieh w ill scting-Colon- --".A. Urf..s fr:n its Tl ceditr-brake- OALLIXS OX BIS MM TO follow. tha Fighting Fourth crash their leaden hail upon his men, horning to avenge his death; and, bleeding end torn, they fall bask fighting to the very last. Down pours the (raiq p the terrific carnage and the skeltered Southern pctnoMi How so?" Charlie asked, wearily. hosts fall back on Murfreesboro. And when is Frank Bcaant all this Why, there's no batch of prisoners to send to limbo, so I've orders to con- while? Fighting at the head of his Murstatkm duct yon to a recruiting at company during the heat of the fray freesboro, where yon wont get half bad yon may be sure, bnt low sadly bendThe General, ing his steps to a clump of trees, under quarters, I can tell yon. too, la well impressed with you, and which a group of officers is gathered means to let you down easy, keep a round u eeutnd prostrate figure, over stiff upper-liand hope for better fort- which Doctor Saunders is stooping, une." while the rest anxiously await his de-Fulton's next quarters ffsro la a "Not necessarily mortal, be says at large, roomy building, whieh had once been a private residence of no mean last, with sigh of relief. The wounded man is borne tenderly proportions, but which waa now occupied by the military, partly as a recruit- to the ing office and PVtly as a hospital for a . Who is it? Wbo ia it?" ask several, few convalescent oflleen. whose wounds ns the mournful cortege passes them. for the time Incapacitated thea for qet Colonel Fulton of the Fourth-sliive service. His chamber faced the through the lungs, is tbs sad answer. tenf a handsome mansion, grognd But Frank and bis comrades hare anted evidently by persons of position another duty before them ere they can n in society, for Charlie sprat many lay their weary bones to rest on that weary hour watching gay group of eventful night. ladies gathered on the broad verandah, Boys," !!"- Major had cried, there or tolling with tha needle on soldiers' lies the body of Colonel Rohinnq. Shall supplies i fha handsome rooms, the it lie said we left that gallant fellow's windows of which Wtlf almost always corpse upon the field without a soldier's open. funeral, or sign to mark the spot he II had been offered a parole, aad had frur refused, a decision which did pot lower came from a acme of No, no, him in the estimation of his generous throat-' captors. Bo dug a grave and laid the hero And now the gayest season in all the in they a incident, though his it tourhlng yesr in the South waa approaching, the only requiem was a salute firrd by the Christmas holidays, and Charlia could hands of ills enemies. At the head of the see that his fair neighbor were making a rough hoard, with lavish preparation for tha coming grave they placed characters, which read: festivities. "uxaa urn mi bout or Charlie happened to meotiOB this to a COLONKL ROBINSON, officer, who often Ungpf4 Utter of inspection to shat with the prisoner. Hah! My dear fellow, it isn't only for the holiday theyre decorating, bat tomight that pretty girl in blue, leaning on the pillar yonder, ia to be married by Bishop Fblk. I allow theyll have a gallant fling, for President Ilayla himself has eon to grace tha fostlyitiea with his presence." It doesnt seem to me a time for much rejoicing, Fulton add, moodily. Never a better, waa the gay reply. McClellan whipped aj Anlktam, (merman at a dead-loc- k before Vicksburg, Rosecrans on the eve of a retreat, and Nashville as pood as ours again I" There's many a slip twist tha sup and the lip," Charlie ventured. But not when the cup ia held by the firm hand! of bepoee," waa tha decided answer. That night his friend was with him again, when the revelry waa at its height, Tha evening, though in December, was mild, and in the crowded rooms of the mansion must have been almost sultry; at least it seemed so, for the blinds and window were flung up to their utmost height, affording the two young nun an uninterrupted view of the flee that tall, stately mas lead forward Aw two pretty girls to dsucu One felthat is lYraidenp Heavlow in black ia the bisbup-b- ut. ens. man. what ia the matter? You're pule aa death itself! Lookl Charlie cried, clutching his What ia neighbor1 arm convulsively. that they are discing on that thing - reit-lil- lmltn in young Medicines & Chemicals, a visit , A,- rmiOHNE . ot FIRST-CLAS-S !' - 1f--l- i- d . IVm. YLcXatW readily V?'- - ala . with Charlie following. Have they given you nay grub today? be asked, aa they reached the prison chamber. Not a bite nor sup; but I am not hungry, Waa the doleful confession. Pshaw, man! cheer up I'll go below and send you something, and, true to his word, hi departure was quickly followed by a substantial meal, which Fulton, notwithstanding b!l troubles, did ample justice to. Then came a clatter of arms and stamping of horses without, and Charlie saw the squadron on tha move. By Jove! you ere s luck, my boy, a manly voice eried, as his door opened, and the offioer who had iwmmanded his guard the previous night made his ap- - it can In- - SV ;S ' WJj f It Is of Southern chivalry,'' the Major sakl, uiul ii only named the uitchety of this woman to tip the scale of his unbalanced mind aud land liim headlong in ruin, a supposition the younger man had uut tiie murage to iuntruvert. never be forgotten by Hunt who shivered 'neatli its blast, an old colored n crept into eami, auxiously inlie Isire a letter quiring for him. written on a erumpled leaf of paper and inclosed iu an empty rille eartritlge-shel- l, which the wary messenger had Rosecrans has said: I will mass my carried iu his luoulli for serurlls sake strength mi the left, and crush the and whieh lie gravely assured 1'rsuk he would hare sw allowed if he liaJ been enemy's right" I caught by the enemy. tha words: Bragg has will strike them on the right with my Hastily unfolding it, lie sunt read tha left. penciled lines: The dawn of the Slat waa wrapped in Khii.mi t'uiNK I have tieru fur xaur a dense fog: and Bragg, eager to secure ivli a iinwni-r- Ties uioruiiiK ilic) asiicil n,r from Uuararlun, to a xai.ll tear uillrs the advantage of striking first daslu-IVr are uuly .tcsii llie rii.T jmir cud.. furiously on the Federal right ot which Ulster a guard fs'u, men aiul a Nergeaul, uf wo divisions fell back, losing their suinr liiratnls. wlm wun'l euuiil ia s You and a dozen lss uf the guns and leaving many prisoners bea iwuh i( y.iu hind. But Sheridan's brave fellows Fourth might me worih the think yivep orllrjKs stand like a rock beaten by the waves: der lorarvlrcat at duylirrjk, so it oatkai'i ami by this tremendous effort Rose-cra- hurry it wilt be all up slih yuur unfortunate U enabled to form his line afresh, i iiAHi.it: Kcltoh.'1 friend, s ou which, from the they Rewarding the faithful negro beyond had won, the Confederates hurl them- hi wildest expeetutions, Frank hurried selves with gallant recklessness. Four to tin- - Major with his glail tidings, but time they charge: four times they are to bin surprise Ilia senior evinced no repulsed when the cry is, Brvcken-ridg- e rnpoeisl signs of gratification. comes with seven thousand men," You are a little too sanguine, Frank, and twice again they rush to the at- iny boy, hr said, gravely, hut though tack, but Northern firmness stands in1 are relieved of tlic J.niu of lielioving the shock of Southern dash, and before Hu. young man ia voluntarily absent night iu pity from our rank, the onus yet remains they can again draws a mantle o'er the scene. on him to prove Imvv innocently lie fell On New Year's day both' armies rested Into eartivi1y. You see, now llie Colonel from the conflict. is winindcd, the eoniinnnd of the regiOn the fld, Bragg made some demon- ment devolves an uie for the time tiring, strations to And out what Buell meant anil, considering the responsibilities of to do, and why he bad nut, as be so my position, I do not for tlie life of me fully expected, sounded a retreat He see how, if you brought him back, soon leaned to his cost Tbs Northern knowing what 1 do know, 1 have any General had made his position a other alternative tliuu to place him him. citadel, from which he could rally and under arrest anil strike at any point, or break the fury of Oh, air. surely. you would not probis charging foe. ceed to such extreme measures! On this in vain the gallant ConfeI am afraid I should, Frank, and, if derates advanced, only to fall back with I diil. it would go far to kill hia poor broken ranks discomfited. father, who now lies in a my critical Hut now the men of Texas fame with condition. I guess we hail better let a rage that nothing seems to stay. In lids young fellow puddle hia own canoe vain the Shower of grape pours on that for a lime a dose of Libby prison will n unflinching host Bee Colonel Robingo a long way to ameliorate hia arntiments on Southern chivalry." son, with the oolorm in his hands, dash That ia not spoken like Major Hopthrough the abaltis and spring upon the kins. embankment, calling on kia men to follow! Even bis enemies can scarce forNor is it spoken by Major Hopkins, of a regiment, bear to cheer the daring feat, or sigh but by the when they see the gallant figure thrown whose fair fame shall never be stained mutketaof lifeless down. And now tbs If my own dead while I command. and he had son were here alive done what Charles Fulton has, 1 would order him under arrest without an hi' hli'' Coma along, said the officer, aa ha strode from the room, 111 L halMi-.t-Mj- It ia Hie & ' Tell: 320,000 I Spurns (p & SWEtG1?0VE H . t.h. l'lio Suit Lake Music Dealers r kt-e- V - 4 MKiiar. C OLFBHBY. TTpyui'E "7S l. Only, air, that you are condemning a man of honor on the word of as baas a scoundrel as aver lied to forward hia miserable ends, waa the hoi reply. That may be, but even an inveterate liar may speak the truth, if it suits hia purpose. Granted, Major; hut are you quite sure that the truth did suit Ills purpose in this instance?" For reply the Major took from his pocket-booa torn piece of paper, on which was some writing in pencil, and handed it to hia subordinate, with the remark: I am committing no breach of confidence in showing you this. Do you recognise the hand that penned this treacherous scrawl? Frank read tlie line eagerly; they contained a brief but snocinct description of Buell's position at Nashville, were addressed to Miss Laseelles, and were signed, your devoted friend, C. F." Frank's eyes blazed with triumph. "Do I recognize the Major? he cried excitedly. Indeed, I k WHOLESALX I aee on every James Lawsons and and all kinds of south of Pall Lake Oily. do well by buying their Orders by mail us, and yard opposite the U. W. K. e trouble to disguise live diameters. You are sure of this?"-Wrll- , you shall judge fiir yourself, sir, Frink declared, taking a lett Y from hia pocket which Inclosure. Here wrote to a lady friend tonburg, containing count of my conduct that in sheer din gust she sent it to me, as she say, 1 1 put roa on my guard against the low's vlndictiveneaa. It was a study to watch the Major's face as he compared the two documents. Turning to an orderly hr sakl. atom-- ; iy:Goto compuny F anil toll tlie fl cer on duty to send Irivate J.avvsoni V dor guard to me at inu-e.In a few minutes, during width Inq,. oftb-rrmaintained n mmsly silence, tfy Smw, cvvuV PAXMAN, Sup t & CO Cooper Wagons, McCormick Machines, J y Eye fW Plows Canton Clipper, and J. I. Case Chilled Plowa. -- s r 'irivate returned, Lawson, sir, hr said, salt ing, is reported missing. lie was Ami on tills morning by the sentry as he we seen making fro the enemy's lilies, I.U unhurt. ( Tlie cloud of doubt cleared from tha Major's brow as he clasped Frank' hand, ami said May be I wfi wrong In judging Fnllim, ami he wjs perhaps be able to clear lilmself uf 7 charge more serious than a breach' iv )!m iplinc. Any how, Frank, you ah q tin- - lad liurk andglrc him a chans f i xplanaiion. 'l ake ap many men 4t , one own company as you like volu& ecru, mind anil manage the affair just :iw yon please. It could aot bo in em-tpe- -- Sulky THE LARGEST STOCK Yv TO UU uud 1,-j- (k iiiunllily ho will visit tha Principal Stores in counties n;inr:d, who are rerpootfulk requested to the Hold Their Ordersfor His Arrival- - HE aULLiTHlt BEST Wagons, Implements and Buggies, inul the Order that lie can not till will be Ul i. VHVvV a peouliar aua W QkvvX V. TAitidhiff Implement Dealers, SON JOHN LOWRY CONFERENCE VISITORS GENERAL SUPPLY HOUSE DRY GOODS GXIGCFBIES CLOTHING, Furniture, Baby Carriages. BED BOOM suits. tstvtv TvUvtm OTTi, edur-brak- s VlvVW VlCz at leuM PROVO CITY. UTAH. ur'p e -- W LioA Jv HANSEN & CO So, in accordance with this liberal onliT. a dozen men, heavily armed, with I'nsaot at thely head, stole out of 'hut piglit under shadow of thoL that lined the river. J To return to the object of all this at Charlie Fulton's condition aftqf .!i ; rlll.'of Murfreesboro was a strong nutrusl to the gentle treatment he hail7 riicii jl'- - in bis confinement at the ieLri.llliig stailon. and lie was now bet ginning to learn that tlie lot of a priA oner of war was not a very enviabty ooe. Torn front hi associates, who, bev ing gentlemen, bad accorded him many ha found himself in little Undn-ser- i. fbe hands of a rough soldiery, who teemad to taka delight In covering with Indignities their luckless prisoner. On snatched tha cap from his head with tha brutal deolaratiiin that it was too good to cover a Yanks brainless scalp; anr other requisitioned bla boots and ga shun a (dm In a pair of auk-lnwould acorn to wear; a tl.!.l oi TO RI COXTWl'ID VktVWt YtoVvMi MANTI CITY, Hie Best Buggy on Wheels Jnr 100, DD With leather top and ririted rims. Dont send to Suit Lake but save Freight by sending Your Order W A. mt vvt UwVme Vsvcf of Buggies and 8pring Wagons in Utah County. m r hands. VvvVtCvtt vtv u cv, VvW, U'f' Vft v n. W V. " meioa-nge- jiekiie (, agon (jo-opertiv- o . MIIiDII$ npGBIMJIi We carry the Largest Stock The people of the south will Doors, Windows, Etc., from Promptly attended to. Office C. and D.& R. G. DepotB. fie ear-mar- of this villainous composition. Why, the pitiful rascal has not even taken the down-strok- GROCERIES, ETC. Arc carrying a fine line of Men's and Boys Clothing, also Boots and Shoea. MAYFIELD, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH. N- Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets, WINDOW, DOORS. MOULDING and BLINDS. hand-writin- do! I- AND RXTAIL DLAI.KMS 1; DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, iu General. and Call liaise Ynur 10EIS P. BECKEH, LeMee H-E- H O'.'in y: ,ir ol fZ ycr Hi: manti roller mills. a NPFAC'A U Family Supplici them; they will treat you well mill see OF of Flour, The Best Grades aolleitedjffl fiTOrders and Correspondence Custom Work a Specialty. Fish. G. A. Gardner, SIJIMAS GAEF, 1 Fiir..i.-1'- yvf Main Street, next lu Savages Art Baiaar, for r' i'k'. mllr rtmnly, I uki-- . t.til .:.f Mirlln:, Ktnirt Cull nml fro Mr. Bruiilreg as hia work is Iruily Hri--i cl.ise in every and parlii'iihir. lrirce Mmlerale, ) block ea-- of Lowry's Store Manti. wrl sssetiiaa ii'.Mi'iirr qnarts Hoot and Kbermiiker. Fist Claes CuKlcin Work nnd Repairing done. terms M,M . P. O. BfJAHTZEC . JEWELER WATCHMAKER, tttn.iz alw Watches, Clocks Xlsatl. ad Jewelry Impaired on Short Ndica, 1 Bargains loesiions Fur good Business , ha tie SRX1 IXRL RL O CK, Vs t 0 PwfW |