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Show .1 THE SENTINEL. I, I I. t Printed and Published by !, Sentneil 4 M THE Co. Ward Stivsncom, H.C. BbadfoKB, . Editor Manager iCHitrtd at Out Pott Offlt Unnti Vitg, Utah, for traMnyurtatbrn is, aigh Uu Mailt at Second Cbm Matter i . Tuesday 1 oHb Afeil 28, 1801. oFfSfiTBlSr Last Friday ewEing, tha second i of Germany's gnat trnmvir.Moliks. hundred years ago since English men thought that ilia working classes should not be educated and the uau who worked kard to infer m himself waa considered dangerous to the cummunily. The Czar is mad beeausa hia nephew haa disgraced hia royal nibs. Had the ingrata deaa anything but but what ho did do, there might have been soma hepe ef pard m. but the cause is altogether too had to admit of such a thing. Misfortune has coma to tha rsyal family iu any nays, they have had loaaas by flood end field. Nihilist! have thinned their ranks, but although life baa been made altogether too exciting for comfort, this last Mow haa done more than all tha reel to make lita a burden. Tha nephew haa married outside of the charmed cintle True the lady ia a eountsas, but alas, tha blot on tha royal scutcheon cat never be effaced, it ie too bid. want tha way of all tha earth, full of yaara and also fall of honors. lie was horn ia tha city of Mecklenburg Oct. 26, 1800, and was therefore orer 90 years of age. He received his military education at Copenhagen, and entered the Prussian army at the age of 2 ya:irs. Ha early distinguished himself and was rapidly pron oted. CURRENT OPINION. He was a true soldier in every sense of the word. Everything he Ckteaca Boats Tha treasury department ia did was done with mathematical tern and Uncompromising fae o: never calculations His precision. free trade in every form. It haa failed, he allowed nothing to turn decision regarding a him from the point which he aimed just rendered a bill which the of section McKinley to reach, his plans never misses to considerable of as advantage everything came out just at abroad. Adtravelers American do. should he intended they The breaking oat of the France-Frnssia- u mitting to its tent they might homo with them 1500 worth war, found the three men, bring of wearing apparel without' paying William, Bismark and Meltke, in Tbia to tbs treasury look-a- d a duty. the positions in whieh they could and flagrant free excessive like do the moat good. The combinawhile has not awept it tion waa one of the etrongeal the trade, and, tiria provision away altogether, it world has aver witnessed, with the loaded has it down with eu skwatl abili-to carry out wkat they Tha clothing that may resirietiuu. undertook they proceeded te their the custom houses free of duty peas and work of humiliating Fraaoe, hereafter mnit be aeitahle to the consolidating tha German Empire, of tha yaar at whieh the Mason snd their wonderful lueocees drew returns hame. lie can traveler tha attention of tne whole world. free duck vesta and bring through For years their name hsvt been lawn ucuaera. neoktist, low shoes, household words, and their niovo-mend hats, spring overcoats have bean eagerly watched and other ariialr of warm wsather by the people of every nation. Such en Two of the three men have attire in aemmer only. the ad to reduce passed to another sphere of action, ingenious attempt el will the ef previiiea while the third, end perhape tha vanUgss adunbounded the oxaito course gnatastie laft. Whether thosa who are sailed to miration ef srsry true proUetioaistfill the placaa of thaio throe great nan, who have built the mighty structure, will be able to profit by MswYark Montes Jswaaa It ii dear tbatwa ere to be fortithe labors of their predecessors ia fied egainat the Italian nary and questionable, bat tha ahanosa art Ie-athat greatest of tha three will live tv any other armada on tha Long aound side, at least. The the mighty Empire fall to has rushed through in pieooa, and their life's labor des- Iagialaluro double-quiclime a MU giving the troyed by the mistakea of others. state'a consent te the purchase of tho necessary land at Bands print ENFORCE THE LAW. ad Hewlett's paint, and mortar batteries ate to be pi toed there. It ie reported that Niche lo aide ef the channel On weatrrn the who men convicted a of wu Bader, murder in Germany, end who wea batteries have been in construction tha inmate of e lunatic asylum for for some time. If we have no a period ef clout two jean, has serioee unpleaiantaeie with any bsan shipped to America by the maritime nation for tho next aix German officials, they paying hia months, we shall bo ia pretty good fan. Many similar eases could he position te defend all thu chief apreported, for it ia a wall knewa proaches te the metropolis. faoc that for yaara Eunpe has made America the common dumpladlaaspolw Nsws ing ground for their criminals and It ia too bad that tlo rich mine penpsrt, it being much cheaper for of tin recently discovered wu io them to throw the burden on the Mexico instead of this country. If broad shoulders of the American it had onfy been thin side ef the people. It has been very conven- line protectionist advocates conid ient tor Europe to thus easily rid all have ahauled, "Ah than! See thewnelvea of a class, modem whet tna McKinley bill hu done dangerous through bad treatment already, end the tin tariff hu not aod woise laws. While Russia taken effect yet. When it gelt with Its old time barbarity, is tend fully going tin mines will loom ing those who have become e terror right up out of the earth in every to the government, into the wilds oi county.'1 Siberia to drag out a miserable existence, her more generous aisters AUsais OmslhMlM have been generously bequeathing The small manufacturer is no thosa whom their misgovernineiu have rendered desperate, or who longer en independent lector in tho have been worn out in the hope buaieeaa of the country. The small lose attempt to support in idleness, dealer hu bevn swallowed up hr a useless aristocracy, to the Mrs of tho big companies. The email manufacturer ie merely foreman ; the United Stales. The scheme was a good one for the email merchant U limply an them, hut how did it effect those gent It is plain that we ere livwho wore unfortunately compelled ing under e new feudalism. No to thna shoulder the burdens ot oath of allegiance ties us to it, but others. They have been laid nnder our help ess and dependant condicontributions to support e cleca tion makss us yield to Ue power. who give nothing in return for the boon of living in a free country. Every large city haa its quota of Lewis Csarlsr Jsanal Whan Mr. McKinley gets to be socialists, whose only idea cf liberty ie unrestrained license, end who governor of Okie he will want tho prey npon the citizens in a thou- constitution of the United Stelae so changed u Iu give Ohio e high sands different ways, who set at all law and terroriia tha tariff for everything brought into tho state from other parts of the Uiaeri, paep'o who have no tha welfare of the land ol republic. And wouldnt he ho right? their adoption, and are too low ia Dont high tariff ud charity begin the oeial scale, to recognise the at home? rights of common humanity. The eenntrv could not have home the importation of tbia alas Ot. Lswli BtpwMIs Law .can do nothing mere at Of citixsnt any great length of time, bat the recant action nf Italy haa beat than restrain men from injusdrawn public attention to the ma- tice. It cannot make than juit. tter and the officer! who have tbs Wkea wa abide the bad law, it ia in execution of the Iawa in cherge.will tha hope of changing law to Justine be mere careful in earing that it is ami because for those who abide law instead of transgressing it, there obeerved. abidsth these three. law, Liberty and Justica. EDITOHIAL PARAGRAPHS. J ts ; light-colore- .f ivi nd i i ts ' ll V I M'! I : i I t . i, i1, 1 i i I i ' : 1 ! i1) .1 5 v: V- - J :? !. i'r! I'l I?; -- V- r pv Ji: ; V I 4 i t). I f I i fv. J i f niOTOUHArilKlIM. d Si-t- experience TIVE METHODS, id 5 fry- ' a r1ere .il I - f d A. " KupifieH Ml kimlaof Uhil Col .IT IsCpdtreil. ! "dContit J i 1 i Sliop Kitet of Slant! C. J. of Mt i? . .W5!hiaik All; Work Waiuianted. limn-iuli- eOUBElKE COlf1 ' Co-o- p. ;oYi pstimn ASKS t lis .1 a -- YOU u HES sti-hri- Brio Ston e Reference. Name this paper when Ill - erre Hotel Templeton 189L Tsble, in Effort April Mb, 4. Xo. So.? BSTIIUtSUTKMSS. Ailimtii' Atlantis Tim-- Mail. olher-wla- Arrive Leave Exba Mayor of Monti City. William T. Jack, City Recorder. Attest, howBla. They barm Iras (mly druaaiau. aiawuavisL COMMEhClAL HOUSE (El Oppoaltr Court lloaoe. Mantl City. ) apsis Coauty, (as. Uts! Tsrrttorj. ) Accommodations I, W. T. Jack, Recorder la and for Mantl City, Sanpete County, TerriLarge Sample (Ream. tory ef Utah, do hereby certify that the forsfolag ordinance, entitled Aa Ordl A eesTayauoa will aiaat all B. O. W. Tram Ameadlaf ant Ordinance, 1. A. BABTOV, Pmprlator. the Muaftetnring, Selling or of Intoxicating Main St., otharwlaa disposing MANTI lv- -i Liquors la Mantl City," wu pawed by tha City Connell at its session ot April 81th, A. D. 1801 as appears of record In my rile. Ia testimony whereof 1 hereunto let my hud and affix tha Corporate Beal of Mike tbs live ot many people mleenMa Mantl City thla Klh day of April A, D- - sad often leads to Dlstreae afler eating, sour etouuch, tick 1991. lorn of heaitbun, spoi lie, s faint, all goet William T.Jack. fteliug, lad taste, costed Umsue, and lmge City ReeortUr In and for Uauti City. Distress wma of ths man eouuaoe Hrst dss. sum Rrgn-latln- Dyspepsia After aiAk An Ordlnanee, Amending Chip ter XV( of the Rsviaed Ordinances of ilautl City Ta Frorld Revenue for Alautl City, Bictiom L Bs It Ordained by the City Connell ef Mantl City: That Sre tlon 1 of Chapter XV of tha Revised Or dlnanaaaof Mantl City" be aud tha aama la hanby amended to read as follows: Com muring after tha enacting alaaaa: te wit; That than la hereby directed to be aeaeased ud collected annually, with tha year 1891 aa ad valorem aa all property, within the limits of Mantl City corporation, made taxable by the lava of tba Territory of Utah, for tha following named pnrpoeea tu to wit: Not U exceed fir mills on tha dollar t defray tha contingent expeneee of tha City: lot ta exceed lira mills on the dollar, te span, Improve and keep In repair ths note of tha City; not to five mill oa tha dollar to control tha era tor ef laid City. tx-oa- See. S. That Section 10, of Chapter XT of laid "Revised Ordinances of Mantl City, la hereby amended by striking rat tb word 'April" In the second Una of aald section and Ineartlng la Hen thereof tha word "Jane." Bic. 1 That ooetlon IT of Chapter XV of aald Revised Ordinances of Alutl City," lo hereby ameaded by Ineartlng after tha ward 'expenses, and before tho word for la lino four, of mid ooetloa. tho wards, also tha rat per tteapea, tmprova and keep la repair the street f tha City, ateo tha rata per cent to eontrol tho watere of said City." Sac. 4. All ordinance and parte of ordinancoo In conflict with tbo of tho foregoing ordinance are hanby reposted. dec, I. Thla sidjugn ehall le Is fores oa ud after Ua publication. Approved April t&th 1891, Rna Bhomakis, pro-vtal- Major of Meuti City Wiluam T.Jack. AUart Nsw York WstM, now pretty aerteiu that EnWa suggest that when Mr. Mo-KAL. will soon establish free the gland inlay runs for governor of Ohio, -- bool system. The measure has MaaU been forced upon the Conservative he make ths tip plate awindle the BaapeteCity County issue. The farmers of Ohio would Territory party by the demand of the form en excellent juiy to sit upon I, W.T. Jack Reeorder " My 1 City K furdi-r- . lymptouia. Dyspepsia due not get wen at Itself, ft fc85mB requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Saiea-parUwhich acts gently, yet surely and eOclently. It tones ths stomach and alter organs, regulate ths digestion, creates a ' good appetite, and by thus overcoming tho kieal vymp. toms removes ths symprfOSdacnS Ihetle effects ef the disease banlshc tha hovlsrha, and refreshes ths tired mlad. I have been troubled with djipepela. X bad but little appetite and what I did eat distressed me, or did me mu good. Ia an hoar DUrn after eating I would a falalaeso, or tired, c feellag,' aa though 1 had not eaten anythin g. Mytrem bla, I think, wa aggravated by my buelnesi, whlrh te that of a painter, and from being more or less shut op la a Last -womwIlbfretbpahiL tins- - OtOITIQCn spring 1 took rtlla louk Hire IkiU'.ii. It did mo en tamrnso r. wit i l. it g:ive mo aa 1 f rrllshwl end evllsflod appetite, r the e raring 1 hod pretloiuly eaperieored. Qmms A. raos, Watertown, Maaa. iij, Varx .oour ij Hoods Sarsaparilla ill tnr Mldir5Mfc Mlbj CO.. C.L noOD 4 IOO 1; AKAbcarts, Un!I, Miafr ' at a remedy for earns UegetsBiUug malady. Tha potow oft owfnlB Is In yoar blood. You luherlied It I from your aneesters. Will you tnreadt It ' to your offspring r In th great majority of raaeo, both CoasuaiHlou and Cstanh ortg. laata la Doufute. It ia supposed to h lbs primary source of maoy other drrangrmrats of the body. Begla at oars tortvouse your blood with th standard alterative, Ayers Sarsaparilla JFor several months I wu timNed with wofuleu evuptioM ever the whole bodr My appetite wu hod. and my mtrai pvustmted that IniuuMele work. After trying aeveial imalles In vain. I resolved 10 V Nrsapanlla. and did no es h good rfleet that less than on, bottle with Restored My Health Th rapUily of the cure mo, . 1 espetfed Uwpeneess tob .Prederleo Marie long and tediousV ill Nnva de Usya. rortucaL ' "T yaare I was a eugerrr rmu three ymrs as,,, when 1 armful, until anditrength. '' SES lt arnaparllln, sines IW eutirely disappeared. A Utile rtiiUI of imne, whn was inwMed wHh asKKtft:s:4S;st,f Ayer's Sarsaparilla PM. I. VSITAMD ST O. AYfan CO , LevroH. Wnss u e in 10 a in 11 ui l HpriiiKVUIe Arrive Mult LOCAL i ... J uICsIwUi'.i .t rqr.4K: I iilja.f. Oi iu jt ia 3 IH; p ia 4 p in I Ml u id KM-- ''to i in 11 11 i XEAiaS 1, ! Lhtm I. m, 4 5 Dj 'it m fa Ha: Up. to p m SO Hams, (Bacon, .1 raa f h Lowrys Livery, and In r. 2.00 niul 5400 2 35 655 4.30 7.45 7.(X) lairO s. w. ECCLEC, Gen. a F. BESBEGUIE, l'rt S Paso. A tor(ruts. Ssapetr Vice-Trea- Factory SALT LAKE CITY Durir Jt ITfillice, lloprirtom. Mnifortnrert of Or grade are made of the pm-saand freahrot ate rials and are si all times gaaraaieed. 1 M C-- ij. I r I ! 8 !.. i,t!y A n succi rn nne ;.va cure kr UpiKfisd, ShfUttjiv ii. Nitvoum rioMiututn, ( ellipsis'll : I all Hie lli.uri,SukUAr ii a:..l 1 ui.r. U8HVai Mi PefewCiMa a Cxran Cornet riMHi . .. A paicljr f:Mrp-n-j-- Ll iin Fiffproof VuilL 1 . I . t,. - Ml IU, Sii tr:nr, v.;. itAufu.f ft reenmmend Kn'nlit's Ul.v'H Curt- fr r i pemifel cvpprlncc. it it r- only .siive 1 tare J. havrevrr Imitm! V m f 1C Lk-iAoFOOT, 1 ;uh-cL-- A Ssfe Absolutely l . ftiui aLAMbh diRonlrre.1 i. reliable, durable, attractive, and coiisiiicriRg its Mandnrd of excellency. the cheapest to buy. it r all the most valuable improvement nnd is fully warranted by the agest. Other styles gold. Macliinesnuiipiies furniahed by Rule , -- GO ag.-n- t B4iTrN,Sr. K.Y.Fr f.lioi. bsdraici-- l Mneougiiiy tied your reml , bteodtai'Pir with icsuiis uion 1 do for - Mantl City, UtaU THE PHENIX Snnprta freri, II atwoud, mp'r T.C. BAILEY, Anonym , In - TO THE- - PS-5- . -. BlaclxsmlthlnAro Joggife, Plows, and all Classes of Blacksmithi?5 1 on Short Notice and in Firet-cla- re Style at S.R.N1obi Notion. Store s; ss HorseShoeing aSpeciabt FREDERICK CHRISTENSON, Fnirvii-w- all Height JlotsnUsi Co.. Kkigueiv. N t ntiniwa r--l am pieesnl to inlurm and i -wee whom it mar rmrero that, hevirg i mtldsnnry 111)01 Crown Sewing Machine L k! yn. N. V. jaftwi htwlak, Bnijlir I i.l thr I1av'4 ArrtirFv Ctptafn MfConnlrk, fHMitum. HFTrs: " la oJvitr q . lit kit p ir.Ckiuine cUm r! ft .pp :.--i th kiiRiUq JsUrttl Suita mads to shortest notice. Buincai The New . i- quality always on hand. and (arm r.tntP, JmwyteInoTi Property, and other approved scrar'ly. wsamf MttLjrirtsil jxxtp-iiilOn Month's Trestnieiit fer $1X0 .11- J Tailors Trimmings First-Cla- C'ftctokCaWft. BOTAKICAL AyvtMNfeiamiMaHflnt nf ilia best Crawford, Jr. Jas. Metcalf i Gntnl Buking 1 e ReceiTredepoalta payable on pw rent paid on aviijp UpoaitOgdrmuid, FlTn SvWm fittvtwV Yvwe ISIOHT t. Albert Tctilk, Cashier Truiuts Cracker MAIN ST. MANTI. you will get tha best fit, the best style, and Ibtm mi cheapest work ia Utah, and the best and cheapest Wht-r- DIRECTORS. L. T. TriTLx, President. H. J. CiiKteTEXsox. L. C. K jab, Jambs UTAH. H. Crawford, .Nl.-T.l- Ml Correspondmj Tailoring Establishmei W! . SAVINGS BANK Architects, Contractors and Builders plans, specifications and bids furnished on demand . Modern Styles work a Specialty : ly Mail Promptly Filled, 2 Gen. Manager. A Halverson, UitrWlB,(t.,:l'l m live mi pie Order STOaS ?' MANTI CITY Marsl Sj. MY LARGE ilt uisl9:iaa.B.aaaS;40iuAiff.au Yon ess set your own Wagna or niun Tire without taking tke wheel A. Pries within ths reach ef everybody Alee carries a full Ine of School KunpUw tod" & CALI. AND EXAMINE Aa 1L m Ejtfstymng JK&I Blocd itve 3 uuBsasB TBAIM8 LEAVE P. V. : Manufacturer of and Dealer in pflbct Nov. IGlii, 1890. Juab ut Ncjiiii at irovo at at t; Trains lenvo Salt lak- - si a. ui. and p.m., rrrirlna at at M:.10a u. ami s is ,,. iTBinN li'MVq tiffiii jk for otcilua at 7:00 J Bars your Roney by buying ths a'e'laVl!. - PROVO CITY, ALL STATIONS.) J TIME CARD, n Watches, fine Gold and Rolled Fiate fewelry, Cultery. Etc., Etc. Motto, Square Dealing Fair terms SiandanL MT. PLEASANT. QcuHi C. R. RASMUSSEN A.T Send for my new Catalogue Just out llBB B slfath nf Olm Ueallm Viftliai Agent Sore. Single or p. MAMTI, EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH dl S CXI.. Co-o- PRINCIPAL POINTS) mings. Rest Brass Band Instruments. All kinds. Orchestra & Band Musk. Sheet Music and Musk Books. Utah u FeedS ON SALE1, EAGLE BOCK, IDAHO. DEALS in all descriptions OP Musical Instrument, Strings & Trim & Jleal at hflAl The place to get a Good, Squrt Ea:i of he Playing in it and much good iufotina-ioin for musicians Send me your orders for what want in the Music line. : Sow trip tu halt Lake ia oar.:sy git ing seven hour, in Sslt Lske. hdisre and Jlullet siuplug CaCa a all throiiah Trsiiw, 7 II EENMTTI D.C.D01N.K, . i.lien. Ueuersl Manager. Prt. S Uvneral ufllcvs, Sslt Lake City, l'i JWIWusi Store Marker Raine Juiim,L: eta ..u ososm Bscsacc, Geoaval klsatgsr. H. 8. Kill, General Snperiatandant. J. hi PT1., Trarells and Souihcrn I'tah. (Beef, (Pork. only wkoa eisoalid. W II. GK AT hand arrttw Sail Return Fsn Pete Vallsy m Trelaa atop at eteilous Barked al'Ji'tfS on p LASS AXD OODEH. Arrlvet .17 lAfeee ffjft. uortmi Arrival M. Draper, Lmtm i.u, 10.10 Fontola Green. i.ta, t jo.ro ua. Divide, II. 10aMtlB Street Nejhl( 12.JS. 1U4 Arrives K split, Lmth 1LU, . Trains delij Sudsy excepted. .M Arrive JO UtTCfl MS 1 1 da No. 1 b, m. ChMtov. COUNT. Stee AND SEVIER IN 8ANTKTE l Oi u ni 1! ao'ii m a n iu iw-m. SLT ruMnym from aisk ths round TIMETABLE, NO. C. To tsks effect Weflnredey, Doe. 24, 1800, ifOii North, Statlofe. ilelBK Sotilha ing Machine, Ames Steatm gine, Leffel Turbine, Whi'. Lane Saw and Shingle Milo: Agencies all Principal Tow i iuks l.iiTrSillIskil:8ii. LaksA:Wi , S . LALir..ff Agriculture iHin p BIXuILK. k.wm of firrt claas kiutl-- Shuttler,Farm and Fug Ciss Wagons, Reapers, H6at Mowers, Hodges Planet Joiner Horse Hoest Garden Tools. Superior PetJ Grain Drills, J. I. Case Thill IS U iu ' oil in ey a in Lcsr Sslt Lako Id end 12:10a. m. Arrive bultLak H:0a. di. and 4 c. ArviYlCH r Jff Iayo f vqsdTahifij IilK '.JjjVjOKK-- m Ms ff leravs Fiirrif Leave Mount Pleuant Leave Smln Cigr IsOave Kpbraiii! Arrive Menu 1r M.IH local tkains. lAavel Doas Gno Dollar life Is Die discovrry Ajtt) mvih JsSav Indlanulft A Great Event In one' Ml Arrive Tbiull Sanpete Valley RaQway. tha Urvr, atouueh ud purely vueotsbla aod a Doe a Am. Sold M.B Arrive Opcleu I M, HI in. LMve Ofirdes Leave salt iAke lifiive Provo Leave ttprlnjoille Draly ueMoakd. It eurw tbe wont linfir. tea ootiaha aod bulMa up tho flroh and' Kraeath of that wko hare bmn reduaad by waatina diaaaans It la aBBraotood to boerat or curt lo all diaraaiw for which K Is recomiureded. if taken in time and alrso a fair trial, or monaypud for ft funded. Copyrlfki, UM, ky Wobld--i Dis Maa Aia'A ud etaw are i.I. 4:IA Ml ji,tu iA 2;rt) vi. j. Leave Nanti Iri'eve l.phralm lifeve Kpiiojz Ill? Li'MVc Mirtint lli'MMiit IsOtve KuirvJcw larieve lniliNiHila Uavrlnivu leal Diacotary, both of whieh eiw aold by drusfwta. Hr. Bue'i IWant Bawdy etuwe the wont mate of latarr In Ua Hoad, no nattar of bow Inna ataodiaa. while for aU larynnaA emulate SHOKiKXI, teV Otbrll Avnve & PI Haa) Iff ffO p.m. 4 UI ff'ltf p. Ul 3 in p. in. -- Uftvr . UI HI. in. a. iu. Pnvu te... felt Like.... hull lriik..s Arrive bf ooJd in eeabtiied. tMMa4."orootbeluiijii,orbotk for abort muilonxl " aroai- ar we see ant la aware that reaady waa erar devlard; but we rejoiee any to know that all buBUB nam may keep tbvdr haada daar aed " brsau la tuna by Uie tlmaly waa of Dr. allad. Catairb Bawdy aad Dr. Plrraa-- Dr. PIERCES PELLETS Jiiiirtion irtn Kiver.. liiwo Ulvet., Uavr - - - ETAH. PHOVO. iirud Arnvg M iu l b MUpn P III l.ffUMB A.Uit 4 11' 10 Jl.fffl 6.uo p Ml . m. At 9.ffi lri'.nvf ifloiithiNMl fiprllifib Arrive Ornud Juuctutii jri'MVe ksprms hi 7.00 m V m I bi m IVillf. Inriilr L8Vp Ik UViT l.b ulSplillMri IMVS PUfiilo Iaivk lcmIvIIUt aa m No.. No-- 1 BOUNDTUAlNci. The Lending Jewlery IIoum of Provo. All Onlers frum the Soutli Will Receive Prompt Alton Send Your .Watch to nut tion. for Repairs. Deali-- J Jj mud JuurlH'O 9 W . ,M lirsiMt JuM-tiiiu 1 W p HjiriiiM 119 Arrlf tiw b 14 7WP AiriTi1 !ba!vi1U' IrifiUp. B. tffSffii PucUIm Amu 4. Iff 4, iHii,aL Art ol -- pnuifrt 5 p m 7d Arrive Ifeuvur . m a fra who lived le e series, Me eeualil aueh e sold he seuld ao mig nnfortuiiste root, BsWsekieal Ie wkat sd riiskl be eiuat kave Ixwo. And ortuM was oea tkaC iiftee TwriiUi Jiwni. Many a uuoa lunaful roire aaxa thaaa who Moestoibe-niu- a homo la nitwly apoUad SO lit li:Mi.ui. U:ftp. ui !. lu- - 5:N0m. Ceni'ii Ikivt'r... m ftUk, 1. KivtT... iliwu in. Arrira before-name- J" j'riitu,.,. Aims Julius Jensen. dealer, aa conttwpUtrd In thla Ordlnaaea la one who aella or otharwlaa diepoaea of such liquor iu aay quantity not to ha drank on the premia where aold. A retail dealer, aa eoutemplated in a thla Ordinance ie one who sella or disposes of llqnora lo any quantity, and also by tha glasa or dram, to be draak on tbs premises where sold." Bscr.OM I. That there la hereby aided te aald Ordlnaaea e new Section to bo nnmbortd Boe. 4. "A," aa follows: Sue. 4. "A." Tho following nuud toms shall bo paid Into tha City Tress-arIu advance, for each quarterly lleanre granted, as herein provided: first As a manufacturer, 1150.00. a a wholesale dealer, $130i00 Second IJO&OO Third. Aa a retail drnlar, Rzction 4. All ardlnaneaa or porta of ordinances la conflict with thli onlln-areore hereby repealed. Section S. Thla Ordinance to be In fores, from and after Ita publication. Approved, April fl&tb. 1891. hail r!( lake 1st. Arrivo Salt IsaKo City, XJta 0 Hail. Ksprcbt.mi Lil. a. m. 8. U. 9 &5 tu ui k do miii. II ..I &. in U.W p. u 8 Oil'll LLv. lAki f rri' t Eutj A wholeoale GEO.A.L01 STANDARD GAUGE. g K v likihOerj&ucsissruL rut-id- It ie I VARIED Evr-tfi- i r k I Hugh R. Sloan Territory or I lob do herd-- ; c.rtify that n lie foregoing iitdiuuiii'c entitled "An Aanandii-in Ofdiuw.e- - itrgulfcti. g rdinuU(e A mealing I'lioptor X of the U .i.ti Ci:y, o iirdinslirt-inthe glsnufsetnring. Soiling or Mti.M - venue for iiy," tt disposing of Iiitoxlcutiug Liquor lj- the City I'ouPril of Muiii City la llantl City. 2i.ll A. D. IVjI It of 18 COMMERCIAL ST-1Suction 1. Bs ii unUiut-i- l by the City st its Heesinn April In ruy ( flics. record of 'ii-- l u! appeals I 3 : ilars ('jlii.ii-- l riiotiilal'lis ini Council ef llsutl City hut h wheienf 1 hereunto fcl .In . An Ordinance cf Mauti City, only l.jsii jii-l lisn-- l Hi.d iifliz the Curpnriite iuv attu-or ths Manufacturing, Selling Maiiti City this litli day of Apitl A. Ii. Salt Lake City, Utah. wise disposing of lotos testing l.i'iuor-l- IM'I. HIU.UN T. Ju k, 2Uh, Uauti City. Approved (Tty Keco;dr in and fur kientl City. IKsK, Published DccmnU-- r SCili, lv 9 repealed and tbs following te lieu thereof. 2.- -0 Sac. S. Krery license granted shall AUCTION COMMISSION ME It be far a period o( three months, and shall pay late tha City Trees I'llANT AND BROKE K. Assessment' N otiee- ury tha satouat hereinafter speeided fen A Full Lino of unrcdeeme'l each license, tad receive from the Treat-wrKotice te hereby given that at a aiert-u- g of Gold snd il pledgee, a receipt therefor, and present it e of tbo direoloia and ahareholdrr , snd Jewelry. w Diamonds ama to the Recorder, who shall there id The Moruul aud lit. Irrigs ter apon Issue to the applicant a rertifieaD tlug Hitch Co, (principal place of bul r be aold AT YOUR OWN PRICE of license, which cert ideate ehall state awn, at Mnroul (Tty. Ksiipvtv Coauty, ONLY. ai. during Oonfen-ncheld Novnubcr Ut, the nans of the. per sou or persons 11 Utah.) & r cent of Lske Sslt Mu'ii St. City. kind censed, tbs place of .turines, the on the capital atoek or tbr or kladt of liquors to ho manufactured corporation, payable to tbo secrets')' day of sold, bartered or otherwise disposed of. I n or before las loth which ilite asaew-uieAuy slock upon the date oficomueneemeut and expire V.). may remain unpaid on tha lat day tlon of soeh license, and ths elas of uf May, lhtl, will be sold to the highs' boalnaea to ha conducted under n 'iluder, at public auctiun, at City Hall A1.IINZU YUl'NC. Manager. Iteanae: that tha person or persons, Iloroni City, (Sanpete County, at 10 a. tu to pay ths dellta'iuent atwesHmeut, named therein are duly authorised to The Only Ahsulnn-ltogetlier with costs of adverileeiueui arry on ths business of mauufac-turluaud ezpenae of sale. WoXc-ailing, bartering, or otherwise dispos( V. J.1KTEBX, 1 K. I'. I.akskn, ess as the Directors: of Board of Intosleatliig llquuis, ing In ball Lake City, ( I). II. Cuuk. , lay be, at tha place, and for tha time 11. CuoK, Secretary Dakikl Is Room. therein specified, and that tha license Nleaiii Heat In Date-1- . Muhum City. April 4th, 1891. ot transferable. Said Ierll fleets shall NO KXTRA tH VktiS. ha signed by the tity lteeordor, aud hall be under tha seal of the City." Sxo.1. That Section dof aaid Ordinance la hereby repealed. and the cibetltaUd la lieu thereof: CO "810. 4. A manufacturer aa contemplated lx this Ordinance, la one who d veutactens any of the at wholaella same tha CTD and liquors, esales fellow: If in kegs, not lees CD than fourf gal Ions, If m bottle, not less thantwa dozen; but na aueb liquor hall be sold, or otherwise dlnjxwd of to ha drank on tha premises whi rs AN ORDINANCE. . g. Manufacturers of cf 7 lie (fa3e ol M nn No wailing for your Grist. Custom Work a Specia |