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Show hOTffiTWWi r ' The !) h S VOL. VII. ft ; MAKTI CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, V 1All, 'IT ESI) A Y. A PU1L 28. PROFESSIONAL. urmr lip Twelve inches of hail nOBATK ATTOKNKY Ai Alliiace Alia Who Warka Hit title secured to under the varioua entrie Court Houee. Manti, Utah. Jund n GLEANINGS jM, to Ontario, Oregon, fruit trees to India. FROM AGENTS t.Aim m AND The Newt Attorneys Jj.LT.tAiS Bailed Dana GOTHAM. if Bits Land value In Berlin arc said to have 1 nor eased K pat cent in tha last ton Guty etc. tte. WASHINGTON yean. f. C.8.WILKES. AUnM lltl UID OFFICE Tho list Motional Whist convention In America, la now being hold In New York. LETTER (Praia oorHesalar OrempoadrelJ OOIIOIII- - VldHIKOTON, D. ft, April JO, 189L Senator Fafftr Is oertalnly active s tin 'Patents ior Agricultural missionary aa tha Farmer's Alliance end Lauda. eonli possibly hare sent to Washington to spread tbs doctrine, of that organisation. Ha waa tha principal speaker at a publle meeting held under the sunless of the Knights of Labor a night or two nVed aaravcling Salesmen ago. Ho sold: Under the old dispensaCigar Company. Must tion It waa criminal to teach a slave to read. This appears! rather harsh, bat from the standpoint of arbitrary and V despotic power it waa logleaL It Is not n very dlSialt;tak to enclave ss Ignorant people, sad It Is easy to keep an ilggmiiB-U-LawI Notary Public. literate people la bondage; hot aa In tslligsht sad educated people er nation Collections specialty. will never permit themaolvie to bo deMui-if- at halfblork sonOi of repto'i prived of the boon of liberty. Thu It 7 Tt - Is that there lo oo moeh dloeontoat la the Industrial world. lion, are being odaeated to kaow D ERICKSEX what their frights are, and knowing them they are going to have it AUomy ofSanptttCtty. la not so many hundred Jysara alas tha laborers on an estate descended from A SAN 7, UTAH father to son, like other chattel. but that time la gone forever. The farmers, on Vain Street ind Agent&IAttorneyand u SEE1ABLE MEN .rtUrtffScMAa.ea.,, QjfchPllAGVE, a a. Hoksox, Utah. ! , PIS oflhU themsehanlcs, tha'wage-worker- e country planted civilisation on this sol) 3TA TTJIE1VS coiutrneled railroads, bnllt.brldgM a created a mighty Indus trial smplfo erWllNETlND COUNSELOR AT LAV, what wu before n wilderness. Hava not waOKIItUTOU. 0. 0 they and their children a right to tha k gtraOtj J, of their toll? Specially" I ai d ai d Minin Cam. product Germany will conclude commercial treaties with Belgium, SwltzeiUud and Italy. There are Khono girls engaged In and drinkiug bars In ouses public-h- En- gland. HI'NlCIl'lL Mean . Governor Pattison, of Pennsylvania, hu recalled the military from the coka regions. There wu a 1.000.000 blew on Abingdon square, New York, lut Thursday night. d of tho Income reNearly ceived by the Government hu bun paid out In pensions. Tho Indians at Pino Bldgs an still narsetfni, and furthor trouble to feared- f Volhv VII T CF.rAT Avvvtc.YS, 'jvwiVvwt .1.! llorei-nicu- Cal tie Mm, Shwp Men, Family Men anil Single , bimxIe. Men! Ike That What's there so much talk, all over tha country, about that medicine they call Kunas Black Cil Balaam? I never hoard men praise anything like they do that. It must be a great Dealing and Colic and Blo it Medicine. Every tewn or village I go Into, tlu-begin telling mo about saving tnia valuable cow from bloit, a i.d bow nice it healed that fine bone, cut and mangled with a wire lenee, or some child had been acalded or burnt aud it took tho miu out in half an hour. Well, if it's true, I'm glad there's pleasure in buying such a medicine. Yes, my friend, every word spoken in favor of that inedirino is tree. I liuvo used it. and it docs ita work ao guoJ" and true I use no oilier. My friend, Albert Dewey, of Salt Lake, recommended it to me. It's simply wonderful, both tho internal and tin cxternol. No flies will come near a wound ; it heals quick, takes out pain, leaves no scars, and tho internal for human use, in blue boxes, lias cured thousands of men aud womeu who were suffering from Kidney mid Bladder diseases and Sore Thrust and Oouglis. Wby.it stops (hem in three or four doses. Albert llewev told me if people would havo'bne bolt'o of each kind in tho bouse ready, they would Bare half tho live that are IobL hundreds of dollars in doctors bills and have good health and strength and their citlle and horses well; that's tho leaaon, my friend, ao many people praise it. Who would not praise encli a medicine? It'a the finest trade mark and tho best medicine known to science. Every store keeper ought to M keep it in stock. All orders from this date sent to my wholesale M. I Z.C. Drug Store, Salt Lake City. agents, External in Yn'.low, Internal in Bluo. Retail PriVea, .r0 mils and $1.00 each, or $5.00 and 9.00 per dozen. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, f us dh. a w. jv ujrr, Veterinary (Phan:: f mm, I 8ALT LAKE CITY. 71 West, First South Street, i mat J 0. OAttOON t ty COFFINS, Directors. ." PR0Vftr CITYp UTAH Invite attention to tuoir large and varied assortment of Ladies Newmarkets, Jackets and Shawl, Miaaea' and Children Ladies and Miaaea' Merino and Woolen Uuderweai W-a- pa, , M.l'.ChrlnnMii. " . Aor1 . Dealers -- Keep in- - on hand n foil supply Satin, Moire, aud Velvet Ribbons in all shade. 51 inch, all wool Suiting at GO centa per yard. Cashmeres from 25 centa to $1.25 per yard . . of MU J. II. Pret. Bi-fly- ;? Nif.lb llAN.rx, Bar. J F. Fipciikr, Tie Mt. Pleasant Patent Roller FLOUR MU i Mannfacturerers of Ilia Beal Grades of inding lie-fo- re IW.1L DAVIES, going ventlon. LravvorSenstthe Speaking of Harrison and Ctovoland, I beard a vary Interesting argument between two demoeratlo Senators a to their Individual merits, which wound ! t 'T,.-np with the statement by ona of them that Mr. Cleveland to mors popular among those who havo never aeon him." "Yes," retorted tha other, and HU1 to most popular among there who know him best, which tolls the alary of the two mens lino. Owing to tho lllnore of Attorney GenriXkWRY A BON'D STORE. eral Miller tha Bayward (Bebrlag Sea) eaae, which wu to have come np today in tho Sopiomo Cowl, ws for a week. LoOke. NEXTI !& News Jottings. CACVERi ' i. A SpeelsHy. Neat-f- Executed, . HATHENBRUCK & C01J yyool Sadks"'"'S'wIgs mimitS 00. Kami, vm I tfLwwrr-setnra- .Sj' CENTRAL UTAH WOOL CO. I OifOLSON, took WM fL Head Quarters at Manti, Sanpete Co. Jp( 1 h' Blools. Kara Mii.iiiak.w, JuhM II. John K, Wllbrrk, Ikua Bidillo, John V. Mottir, IIBI7 Nrhonao, Wool. Hides. Pelts. Etc. Bock Fronts for Buildings 2Vo 14 XJrLlori nmmiM u ; wc sell cheaper than any of oui competitors, taking quality into consideration, and in addition, wc divide our profits with our customers by enlarging their Photograph with every $10.90 Purchase, or give with every. $25.00 Purchase ore of the three fine Books, viz: Hill's Encycla-pede- a. Domestic Medicine or Tennyson's Poems, or for every $1.00 Purchase wegiyea ticket ii) a bcautifull Upright Piano. At BLACK OIL BALSAM. Ftermont-on-tho-Hndao- n, a1 r Sign ofBlg Gun, WVit Second South Street, Dr. U. V. Nunn, V. B., at Balt City, aends you greeting and wihlieH you well, asks you to read wliat it er.vs below al'out liis Valualde Medicine, .. aago-tlatlon- AND FOB Q-"a.ararLt- ee pro-se- nt STACEY I Wokt tktiWtvt e, li iil pay you to gel oar prices. r HiSpcnT, 'NVvMfft, IVYu SPALDING BASE BALL GOODS, Surgeon, v t V'uiww I on ;;ob. wm, yHcCan at IN tGvmv one-thir- ulf AND RETAIL DKALERS llKAIXJUAHTEHB ' u KSAI.K 11(11. Vwtvs, HUMAN -- m. d. Y it JtEMEIW u, l.davisok, ; : VlTEOiRMK AkO y if ut u fv Hf.iAH I - 'J.t&i f'-.r-' Ino proposition oft retablfshlng to being mnnlelpal band In New York discussed by our mnelftana, ar.d leeme to have many advantages. 8urh band would ploy dally in the parka throughout tho summer, give a reriee of concerts In tha winter, and take part on all oeawlon of public interest, such celebrations and parades. At this service to dlrided amongifi several military bands attached to the canDr. Hoary B. Baker, of Michigan regiments of militia, a mnslrlan these of one on not depend entirely claims to have dtooovared tbs cans baia for a living tint mnat aeeept othef tbs grip. engagements. It la claimed that fov n ; For a mild tonic, gsntls laxative and band to do Its beat work tho mem' Invlgorant take Knight's Blood Care ben should play together aa often as and It will make yon wall. possible, and hence tney should bo on to dona A freshman at tbs Cincinnati Univegaged on a yearly salary. This seems to rsity is likely to die of Injuries received In many European eltles and work vary well. To have one excellent fn n eane rush. band always at tha cities command, ex Prince Blsmark In an interview Imwould, In my judgment, bo n great presses In favor of German participaprovement. tion at the Chicago Fair. mn n w .1 j th suinnrn hocsxs Slnoa tho first of tha year over (500,000 timber trees havo been set out In Sia e On the r commendation of the .Trxs-terDiego eounty, Cal. legisthe of the Bridge' Brooklyn The people have become tired of X Tha ground on which Yakntok, lature at Albany has parsed a bill mal E. NOCFBI to Congreu to have them Ibaria, to bnllt, to uld to bo perpetually lng tha footpath of the grtst etrpctnre Hereafter disregarded. living petltlou to a depth of filfi foot. froo to all pedestrians. This Is a step like myaelf, will bo sent, indthay will lT In tha right direction, and Js part of York Now of what are aaat say The Byrnes Inspector after, get 1 they great 3UH8 AND SUKOEON'S the to make this' promenade to almost new plan trouble with many people la that the' A that hone racing women atd for resort cur. wah. a pleasant bridge look np and npeet authority too machAlly In tha hands ef gamblers, ehlldrei who naed fresh air but canvpt ImMM lye. Eir, Sore aadThnat a and pay too much hood to worm oaten John K Plpas, on of tha best known gat It. It la proposed to erect onromfr r, traditions. Evan man high. U Itoor-ig'wheeling. W. Ya, konreoon the bridge at Intervals of fO Two Blocks mental LOI.W. authority, who should bo tho , boon arrested for grave robbing, j.jqsgan Kianre. yards or ao, there to bo placed over he Biwk nd ta ponentoof gnat ladaatrlnl prlaalpt Nmroa.D-o- no c. will ear tracks and adjoining tha footpiife Mrs. and Whitney handle them thoy were afraid rr .v- - w..f- - Ksw- - The sldM of the bouses will he entirely being scorched by tho mb tact AU of formerly owned by William B. open, with the exception of a light steal near lutara, wui ona>d in frame fine, about three feet In height wall tha practice of tha United sen guard rail. Tha roof will be of Statu treasury in furnishing tha Wail Tho Michigan Agricultural College jpHYBICUH ASn Sl'RQWJM, wood, supported by wooden pillars, Street sharka with money. Interest light 1E00 and of kinds weeds has erdered hones will contain several each and for tha Utah. paid, asking, while Amerleei grarere from Berlin for tha dm of the seats. of rows Altogether they will be are forced to pay tha banks ex olaes In botany. treat alY kinds oF diseases in citizens on warm summer place faorbltsnt delightful Interest for Government, Diseases skillful manner. of Bjraxil will pare days, and will ba mneh approbated. The r money. pecaliatto females receive the summer with tho Duke of Nemonrt Edwin Aw!fBT0H. epeda! attention. Secretary Foster and Senator Sherman) at Baaboy Park In England. He to In have had two lengthy conference within the tost forty eight hours. anij good health and spirits. uolere my Informant to badly mtotakan, TbsTapon San Company, June ftfetcilf, FoMnt and ha seldom to, these eonfsrenee bode haa received an order to II. J. ChrittaaHB, no good to the gentleman who have bant make four gunboats for tho Venezuelan j W, G. Crawford, Srcrctirr I ilyinlpflt to admlnlttvr trHlnunt figuring upon tho retirement of Bonai-to- Govarnmani Albert Tattlr, Tminrrr USaHMlMofM.luii. Judm Cowra, Mininr. to rtlsreuM ipwialir. Sherman. It to baltovsd that ha will DAraon, tbs man who set out from etaiiHaMMtaeMWeai. nllna. Sevier County, Utah. shortly announce bto candidacy for to tha senate, and that Secre- !Pwto to walk to Moscow on otllta, wu tary Foster haa promised hto actlv co- nubia to pom tha Russian frontier, and la now performing with n circus In .B- operation. Prussia. s Tho fsvorabls esnelnalon of tho with Spain for a treaty prevU-In- g Hopreesntetlvas Ralnre of Team for trade reciprocity between Cuba aocured the passage of n law prohu and tha United States, to n matter tor viding that school directors moat be Cuba b already n able to read and write. congratulation, vary large purchaser Dram ns and andsr It Is stated that th boundary between tha treaty it to expected that har markets will bo practically monopolliad by Alaska and tha Dominion will bo one of i;;V v' discussion at tha October conference in this country. FIRST-CLAS- S WORK- For the second time interest In the Washington. Italian rumpus haa died completely out. KimilUTIIEIT IIHIITEEI. Among the passengers of the "City of The opinion to general that it will bo a UTAH. hard matter for tha Italians loget New York, which called for Liverpool around Mr. Blaines last dispatch which last Wednesday, ware Mr. and Mrs. to regarded a that gentleman's ablest Henry M. Stanley, Dr. S. G. MeCormlek the celebrated American Dentist, and state paper. Mrs. Gsorgc W. Childs of Pblladalpbla- Parties wishing sacks will call to According Representative Springer, of Illinois, Now York, under certain Hones. Brood'' Old Homretead and Its remarkFerrheron Tha S haa another candidate for able the Now York Academy adlfaBones a Specialty. tha democratic Presidential nomination Batnrday, May td. It wIU ba followed besides Messrs. Ctovoland and Hill, in , by new rustle drama e tiled Horn tT. PLEASANT, UTAH the person of Bspreosntatlvo Flow or, Swset Haas." Importer and Manufacture of Mr. Springer soya, bat be docent UU to don't Lake t in I forget bow bo found oat, that Mr. Flower to It to a practice cf the Navajo Indians if atop at the going to bo nominated for governor of to stretch a lariat of boreahair about Now York tbte year, and that If bo to their testa at sight, snob a barrier elected by a largo majority that nothing proving entirely effective to beep ont i prevent bto receiving tho snakes, tamtolaa and eentlpades. oldest' Restaurant in the CASKETS. eratle Presidential nomination next Tha late King Kalakana hold a I6 r St. city. . 127 S. Main year. Mr. Flower baa loteef money In an American life Insurmamborehip that ba to always willing to spend to ance fraternal order, and many a lodge a General Line of Undertakers hto own onds, bat on tbs tariff ! Good. throughout Ohio and other be stands too near wharo the late Sam received official notice of the parlies wishing anything in that el J. Randall did to command tho monarch's demise. The notices gars line will do well to call on him support of bto party fa a national eon hla occupation as Mag. else whare. rblHosford, HARDWARE CO. pii-CV- shipping Hoary M. Stanley denies tkat bo hu boon appointed Governor of the Congo CITY, " V hu bun 3. SALT LAKE V'i ) rrrsjiiliiltfal'G oiik, tpril SO. Wl ; The Hw, James MrMahou. pastor ufl St. AuJrow'a Catliolie Church iu i inf city, hu deeded to the Catholic UulH I Jo" oily In Washington' several ( real relate valued at over gaiOjAii, Tho property, whirh to situated mainly in this city, to given without eondllU'es, j but It to to bo used to found aud muni, i tain a School of Philosophy. The l ei- vereity hu previously received a number of Ury gifts, among them cue .of 300,000. from Mies Caldwell, but Father McMahon's gift to the largest yet received from any individual. Biehop Kean, the President cf the University1 accepted the deeds on Its behalf. The deeds were fire In number and the consideration in each rare waa 1. Father McMahon Is over seventy jean of ago, and bto fortune wu founded on money left to him liy relatives. Ilia example of donating his property while ho to alive la one lobs commended. The law(I yers stand a poor chance of getting br r alt lug over hla wllL Captain Q sorgo Henry Haekonsle, tho eminent chess player, died la Now York. & 6badwick, Wilkes ft My. ( Nkw Jay Gould la evidently trying to sniaeh the Western trstllo association. Hard for All KINDI Jlf.'illjT SO. 1 7: NEW YORK LEVI tank-ton- . 6.1). (ireat damage wu dun. Anew daily Hepublicau newspaper la to bo started In Uoetou. U SVm.T. Reid, ' LAND A.CJEN1 T ,reJJNXJ Probate business promptly fell near 89 . MANTI ' Tha emprere of Bosnia to asrionaly 111 Gold aid silver are reported to have bean fonad at Wilmington, Moon The pries of floor la England to ad vancing. The Welland canal waa opened for Jefferson B. Browne, the president of tbs' Florida Senate to S3 years of ago and refen with prido to the foot that ba kept n Florida lighthouses In order to obtain th means to study law. Wellington, Kaniaa, eonplc, wh anted la two weeks after they met, ware separated la Just two weak after they were married. Open Day ami Night. MANTI UTAH. WALTER STRIaXGUAM -- IS JOIIS It, yiELSOS, of the Rio Grands Wee-tonllroad late tha Sevier eocatry to art to bear fruitful reenlte In the way of opening op a country rich In mineral and n locality that will bo directly tributary to this eity, to tho advantage of all coneeraed. Spaed the day when tha read will tw completed ! -- Stock Bx situates m Ordors 110 s Ths Mfckel .. Half Rlnck ' rrnw-- n La(l) Wri rf Lowry' Storo.Msntl ala Wna, WaaM. ' Are still at the front with full stocks of tha following well known goods : nows, : Jay liyc See Sulky Plows, Canton Gipper Canton Clipper Steel Hand Plows and Harrows, J. I. Case Chilicd and Steel Beam Centre Draft Plows, Ajax Lever Cultivators, Evans Celebrated Tripple Lever Wood and Steel Frame Harrows; Planet Jr. Garden Tools, Gorham Combined Seeders. Fountain City Grain Drills, Hoosier Press Drills, Examine our Stock of Buggies before you buy. We sell the best Buggy on earth for $100, with leather tup and rivited rims. Our No. 5 Concord is an excellent Buggy (or country usage. "The 01J Reliable Tri-cyc- le First Class Accommodations. Mil Doors, Sosfy & Mouldings, Custom Work and also Native and Imported Lumber, Rejraring done. UTAH. TEMPLE HOTEL, 0'S. Boot and Shoemaker. First-Clas- 3Plllod ou SUort Notlco MT. PLEASANT, prepared to fill all orders fur I.ime, large or amalL An eOetel (array shews that Rhode bland1 nearest approach to a mountain delivered to any part of Ihr la an amlnanre In Gloceeter, which will tie town or County, at teas lirtore SCifeet above sea level, and to able prior,. which the name forfre Hill haa given. Tha Straight Grade, Family Pride, XX Family, Farina Giifr, Chop Feed, Bran and Shorts. and BLinglca. 3. W.JI1CKZL, (Prejrieior, rfiT-A- ll dioae viailing the Temple should inquire fur this House. Free conveyance to the -Temple every dny- - Also Hay, Grain and Stabling, Eebi Jfjwrx. Proprietor and McCormick Machinery are still in the lead. Consolidated Implement Co Houses at Salt Lake City, Ogden, Logan and MiifoidU taft. .,v |