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Show the sMrrnFiELP sentinel, smithfielp. utah Women Have Lost Ground in Last Few Years, Claims Judge BRISBANE THIS WEEK The Greatest Peed The Bieheat Man 8,000 Planes for England What They Waal to CULVER CITY, CALIF. Beautiful actress mysteriously dead. Crazed worker turns peace-u- l street into a shambles. Mother Df three hanged for murder. Nurse suspected of inflicting mercy organisation was built np here In deaths on helpless patients. ConWashington and representatives of the predicted. Illch What! the Whole World! Universal Berries lists the "tea greatest scientific achievements In lOSS," and puts first the artificial heart "(or keeping organs alive when separated from the body." Thla Invention, credited to Colonel Lindbergh and the learned Doctor Carrel of Rockefeller Institute, may be Important, letting scientists study the progress and nature of cancer and other diseases. Aife. nrtotaM not But that the year's greatest scientific achievement, although It Is gratifying to know that Colonel Lindbergh, while ee young; with no more "air to conquer, has turned his concentrated mind toward science. Vasily more Important than any Invention for studying human disease Is lbs new telescope lens that will enable men to study the universe more Intelligently. That universe Is more Important than any cancer or gland. 200-Inc- h The Mlsam of Hyderabad, one of the numerous rulers whom the British keep on their thrones, in return for a servility that delivers their subjects to the British, la about to celebrate his allver Jubilee as ruler. He Interests Americans, because he Is called absolutely the richest man In the world, richer than Hockefeller, Ford or Mellon. His Income Is put at $50,000,000 a year, which might be possible, although his real fortune bears no In- terest He has 14,000,000 Hindu subjects under his rule; thanks to the toleration of Great Britain, and after Eng-tenhas finished with the 14,000,000, they might well yield kn average per year of $4 to the Nizam, which would give him $56,000,000 a year of new d money. The British, who realise what airplanes mean, as they study Italy and Ethiopia, have more than 2,000 planes ordered for Immediate nee, with full equipment and men ready, and, for every plane In the air, England will have three on the ground, ready to replace losses. Thus Britains program Is 8,000 planes, compared with our retail buying; Senator Pittman thinks Japan plans to conquer the United States and the rest of the world. lie says Japan will ele the Philippines as soon as the importunity offers." That Is probable; the Philippines are In Asia. After the Philippines Japan will take Mexico; then the west coast of the United States; according to Senator Pittman, who wants to know whether this country will withdraw within Itself as Japan advances; or make a definite stand somewhere. The west coast would give him a definite answer about that There Is an aristocracy even In Tou read, Hauptmann sings carols In death house." Five other murderers In the mum house sang (he carols with him, "Jingle and also Hells, Ilelllge Nacht" ("Holy Night"), which must have bad n strange sound coming from the throats of murderers. There are six murderers In the death house, and all sang together, but the other live are merely "also present, no names mentioned. Their murders were not sufficiently Interesting. crime; "Japanese airplanes bomb Kuyuan In China; many killed Including civilians and soldiers. Japanese ordered China's soldiers to evacuate the city, dropped bombs when they refused. d What will England and the I cogue of Nations do nlmut that! Not much. Premier Baldwin, Justifying the sudden decision to enrve up Ethiopia to satisfy Italy, reveals tint ruct that British ships feared to visit Italian ports during the recent un pleasant ness. That brings danger too kind-hearte- -- close. The country has Inflation now, with dollars and double the Its amount of cash circulating compared with prosiierous 102!). Inflation Is not renllsed, because hankers, their vnulta bulging, do not dare lend, not knowing what Is good security or what upstanding UK) pee cent American will be flat broke six mouths hence. 59-ce- nt Mi.itsollnl calls them- - trying to starve i his people with egotistical, can go on In says Iiuly hypocritical. gum-thu- spill-- of them. Tall Queen Elena, the king'a wife, prays at the tomb of the Italian Unknown Soldier for the triumph of Homan civilization In Africa. If It Is possible to talk or think In the tomb, that Unknown Soldier may till So, they are have murmured: at It" Kins FrntiirM Syndicate lac. WNU SvrvkM. Washington- - Thera has been much dlacusalon lately concerning the U-- -. fession by Hauptmann Presiman's son kidnaped. Foriqer dent Hoover tries to make humorous on speech. . . All these tragic things the same front page. railrond administration were scattered for and wide throughout the country. Commitments were made that continue even to this day. Credit In the form of government loans was extended to the rail lines and several hundred million dollars of that amount remains uncollected to thla day. And with all, after 18 years we still have a railroad administration operating In Washington at government expense. Another wartime agency about' which little In heard but which still Is In existence Is the War Finance corporation. It floated bonda and made Ioann to private Interests and those commitments hare forced retention of s skeleton organisation that probably must be continued for several years yet before the Job of liquidation la complete. One could go on and on In Illustrating how s government agency becomes a parasite on the government structure to remain, long after Its usefulness has ceased, a burden on the taxpayers. It la hardly any wonder then with the knowledge of what has happened In the case of other governmental agencies that thera Is a question of how tong It will be before the present emergency alphabet ean be eliminated. It to likewise a matter of concern what the total cost Is going to be before the men Is finally eradicated. quldatlon of the doz- Spendtng ena 0f New Deal Mutt Stop emergency agencies. It la a discussion that la timely ben use, first, Mr. Itoose-vel- t la bla plana for the forthcoming a government budget contemplates ' shrinkage in the vaat outlays represented In the emergency agencies, and second. It la n matter of political Import Whether Mr. Roosevelt la reelected or whether there should be a Republican succeed him la the White House In January, 193T, somebody must clean np the wreckage of the alphabetical soup which Is what all of these various agencies eventually must become. They cannot go on; an end miiat be bad to the expenditure! and that will conclude the operation! of these agencies and, further, something In the way of permanency for agencies that may be kept must be worked out It la one of the real problems of government Those who have been In Washington any length of time recognise that It In much easier to establish a government bureau and populate It with bureaucrats of a political hue than It Is to pnt an end to the agency and send the political patronage boys back honw. It Is really an old story to observers here and, I believe, all of them recognise how difficult If not dangerous It la going to be to dynamite the alphabetical agencies out of existence; Some of thorn undoubtedly have served and are serving n oseful purpose. Undoubtedly, some of them were needed long before Mr. Roosevelt brought his New Deal to Washington. Instead of that fact making the wrecking Job easier. It makes the Job more difficult It Is very hard to convince plum pickers that their Job Is a temporary one, oven though they were no Informed when they were appointed. It Is more difficult to convince that typo of Individual that their agency Is not or that It la of less consequence than neighboring agency bearing another set of alphabetical let tern. In addition, the plum pickers have their patronage hackers at the capital. The representatives and senators interested In building up their own political mnchlnen back home naturally put people In the political Jobs who will bo most helpful in assisting that particular representative or senator to be Thus, It becomes rather obvious that even If Mr. Roosevelt seriously tries to liquidate the various alphabetical bureaus, boards, commissions and administrations, be has a man-sizetask on hli hands; If by chance a Republican should be elected and Mr. .Roosevelt retired to private life, he, tbo, will find himself criticised, cajoled and threatened when he seeks to squeeze the water out of thin struc-tur- e known as government which wan expanded so much in Mr. Roosevelts plans to meet the emergency. Earnest to live, newspapers must print what people want to read about, not what professional end many Irvin 8. Cobb would like them to read. To publish any other sort of newspaper for popular consumption would require an endowment fond bigger than the average reformers Ignorance of human nature; Extra: In the excitement, one more saddening headline almost was overlooked ; Governor Talmadge of Georgia till thinks he's running for President. publishers, sdltorn, The Living Dead. Doctor Carrel la a bit late with bin theory that human beings might be dried out and filed away for a matter of 200 yean or so, and then brought back to life again. Only the other night I was s pea Icing at a dinner where there were many who must have undergone the process only they hadn't been brought back to life yet It nsed to be that I had better re- t Recently In Washington thera was much ballyhooed meeting to held which soma three thousand representa- on NRA tives of business Interests were Invited. It was called by George L. Berry, the top man In what la left of the NRA structure. The purpose wan to find out what business wanted In the way of a revived NRA. Business did not want NRA revived and the meeting tnrned out to be a genuine flop. There was nothing like three thousand representatives in attendance and the meeting Itself gave a good many persons the Impression of being staged for the benefit of the American Federation of Labor, to which the old NRA catered. Mr. Berry, until lately the hegd of one of the large onion labor organisations, did not convince bustneu that It needed more governmental Interference; Indeed, If business went away convinced of anything beyond the fact that Mr. Berry's meeting was s flop. It left Washington with s deep feeling that It did not want NRA In any form nor did It want any other governmental agency messing around with its efforts to get back on Ita feet The circumstance Illustrates better than anything I know how parasitic agencies In the government seek to perpetuate themselves. One must realise In considering such a condition that all of those employees obviously want to keep their Jobs. In the cue of the attempted revival of NRA, the political factor Is Important Mr. Roosevelt said. It will be remembered, that when NRA was organized It must be regarded ss something of an experiment and that if the experiment foiled to work, he would be the first to say so. no hu not made that announcement yet for, It in con sldered, if he admitted that the NRA experiment failed to work he would be admitting defeat for one of hla earner pet project right in the face ef Presidential campaign. Politicians do not like to make admissions of this Frankly, I believe It will take the full four years of the next President's term to unseat all of the excess Job hold-Har- d Long, Tatk erl nd eliminate from the government all of the surplus alphabetical agencies. In the very nature of things It cannot be done more quickly. The answer Hen In the fact that these agencies embark upon ambitions programs that cannot be baited. The government becomes committed to certain propositions and, except In war time, most of them must be executed. So, however you examine the nltuatlon. Uncle 8am la well u and mo4t npllfters We have had evidence lately' of how efforts are Initiated to maintain then agencies even when Thumb Down they are legally dead. d thinkers who'll accuse the newspapers of sensationalism for featuring distressful happenings, forget that, mits, talking at banquets; But lately my audiences and I seem to be drifting apart. Or maybe It'a merely poor old Mr. Cobb that's drifting apart. Seriously, I think It would be a mistake to dehydrate a fellow the way Doctor Carrel suggests and set him aside In some quiet ratprqof place for a couple of centuries and then return him to consciousness. He probably wouldnt notice much chauge In radio gags they'll still be using the same ones but. Judging by the present rate of progress, think what taxes will be then I Prospects ef a Fight. It seemed that, when FOR Republicans meet next year. It would be for memorial services at Armageddon, and adjourning thence to the cemetery. Now It's settled they'll meet at Cleveland, and the official r-lining locator, Chairman Fletcher, predicts it won't be any lodge of sorrow etlther. Also; the Democrats, who not so tong ago were figuring their 1036 o would merely be a grand ratification rally, replete with Farley and flags, are now Inclined to go in for 1 regular convention, with resolutions deploring, among other things, the Literary Di- , n while silve- to-d- gest Well, a fight la better than n massacre. And upon the horlson of both parties looms the figure of old Doe Townsend, coming with n little plan, end If yon don't think he'n beginning to cast n shadow, nek grandpa. Meanwhile, the Ham Fish bpora for President spreads like cold molasses; To Illustrate how difficult Is the Job of getting rid of a government agency after It la once established, one need not go further than the late KRA. Six or seven months have elapsed since the Supreme court unanimously dipped the wlnga of the famed Blue Eagle. That decision did the work of wrecking NRA as completely aa a bombshell can wreck a boat when a direct hit Is scored. But, whether you realise It or not, we still have In Washington an NRA organization of almost 2,500 emIt Is true that number In ployees. of the probably only about total number on the NRA pay roll when General "Crack-DownJohnson wan at the helm and guiding the flight of the Blue Eagle but It was assumed at least that the Supreme court decision made payments for the NRA pay roll Illegal at the same time. However, It haa happened that the administration haa found money some place with which to pay this regiment ef employees who, as far aa most observers In Washington can ascertain, have very little constructive work to do; The organization has no official status except such aa Is given It by Mr. Roosevelt's various executive orders. It has no authority. Anything It does or says has no more force than a zephyr. Yet thousand! of dollars are being paid Its workers on the first and fifteenth of every month and there la no sign that these payments will be one-fourt- h " ended soon. For another example let ns go back to the w days. In order to curcesa-fullprosecute America a part In the World war, the government took over and operated the railroads. A gigantic y wet-for- KS JEmS.S City Over 8,300 Yean. Old Bared by Archeologists are less liable to disease than slim ones. An entire Egyptian city, built I years before tho birth of Christ, 'for tho first time In history has been told bare In all tho nplen-do- r of Its careful town planning. It was built between Cairo and Luxor by the great Pharaoh Akhenaten, who here tried to rid the Egyptian religion of Ita abases. But 'the city, with Ita processional way, coronation hall, and temple of tho shining spirit, lasted no more than ten years, passing with Its founder. The new pharaoh moved the capital of Egypt to another site, and now John Pendleton heads a I party of British excavators who are completing the discovery of this ancient city. 1,890 I Pity HU hater MnCTavIsh My little boy Just swallowed a $10 gold place. Neighbor Gractons, Is tbs child Mm In danger! Mm MacTavlsh No, thank good-ness, bis fathers out of town. Fifth 1 Corps Area News. ' Bet Gently Eeougli Employer Have Well, tell the truth Invariably, any references! then. If yon want to hurt peoples Would-b- e Employee Sure; heres feelings. tbs tetter: To whom It may concern: John Jones worked for ns An-- 1 one week and were satisfied. Would-b- e I EW;roleman napolln Log. Something Higher Want to leave me. Mary! 1 thought you were qnlte comfortable. Whet la It for, something private!" No, maam, lfs a sergeant." Troy Tlmes-Recor- 1 Will Be Useful "Whom U your baby really like!" Stamps and Seek. He haa my wifes eyes, my nose, OWING to the Christmas rush, our but I think he got hla voice from the Office department let an en- motor horn." Lnstlge Koelner tire week slip by without turning loose Cologne. any special stamp commemorating That meant somebody or something. Too Busy kind. a double-headInter. Employer Can you coma to work If you're going In for new United tomorrow! It will be recalled ns well that after States Issues, you'd better figure on an Unemployed No, yon nee; Im the Supreme court held the business addition to the little home-nesYon marching In a parade of the unemcodes of NRA to be won't be able to . get your collection In Wall Street JonrnnL ausmett unconstitutional and an album ; you'll need a bowling alley. ployed. tbe business codes Because, when we run out of Fightt Back were people All Hmhaadi the Same the vitals of or plnccs or event to name Mistress (explaining routine to the NRA structure, there wu much for, Big Chief Farley can draw stamps on the pressure exerted on congress from tbe alphabet and still be In the fashion. new cook) Now, my husband always goes to his dub Wednesday White House for reconstruction of My, guess Is the NRA memorial evening. some sort of a program te succeed will be printed In black and feaCook I understand, ma'am. So he NRA. Business did not want It any stamp s picture of Gen. Hugh Johnson won't want no breakfast Thursday. ture more then than it does now and standing on his head. Pearson's Weekly. fought back while the legislation was pending. The result was that congress Peace Prize for Sale. passed a law permitting lines of cum merce and Industry to organize and C TICKING up their heada Just tong frame their own voluntary codes; enough to announce there'd be no Jurisdiction of these codes was pence prize for 1035, the Judge ducked placed In the Federal Trade commisout of right back Into the sion. That agency wu supposed to tbe way of brickbats and . work In with business and At the moment, all was quiet and to exercise a Judicial function la de- harmony. With the exceptions of one war and several smalltermining when the codes were proplarge three-rin- g er ones, and riots of one or more of erly within existing laws against mothe standard varieties racial, relignopoly. The Trade commission In the last ious, political. Industrial or economic year has blossomed forth as a rather going on simultaneously In seven sound agency In Ita consultations with major cities on four continents, which business and, I believe, merlta the comes pretty close to being almost nil which business generally has for the continents we have. it. But with all or that respect and But before withholding the award, the knowledge that the Trade commiswhy didn't the Judges take quick sion tries to be fair, only five lines of glance In the direction or Greenland! have Industry presented codes of fair There hasn't been a harsh word out of practice for commission approval. Greenland nil I believe there The details of the futile attempt to wss one other year. small country someInto life breathe bnrk the Blue Eagle where enjoying comparative peace but have been related at this length te the nnme escnNs me. show what the future holds In the way To trade one white dove In an Inof barnacles on our structure of govdifferent state of health for s set of ernment. If we have many more tha result Is liable to be a cancer and a brass knacks. IRVIN 8. COBB cancer thus far haa proved Incurable t. sub-cella- night-sticki- ct WtMara Kiiihdm UbIm. t C nv . i 300 Candle o-- a O North Amorlmn NpwpoMr AlllMO WNU lorvlco V tp 7 ewer Live Piesseiw Light brat SCIb air (coal t oil). Ill a pnaaara lamp 44 that smdacra 100 ef candle-pow- W, q ravins brilliance . . . enrra sat at Zel-tun- g, er hooked. la to prove we have unbpi.- - abiHr. and can work with, not against, mJ Feminist From West Says Her own successful cum-- r n t(w legal profession has taught ;,.r th a Change in Tactics the odds are not all against While she admits countless eiidi-nt- . Is Needed. of discriminations against women. Su- Judge Georgia Bullock, of the re- - he explains that this Is nut due M a much to man's prejudice as to the Angeles, perlor coart of cent visitor In Washington, D. C, be attitude of women theniM-lvcs- , Too Dominant! that women haev "lost Uerea Developing thla theory, sii ground" In the last few years, says she had noticed how often women the New York Sun. Like all feminists, she advocates n high positions set out to execute an equal chance for men and worn- their ideas, regardless or the opin. en In business and the professions Iona of men and women with whoa But unlike the militant feminists they worked. Such action, abc aam she does not Insist rights" can be- was enough to prejudice men ndnst won or retained by combative tae- tu women who sought sclf-cx- , ratslon outside the home. But I have tles. I Time to yet to see the man who rivaled Women In the past have won working with an Intelligent woman some concessions suffrage, for ex--1 who knew how to with " ztatee the her associates and who didn't ample by warfare, try to But the time for contention take over the relnz completely." Judge. Tbe Judge believes women could lx gone. Now our only hope for sur Viral In public life la to accomplish much more If they wen with tbe men and to work toward strongly organized, not si z third proving our merlta and eztabllahlng party but ss n unit that could be trouble-makerbut counted on to help, rather than an- ourselves, not wel to public contributors tagonlze, men In public enterprises; sp reel And she thinks women have a unique most contribution to make to human e Contrary to the stand of because no matter what their women In public life and In organl zations. Judge Bullock Is convinced Interests they can slwaya be counted that In the last few years women upon to defend the fireside, the fouin thin country have their wings lly life of their country. cerclipped, have lost caste to tain extent In bnalneso and tho proFatty Comes late Owb fessions. She attributes this to world After studying 2,000 candidates for changes, but feels tho only way the British Royal Air Force; a medwo can retrieve our former position ical officer states that overweight Is better than underweight because amlempe. Safa... the fad ftmatlemadeef bnra 522.' edited. tetriwae jtitaitobmk. ra (or IRE ttm PeeelpHie Lifrolno. COLEMAN LAMP AND ADVANCING STOVE COL |