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Show .V 1C UTAH VALLEY GAZETTE. THE K; I ST 1C A TI O .V O V FI V. K1CS. fur Ctali, WuhiIHi, Sevier mid Nun i'ete Coiiiitlr. The following judges of election were appointed last Monday by the Appolntim-n- FRIDAY, JULY ), 1889. AKKIV.tli AM CLOSlMi OF MAIM. IIT IlmCK, CITV. I'TAII. , iMt-CIlllli- 1KH7. Hi-uir- r, Utah Commission: I'XITKI STATES i'KOVII l I'TAII COUNTY. Alpiue Win. Fast wood, JLee L. Clark, C. M. Heck. CciUr Fort Clias. llerry, Stephen II. Hodeback. Ilales, L. Late 17c ic M. P. Madsen, Geo. 1. ) 31 ron E. Newell. From jlkwh ltobt A. Hills, Jr., Newell J. Knight. Franklin T. Carter. (oshen Walter House, John Frith, ltobt. Gourley. Santrupan John (). Johnson, Christian Johnson, T. J. Kirkhum. American Fork Peter Adamson, Frederick Wright. II. Lee. Fairfield I) avid L. Thomas, John L. Flack. Wm. lleardshaii. Luke abort David 11. Hrooks, Joseph Tippets, Wm. Ferguson. 1roro John E. Hills, Frank 1). Alexander, Wm. C. A. Smoot, Jr. Spanish Fork Ij. O. Lawrence, Geo. I. Hulls, John Moore. Spriiy Lake J. II. Moore, W. II. David Hutlcr. Spainhouer. Paysm i J allies S. McHctli, ltobt Scott, STKCIAI. A NMUM KMKNT. As vc ko to on the morning of .1 the 5th of illy tiN early to possibly git in nn account of the celebrations of the Fourth throughout Utah County, we have ileciileil to make a picture of these celebrations a special feature ot our next issue, so as to alTonl those who participated prominently in either of the happy and patriotic demonstrations. at Iayson. Spanish Fork. Springville. Irovo, Pleasant (trove or American Fork, may have in the next (iAXKTTK a souvenir of the occasion. The extraordinary loyal enthusiasm of the people in those cities will thus be recorded appropriately. The Gazette. i.ot'A i imi:viTii:s. I'u.li IaM Tin night. f:r Flit Citlvf.Wultrr Kin-niso- n, not want to injure him, but only Stewart who rented him the place. They then gave Johnson one hour to move his things out of the house. Johnson did not think his household goods could be gotten out In that time, and told them so. Two of the masked men thereupon took hold and assisted in moving the tables, stoves and other heavy articles while the third marauder held the guns. After the house was emptied they poured coal oil all over tiie floor of the rooms and applied a match. They then remained until the 11 nines had gone so far that there was no chance of saving the building. They then made off towards the lake, remarking as tliev went that they After would take to their boats. going a ways they discharged their guns and disappeared. As Geo. Todd was missing up to noon, Monday, it was feared that lie undertook to follow the incendiaries and was shot. Monday morning James II. Aitkin was arrested in Spanish Fork on a charge of participating in the crime. James 31. Hovle. ASSURED AT LAST. Jiuijumin John Have, ltobt C. Mills, Luther Stewart. Asphnult Uhi James Ilarwood, James Hrown Irovo City Will llrgln atI.aylng Onci. and S. Willis. Pleasant (rove Win. J. Stewart, On Tuesday last the contract was Alt-xEllis. Janies L. Hrown. signed hy representatives of the Sprintjcille Thomas Dallin, Albert Company and Provo City whereStatin, Abram Note. Salt at Evan Taylor, John F. llillion by it is stipulated that the former shall Side-Wal- ks . As-pha- and Ole Soren. proceed directly to lay asplialtum Bideltobt. walks from the depot along the west Hicks. A. J. Iljortii. P. V. Junction John Egan, 1. A. side of J street to Centre street, and from the Court House on the north Smith, J. J. Cruiier. side of Centre street to the West Co-o- p IIKAVEU COUNTY. It is Vjiiiii r John Harraclougli, Wm. I. store. This is excellent news. Smith. F. H. Clayton. a step in the line of substantial proAiluinscille David D. Heese, Thos, s, as These asphuult gress. Gunn, John T. Josephs. is preShir II. 11. Trout, A. W. 3Iarbrey, the Utah Asphuult Company Hubert Martin. pared to lay them, have no superior on (iranvilh David llarton, Lyman earth. They are not effected by the Carter. Joseph Morris. frost nor by the heat, and they never MitursrillcII. II. Lull, Chas Light-ne- r, wear out, and they are cheap and Wm. L. Croft. Al(iriunjiian Lcrin Morrison, John handsome tis well as durable. It. Dotson. lor. Taj ready Judge Dusenberryslaw in front WASATCH COUNTY. of his residence looks one hundred per Hrhir James Goodwin, Thomas C. cent better since he has laid asplialtum Smith. Win. 31. Hyan. Be the walks Charleston Philip Edwards, George walks through them. should be or home short every P. long Davbell, J. Terry. s. Midway Tiieo. Hohy, Altewall surrounded with aspliault Wooton, Jeremiah ltohy. all the requisites of They possess Wnllsbury Dixon II. Green, John cheapness and practical utility, and Ford. Joseph Kirby. the Asphrult Company will no doubt SAN IETE COUNTY. as fast as Mt. Pleasant A. A. Gaboon, A. P. be able to sell its material it can be produced. Owen. Abraham Johnson. Mdburn Jens Peterson, Orosen KelFROM SALT LAKE. sey. (ieo. A. Zabnskii. Moroni George Wilson, William Some Interesting Note for th LmIIm. Daniels. Henry L. Larter. .Sait Lake is very hot and wonderClawson, Sprint City Christian Jacob Johnson. Andrew Olsen. fully dusty. Everything worn is Petty Thomas J. Patten, William spoiled witli the dust. Perhaps that Funk. Charles Whiltock. I. H'kIis Alfred W. Lamb, Solomon accounts for so many large figured calico dresses. All dress goods worn Jensen. A. It. Lamb. Law-soFa tutu Wm. M. Scott, 31. P. by ladies are made of wash materials, are very seldom seen on the Christopher Alston. and E. L. Carpenter, streetthey M7ir Quarter a second time withont visiting K. 11. Neely, Hubert Whitehead. Fair Vuw W. F. Young. James S. the tflb between. Wing, Samuel Porter. Every day citizens go to the lake to Thistir Win. Tidwell. Guilder Petget a breath of fresh air, and wash erson. James N. Neely. away as much of the streets as they t'hishr E. J. Conrad. August F. II. Caiulland. have collected by walking down Main Mauti Ferdinand Aider, E. W. street once. Fox. John II. Hougaard. Tuesday morning the teachers came Fanntain (run 11. It. Hansen, Edward Draper. It. It. Lewellyn. into the University building dressed Maylhla Geo. A. Whitlock. Frederthe whole costume spotick G. Christensen, James Christen- beautifully, did they appear, different How less. sen. (fnnnisent Then. Christensen, James even that same evening, as they came S. Grihhlc. Niels Sorensen. to Miss Lizzie Smiths, where a recepEthranu II. I. Larson, E. 31. Niel- tion was tendered the visiting teachers sen. Peter Greaves. by those employed in Salt Lake. The SEVIEIl COUNTY. front lawn was lighted up with falrnaW. II. Hex, J. T. Leonard, large Chinese lanterns, and as there was a Joseph Lapisli. liirhnutnd .John 31. Hannah, Henry crowd of over a hundred, the teachers formed circles, and each circle amused McKenna. J. P. Jensen. Willow JSrnd John liaison, Jonas itself in the most . agreeable way. Larson. George T. Ilalaway. Orson Some of the young ladies who were Vermillion hi. Kaighn, fond of dancing, chose an unoccupied C. Creadebuck, Meyer. (Untvood J. P. Crosier, S. F. mount, portion of the lawn and amused themEdward Payne. selves and some others in performing Mads in Richfield August Nielson, their line. Another circle possessed Christensen. W. E. Thurlier. a CarF. Anuabdla Ij. Thompson, guitar, and the members being Bing-er- s. they made some lovely music. penter, J. W. Fairbanks. Elsinore A. llertelseii, 'll. W. Her- Cards were freely distributed, and ring. W. Smith. Central Andrew Nelsen, Joseph those who lacked other amusements, put their time and attention to card9. Ilooten, Oscar Hose. Moroni A. Hertelsen, Walter Jones Later Ice cream was served on Chinese James Tidd. napkins, then as many as could found Jtmeph It. A. Hridges,A. X. Waren-sk- i. seats in the parlor, where Prof. Paul Levi H. Jakeman. Miss Bessie Dean a recitation. A. N. W. gave Ilolden, (emseberry T. and Miss Pratt each favored us with a Castro, A. J. ltussell. song, and Mr. J. J. Walton gave a INCENDIARY OUTRAGE. select reading. ,A11 of the teachers Three Masked .Men Perpetrate a Fiend- seemed to enjoy the evening very much. ish Art. Xext morning. Prof. Paul lectured One of the most malicious and dastLessons in Science, on ardly outrages ever committed in this with Elementary Ills experieasy county was enacted on last Sunday ments andExperiments. were illustrations good, night near the mouth of Spanish Fork well explained, simple, interesting river on the shore of Utah lake. At that and instructive. School Organizapoint on the night In question Wm. tion and Government by Mr. Brim-lial- l, Johnson and his son and daughter of Utah county came next, and were sleeping in the small frame buildwas well applauded. Friday morning ing, occuped hy them there as a re close of the exercises, a bottle at the Visiting them and also sleep- filled with Salt Lake sand and a ing in the house at the time were Geo. one of tickets, calling for Todd and daughter, of Iayson. At couple a to and and the other pass about midnight .Sunday Mr. Johnsons supperthe was to each from lake, presented little daughter was member of the association. awakened by the barking of a dog and In the afternoon the roll was called noticed that the room was very light, each member answered the numand but she thought the Illumination was ber of sessions he had attended, so it from the fireplace and tried to goto be could placed upon the certificate of sleep again when the dog began to attendance to be issued to every membark more furiously than ever. A little investigation satisfied her that ber. Saturday the teachers availed themthe iiou.se was on lire and she at once of the opportunity, and betook selves alarmed her father. The lire hy tliiB themselves to Garfield, where music time had just got well started al the had been securedby the Salt Lake northeast corner of the house, but was teachers for the occasion and dancing, followed. rapidly extending around it. A big bathing and games In all, the teachers had a most entub of water happened to he at hand joyable convention, the proceedings and the flames were, with some are to be printed in detail in pamphlet C. extinguished. The fact that the form. lire started from the outside and a An Accident. strung smell of coal oil led to the conclusion that ail imlendiary had done While going to the lake shore on the the job. This alarmed the family and McClellan & Drake hack, last Sunday, they were afraid to retire again. Af- Frank Singleton was kicked by one of ter waiting in a stale of the utmost the animals attached to the vehicle. alarm fur about an hour three masked Tiie horse was never known to kick Two of them were before, and no cause for the eccentric men appeared. armed with guns and the third one blow is known, but such was its force had a revolver. They told Johnson that Mr. Singletons leg was broken that he hud no business there; that the about six inches below the knee. The land did not belong to .Stewart and fracture was reduced by Dr. W. B. that they were going to wipe the place Pike, and we learn that Mr. McClelout. Johnson said he had wronged lan, of the firm of McClellan & Drake, nobody, but if he hail to die he was generously insists upon being allowed prepared and they might shoot away. to pav the physicians bill occasioned The niatiked men then said they did by the purely accidental injury. Thistlt Chns. Weighlman, side-walk- Cue. Provo City council meets to- Yesterday was the hottest day here this season. SheriiT Turner ami family spent the Fourth up in the mountains. Hlaiik iron-cla- d promisory notes for sale at The Gazette office. 1. T. Clark, of Pavson, marketed his woid in Provo last Monday. The Springville contempt water y cases came up before the I)is-l- i ict Court, in Provo. H. Huchiiiuu. Jr., has contracted to supidy 1). T. Clark's new resilience on I, street with electrical apparatus. E. C. Hendrickson is man utuctu ring in IToto all sorts of fruit jars on a large scale and doing a large wholesale and retail business. 3Ir. C. A. Cnnkliug has entire control of Daniels pimtgraph gallery, and is turning out extra fine work, the best ever done in Provo. The la ing of usphultum sideways has begun in Provo. Judge Diisen-- ' berry piit in a piece upon the grounds alout his residence last Monday. has occupied his new J. It. building adjoining his old stand on Centre street. It is spacious, neat as wax and an ornament to the city. Messrs Jones and Snyder are started in the real estuto getting fairly business ami expect to do a produce shipping business this fall, besides. to-da- Ho.-diur- Itr. A. M. Swhii, lleutUt, Hill lie In .Inly Stl; will.. lonliiy. SprliiKvIlIs on All' llu-- t wanting Htay itiie week. on him nt cnll ilPHie will Ilpntivtry XVhiipN olil llurlivr Shop on Main street near the hrl'lKe. All work Warranted. t Edward .Simons of Pavson. .lccom- lirnl-rlK- -- lias gone to St. his wool to la sold. They will remain East a while and take in the sights. Miss HerPn, the beautiful Pav.son Pitstmanter. was in Provo this morning very justly complaining because The sends so many papers for Gazette her to distribute to subscribers. Alex. Ilfdqtiist continues to do a leading business in the hoot ami shoe line. Head his new card in another column and call when you want anything lie handles, at the sign of the Big lloot." The double porch which George Mickel has added to the elegant residence of Bishop Johnson on J street, is a veritable tiling of beauty. It has been artistically painted bv 3Iessrs. Moore and Diisen berry. We have received already some account of the celebration of the Fourth at Ileasaut Grove, from correspondents. hut are unable to get it in ' type this issue. And furthermore, prefer to wait for more complete information for publication in our next, with the account of tin remarkable outpourings of patriotism throughout the county. I). W. Meyers departed Tuesday morning for Eureka wiiere he will immediately open up a restaurant which promises to he a regular bonanza. Mr. Meyers is a good manager of a public house, and it is a matter of regret that lie leaves Provo. He will dispose of his interest in the Enterprise restaurant here and cordially thanks the public who helped him to make it a success. his wife, iallied jiuis where lie shipped bv fr inThe Ijouisville Courier-Journsists that it is proper to speak of and Hngadiers-Gen-era- l. We object. A man is a General, and as a brigade commander he is designated as a brigadier. He is a Hrigadier-Generu- l. When we have occasion to use the plural it must he Ilrigadier-GeneralA little common sense is sometimes equal to a whole volume of grammar. Says the World. al s. There ! u uchi'ine on font to turn the Wclier Welier county, when the water not unit thus run nil this extra water Into Utah e lake. '1 bin can Is clone liy (lliorinir a canal serosa Kamila prairie from the Wclier to the? heuil of Provo river. An enormous amount of water 'will thus la; tnrneil into the lake, Inample supply for Salt Lake valley suring an summer. Thihcmk. . during the the winter inontlm lutol'mio riverlit ilurliiir neeileil in tlve-inil- Has Salt.Liike a claim to waters of Utah lake prior or superior to the claims of Utah valley? We think not. The people of Salt Lake City are just a little too previous1 vioiis" in this matter of regarding Utah lake as their own. Hy various methods the water of Utah lake might be largely used to irrigate arid land in tliis valley, and surely this valley has a good right to it. assortment Parasols, iiisloulitcflly tin; best ut Jones' A BONANZA FOR AGENTS wHltiinr for tin complete; illustrated history of the irreat Johnstown llis si. semi M cents at once foroutlltsuinl secure your choice nr territory; liberal terms given. II. A. Hess. Salt bake City, Utah, gen-erHnnt for Utah. al ult side-walk- n. Ny-her- g. - ce. difli-cult- y, FRO VO FKIMABY. The People. Party of Provo Sleek Cartels Delegatee The primary meeting of the ples Party was held Monday night In the Court Ilonse, at 8 o'clock. Judge J. E. Booth was called to the chair. Jos. B. Keeler was elected secretary, and James II. Wallis as assistant secretary. The secretary then read the call and the meeting proceeded to the election of thirteen delegates as three from each munifollows, cipal ward, and one at large: James E. Daniels. 8. 8. Jones and J. B. Milner were elected for the First Peo- Ward. 8. F. Eggertsou, Jr., J. C. Graham Walter Scott, for the Second ward. From the Third Ward the following named persons , were elected: John D. Dixon, Myron Tanner, Wm. H. Brown. The Fourth Ward received the folJames A. Bean, lowing delegation: C. W. Smith, J. B. Boshard. For delegate-at-larg- e L. A. Wilson and Wilson II. Dusenberry were placed in nomination. The vote taken showed for Wilson, 24; Dusenberry 36. Mr. Dusenberry was accordingly elected alternate. Alternates as follows: For the First Ward Josiah Cluff Second Ward Andrew Eggertson. Third Ward D. F. Felt. Fourth Ward Jos. B. Keeler. For the delegate at large Peter Stubbs and V. L. Halliday were placed in nomination. For Mr. Stubbs, 19; for Mr. Halliday, 42. Mr. Halliday was thereupon duly elected. A motion was made to instruct the delegates to nominate some gentlemen who would pledge themselves to use their utmost endeavor to get the Territory out of debt and keep 'It out of debt. Mr. John C. Graham moved to to amend this motion by inserting in lieu of the word gentlemen, the words' members of the Peoples Party. Subsequently Mr. Graham proceeded to explain as follows: His proposition, he said, had no unusual meaning he would have it understood by more explicit language than the resolution used that thegen-tlema- n teas a member of the Peoples terms were synonymous The Party. perhaps, but he did not want to be in any doubt himself as to who he voted to Instruct. He did not wish it understood that it might be a member of the sage-brus- h democracy or a member of any other than the Peoples Party that he as one voted to instruct. x- that there had Krience had shown who, while holding office in the gift of the Peoples Party, sailed under the banner of the sagebrush democracy. John B. Milner, W. II. Dusenberry, Y. L. Halliday and W. D. Roberts opposed the amendment which was carried, however, by a vote of 43 to 16. The amended motion was then withdrawn altogether. The meeting proceeded to elect five delegates from Provo precinct to meet at the county convention to be held in the court house on Wednesday, July 10th. It was moved and carried that the same method of electing delegates to the countv convention be observed as prevailed in electing delegates to the district convention. The following delegates were elected: First Ward: C. E. Fletcher. Second Ward: Andrew Eggertsen. Third Ward: Myron Tanner. Fourth Ward: Jacob F. Gates. Delegate-at-largV. L. Halliday. The matter of electing a member of the county central committee and secretary of the Peoples Party for Provo precinct was then brought up. Mr. Jos. B. Keeler was elected the member of the Connty Central Committee and Mr. James U. Wallis, Sec- Springville through Spanish Fork cafiyon for irrigation purposes. The last named committee, or committee of investigation in Strawberry, reported as follows to the mass meeting held June 17th, 1889: That the water of Strawberry can ' be taken into Spanish Fork river, by constructing a ditch twenty miles di-in length, with a tunnel through the viding summit 600 feet long. The amount of water thus obtained will exceed the water running in Hobble creek or six good irrigating streams. , Nearly the whole of said southern and eastern portion of Springville is without water in consequence of the decrease of Hobbre creek the older water claims taking precedence, and leaving Mapleton with their grain, fruit and shade trees already perished. Lots A Specialty. Our hopes are, that through governARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS for all of Utah County ment means something may be done for our relief in the near future. By South of order of the mass meeting Springville for the Renowned Champion Mowers, and Yours, Respectfully the unrivalled Whitley Solid Steel Mowers and Binders, Jobn Puckett, Chairman. O. B. Huntington, Secretary. and repairs for same. The Celebrated Stude- baker Wagons and Buggies. Morrison & yyindilow curtain Lace and Sctarlm at Jones' Weir Hand and Sulkey Flows, and The new mill of the mineral paint . . South Bend Hand Plows. company is in operation and promt ises to be a great success and turn out FARMERS DO WELL TO INSPECT OUR STOCK, AS WE WILL lots of excellent mineral paint. 31 r. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST, WITH TERMS GUARANTEE Samuel Liddiard is in charge of the TO SUIT. manufactory. ' We Will Take Produce In Exchange. Remember C. H. Spink, of Colorado has opened store new a is and up already doinge. good business just north of the ROYLAfIGE $oykufce Wholesale! Wholesale! Fruits, Produce and Eggs. iCarload GRAPHS. post-offic- EXCURSION -- J3oi)er & JBriiighUrsfcj TO- DKALEBS IN . retary and treasurer. The meeting adjourned. Primaries at Spanish York. GENERAL MERCHANDISE.- OMFIELD : -: Mowers and Binders. July 9th, for the : have the same: 'honored on Tuesday evenings train from Xephi. : ,, : fore Tuesday, : Excursion, will Also the Well Known Bain Wagon & Etc. Call and See Us and Get Prices to Suit the Times. EST" A Special Train Will leave Salt Lake at 8 p. m., for points as far south as giving parties Santaquin, to who wish return on the same day from 11 a. m. until 7:15 p. m. at Garfield beach. AGrandBall In the Pavilion By a No. 1 Select Band from Provo. For the list of remarkably low rates, and the time table See Bills Posted Springville Drug Store. Toilet Aticles, Fancy Soaps, Chamois Skins, Sponges, Brushes, Combs, Perfumery, Cigars and Tobacco, Base Ball Goods, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes. Tabernacle Building Committee and At all hours, day or night, by experienced Druggists. MENERAY BROS., SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. Puovo Ciioiu Committee. Dr. J. N. Christenson, The well known Surgeon Dentist the L. 8. WOOD.' - Provo, - Utah. J. DALEY. UTAH DEAL IN ALL KINDS OF ( Choice Parlor Sets, Elegant Bed-Roo- Sets, Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Carpets and in this line at Everything Jaqies l4tifcchloi)v Dealer in all kinds of AND ALSO Furniture, WALL PAPERS! WALL PAPERS! Window Sllnda, Carpets, Undertaking Business Carefully Attended to. and Baby Carriages In all the Latest Designs A Grand Variety Complete Wall Paper. Assortment, and at Milliner. be Duplicated in Utah County. Prices, Mark You, that Cannot Remember Us, Springville, Utaii. J. A. REYNOLDS. A. W. REYNOLDS. REYNOLDS BROS., t Dealers - c THE 0 (Ril ere hand Ceneral ise. Grain and kinds of Produce. Hay, all We have just opened with a fine Assortment of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Ladies1 and Gents1 Furnishing Goods, y: Gro- ceries and Provisions, found in a And everything usually Mercantile Establishment. - Wh WIll Not pe peateU in R. G. Depot. Dont forget us at the coiner of Main and Huntington prices Sts., NOTED BOYER HOUSE, k- The , following letter received by One Block West of D. & Governor, Thomas, Monday is Celebrated for its lxx l 1 ILCluff, first-cla- - SPRINGVILLE, HOlfB-LIlC- B Pleasant Surroundings. Thomas, Excellency, Utah Territory; attention Given to Guomtm. Dear Sib: The following explains Bvery Find The Traveling Public will itself, though different from the forms it to their us a Call. to Interest give sent out for reports on irrigation necessitates, and hope it will be conTables Always First-Classidered with the attention it deserves. ss - - - . . . UTAH. pipdl & McCiei)zleff s. A series of mass meetings held in Springville on the 12th 27th and 81st of May, 1889. alro one on the 17th of June, consisting of citizens of what is known as Mapleton ward, which embraces an area of about nine square miles and is the southern and eastern portion of Springville corporate limits, resulted in the appointment of John Tuckett, chairman of a committee to represent to the senate committee on irrigation, in the Territory, the necessity of irrigation to the aforesaid portion of Springville City Mapleton ward. The object of this communication is to show through said committee, the result of the labors of a previous committee appointed by said series of mass meetings, to ascertain if the waters of Strawberry creek, in Strawberry valley and lying in the . Indian reservation, could be brought into ) d Bait Biilliii,' M. Wood & Daley, Has again opened his Office in rooms formerly occupied by him in Irovo, and is prepared to do all sorts SPRINGVILLE, of Dental Work in the most apm-ovestyle. Old and Reliable 1889. .... Prescriptions Garefillly Compounded. In all of the Towns. Deatai Room No. 2, jgg Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ss July 1, String vills, Utah, To His Governor - Always keep on hand a Well Selected line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Family Supplies. 10. July , Wagons, Racine Spring Wagons, B. B. Carts, Gilpin Sulkey Plows, John Deer and Oliver Excursion rates extend from all points Chilled Hand Plow, also ....between San Pete and Juab stations. Parties purchasing: The Faultier: and Light Running Walter A. Wood, : : Tickets in San Pete on or be- The primary meeting of the Peoples Painting and Paper hanging in first-claParty, held in Spanish Fork Monday, style, at was a harmonious one. R. F. Snell was chosen chairman and N. Smith Prices that cauot bi Bsitsi In tbn Territoq Main St, Utah. Spanish Fork, secretary. The following Territorial . were Creer,-BenjW. O. chosen: delegates mi and seo us before purchasing elsewhere. Argyle, Jos. A. Reese, Wm. B. Hughes, Samuel Brockbank, G. D. Mrs. Enni Rssse, Snell, J. W. Robertson. To the County Convention: John Moore, lion. Creer and Joseph A. Reese. Priesthood Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Priesthood of Utah Stake of Zion, will Most Fashionable Goods in the market, be held in the Priesthood Room, Provo City, on Saturday, July 6th 1889, at 10 oclock a. m. Cheap as the Cheapest. It is especially desired that all the Bishops will be in Main Street attendance. A. O. Smoot, President. Utah. Spanish Fork, t Counselors. H. IRRIGATION INFORMATION. Sprlngrlllo Wonts the Waters of Strawberry Croek. Craijiaisg SPRINGVILLE, - UTAH. - e: & P. II. Botkk, Prop'r. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. . NOTARY PUBLIC, LAND AGENT AND ATTORNEY -- : FIRST-CLAS- S - LATE SURVEYOR OF PUBLIC LANDS Prepares promptly Mineral 0cations for Patents and for all cultural Lands, and attends to . AppliAgri- con- tested Land Cases. Makes Maps, Tracings and deeds. Draws all kinds ot Agreements, Articles of Incorporation; Searches Titles; Pays Taxes; Makes Collections; Applications for Pension, Bounty, Etc. OFFICE NEXT TO U. 8 LAND OFFICE P. O. Box 268. Salt Lake City, Utph RIGS. Drivers Furnished When Desired. Elegant Equepments of all Sorts, for the Road. The only Livery Establishment in Springville for the Accommodation of the Public. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ' Location: One Block North and one half Block West of Packard Bros. store, between Main and Potter St UTAII. SPRINGVILLE, ..j. ' |