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Show AMERICAN FOUR Shipp! lig "f a Fr ('loll, jug, Curriculum of Siu'Iipm: D.iy, jut "graph monili, y. ft; a - One a will f8.W tb lie Placed on tlie Provo River, in rhe Head; Loarn and Grow Wise. Cjnpn. . a a a 1 ! Trans-Mississip- pi 1 n do ao cheap. Andrew Anderson, who has so successconducted the American Fork Jaa Spratlry, the crack alint of Amerl fully for the past year, left for Dencreamery can fork, killed two doer on tha run in the cut mountain, and returned on mark last week. Wh lie Andrew lays lie intends making that country Ida homo, Saturday, the 17th inat. a we predict that he will be back among License to wed haa hern iaaued Otto us in a short time. 1'oulton and Em in a E, Johnaon, hotli of a a a riraaant Oroye. On next Thursday, Thanksgiving day, Cedar valley will lie a mass of humanity. There will be 100 aportsmem from Salt a a a The rabbit hunter give a ball in hall Thanksgiving ere. t'hlpmanfc takeout there, beside Dn you wish to insure your wifi-- , or your owu lit, your house; your hluoJvd itock; vour plate glni; vuur jewelry, nr YOl'R MOTHER-IN-LA- If so, write to me Stck of CLOCIvSi - Santa Clan, WATCHES HEADQUARTEElSyiS W. -- AMI- II a ye you friends iu to come to America? Luiopn who If so. write to me for your ticket Do you wish tii seud money to Europe in a few hours 'lieu aeeks? It so, write to me. Do ,nu wish to borrow or loan money? If so, write to yours truly. If you want lo go AROUND TIIE WORLD u a at a Very Small Expense, write to trip the undersigned. If you wish to buy r sell e mine that is a mine, drop me a letter witli full particulars. JEWELRY. wie-l- Boys, Books, Fancy Goods, Etc. Fire, Life and Accident, Elate Glesft and Live Stock Insurance Writer Ouiy in the bert companies in tbe world. Tickets to and from Europe sold only for the same class of companies. It you want anything the above lines be sure and write to me. Letter! carefully answered when stamps are enclosed. Write me, hear from me, deal with me. WILLIAM A. ROBERTSON, T. 0. Box 1119, in Salt Lake City. Michigan elected ail of its twelve Reful Sugar Bowl and a Can(ot ex- publican Congressmen by at least, governor and cyervthing in sight. cellent Baking Powders iof 25c. things are certainly getting Summary of the next House of Cn : very Cheap. Yon can do this a gress Republicans 343 ; Democrats. 83 : Populists, lOi Independents, 10. Grants Mammoth Emporium. Harrison attributes the the late Republican landaidc partly to the incompctrncy ot the Democrats to properly legislate for the benefit of the people. DEALERS IX vote tor officers of Salt The DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, Lake averagewas 1,550, county CIGARS. ETC. The average vote or Utah county for County officer waa 35. Headquarters for Only one Democrat out of twenty two GUNS. LOADED SHELLS, CiMiyresrnian was elected from Illinois j "I Aud All Kinds ot Musical Merchandise, alsc GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY, LAMPS, WINDOW GLAS?, Etc, 1,000 Articles Given Away. & rCAIL3i SEE American Fork, The More Election Echoed Utah GRANT, P. ooo ADAdSOM, PHOF. , Steele & Go, aeyeral other from Lake View aud other places If you want a meal worth the money partie from thia community. IIow the rabbita the Grant. juat try will aufTer with 350 gunners at their a a a Cold weather la coming on and when heels. you want a Cook or Heating Store, call POWDER, SHOT. AND at Chipmana. The 11. 0. W. last week shipped seven HUNTERS SUPPLIES-Gian- t TEMPERANCE LECTURE. a a a cars ot potatoes for local parties to eastFuse and tide of John Duncan, formerly Powder, Cups. Delivered place, ern points, and also several cars this, by Mrs. L. Reed at rite out now of Ilebcr, and Ina daughter, Idaj a total for eeason the for making shipment Agents are visiting here till week. of eighty-fiv- e cars ot American Fork Hazard's "and Dead Opera House. Shot a a a The senaon will close with spud. PowderMrs. L. Rccd of, the Presbyterian I)r' Braut went aouth yeaterday. He 100 cars, saying nothing of tha vast Cows and get a Quod SHOT GUX Cheap. school thia city, delivered a will be gone until Monday, The doctoi wry able shipment the U. P. have made our of speaddress on "Temperance and its Evils, la a buay man. American Fork, Utah at the cialty product. opera house last week. a a a Jaa II Clark waa chairman of the meet been town men have Many traveling Tub cold weather soon comes on. We Church Services. ing, and introduced Mrs. Rued. There the paat few day, an indication of an advise people to mnke their atovea ready rHKnvTKRiAH 10:30 a. m. SsbbatL was a small attendance, but those prenuut in buainca. impnvcmrr.t before they get caught in a cold anap. If School. fully realized the importance of such a a a a 11:30 a. in., lruyer Conference; 4 lecture in American Fork. Mrs. I)r. Dogge apent a few daya at anything needs repairing, write or see 11. J. Mnrtonwo, of Spanish Fork, and The lady said we all have sons that the capital the fore part of the week . p. in., Junior C. E. Society; 0:45 fix bus he He will them. linings and a a a p. m., Senior 0. E. Society; 7:30 p. we wish not to go down to the depths far any kind of stoves imported to of hell, A aaloon-ketqieis no worst!, The annual Territorial Sunday School m,. Preaching. she said, than a grocer, lawfully, but it s lie will give you convention convene at Snlt Lake on Utah. W Kim khiiay. 7:30 p. m., Prayer is our laws that are to blame, for allow November 30th and continc for three goods at reasonable prices. Meet m, ing such a business in the community. a a a Bible study. daya. Friday. She asked in the name of Got! for the e a a Tie Chipman Mercantile company . A. Livnwsrox J hke of tha rising generations to heed to Smith, to three been have employ compelled Judge McNiell goea to Irovo Mon Pastor this She cited the temperance cause. now can pew clerks. Customers, you get day on probate business connected with waited without waiting ao lung, Lattku- Day Samts Sunday School at evils contracted through the usi of iu upon 10 a. m. in the Meeting House. Meet toxicants, and ask that the the Chlpman estate. ol and the prices arc still lower. American Fork take hold of tho matter a a a ing at 3 and 7 :30 o'clock p. m, i of teaching their children morality, etc John Nichole haa gone bark to the Our retention was to report the lady's rark. lecture in full, but owing to time and a a a space we are unalilo to do ao. Mine Host lYter Adamson, of the It waa decided lo appoint a committee to get up entertainment on temperance Grant, made a flying bueincss trip at least once a "month. Following ia the to the rap tal Tuesday. committee: J. J. Jackson, J. A. L. a a a Smith, Janie Clark, H. Y, Greenwood, There are now about ten men at work A. Dunklev, Mrs. A. Dunkley and Mrs. st the onyx beda north ot Lchi. They S. Reed. The committee met Monday and dehave at present alxiut trn tons of the The Young I.ndica M. I. A. of American Fork will hold a Fair for tue benefit cided to hold an intertainment on Monmost bcBUtilul onyx ever quarried in this of the Assoeiation. in the Dec. 3d, and thereafter at eycning, day territory ou the dump, once a month The entertainment CITY HALL. WEDNESDAY and TIIVRSDAY, NOV. 28?h nn.l 2S)fh least lie a a a will free of charge, andconsirting of 10 iu at a. and the in vethe in, morning rinsing Dout forget the Benefit Bull at the Opening singing, recitations select reading, ami The nil'ieer of the a temiMTiincc lecture by some good lecning at 10 p. ni .both dn Opera House next Wednesday evening. ol the puliiu. As- turer fim some of our cities. kindly invite the liberal pitroti-igGood music amt a good tune guaranted. a a a TRICES OF ADMISSION: AduD Kir; Children, 5c. Mr. Fred lleoroid, of tlna rity, but l who has i. out at Gold Hill for s A House of eight rooms, near the mouth- in the interest of his mining part of town. Will rent cheap. property, i again in our midst. Pkupi.u will do wi ll to look over the 'k.w Good nl D motley's -Jngt a Apply to J. R. Hunter or this office. advertUcmeut in Tin- I vkm Indore pur- rived. The Young Ladies M. I . A give a len-efi- t chasing, ball at opera house, Wednesday eye., i ut-- l nring:. Highest prices paid fur EtU'.S i Yui cun ue Vur if "is the cheapest Xovembtr 38th. All should atleml and DRIED at FRlTf I) M, Smith, of Pleasant" Grove, has Dunkley'. maki. the numbers ot tliut association at Piinkhy'. fifty cere of good pasture land, tluccrn) trcl that their work jg ecclesticul alTsirs and will take fifty horses for pasturing Taken ou Tiik Item Iiu all kinds of led is not by anv means ovei looked. hi., at low rates. Apply at irece. 1 that will sold at reduced rate Dc Suhviipti'in. a a forget it. Two l.ive Kami. Wu are pleased to see tin; smiling Lice Dii Von know .Mrs. pi i! lie Tlioin as, id. u.cti.-- City. of our esteemed Irbnil, Jis. J. Jackson, I she had I I., was on every Wednesday and Tliura-da- y The work of the That by her i!eli-- l canvassing board, behind she counter in the Chipiiinu store, .1 Sait leaves t' at Ihero was no hope tncrc Ojjdcn, ptio-- mi by tho Utah Commission pointed New comDi b.i1 and a a bo'lles other two r. Provo King's Lake, canvas the election re!mnii Did you know ttiat the Cliipman Mer mon points a through tourist or family l, i ..tv eon plolrlv em. d hi r and she their work at Salt I,,ke. rP,..,ttai lu-Thus Mr. suv it sivid in are Shoe Co. sleeping car for Kansas City, Chicago, making the lugged cuts LIU Florida M , Sun Hradeisco, a few of countie are Tlu-Boston and Philadelphia via thc Great ever n tile? are; I have been Kggi complet,.1j nJ t om a dreadful cold, approachsntf"Scenic high way, the Rio Grande Westers there and found it nut, on the constitution:,! .lelegitts',,,1 are leas than half umption, tiiiit without result ing i Railway, Berth a a I i n first class Pullman else ot rate charged !.rg,t one bottle The team ol Chan Olson of rieasnnt even ling m- ind in two of Dr King's New cars, being but !. oo to Missouri River JW II. sys 0f Utah: Tradi Grove, took flight on llarrirgton str t weeks was cured. I!.1 and fi 00 to Chi. igo. Bleepers or exnatnrallj more active in all Map!., ith f which yesterdry afternoon and .lashed east at a thankful. It tsstK-cursions are personally conducted nnd no collis-iieu- . t'.i if The Rio Moncv i in break-nicecd. When near the pod these nro change ot car i required. o rough Grindo Western also runs daily, a office it ran into the standing buggy of fnl elliern , i this n, '.i. i with verv light demand, j 'eele IYIc Luml, badly demnlisng it. The nnd Colds. Fie-- ft1 through first el is or Pullman sleeping ' Plweuv t.i i note I the !; ' Stor k. Co gll it on lo Den v Kansas City and Chicago. out State road enr run away team kept Drug market. and St.i'o headed for Plenuant Grove, For el; cr inquire of agent. a a a Emporium HOLIDAY GOODS. Ig-rant- s Has a Fine New 3 C. F. Warn n. Mining freight apu t THE SURVEY DEI NO MADE. iihi', viJiii;. It inking, Spell lYnman for tin; Santa Fr, l iu town. i u m him r, Ji ! Algi tn h. Cum. Ariiluiii'tir. a a a Kuti. Day, fQ pi r iiiiinili; nighi ft, Several car load of cattle arrived in Mali Ci, wily May Vst Have Cheap fuaar the city, yesterday, over the U. I. They With ffltli'k hi I'.uu Her M lib anti (ht-al- a J. M. THORNTON, Iropr. factories lu a (iuuil Advaatuge. will be wintered here, U Hanaiuriit of (iranl llaial, 1 a a a Utah A.en'ean fort, u Bunker Jaa Cliipman will join the to the congress, Great excitement ia being manifested AMERICAN FORK ITEM. which convene in St. Louis next week, over the proposed erection of an immense a a a MILTON L. SCOTT. The sugsr works hare untile aud power dam in I'rovo cuuyon on the river CSXTOXt A17D ZZiOZZSZZTTCZl. During ilia (old 1,70 1,000 sack a of sugar. The pro-i- s bearing tbe asiue name. been Entered at the puttufflee, American Fork at work have week surveyor lieing sold mere rapidly than at any paat for tranemittion through .he mailt ot lime since the on the riyer. compuuy began opera eeeond elate matter. The object of tbe power plant, la to lioiii furnish power and electricity for the fl.S-a a a flat Tear in Adtanee A i.f Jd onthe ..I 505 The Ssnpete Valley railraad la to lie towna ot Utah county and the Tintic 7 hrrt Uontht .... .... .... ... built to Salt Lake and made a standard country, also fur Salt Lake. It lus been guage. The anrveyora arc now at work, assured to aume of the foctories and a a a LOCAL AND PERSONAL milla, tliut If the ohjeet ia accomplished, that power could be furnished them even Elder John It. Iliudley and W. Chip-maDr. Mcrrihow, dentist, Lelii. than water. cheaper preach (Sunday) afterBalt Lske T. A . Davis, a well-to-noon at tbo meeting house. Twenty fire jut rent reduction in real estate manipulator, is interested in a a a Child' Clunk at CIiijiiiihd'i. A letter to his parent from Elder it, Tlda great duin will lie the means ot Fred Houston, who is religiously laborJ: T. M:i jw the potato man waa in ing in the Southern Staten, elicits the opening u pot many wonderful paying town tlna week. Let tins pngrets go oo. fact that lie has been quite sick the past investment. now month, hut somewhat better, Hays you hern to Chlpnian'a thia year? I rannnt are how it i that they aril goods a a a When you can draw a Beautiliouk k ir.g, i in Utah.- - l - Cay Lombard arrived ill tewn y iter-daand will piobably vpend the winter ), Power pam. Rineiiia and Eure js A Ovcrcni'. Hu,, a Heading, Grammar, S(ielling. Commercial Law end Arithmetic, IVuinan-kln- IUtki: (in a a Quods, Shoes, the Chipiuan Meicantile is the plare to buy them. Umii Itay&ntl Night. G ft.il going i liolatiiCn Finest Sample Rooms . . SOUTH OF SALT LAKE IM SIEAIDQUAIRTEIRS MEM hJED TEAVIE1L3KG TOUHnSTS, Electric Bells. Rates, the Lowest AMERICAN FORK New York WEEKLY TRIBUNE - AN- D- ex-tra- a American Fork Item, first-clas- 0 p.a-pl- LADIES YOUNG M. m fa I. A. e To Rent sev-eia- iius-inr- - -- YVhpnf 1 i he . 1 1 . i. rt tb-o- lV---- , i . UNDER R1 COGNIZANCE. Jcst AnniVKn! And Oh! how Cheap for the Quality ! Ladies, Genl', ami Toujili lltuiriliu,!-'(oui"Wc hail a' I been attending court on Children's SHOES. Ht DCNKLEY'S. tho blank an old lawyer to an Atlanta Ciin.i'iiiiiiiin man, "and old !.? Her i(u!Hier Judgo Wisdon; had presided with his Mra. Front ice How do you always usual iliguliy. In the town of Ilardluck wo had f tho week's business, and manage to get such delioo" Mrs. Itinthyre I seloi.. o g. ni honest weroull miii.iI at ll.n table of Mrs. Edgecut's lourdiiig-hucse- , finishing the butcher, mul then stand by lijm. farewell dinner. Sirs. IVvnticc You mean you give "Sirs. I cut had been very ktnd him al your trade? . i. :G1 and uiii n; Mr, itinthyre No, I mean Hint I during the week, stand by him while ho is cutting off the and thill d..y .ore l than ever. i:i r';i.i.seil a cold-boil- meat Once a Week. a.; n iiiiiii, i;.- maul A Conscientious Ojntarman. mid cut. mid hacked, anila., sii.lo. Tourist I have always understood anil chipped i its surfai:e all that oysters are not good in months the wet k. i.ud .....d il fresh and up dish on the table without an r. smiling, ti.e Oystcrman Well, most genrally they meal after uu nb Uow Ceorirlu .l.nl-- a UNposcd of Ham. t.i-M- ul iii'-kur- Vi-- Gen;!1 mi'ii. dom; 'c.iTit'.in t v .i: deport in i". t r ii. said Judgo ide-m- Wis- lu with proper I'u'ii, rising from 'To his sent. . and singular, . euiiKinlih-the and other officers of I ivumly abresaid, greeting: 1 recognise i li ham, and do hereby command s..id lobe and appear at i f ;i:e honorabie tho fall t superior and to apcourt in and f r s.drt pear from d.iy tj iluy ni.-- from term to term un'i! preperly iilmiaMd by the court. "Great gun! OM Mr Edgccut had stood in tii corner, rims folded and a t smile of u.iticipaiion on her face whon tho areiap, l,nt as ho inme and paralysed proceeded she or a moment, and then burst forth such a torrent of ai-- h : ml invective as we had never L.: i l Judgo Wisi.i wns drowned in the dom's coui-Lstorm of her iw.. u.1 I..-1- Tourist When do yon begin gathering them? . Qysterman In Orgust Good News. sliei-iiT-- l pl.-n-un- e - Tbe Deseret Telegraph office is in Tbe Item building. Those who wish to ti legrsph will find it cheaper than tele-- I hone, anil strictly private. Messages I romptly sent, received and delivered. ,1 L. Dunkley, Operator. A Terrible Machine. King Gungnnhama, an African monarch. sent two envoys to England to represent his interests. They did not accomplish much, but they were v.vll treated and saw many womb: ful sights. One of them was nearly frulit-ciie- d to deatli by a phonograph, i.c talked into the instrument, and when it rejK'nteil his words to him he Ml 0n llic Hour in a swoon. It waa some timu before he gained courage to !i.k qiies-- l ions, as lie thought a witch docloF was in the phonograph. He p o silence the witch I y Muffin - reputed a dried al-- rg rog'a leg into the inMruuu-ut- , vithaome other churms he bad v. tim. Having been dissuaded fretrt V.jtft is uid the instrument explained to 1. i well an his escort could do ao, the en-j voy shook hi head saiUy and remarked that it was uo use for him to tell lies .ill his words were recorded, lie rnlded that it would be of no nse to tell King Jnmruuliama about tbe pbonograuh- - lu ' vo'l n 't b. lv-- e Mnry. ti-.- |