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Show I i A I'lrlurr ul : iliutrii'iiu iif i hr Life in :mi 4-- . Armas- Ti iu i1n' city, in i' filled itli rare shrubs fi. mi v:,r. Ml tin- - ' ! FORK ItTF 1 , IN ; .!' wkst. Ksr. 4 ft. A line tyeh-c-tiu- Hack t" A nil trains onlcrs at Stablist. in i. :IW 111 u ' ; in Fork. SpAtiisli f.ii Main Stnn't, Aiucricuii Fori. KVl W 1- A SLIGQT fi. III. Ini'il il- Fust iTasi Turnouts ulsaiii ol'llursea mid IjUojci. in v. .- Sales Stables EFFECT APRIL tftUWl in Kcndiuex. is a .1 . Livery leoil ami , :i No. !.- -. No. H. - 5 : Nu. 8. CIIA.NUK. - .t'.i:;' fi-- AN worn-1,a"!'- Henry Lee, Loral Tinn Cunl' I :.l nf qmire is tin1 government. I urge building or'."'1!, i grand hotel. lie burnt nut, anil il 1: :t. im Vil up anil i t liilM slielter ln'ln-tin' i pier Malls t- AMERICAN Huufjr. r si ilis nf ietei.-ova- THE Srnir if llu-i- iiri-ti- K The-- e kinerieu. ind very ornate 1 xith statue i.f I: l':i 'ai.tiirlriV mi Mrs (or: .ia V. E. Miller ami Mr. Iria TaUc lis'killi! rill.i l iilii. i d wriv arrested tin nllnT !n nf mi'Ull ijier nf i:.jsvlnr Hi rues de- llay by of kiviiw stall at u mi ill hulel iu Now any. They were churtnM willi receiving ! i.uiilrUs SWINDLE... CAPITALISTS 8RITISH THE CH' 1. 11! -- MU. KIF.I.P. and lieing fugitive from Knlisli jn. tn-e- . Judge JSarrett, vliniii i hey were benight on a writ of G;PI tiHlu-.'sijt tl.em ut lilily, hut ! iimnedinn-iMrs. Miller was l. l I), as. i:, U nil eil Si.'il i J. II. Mkxkktt, U. P. A. T. A fit. It Minis that I lit hii.lKindsof the women, llui. Mu'r. II. Field .mil W W. .Miller, went to I S. II ll.llll'ill K. B Whiiv, smile time ngoand I,i, ml. ,ii from I ) (!. F.Aal Snp't. anl.erilier Mni'tisl a li.oil.iiu' rniTiirisi!, e n 1. il l i u , T,ni,i-.'- il largo pi'nlil and .p.ii k vtarii- - linilile-- s llrilish l.eaiily. Not liiiifirtgiiMeMr, Field and Miih r song!. I rcfiiKo na tin1 continent, and l heir wile- - pniil a vmit in New Vork. 1 lu women Uvni drnwinu evninet lliuir lnii'ou linnk account, anil had secured j.r7.ihsl before the exposure neeiirreil. Then the Fncdml) ilajs s put iu a claim to tlui rest of t heir deposit and secured th. e omeila unv.it. This isl lie lint lime that Field's iiiirm lias lieen isniueeli'il mMiely willi a frandu HjCCjA-XIcl.l eii'.e irlee. Ill tTilean he Hull l j as an lelverl iiinjj ayi'iil mid neo iinper I it l'.fi'.s t Ajiril 1, 1H1M. writer A former employer says that he nml ihnitt nl r.irimm Tmi'it a n irt was ihornuulily hinieil. hut 'sluirMr than a 1Hiit : chain li;:ll iiin:;. lie eoiilil pick up an luv uni n( .ir . with a wildcat iu ten ininulet The ITiizu is ::n excellent spot for ISIPKN. ml I,. ml friendly terms with the creature ivei.i-'iilof the lu ten "line. Miller came into pniini-l,iiicnotin'; tin: life and in m tr ; I the priiieipids city. Jn ll'v f :r. iui.i!i it is tiimnpvd with iviiiii' :i passing to siii.t from the In Indie a w.i-- . eler s ii--i ruled I. i. inlo.'io'is Fuad W. scheme, whieli ratheiiral, e:.rr. i:.T bo.k.i nf devotion s k viil'piaiHsi-- i at Chicago and iu and the litV i,n:ir pmying-curjM'tNorth and South iilihdi the Spaniard borrowed 1 iel ini tin i igh'-.nAmerica. vTieu the cra.b eumu Miller fiinn the Moor. uff with a Nomir Dp. No one io a lionnet is admitted into a timnil si ,: ". evidene? und Noiitii Au. line of M.osi, while his partners. Kleiiiing ulika so anil rieli 7 :()0 Hill 1 eUnreh; tl :00 s in No 2 poor Santiago kail Ixnin;.', uent to prison. Miller inude No II :.'I0 ,No 10:10 Noli the current W HiO.OAi Fund and of out f H:00 p in1 No I 3:10 pm l that he No 5 U ,30 slid Fii Id Imre skinned the Ilrilishere Nu T ;Nni to the I u nc of 11,500,000. sot Til. hoitii CHIEF HENNESSY'3 MURDER. Ii :30 am li : 10 iiii A Si'iimliiiiiul Crime ll lilrli Ha SltrlM fS", Nr Orlrau. of lli.i City SC1. south miLxn. statiuxm J soitii wickd Only the level hcailiilucioi nf a few leadWv-i H ;4HntiiC :.3 j j if . . men pm of tlie has i:'.!)uiiiri:P7pm iirvveiiUil city great ing ri.V. Am. Folk 8:54 5:01 New Oili'ttns from liccuiiiiiig the Berne of a t:l3 s :07 4:55 fiTCO rii'l, having for iu object tlie extCF Il; drove 8:50 XACIOXAI BAXTIAOO. COXCIUUO 4 :5I3 Ah it iH,tlio feel 11:30 niiimtiori nf ihc lulinii I'rovo 7:43 ,l (ipiiiiuvt'ilu tt:3!l 4:33 lnj( agaiu:,t i'uhhc foreign residents 1 moot ' mantaa are closely swathed In their hit ter. n 4:14 ' 8p. Folk 0:118 Tlie tmiilile Ijcgiui wine month ago with ' I'.ivson large Mpuircs of fine black cashmere, 3 0:57 often ri. iily embroidered round tlis acts f violence involving Italians who 11:00 2:53 Ncplii and each with oilier. fouil hne. hi Ths KHine Cutting were borders willi silk of the J mill 3:15 so freiieut in tlie priwe-cnti.best of then come, from China. Ths ii Mi.hing K. J. M. lUviikK, of Police Chief vendetta of the that !. Ikiu.KV, young SuiitingiiennK have good com' Hiivi'l C. a Kimcinl in vest lli'ii'l Agt. Aineriruii Fork Agt. and ami slim, upright figures, plexioits of the mat ter, with a view to tho Paji. Dept . Salt Lake. arc ir. many eyes more pommablo than I In i ::t ion (tfliiw mol oilier and Ciiy Ticket Olllc.. 201 S Main it, Limenas tlie plump mid pastv-faoe- d ;il of the crlminiils. He pusl.rd his K. I.. Iajmax, (L l & T. A alsmt ii V.oui many travelers have been inquiries so vigorously t hut, iu tho oiirue K. Oni't Agt. afternoon tlie wont to rave. During n mass of valuable 8 II. II (T..IKK, IicKrsox, of lime, he hadcollis-temany of tlie wealthier of these damca bearing on Italinii usiusiiua Dtiiki-- . V. Mi.k, 1 in fashionable tluiisiiiul the met hcxls of the Mafla and and dann-il- s E. I'.i.i.K.nv AxnKiieov, lfcreivers. socictii-H- . side of secret kimiieil divs--i on the r.'iig ) Tlie other evening be started to walk Inn x MDoanb, rich material o- ' ui eoliiriiig. and Fni.lihllll K II ClIl'DKHT. Aouie, his companion being Capt. Connor. ssioiiiil men ibop in the p.i .. two corner friends a tlie At seimmhiL . d frock and hat chin , affect the a iilock further on UeutiMsy was conk The throng of clerks, shopmen ly n man and tlie like, are mostly clad in close lired on him ami cut in stylo clothes, approximating villi a iloublu barto those of their compeers in southern reled shotgun. The l'uil of slugs Europe. Local color, liowcvcr, ia imparted by rotos in Panama hats and ten1 through the MU. .toll Mil. ii liioiit-- l:rt i tnm-ha- New York Weekly Tribune (a e.'iil.il--l.iuveMi.- SI&!'3hion Till' Greutctt Weekly Newspaper in AND T11K t feilio Aiin-ii- Colorado Weekly Sun, CJk.113 aehiMil-teuelii- -r ZED 'l f-- 1 The Greatest Clmuipicu of the Silver Cause in the United Into Futlur Now come right along with me. I'll ullow no miserable bookto thrash a worm of a ooy of mine. I'll touch him a lesson be Aon't forget for many day. . $ I.i-- ' a ' t y AND TI1E ST. LOUIS X 1 A tit Globe-Democr- at, Air.IL TUiR i ;; V.! i. 1,1 idcnsoa-ral-ei- . IFOJH , . L-li- Father Did you lick ihialmy of mine thia lll'ing,., Tcucher (willi angelic smile) I did, sir. Father IVclL I just came down to aay I'm iiiui-l- i obIi;pd to you. You ace I linvn nu ulTi'iti'iii nf tlie spine which hiiK weakened lue'sothiit I am unable j to give Liu: Fie neecssary cliastiNomcnt when ho neiili it. (iiRst-daJudge. 11.-40- " n pun-lhUm- THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN THE NEW YORK TIlllU'NE Has secured a phenomenal circa-- 1 !V TWenty-folVige Weekly, lalionaml Corel's (lie entire field devoted to Science, Commerce west of (lie Missouri river. and the Field rnil Farm. It is It is a large eight-pag- e paper lie relied that nr F.-v- in stiff gray d felt ntiishrooins and and Mddiers in blue leather tinifiiri;..- - of French pattern, and kcplj adorned with the si'ivr star of Chili. niany-buckle- CASH must accompany all orders. Address 1 On I ,' I l ' Aobert U.:. way ia tho iv THE ITEM, abuman AMERICAN FORK. voie--- '. . ula, La., :ia, lost hi .. .in ho heard :,a.l l.iiilo'w-- tu attract : i !' .... . attcnii'i:). Jin 'icut n.ii answered, and the cries cr.i:. iii.urer and nearer. Then ho disown" i that ft whs a panther that bad yelling. Being unarmed ho cliiiilud a tree and remained in it for an lour. The panther 11 n ally left When he thought the coast was clear Warrvn deuce a h i and pursued his way, and wiien I.:' a ;:vin hallooed to attract attcnt'i the returned, this time aceo...,l'i,.aii'd hv ids mate. Up n ni'in, armed with a a sapling lie Stout club a:i'l i"iii:ieil to sell l.is . life as dearly In tho meanp. time the bey's in rii'.:p had become alarmed at , aln'-:- . and started oat tosearch fi'i linn. They hail reached a point within a i:a. r of a mile of where ho iv.'.t trotii when they caught tho sound of his call Ft i.' lp, and, as an answering M.ial, fir'-- .l oil a gun, which of frightening off tho hud tho c;-c- t panthers. Chicago UeraliL A llmlerii I in pro vrinrn t. ITitwi. this. Dauber'.' You've paint-i- l Father Time with a mowing machine ..lead nf il leythe?' "Thnfa till right. We artists of the hi. keep up with inventive ' M un i hi Krrueo. icy's Weekly. i ln-c- JOB DEPARTMENT Is complete in every respect for a country oflirc. Wo nn pre- pared to exwute plain or fancy job work to perfection, ami at prices that are in conformity with the pressing times. We know ftis hunt tc- get ready money, but why should a person do huinesa without a printed letter head, a printed statement, an envelope or bill licud? Printed stationery is of vital importance to a firm liEDAIf EIiAINES TOE SAEE. Hail Bonds Eslrav Xotiees. Justii-e'Smnmons, Venires, Warrant of Arrest Warranty Deeds, Suiitoenas. s tVjiuoliiints. at 10c. per iior.cn cheaper than anywhere Mail order promptly ntt mb-- to. in the Territory. jjfTlivse Legal i'i hi-1- d.-r- n & TillE ITEM PEE. AMERICAN CO.a FORK, UTAH. path. 'sly, but not fail. l hi 1. drew !. NEW SERVICE Jvcr and battle m a willi hi icisnilniit Another (lend behind him ATID nr.XM:ssr. ami sent a seomd roller of missilrs Into the victim's persoiA whose left sidu wns literally torn away. Then t he inunlerera fled just aa Ca.t. Conhud lieen ulnrmcd by the shisit nor, w! mg, re u up. Ucunessy had Jut strength enough left, to gimp out: The D.igiMilidit. Then he fainted away, and at 9 the uc::t morniu' he wn a i rpse. Purenitaiul nf lUHiJected pirmns followed fust. K named iu front of -. ivsidence the f i deedwui com- mil. iil. sevc. .1 of the prisoner us tins men engaged iu tlie murder. A itriH-- t elect ric light hud given him n view uf the combat. A day or so later . Tli(i!ii',i-D'tffy, a friend of the sl.iiu chief, calli'il id the jail the purpose, as lie sni'l, nl one of tlie rciieil nan:i-- l llii, intent was a inure 'lend I y jiic, hmvev-j- r, for when brought fm:.! vt f ioewitbVhu lie shot him prisoner dun'ii and I hen surrendered to tlie nut hori- - Why, w hut kind of Lwly you mean? Tramp A aid. Tka Wednesday and Thurstncre ' Salt day Ogden, Provo and Lake, other niui- mi'ti points a tlinuigh tourist or family sleeping ear for K 111111 City, Chieagu. Ilostoi) and Pliilail'-ljiliivia (he Crea' Scenic highway, the I.io Crande Western i rales an! less tliAn halt Railway, ol rale rlisrgcd nn fiist class Iul'ipan cars, being hut $3 .00 to Missouri River r ami ft. 00 to Chicago. or ex (unions are personally conductoil u:,d n i The change nt car j required. (Irinde Western also runs ihn'y. a or Pullman s!icog through find cla c ar to Denver, Kansas City and Chic ig Ik-rtl- Sh-rp- fr Ikr ' ring. , Fashionable Dame (who summered in Europe) Stop that acratekiag; the audience will notice it- ' HuhIkiiuI (in a parqmetta 6 at) Bat I can't stand those fleas. Dame Bear it until the curtain falls, and then go out between the acts. The people will think you are only on a spree. N. Y. Weekly. K.rsis City, Ornnlin, ('iifea'jo nnd S(. Louis, j .. . r, Cars Dining Alt t l oite with Rio Griinili and Rio Giunde - M'ide i ' S. ni'-- II. (I W nlficc. 'ik'-Nii- t ; . A. I. : 1: i:i;s. ii'fove he cxpiml usscrlcd Id . but guve inforinutiiiu which imii.i,",i'.'-lid to fiv-'i- arrest. Scon of Italian tire e,il;i-i'i custisly or ur.ilcr siirvi.iilanee, feeling runs so high (hat ii.iuf of the r.i'.s ImvH thought best to New I. lit il tlie Oi really guilt y nn1 hiimglit to ',iiit:i'r it look a 7T the whole, colony w'tl ri'iiiiiiu in had utor and under Willies IVcler has nu- ge.i.m h'ltcr thre.'iU'uiug hi life, aud M rivt::i protection. j j 'V. ! Mi Mll.l. tn :u II. O''-- t '. 'Iu A gen 1, nF'ERET 'I -- see- ( if V. I' ill. ELEHRAl'II CO Sent - - :- Any Tlaco oil (f .iw Rates I lie LSiik at Jin; mnl X it fit. 'l ; A u l 11 (Iflb-- f i'ii TK 1 1 h"'liliiig ' tab - .irk his-jfnni- - She- dl'WV 1 " Ill.Tllllil sct'lll-- - pere! in lli He me to-'- with I : WABOH nr and- - I end '1 lii: -- lii'S- - oi ell : He (old Iu elope 1 a b. - - i .v live 'i Them to. J'--- try in W-DBTCS- , mamma ' : F.v'c' folk- American Fork Ilh.'iMs last uri'ni.-l- . i ksik BENJ. BATES, it Thoy're oer and - Ihizur. . liiqiiilriug of I'Hggies of till kinds, '(ting of Tins. fixing ete. ill,, Oiqimitn City IIhII f I'll ' Anti ti 'in "'f, -- in Telegraph "Hi'" TI101: h" wih (o "i'll ii id find it cheaper (Inn n:id 'licUy privs(e. Mmsge nt. r"fivT'd and drlivned. I ii'iniiiiv M.r i(or J L j ii nk Tiik Tiik it km 1 Me-i!,..n- - -- When So N S i!f J.nUf r . '4 iigcnl. Auieriraii Fork '.ii"i. R-- Tor other particular inquire of ageid. UtMl Boston p. in, for gn-w- i D'lnk'i-y'i- TLat on every tooth-pic- k. il Some more of fhoau Do You kilOW Thor. Effective Nr.vcinbcr 25. 18114, Train N" 3 will leave Denver daily at 0:50 ar-rr- 1 One It isn't the right kind, lady. a pick do Tramp ll.-il-f upon may paper and contains all the new of the tor informal io.. eomvrning tli" world. Literary Features, Mining Whole World. News, Departments for the Home the Fanner and the Children. striped jsmehos, lmasos Im Dliln't Tramp Don't enll me loxy, madam. I assure you I take great pleasure iu using the pick. IaulyWell, (here's one In tlie barn you cun use to cleur the ice from that I was a Boy, Writes Postmaster J. C. Woojiso.v. Forest Hill, M. a., I hail a bronchial trouble of such a persist eni nml stublMirn rlmrarter. Unit lie ilnetor pniiioimeed it ineuruMr ui!l ordinary medicines, nml advisee me to try Ayers Cherry Per (oral. 1 did so, mnl one I Mil lie cured me For tlie List fifteen years, 1 Imve used this preparation with good effect wiienever 1 take A Bad Cold, mid I know of numbers of penph m ho kis'pit in the house all the time, not considering it Miife to lie without it. I have been using Ayers Cherr. I V tn nil In my family fr :K years, wiii (lie nnut Hattsfactury result, and tail t eheerfnllv reroimiiend it a eiulli t.lapied to all piiliimmiry coin, plaiuta. 1 have, for ninny years, umde piilmnnary nml other nimliulnes a special study. :uul I have come to th conclusion that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral occupies n a over other posiiii.ii nl the Clio. Davenport, Dover, N. .T. inedi-cim-- I'r.M-mine- cla. y A'cr?-- Cherry Pectoral f1. I'-- t - 1... Ayer S Ill., I.ow.'ll, Slu, ;c nipt to act, sureto cure |