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Show AMERICAN FOltK ITEM. MILTON L. SCOTT. aits brae. L !, and ti.c I. re.'ii li l " iiix 2 2 tar in Ad: liter fl.'J'j TO hrrt if .t, SritlN.-liMI- honn: o i.I iy.' td i: time . w y n , F. Wickersham, J i;! r,o i - - , -- r -- taut iin pm I liiiic-- iu al! i lys is now vjiuii We ceitainly fail in liue with our sister town iu ibis hero The ti.iu- in nu'.v indiialiy inovr it We mt:sl rips, tin.i we pluck it ini'aiis of niuk iuaugm t'e 1'iiiu: I llig known (hi- ihoij, iij.ln ol HI Ml ,! ,, I vantage Mai we hiive Lceiy eily in lid Of course county klimi'd lesd mil. there i sunn- - work all .died in it, but you can di'iieriil on it that ths will be surprising. Any jieraou, and u. Ltd - Trial t?ie - s Family oriler - a hjiwialty. Correction, ' an Fo;ik, i tau. - t.i'.. I1, ..Ul'.rf Ih fuel - ' i.'i.i : Ihiu !i II, i. I. uVioek ; ; i: . . i .i:,! ;il. --. : i t liim,.,H on himself." liV . ' ... 1 s s - l - Triin, ) ( !', j I tinWlMy t pkK-rail- kHi.is l.vnll, fr anyone to ateal haif a I dollar from a dead it ignore doom to says 10 crafa a month, tflO price of Tuk Item. On the oilier hand the husband will sound in that month one dollar for every reut, for whisky; while the wife will go to market and foolishly buy a thousand things that would lay in the chest a life time, no earthly use to anyone; and when they get bume, say: Go burrow So and So'a paper. r ih America -- -- jn- The Greatest ('himipiui tf the Silver Cause in the United State kins, nl' Cii at I mi i! i . el . in '. (Url t or - On ol Globe-Democr- at, Ki'iiny trnThle r iiii'iPi. Am- t i i;Kti I Tea.-liln- S.IIM1 Vii'iL-i'- ;, Killer . i t AND THE ST. LOUIS . (; Colorado Weekly Sun, r T.N. Il.'i 'Sii t f.. i ,f r i . IMt. Meta, ana tuo Bottla. lliisiue. It is (uite a fail now for very well i parents to semi their girls to ( business college fur a course, of three ui fm six iuiiuIIim' training as a touch-of- f the rest of their education. A aeorc,ol New York girls, whose father are mn of means xvlio graduated ri'gularly liit June are to enter a lnisiiiess college for a course of typewriMng and atenog rapliy. To lie mim. they do not intend to make n livelihood by these arts hut their parents very sensibly argue that knowledge of this kind is mighty good to have in these un vriain days and in this somewhat uncertain country to-ih- . We don't object to any jarson, not a abacriher, reading this paper, hut it is as small a hiisinrs lor a person to cun- - The Gn iUst Weekly Newspnpi AND TI1K principle. AM, Fours FOB . OoseentadoHt lui Glut Conn is Cuss pvoBnw, others fklL Coughs, Croup, Ear Throat, HoantnwOVhoopioK Couh and for Coaumptloa it hia no ilvalj Mum, haacand thousands, amt will cube Ton If taken la time. BoU Uy PrnrelsU on a guais M Lunn Baek or CbML u ante. For BELLADONNA P? ITs gHlLOH'B Whsra aU ii neat when a have Ikvii watch- CATAHRH . r Pi.ve or four weeks. . (REMEDY. i.;-dvr f lailii-- in the ear UavojruucauirniL 'fhle remedy is . I.i- - i:isi-.toil standing, FmyMctB Jojectortno ilv :mii milt of vucuut I'niiii liis not nee it, and .' 'i.:i.Nns to t some kind-- . nl who never loses . ;y t. Ik- - of service to his i will (silie Jfr. Sill LOTI'S rrilF, Is -- Old on a guar Vanity in the kuti'c. It euies Iueipii-n- t C'uiump'K' buck null his I'line iiiul .liivet liis attenVVxc q$ one tion t a J I. He ulwuys meets a soliei- - It i Hu lust (longli Cure. yL-aA- .' V BS t Cl . Mill C,n I iuUkiul get- - Ti Mr.Mii Hr my H,1W: .. vHi; 1 pTf.l: n. Hams IJiie ef ling out JsA'Iy.' m itrolljr in IS enr M If n Madison i c old Two friend., ? marr.,ro7T :u, oeiir iier its Mssible., au licit u lien Hie ear mvuv In taking a uxenw the ntlier iii;;.' fertile lirst time tin After in ten iiistimiary curve In: cun j e.t'e iiguiu.st lier ami go yi;i'v. Arc you witling to work for the cauro of bauds, etc., one of them said tlirtiu-: ih. i iivel-ea- r ethiuetto of lift- shaking of I'r.ilectiou in placing reliable n the to other: in,r her panlon. ing I. is b.ut ui.d hands in the of e now?" a1 acquain"What your you doing Ii ! enters a enr Hint ia hpurncly "Me? Why, I am n doctor. Wliat occupied, iiiul i.. i hiilics nre present, ho lr you are, you should be identified os takes : to the door as ho are yon iloiii'r? "I've killed n lot of men invelf since with can. in order i.i ! the lirst one to rise I saw you last. 1 am sheri t" of a fronwhen u l idy dues nunc in. The 'thank THE AMERICAN tier eiv-.'eimnty out in t'olurudu." Texas fi.r bis disguised courPROTECTIVE TARIFF LEAGUE, you' lie rv . Siftiiiga, tesy lie i d 'rp.-- l a, n reei ignition of 13S W. 230 ST., NEW YORK. AhIoiiI-Ii'.iihi pern mil iitti'iietiveiu's, and hia Oil ilil notice out ami send it to the League net inns liiiriiv: the reiuaiinler of the Lily IVlio is that with Mr Smith' jruur hm1i!cs snd Eire a hdpinjr hand. It Slie seems very fond of liini. trip nr. Im d e.i this tile l.id.v r.borld ty el.aius happen to Itost! 'flint's her lntshutul. look tuv.'itrd Im.i it iidds strength to hia Luy How mid. And they've licet false siipev.ii inn and additional height marriisl tlirve mouth. Illu. to liis in'.ii .uin of conceit. When alio trated NowspaiH-r- . leave Hie ear lie follows her with A ( nr. ,. his ey s in.tit :.he i.. out of sight, with Wife I sec, dear, that snoring i the hope that' i:e will turn and give him caused by a Krson alway - l.vepiug tin f !;, iiilsui. Muue si... , We want many "ii m.ii.i . to men of mouth ojK'ii --duriie: '.'.ie :ii I i . . women, boy, aud girl in Iliisliand Is tliat vi? ben it a hig work fr a a few lunn daily, right iu iml I i' Iv. . tins eh i they nre made - in t tic daytime Wonder you don't siiiiiitlicirown liouieo. Tin btuinet I earr.i'kasant, In feel l!" s!i.i;r ef their own eouecit, Light. rtriclly linn, .ruble, ud pars better Ilian snyotlier as it is iviUuml apparent cltoct." olt'eml ajrnt. You have a clear sud nc Elfrtrie llillnrs. eoiatH'tllion. Ptapefieuec and fetial ability Xn eapil.i! rexjuired. We iu!. you A POPULAR Till rea edy is liieniuiiie so will with tin you need, treat you wiii, loi'iM'ii ami an popular a to Rre, no and aw. m. h. ii lii'lpviiu tu earn l n time onliiiarv ng, ;. All mention. who bare u d Wuinen ili as well u mm, rail bnji ami girt tin.i.. special Eii'i'liii! Hitter sing the same sil(. f uukegurtl Michael 1). I J piir. Anv one, anyu'lirre, ran du the A piui-- e work All u- - - xl tIhi follow i n- - plaia amt her of congress, repn pun'r inedii'ine diies n..t 1st iiiul it is guoi anti'i 'l in do all Hwt direction!', rtinsit work will rarely bring jj I'Uinu'il. Eleetrie Hitlers wi'l ciin- all you a great ileal uf money. Eventiling i new ut in great Writ f.ur our omi.i :. iliseaMS of the layer and Kidivi. j; h o liarm mel tveeive bill information, KIkiiim n',.1 rireular, ruieive Pimples, Itoiis, couclude not to go on with the oti.i i sif. etioiis rallied by impure kh. k done if you buiinci'S. . New York Weekly Tribun tifftliC el iilg omul Mi .1 ' . lA'tloil on ia Ha Iliila'I do a Tliinx. trip to Chicugu on the Chicago, Union Pacific it Northwestern Line. Whyf Time Ihe quickest, solid vestibuled train, no change of coach nt t the Missouri Itiver. Through first and second cius Sleccis nud Dining Can. F.r full infoniiNtiiin call on nr address J. M. Hayden Agent U. P. eystim. ' ' .. I Red. ill ;ii!.- - Mauy ihfj til in the telephone " i..l .;.r' ' Ki se - . l"..g . .Ton - I .'aeoin- - . pi e s. - ; llVIll ll . p. iin? -- . j hi-:- i all but make the iti-rl;nu- i by e Billiard and Pool RoonvHn Ameuii t a'c Wrn of Many li ml,, agree tlmi t In solid v.- -li lii'li.'d truin id tlie Cliieugii. I'ni.iii F.iii-lik Nortbaeslirn Line distiiiiri- - 11 enuipetitura with ease. No ehangr or ielay at the Missouri Itiver. For full infurniation rail nr adilress, J. M. Hu; den Agent U. 1. System. but - Ft r I)rugg'. AQD LIQUORS X 6IGAR S liem-filie- A. 11 Tnwnji, niitor n the I, nr, i to speak hefore the Ladies Itepuldieiiri cl lb of Anienrati Fork, Wednesday eve., December 13lh, an engagement for the occasion having been tnadu with Mrs. IV'.hiuaon, president of tho dull, lust Monday, while the lady and Mr. Tmii son were at Nall Lake rity attending the rutiGcation. lirighani Voire We hcartly welcome jot:. Al. Hut. auy td the members wouldn't suppose you'd talk behind a lady's club, or a lady's broomstick, either, especislly if you had some ladie s after you. 21e. W HUSK IMFLAMATIOMoHt BLADDER. a3 ALL KIDHEY DISEASES . DKALhlt IN Vim. AMEI!I CONSTIPATIOM. t ITEM THE 3 Grave LftN .waa SI3SZ2E3aSiSS2S22aS - in-l- agibiliug u Nigh .whuul lor that prngn-iMvlittle town. Guud fur the rnple ol Ml. I'leatint that they ujip'nt aucli an aggretfcivtj worker for it cnmuiuuiiy aa the Pyramid. esff.eially tinM: who own CEtensivo hui-lieanil iudiistiial interests, should lie The Provo Enquirer, aa a live paper up and lining, for it it they whu will be ahnuhl do, la urgently asking people to tin- - most from tliu money drop the at and organize home con tint may come in here for iu vent men?. auniptinn cluha, etc., while the other We suy, let thu mayor call a meeting al io. nl organ of the the name town n atil an early day hod agi'itu i.i the miuds of harping ami brooding overtho path what should aud must ho thepeopla done hi ibis homo industry business. A mono the men in Utah who met tie feat at the pcilli in thrir own iliatrict, wi re Governor Thninaa and Judge lien nrgsiilo lilsea of I lie Heart. ' l An sliowa in Nw dcrsoii. Ilrighani Voire , H tulil.v that fisiin iliseu.si; of iiu nrgiiiiic It Governor Thom a ii running for the rl aw tho uitltudc of oflire, it a new tiling nil the people. dm iiiiliitutinii rises, mid Unit it is Again, the Voire ahnuhl licar in iiiind freuUrr ic tuw ua thuu iu lim cuiiutry. that Arthur L. Thnuua is not governor APOLLO IN DISGUISE. ol Utah, hut limply C. W. West Al - i i r..:.ms Uigur I. die Sii.i. of your reader you might iiiisleail . i r . and put them in a pomlery who the !. i. i.i :i,un;f In Ili governor of the territory in. . r..!i!. l..i- i.u . . e Itrul . Thornton A. K. .1 r - Tiie Ml. 1 Ira.Hiit thf rktahlirhiiiij of Nrll n.s.r d-- Tin: in. the man who wi:I tint take a paper Incauuc he can horrowr oue, hae invented a machine With which lie can rook hi meal by ainn'ic troin In neighbor'. rhimm-j- . - pain-- 1 . It in lai'l that U- - More BackAche ao 42m Spectacle urday Hs'l, will souire of Spiiugii;e an I ihiuiiy Tbit Ufk Kl.iKU l Oilllty people ought In !fC is a un.se in tin- - right diiecli. u. We . Ku I) parly .cut two de'egntii Wi.u.'J e'lggrsl lh.it at I he aloe tiine. a home industry club be orgatii.'-d- . ll.i to tlii! Ci. ii.iiiutiuii.il CnuTi utiiiu indn-tr- y is tbr: great cuiiiity ol the Anor'c.in Fork, rtrriiory, aud each settieiueiit might to lit vifii.tiige tf.i tm-- we received a bavu a l.eililiy lio:ii(- - iinin.-ti- y iiigsiiia-tloi- i r. Ai.i,"ii iuli.t f'"H ol tin.-- t it rlit nd Mill, a Wl.:.t i you lli. ok id' Ibi, cii. .cii; fyjgygawgwr e. paper published lit Hulyiike, (.'ulu i iQ locks, Jowolrv SJ in li.e i i: I i, iiuln. tnsv.iii.u:, un i next Satthrough a c.li id M i.mr siid take upli.c-ri- . iudu-itr- (Jo UtvVWatches. lShllUY. HOME floittrr. ;i a in. !. 1 i!i iu i l Entered nl the jvnifi,t, Aruertf.m Fork for trtlhimiHiiiiH through Hr PI, hie ill tcCond t.Uu 1 1! -- u. O.oc ovx u Fovewd.Vo eoxxstc o(lmevGcY " Aweresfta 1 infor-r..:itii- 1 s.-.- THE COLORADO veKKLY Sl.N a HH.t Hecureif pIieitThflir-iia- cimi-lAtio- l n and coveiti tlie entire tield west of the Missouri liver. It is a large eljrlit-paj- re jiaper aud contaiiih till the news of the world, Literary Features, Mining News, Departments for the Home the Farmer and the Children. THE XKW vnitL'-TuiurIs a Twenty-toJd Weekly deyoted to .Science, Ciinuueic And flu Field and Farm It is paper that may le relied upr inr inh'iniation conceniintr World. ur , k! The city papers are all right, but it is the local paprr that advertises your busiui'M, your schools, your churches, your societies, sytnpatliiu with you In atllictions, and rejoices with you in your In short, it is your Iccal prosperity. paper that mrmtiona tin: thousand of items iu which you nre personally iu lerestrdduiingthc year, aud which you do uot find in the city papers. Support your home paper, and help homo imios try nud thereby further the advancement ol your town and community, to which iiiJ the paper is eon inually working. M. Ixiui (Hole Ikvioer.it, While it may not immediatedy elTict usliere il will cerlaiuly give us miicli conlidrnce to know that in nearly n',1 branchc. id business of the Kant are Then it is also gtaduidly improving. ol bust-n- c mam conditions that the tided aud trade bail not suddenlv rhnni'cd, and (Ins lieciime clearer, to the di .ap of oitu. Farm pr i.luet nn.l pointim-u- t low wages arc still ijuile low, but are in greater demand. Progress Inwards re. cover Irciu the pnuic has not crasi J, and have resumed or many estiiblir,,nu-iitadded to ihur producing lord-- , -- cute a!adr.iucing wages, but it will take lime to lii'i biiaini a out ot it depression and the pi.igre-- s ininte, if ies than the SSI.guine I ipeCird, is lit leift l ineiliRg ing to our pe ople in American Fork. Tin- di inn to oiler fiO, 000,000 bond lor rcp'euishinrtil of the Treasury re -K'rves was, by bankers, generally ap proved, but eyeuto are showing Mia. res toration of confidence by itself remove all cir.barra.-mcn- t. It i generally as uiucd that lliesc bonds olTered lit the Sccietary will betaken at once. Exchanges from tho Eastern State now Lfe in ai reports au cmprlus 5 SO - Address THE ITEM, DOLLARS AMERICAN PER DAY FOltK. Easily Made. ca-n- JOB DEPARTMENT an-ui- Is complete in every respect for a country ollice. We are pr. Ui execute plain or rain y jolt work to iierfcetinn. anil prays that are in conformity with the pressing time. We kin gxt really money, lmt why should a person iln l.usiuc, without a printed Jetter head, a jirintisl statement, an envoi, i or Inll head. 1 rinted stationery is f,f vital iirqmrttmee to r. fcn l pa vi. I t- - fii-il- e - 3.EDAI. 31LAKES t Milldrixe Mn!arii the tr-- v,;, and pievedt ns will ii re re nil Mulirla f fever. Fur mi and luii'iimij iry b!ii;nc I7.--- i liit'.iis- .r- J:-.'', l - I.u-!..- Cmisii-patio- En re K'l'ifiiitnsl l'rie- - ."i". ti.rlm.rj or ironey Tundiil otic. At Pteeie A Ce.' I'rug ?tii;f, Stinson &Co.: George Dm 4S8, PORTLAND. MAINE. GOOD ADVICE. COW. M. Harter is I. II VHTKIt. f..i'lv-ti- e SS!.iiilXSZSSZ'SST3fjE, let!31 i5'u'DBi ; near! v tli'.vlv veais eugii;re.I in bae.bi'ur hnr. Mr. Ibuter will iiusiue ly fn'in net nriler t d. .. le bin W e: ' ! KlXDiOF WINES, LlOl- R, ,N3CiC.F.8 Fine lim" 1 io., i) ALL I i & Froprii't'irs. duties an. iii-- , prii s'.i;iie at l.ii'.:e. s:n J Uli'1. I'..,;ii1 il.lt. Ailntnstm Hilliaiil mi l 1'onl foimevtien. It-- , m lim t1 Meii'luiii Sireit. i ' ! .n mg mi i I i .y. u iio.ig tho Avrtr.xx F'Uta. Vtae SALE. Venires. Warrant ofArre Warranty Reed. Tustices Summon, Complaints. Siiioenas. in give his T-O- Rail Bonds Estrny Notices, I r very patriotic citizen siiouid s - CASH must Accompany all orders. he.se la'gu! m tin Territory. -- Hi,- - per ihv.eii chi'iincr tli.ni aiivwl.iie Mail orders promptly ntt' ieh .1 n .531 p:uri, no., AMKI51C W KOlfK. I'A If. ; |