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Show THE AMERICAN FORK ITEM. Your Want ydvertise "The Item' In PUBLISHED WEEKLY Independent VOL 2 GOING R- - O- n p NORTH . . W - R. G. .. 4 .43 p. m, 4:15p. m GOING SOUTH AND EAST, u. P... R a. m. IV .,,, 8 :S5 ft. Hi 8:45 ft. .. 31 Op. OLH STAR in. in. ROUTE . For Alpine: Mondays. Wednesdays and 3:30 p. in. Saturdays Arrives 3:00 p. in, OFFICE HOCKS. The general delivery, stamp and registry windows open at 8.05 a. m. and closes at 5:30 p. in. On Sunpays the general delivery and stamp windows are open from 8:00 a. m. till 10:00 a. w. and from 4:00 till 6:00 p. m. Tihotht McCarty, Postmaster. Last week, giving a notice of the mar-- 1 nageof E, J. Baker, we were misinformed ts to the bride's name. It WhS The Eliza Julian instread ot Julia. couple were married ai the home of the bride's parents, this city, Hallidt y olliciating, Wednesday Nov. About iorty relative, and 14, 1SU4. of the happy intimate were present. After tlje ceremnnp the party of happy guest sr.t to a grand banquet. It waa a grand affair, and one long to be remembered. The happy couple will beat homo, at Bingham, Utah, after December 1st. Dr. Merrihow, dentist, Lohi. Ladies and Gents slipjirrs slid Shoes at - I"H. ing: II. DOtiGK, O. By the President of (lie Uuitcd Stutrs.J The American people should grate American Fork fully render thanksgiving and praise tu l lie Supreme Ruler of Ike univerte who COURT LAKESIDE widchi-oyer them with kinduesa and (No. 8138.) fostering care during the year that has passed ; they should also with humility Physician and Surgeon, Office at Ibeidenee, A. O. F. J. B Roberts, Duiikleys. Meetings held every nnd fsith supplicate the Father of ail Monday evening at 8 00 p. m. Visiting merry for continued blessiug according Brcthern Invited. to tlmr needs, and thry should by deeds Financia. of charity seek the favor of the giver of Thornton's Ilal!, American Fork. Utah. every goad and perfect gilt. Therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby ap SHIPLEY iVXMJRlAL ARTIST poiut and set apart Thursday the 39th day of November, instant, as a day of Hair Cutting in any Style. Guaranteed. hanksgiving and prayer to be kept and Satisfaction observed by all the people of the land. fjyParlon on Merchant Street. Witness mv hand and the seal of the Utah Ameriean Fork. Chief ltunger. J. L. Dun let, W dr- a.chrT?tensentto DENTIST. Done at the city of Washington 'nj the 1st day of November in the year it our Lord 1804, and of tha Independence of the United States the 119th. G hover Office a? Bromley Hnuae. Utah American Fork. kehwahd 1EA AT I AW. AT10RT2EY Proto City. k Uta f- d- W. Q- If there is any one that loves himself it is Editor Shumaker, of the Mnnti Jo.-- l certainly believes in A(tuenger. and advertising, begins at thii own dooi first. J. E. Jensen. our went to Suuojside Monday couple cars of alicep. not papeis promptly will office at once. receiving thtir please notify llna r n.-.- the Juft Arrived! And Oh! how Cheap for the Quality ! Ladies, Gent's, and Children's SHOES, at DlNKLEY'S. Josh Jonea of this city, any attic Provo Enquirer, while out shooting ran acrowa vein ot beautiful deep green nyz in tlio east fields. It would bring the water to tlia eye o to begin to circulate this in community, now that quite freely the enormous potato crop is 'n, Money ought m a areieliing so cheap. , Cleveland, id the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect Price satisfaction or money refunded, 35 cents per box. FOR SALE BY Steele & Co's., Drug Store. " ' e ADAMSON, and 1UBLIC.S-Anpre- an ' W41 In 1 T inv Guaranteed the best BOLOGNA made at Dunkleya. THE OBEAT BABTERN" AFTER A TEAKS The bun fire fiend is at work again in the county. Look out for him or insure your valuables with W. A. of Salt Lake, whose ad. la this issue. DK C. F. WESTrUAL. coat 500,000 waa sold for only 35,00) The misfortunes of the Great Eastern and its failure as a commercial apecul.: tion In the hands of its first proprietor hare been quoted as an illustration o the ill luck which seemed to follow thi undertakings of the Brunela. Among others may be mentioned the Thames tunnel, which was, commercially, a failure. One circumstance which can always be satisfactorily connected with ita short existence upon the water ia that of having laid the Atlantic cable between Great Britain and America in I860. The picture represents the huge vessel in the course of demolition on the river side at New Ferry (Liverpool), where it waa beached for the pnrpnve. CRANK D HOURS Late llcnhltr C. 8 Tand &Minibg Attorney Salt Lake City, n . ll buying reserved sesti. A great number had bough! aeata during the day. nnd when time for occupancy, found tin m taken by other parties. The rnsnage-inen- t of the hall, it must bi understood, were not le blsme, but llio dour keeper, who was one of the company's tutu, Penp'e who had bought back seals went in and found that there wan nothing but standing room, and an went to the doorkeeper, gave him 15 cetrs extra, and wna told o take any ot the renern-- teal nut occupied, therefore causing contusion when iarties arrived win bad Imuglit aeata during the day. Manncrr Sti ele of the opera house, wishes 11 understood that it will not happen again, and diHapjanuteii at the mean and roguish action of this company. Look nut other, towns. Dont Get Caught. Wban Vuor Head I oir. Aa human curiosity has n Unlawful lia seining and ehooting', Nathin casra of heheadiu. ' Iwen going on cnnaidoMble of lnl t.y couhtof the experiment on a c some of our local .port. tated criminal ' communicated We must nay that any per in French medical journal by a leading imilgb scientist of Lyons is of absorbing in- seining in the lake or other wotetN withterest This time the results are more out the presence or a comtuieseiner nr satisfactory than has hitherto been the Ididepnty Is a aud wiil bo -- asc; the doctor making the following prosecuted to law. according statement with regard to the manifes- r, tation of consciousness after the head had been separated from the hotly: 1. That the head, on being separated from the body, remains In possewiion.of all its faculties, if the hemorrhage does The Relict society are getting up k nt pass certain limits. 3. The proportion of oxygen in the blood is sufficient party for Thanksgiving. for keeping np the nervous functions ni:-in- g MisiElvisa Stiwartof Menti is brief apace, never exceeding a 8. That the repented e! stives here. and of the jaws after opening have closing and Is over people ion The elect Ha separation of tlu head from the got down '.o better thoughts- toiy srw.notlilng but tlie reflex action Supetvism John West has . been putting, rowinas iu cases of acute asphyxia John is a the stree Is into liet'cr shapr-e pood one. Like Other Women Also, any . person caught shooting ducks between aunret and cniuiM-- , will have to pay the penally of tlie. Jaw. Thce laws wero passed lvy uur. legij. Isture and must becomplieul will). Tin Piwbytt riao Scbottl. Tlu: lresliyterian school is runf.r.g along quite imoothly with contdiual Ia the High daily increase. raic tl.cn. i now a schnlarahp ot twenty nine. gxi.w. oww oecui-di- l on llui tlie cattle is at licrKltrQ for markei Vad now than in enfferiug oi least somewhat avoided. Kcgnrding moles in the garden U. J. I wee much troubled Ronsu ays: until I scattered Niwdnst soaked paraffine and tar in their rune, neat wlu-rthey entered the gazinu Tbit) have not troubled tne sicre. e Whitewaah your poultry bun, for winter tna To each pailftif of whitewash add a pound of sulphur and three Ubleepounfuis of strong carbolic acid. runr-unglil- y in too great In making cheese don't s hurry. Give tlie whey time to run tiff. People waul to tuy cheese cot e whey. action of this paper regarding hnodlumisra and the cNionving of young Imys and girls st a late hour at night, terms to have helped to aindl a prk of reformation. The flrr step toward ir was taken Thursday evening of last week, by Rev. J. A. I-- Smith of thi city, nnd others. The method taken is pot a direct itamptr upon these lawless slid immoral practice of hnth the young sud old. but it a method 01 temporal In another jiersuHiion in a proper form. column will lie seen the report of a temperance lecture drlivured st the Opera House by Mr. Reel of Sail Lake, whom soul desire is to teach and encourage Thi i n more that should morality. have Iwen taken yer ago. lint we sre glade it lia begun and tru t much good may be done by these monthly meetings which was resolved to be held once s month by that meeting during the winter months. Tnx t 1 -- That M. II. Mclady, Mi Cullough Ins charge or thin .Jopur hnenf. liDii i great pain in y,lacii iy ideas hclon her iclmril. Time is mother branch f (Ms rchoul ..i'ied Me Primary Grot---- . S. Hoed manages to take care of thi department ot thirty-four- , rcIjdU with exi-ma-- DENTIST. Pleasant drove DEMOLITION. satisfied aa to the precise at bAuvwn riio fatten flteuiIt could be overlooked,num taJUuw uaneJMot the people are very mueli,'rut out in make prime lieet Thi the way in which they were served in on tho voyage ten much leas midwinter, and the terrible - a little girl to her mamma the other day who was going to market. I jviri H k've The Sunday school teacher Fart win jr. a grand hall D M, Wilde, Adamson & Co., Smith, of Pleasant Grove, ha Utah I have mi.Tsred for S yc:irs wltli a comptlcstlon so was that sere of good pasture hntl, (lucent) Lewis Petcrsno, the youth Prnprjstors. with voMlnuous, abiiKt uplieara-lit- e el trout-in,1 will as alio prolns- take fifty borsr for pistuiing 0- pain la my Iwb The Ctrlp badly crippled by a runaway, Hr. flowrate. ot is once. at kixds improving. announced, All Apply Sarsa-paril- la Wines, Liquors And Cigars Pioi. D. M. ToJd of the Brigham on a visit Billiard and Pool Room in much diligence. Utah Young College came down Toe office t aa tad me. But Hood's on SunIMexrspli Connection, Saints the address and Saturday, tem building. Those who wish to Rsrsaparllla l.sv eured A the and visited to Provo . went A tcle-anltldlenlou titan lie d ms at all my troubles. day. wiegrtpi, will find it rhesper than Merchant Street, y Mabel Oli, dear! I re b st my diary nPr- sud I cannot speak too B. Y, Academy. Message strictly private. Utah Fore. highly of it Mrs. B.K. Smith, B'lxsEma.fab Amy Well, y- di hi t t iject to keep Ax purut sent, received and delivered. Pleaaant Grove, Noy . S3. ' L i&. did ill it very long, Dunkley, Optrat.... Hood't Pitta urc headaclie aud ludigMlloa Utah nient Commercial Savings Building Prnrnlljr Mrs. Etttlgn B. Smtffc Etas, tab t ai what it was adrartiseLjL be. 1 iBsguI2TB2025Bank 1 r Oh Mamma! Oh Mamma!! what rasd nice fresh' celery Mr. Dunkley has,," rooms for Sunday school purposes. We need a rain to pack the newly-madroads the dust is awful. U. 8, DEPUTY SURVEYOR 11. X. t otatn, and the widows aud orphans hown with anguish to gaze at the drliuqucnt tax list of Weber county, published iu the Ogden Standard, an Irish Bucklend Arnica Salve. QLCFF 4 SCOTT by sea-goi- If-O- - . uiiulullas orna-dient- -- Fork, pn-v- ,J - Mousy Cor In working np organization and preparing to make it effective it must not be forgotten that it is impossible to do tfieae things without money. The various societies now claiming the attention of the fanner are conducted quite economically, and, to far as we know, there is no ground for a charge of special ex- first-claa- The Brigham Bugler aayi that s trop of nice ripe itrawberrlca'' waa picked Do You Know horticul-turahs- t. Thursnnd in that town on the 13th by a That on every Wednesday , Salt leaves Good fur Brigham's clininte. there day comother anil Lake, Provo i mon points h iliruiii'li tourist or family A criminal in the KaneM penitent nr? Bleeping car for Kansas City, Chicago, said good executed, to le about when Boston anil Philadelphia via the Great to the Scenic highway, the Rio Grande Western bye to the prison chaplain and e with the half than wardens, then shook hands Railway, Berth rates are less ot rate charged on first class Pullman cutioncr, but to the reporters lie simply to Missouri River Bars, Prompt, Fastttvs cars, being but $3.00 V"n fellows I'll Sleepers or ex noded, saying: Owe far Impotaae. tose and $4.00 to Chicago. Ez Mom, IsM cursions am personally. conducted and uo latter on." tf aim faMm The Rio Natoooanooa, BOfOHtnat. change ot cars, is Lou at Hamera. A. Win Grande Western also runs daily, a PLEASANT GROVE DOTS. 6 through first class or Pullman sleeping Han. Ms 00. car to Denver, Kansas City and Chicago ana SDtraeHaat Hattat Batolal For other particular inquire of agent. mttkaaehtaa, Potato harveat is about over. IsUsr&CsavIiihMstCs-- , B4S LUOMAn. MO, The good people are fitting up the T. LOUIS, basement of the meeting house into --a NOTARY t. - Scrscri units Og-ien- yNREW li mv. If-f- lor your pickles spici-- s n.. i- -i The factory will rlote on Thanksgiving day, in order for employs to have a day off. and also for the purpose of cleaning up. There have been so many beets coming in lately that it la Smpoaaitile to put hem all in the mammoth sheds. They have been piled up out io the open, and it has liven reported that there ii an acre and a quarter ot ground covered with beela to (lie depth ot aiz to eight fuet. The factory will probably not rinse this union's run until the laat of January. About 185 tons per day a being run thrpugk, on an average. Thu largest run on record a .it made a lew days ago, in which 43d tons of beets were put through in twcuty four hours. IMVM Wka But lu Iran. fins natives of Sukaria never partake o( food while on the ground, but sling the meal lulu a woven grass bag aud monut tu Ibe thick fulingo at the top of eomu high true, where the meal It eati-- iu Military silence. 8c. Louis Hcpubtiu. travagance anywhere. Nevertheless, iu doing their work to the very best possible advantage, from the standpoint of ecouuiuy, they must be equipped with . reasonable supply of fundi. No farmer should hesit.ttAtlierefian in joining these ar.isatiuu to pay Ms slight initiation tea or the occasional dues which may artse from time to time, The power of nioaa is too well uuder-stoo- d to call fay discussion here, and while it is not Um tfieign that the fnnda Got a Rath,. secured by these associations be used iu TIE "GREAT EASTERN" IN TIIK MERSEY The Item office throughout received any other way tbs 4 rearing their legitiAT LOW WATER LAST TEAR. iti yearly bath ua Saturday last and dur- mate exjiciiae, yv ehere miu-- t be such funds or the sod cues will utterly fail of far the largest ever built, waa de- ing the week the devil has been com- tlieir object A trifle from each memsigned by Mr. Brunei, and was in- pelled to doff Ilia lint and shoes when en- ber aggregates a sum which, well aptended for the long tea route to India. tering the office. plied, will do a vast deal toward enlightIbe extreme length waa 693 feet. The office tuwl received ening the opla m to the requirements annual ita Width 83 feet, and depth 60 feet, with a of agriculture. National Stockman. bd1 is now it a liiulivr mi scour, at of 84,000 or ag. tons, 14,000 carrying power The devil more than the splendid vessels of the ot dirt taken got the A Word About Srirpin. tha White Star and Inman lines, and con- from hit physiog, by Ilia lie blush in the Dr. Lyons, in a a iper read before aaid: tained accommodation fur 6iH) handi ot Foreman Illinois Ktate Horticultural Our society, Dunkley. and passengers, 2,000 second-clas1 huve a adopted evergreens aa third in all 4,000 passengers. This circulation editor alto got a bath, wheth1 trees. with and can expectations of tlioso interested in the er he needed or not, in the strongest lie lost hnmlrtMla of planted trees. Yet I thought vessel wero disappointed in regard to water. In fact, we are a clean set of done were in the best manner things Its speed, which did not exceed people, sud , however sre in slispe to re possible, but Unit won't save the ever fifteen miles an hour, and no ceivs the iiiceit lady In the village. greens from dying. All tlie water and Sooner hod alio gone to sea than 11 the care in the world will not preshe met with a series of accidents which serve evergreen if you once let the dirt Juat ten's Court appeared for a time to destroy public dry on the roots. Tho outside moisture confidence in the vessel as a McNicil's Injustice this on the roots in nt uot be allowed to dry week cnuit Some damage waa passenger ship. paused by an explosion on board a few a ciyil suit was on. J. E. Jensen if you want tha tree to live. Then is a Hays after putting to sea, which waa brought suit against I. O . Wadlej for a restaAns'siilfcitiinreonthefmtsido of the attended with fatal result Then the proinisMiry note of $38.88. Judgment xxils. arid if tlie root ooce become dry water cAn never penetrate that reninoui Viuge sli ip encountered a great gale in was rendered for Ilia amouut in fsrnr wf and rovrriiig. and the plant cannot hot did. ' afterwards waa harbor, nnlyliead tree tu tuy place that I There is uot disabled by a hurricane in the Atlantia, plaiutill and ai execution issued . don't pruno every year. I have a pui: of when off Cairn Clear, on her homeward long shears, and in some oases I climb voyage from America, in which her Uncle Toms fttliin" the trees. rudder and puddles were so damaged The Hutco A Swifts "Uncle Tom's that she rolled about for several days Hood Bhlplaa Bimiu. at the mercy of the waves. The com- Cabin company, who played at the Cattle shipped at tliib Matm or tlie finanowned in which her panies being linage Wednesday evening, proved year will reach Europe in much better cial difficulties, the big ship, which had opci to lie a very poor representation, And condition than they wilt a few months greatly disappointed its audience. Of later, in midwinter, in tlu icy. storm J Tliey enter 011 the voyr jnM course aevettl part warn plaFfed well, but wr-iuoff xiw in good euiidltum. have e at Dunkleya. President, GBFsnAM. Secretary of State. The Best Salve and rcr ,s--S Fresh celery at Dunkley V Ml-stab- Sugar Factory New. years li:i v,- Greut J.':-- . in" w floated from the ;.l ayiUack and White. Ti,i , Thirty-fou- atnee Eggs are 22 rents up in Logan. Good for the hen fruit. Si-c'- - rr A YEAR IN ADVANCE. NO 13 i.r it,,- - i iibu-.r- lluilt Up Venture fruiu Lad hMi'lli.i Returns- - 24, 1HM GREAT LA rk lutmslliiir A new stock of Dry Goods ind Gro ceriea are the latest arrivals at Blaikley's All goods sold at small profits. Try a small purchase sod be convinced. OFFICERS 81.25 BeeU are still pouring in from all parts After Sb of tlie Territory . Months' D;f.l J.iLiuu. Cash tells the tale when buying Roods at DUNK LEY'S. fiic-ml- All. Sew the Vera 'l Home Consumption dubs is now the watchword , Two Live Puled. Mrs. Phoebe Thoms, of Jnuction City, 11., was told by her doctors she hud Consumption and tliut there was no hope for her, but two buttles Di King's N.w of American Fork City, Utah. Discovery completely cured Iter and she it saved her life. Mr. Thus says B. Tliomaa Parker. Mayor Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Fradcioco, Oouncllora James II. Clark, Robert suffered from a dreadful cold, approachProctor, B. Y. Greenwood, Ilcnry ing Consumption, tried without result Millar, James W. Preston. everything else then bought one hoitle Recorder George F. 8hel!ey. of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two Treasurer Thomas E. Steele. weeks waa cured. lie is naturally Collector Isaac Abel. thankful. It is such results, i f which Marshal Win. King. these are samples, tliut prove the wonder Justice of the Peace Joseph J. Jackson. ful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs Wstcrmsster-Joh- n it. Miller. and Colds. Free tnsl hot ilea at Steele Road Supervisor P. D. Usssity. & Co s Drug Store. Regular size 50c. 8exton Charles Whitiker. and $1 00. Pouudkeeper E, II Boley. Council meet- fourth Saturday in each Cleveland Proclamation. mnntn The President has issued the lblinw cmr aim LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Baker Julian, IS. PoliticaaFlr and Impartial to FORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER AMERICAN' Closing of Mails. In And Cot Had.iome W vd t - 1 mi-.- |