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Show AMERICAN Bukins?! FORK Big Ratification. tega iHjrand Night. Salt Lake a Brilliant Scene Last Curriculum of Sr idles: lb f.'oinmi--r Grsuiuist, mid Anthiuetiu, Pcuman-lup- , U.ograpliy. Kates: Iiy, per mouth, $ l; night $2.50 Monday Night. n! Law Rriding, Banking. Hpell. ii g, Cismmir, Gesgrapliy, IVnnikii liip, Algrlirs, Com. Ariilmirtic, Look-(orpin- Kates: Dy, $6 Font LINE. IN THOUSAND a per mcntli; night $i, Other . to uf thaWwk llnllcd Sorghum. J M. THORNTON, In IliMinral uf Until . American fart, Iropr, - Uuu-1- . I'tuh The grandest affair uf any kind that haa ever taken place in I'tuh Territory went off at Salt Lake Iat Monday . 1 was a territorial ratification by the lit publicans in honor of tbi-i- great local and rational victory. It was indeed a grand scene to behold For two days the people from all over the territory were flowing into the canital, loaded with banners, lags, hunting and enthusiasm. Ot course American Fork was m it with nltont 350 strong, but we ere sorry to atate that but 20 or 30 were in the procession. The pesgeant was nearly two milee in length. Fireworks by the thousands and red fire by the hundreds of pounds was used up. Bands played, and eucli unification no one ever saw in Utah. The night wound up with two rousing mass meetings at which tho lion 1 AMERICAN FORK ITEM. MILTON L. SCOTT. Z3SXTOX& JLXT9 IPxtopxtxcroxa. Xntrmt ut the jwtofflre, American Fork far triiMiniMtion through .he tntiils as second class matter. One Year in Adtanee .Si'j Months Three Months $1.29 73 60 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Mcrribew, dentist, Lchl. Lu ia having constructed oa bia premises a neat little barn . Good tor railing Harry. I. . Ladies and Genla alipperi and Bboea Frank J. Cannon, dressed both. at Dunkleya. are glad to Tna Jackaoa building, atate, ia nearing completion. Cash Mia Ilia tale when buying goods at DUKKLErS. s stork of Dry Goods and Groceries are the latest arrivals at Dunkley'i AH goods sold at small profits. Try a small purchase and ha convinced. A m-- s e Eons are 22 cents np in Logan, for the ben fruit. Finn celery Go to Good at PunkleyV see Lent lor your livery rgis, s lIutTAtD and spices lor your pickles at Dunklry'a. Even Tennessee elected a Republican goyernor. v It had tlie 'ad ot the Business College on this page. s e S8th WHD FLASHES, Many people stayed over uuti1 next day. One could ace someone he knew every way he turned. Ilarry Adamson got lost in the parade and when ha found himself the train had gone, Ilarry is not used to Salt Lake and you must excuse him. Hie ticket expired and he had to bay an extra fare. A. L. Rogers, Rio Grande agent here, went up at night and marched In the procession. Those achmiles were long and loud. Who! Why, Mrs. Houston as she greeted the procession. The American Fork representation in the parade was about the smallest of them all, Eycn the leader who first agitated the representation were not in it. Mra. TV. 11. Grant and Mrs, Ray Rob- M. of the Ladies Republican Club member." It ia thought that the Constitutional Convention will contain 03 Republicans, 43 Democrats. Tin report of the temperance lecture the Opera IIouso Thursday evening, was crowded out of. this issue. It will appear next week, s BoosmiBEns not receiving their will please notify this promptly papeis office at once. a e JustArrivedI And Oh! how Cheap for the Quality 1 Ladies, Gent's, and Children's SHOES, at DUNKLEY'8. of Mra. Iteed, at a a a Bonn Last waak, in Amcricau Fork to the wite of Wm, (Doc) Fierce, twin babies. The mother and little ones are doing well, and the father, well ho has already dene well. a a a 125 peeple went over the R. G. W. from American Fork to the Balt Lake ratification last Monday, Probably 75 went over the U. F. As an excursion town, the "Banner City is always in Aboct Tax cold weather soon couirs on. first-clas- Boys,Books, Fancy Goods, Eic fi SEE 000! Finest Sample Rooms scum or salt lake. . HEADQUABTEBS 2 TEAVELING MEN and TGUHISTS. Electric Bells. Rates, the Lowest AMERICAN FORK and Dead Shot Hazard' Powder- - and get a Good 8II0T QUN Cheap. Utah American Fork, Church ServicesFkebttkbiah. 10:30 a. m. Sabbath - M. 25 35 a Fii I. A. or 50 Onlstitkes you It t Siicw Wrd, Eve. .n-l'h- Ai at Dunaiey'b Just New Good rLAKTINO POTATOES IN THE FALL. There has been seme discussion in American Fcrk will hold a Fair for the ben Hoot. M-il JEWEL Steele & So, Opening in the morning at 10 a. m, and closing in the evening at 10 p. m., both daya respectively. The officers of the Association kindly invite the liberal patronage of tho public. OF ADMISSION: Adults I0r; Children, 5c. PRICES -A- ene, . CITY IIALL, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, NOV. 28th and 29th We advise people to make their stoves ready beforo they get caught in a cold snap. If anything needs repairing, write or see II. J. Mortonson, of Spauish Fork, and he will fix them. He haa linings and extras far any kind of stoves imported to s Utah. Ho will give you reasonable at prices. goods HEADQUARTERS ADAMSON, PB$P IV lead. CLOCKS. WATCHES Santa Claus GRANT, P. LADIES I. A. of It is not the large turkey that sells the most readily, but the one ut medium size. Some purchasers prefer to buy tao small ones in preference io one large 'CAU 0 Tho Young Ladies M. of the Association, in the GOODS. THE TIIANKSMVINO TL'SEET. 1,000 Articles Given Away. & School. 11:30 a. m., Frayer Conference; few a tho tosk p. m., Junior C. E. Society; 6:45 in Alpineitea Quite p. m., Senior C. E. Society; 7:30 p ratification, with Ben Bates as captain, in,. Preselling. Guaiantoed tho beat BOLOGNA made 7:30 p. m., Prayer Wedhebday. at Dunkley's. Meeting, Bitde study. Fbidav. See Uncle Tomi Cabin, WednesJ . A. Livimostoh Smith, Pastor day Night Latteu-Da- t Saints Sunday School at Oh Wednesday evening Mr, E. J. 10 a. m. in the Meeting House, Melding at 2 and 7 :30 o'clock p. m, Baker, of Bingham, and Misa Julia Julian, of this city, ware made man and GROO witoattha home ot tho brido. Tm gYRON U. S. LAXD REGISTER Item wishea them happiness and prosUtah Salt Lake City, perity through life. YOUNC and-Farm- Emporium.! . of American Fork, of 140 page. IGrants . .i, indeed inson received at the Exposition Grounds when Master ot Ceremonice Squires them aa "president and Poultry : BSI&ES&3SZSES32V2S 233SSaaSZ!BZ2BZSZSEBSSS New England t'likeys have long been known fur their excellence, but farmers lose a large sum by sendiag their turkeys to market without first fattening them. They must not be put j into coups to fatten, as a turkey will ...a flebli if cunfined and alone. Put tarn or three together in a yard covered with wire, and feed four times a day, always giving a change at each meal, al lowing a proportion of meat and green food, but the principle food should be wheat and corn. They should be ready And All Kindi of Musical Merchandise, also ) A Supris, in ten daya, is they will not improve if GLASSWARE AND WINDOW CROCKERY, LAMPS, GLASS, Etc- On Tuesday evening last, Misa Lunn kept in the yards too long. They will I ClupiLsn, of this city, was the victim notoniy increase in weight, but will of a moat pleasant supriae, made upon bring a higher prica per pound, her bv a large crowd of relatives and GRAIN BETTER TRAN GRAM. friends, it being in honor ot her birthDuring the great drouth ot the past day. The eyent took place at the home summer, when American Fork, tali pastures afforded very of the young lady on Merchant street. little in the way of sustenance for stock, Tlia evening was pleasantly spent by Milch cows in pa rticular were fed libdiflerent amusements, and last but not at the barn by all dairymen who least tbs gues'a were ushured into the erally deserve the name. This practice showed spacious diuiug room, where an elegant conclusively the superiority of dry food spread of all the delicacies uf the season over green grsu as a butter producer. awaited them . The party broke up at Milk at that time contained a much a late hour with congratulations to all ot butter fat than t concerned in bringing about such an larger propaition whan later in the season rain bad made enjoyable eyent. the pasture! as fresh as in June. In our dairy tills was especially noticeable this year. There is not as much butter now as there wu la July and August. The color, however, hu increased iu density, DEALERS IN in proportion to the freshness of the DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, pastures. Winter is now approaching CIGARS. ETC. and those who era inclined to do a little experimenting can convince himself of ' Headquarters for the benefits of grain feedin g. There are GUNS, LOADED SHELLS. sceptical farmers in every neighborhood who do not believe it pavs to feed grain . POWDER, SHOT. AND HUNTERS SUPPLIES-Gian- t If they would weigh the praih and keep Powder, Fuse and Caps. account of tiie extra amount of butter made it would prove that the butter will for Agents pay tor the grain twico over, Come . I. A . give a fair on the and 20th. Read their 'ad' on this Tna Y. L, ad- delcgatc-vlcc- t, It wu a great compliment a e Lnele Toms Cabin. Next Wednesday night. Novembei ;!. at the Opera House, we will have Rue & Swifts big spectacular production ot Harriett Beecher Stowe's great story o' slaves ami slavery, Uncle Tom's Cabin." This Is the largest and lust company on the road that plays tins ever popular favorite, carrying all their own special scenery, band and orchestra. They pro-dumore new .iatun-- than all other Uncle Turn's Cabin cumpauiei combined, among which may be found the heanti fui Shetland pony that took the prize at the World's Fair, tho Egyptian donkey from the streets of Cairo at the World's Fair; the Siberian blood bounds, trick alligator, sad Miss Coral Demining, the greatest living Topsy and tho only lady Who plays this peculiar individual's part in her Imre feit. Watch for the grand si reel parade at noon, Frires of 25, 35 and 50 routs. Seats now on sals at Steele's drug store ar- rived . the about agricultural press potatoes, some averring that this method was not practicable, while othcra have found it to work to advantage. A Iricnd who tried a small patch lust fall explained to me his method, and ia so pleased with the result that he will plant quite an acreage tins fall. In the later part of October he planted a small piece in drills, cutting the tubers in generous pieces, and covering them some five or six inches deep with earth; over this he placed a mulch nt straw six inchea or more tbicx. No more attention wsa given them until the fore part of Hay, when the straw was raked off and the ground allowed to thaw out. Tba potatoes made an eirly start, were kept clean ot weeds by fre quent cultivations, and, in spite of the seycra drouth, matured a fine crop, mostly of large sized tubers, whiob the second week m July, It is not generally considered necessary to cover the ground witli a mulch as a protection in the spring, for tbnt would prove a serious drawbsex when mure than a small acreage ia planted; but the most serious objections to this method seem to be a liability of the seed rotting in curly spring, during the wet wenthe: unless they are planted on ground, and a likelihood of the plant darting too early and being caught by draw-liaclate froata. But in apite of thus the double advantage ot having the crop in early, and doing it alien there ia more lime than in the rush ot fall planting spring work, would make areas-surt.- i farmers generally the if popular don successfully. It that it can he i at least worthy of careful consideration- - New York d WEEKLY TRIBUNE -- AND- American Humus fork Item, 'xw&m, sbh.bo. To Rent SHILOH'S CUKE, the gn.-- it Chiiu-anCroup Cure is in grcut demund Pocket si.e euutuins twenty-liv- e dose Sold Hi only 25c. Children loye i Steele's Drug Store. House of eight rooms, near the nus town. Will rent cheap. Apply to J. It. Hunter or thia office. Pxom.k will do well to look over the FroKiWM In Japan. Another evidence of Japan's rapid adadvertisements in The Itik before purvance in western civiliz:iti:m i Ok-- fact chasing. that the women of that eour.li'y have Yur can get your goods the chcaicLt taken to journalism. An English womat Dunkleys. an, Mrs. Barnett, while in Ki.to va visited by a member of the .lupaiu-s- i fair aex, who wished to interview her. The caller introduced herself by saying: Sab;crii,:iii. "My husband he make the paper and I do the part of visiting the outside counrmmrnm ! I if try to help forward him." The Kioto :: ..."uiinmcrs have Yomig I. Toumnl on the following morning con-Inefound ri: v J. a long account of Mr. Barnett. : : it. I never Old I,;; . could iViitmnninthe I" A HI,'!? CLOVER ROOT will purify !.ib .1 bundle of moon Hu;, cl i e your Blood, clear pour C niplpxon. -, Idmust brooms over '.r. ll.oy Rowels and unike gulste your I'ews. be snow as a bell. 23c.. 50i- - ,i..d J.ini Ok Mammt! Oh Mamma!! what ::l said Sion1. Mr. has" Drug Not :i Dunklcy :.rr.i, nice fresh celery other the mamma sm-ny- . day her to ('.!l!ii!i a little girl I'. S. A.. Shu I:eg' C;ii ri!i s:ij : w!.. was goiug to market. (!;, is tin- - first I ,m:- (vu .ms. tllit wun'.il ilo me r, siv Irii-iUloati-rat fresh of those more Mime st Sinle's Dru-- ; :(rl. liMikley'a. plot arriyed. HucklfnV Arnica Salve. a a The Rest Sai.vk iu tl.e world for Cut.--. Ilu li'.Li V. i'Ijiu:. At lire Opera. Suri-?- . Fever She And we Mi.--.l l'!epr. Salt haw a carriage Biuis. mamma . S,r-sTittir. tlmppcd iliimls. Chi! She How chaniing dear '..' 1. ( we arc after n:iri - AiidprandhiiiVlI i:i b!.iins. Corns, am! !i Skin Erupti-u-.-hx'ks He tVrt'iinl;-- . Mail. I if your and pn:iivi-lcures Pics, or no .uamma Inti. is father wiir.a.f A' S- IIt is t gin Vein-- . lie course of Slip (iiilerrrj-.v'Why. Imglish wcU will lie. v. il'i t : oQi.onrr refunded. lvic-2.. i:i the left box. per box.' Foil SALE IlY lie To pay for it. lb-Sli- It ,V Co's. i' Swaggers. He told Yankee(Inntiirdiigl ' Ding l'l:ule. i.Y!iv, M ':? ' about to elope m,. D. of Gvlilrurr with a ballet girl.for tV first time Nellie saw a r. c HIT. mamthe other day. "Is ho a i Them there. . PitrgV-fiiilashe askeil ma?" D M. Sni.'h, uf I'ira-in- l are. 1. i " Gri.yi, fin I don't know, v.by?' slic filly .(.( uf l it. -! lire i..., . : : ! 1 la.iil, ducern asked. fi '.y i rsc will ..u- Vm. They're . , fur it.;rin l:a:r;:V' 'He's (lot lit.-- face ni(':V,.i:t!;. :n mourn-in'- .' and I 'D a voar and ; ! l' I at lew I rates. at ll.iri'i-r'tri ip' it.rmr. Ajqdr A inns part of well-draine- d Wheat . : r -- Highest prices lnnl Mr ECoJn DRIED Fltl'IT nt Dm.kV.Y s. Ton city is repairing the disgracciul mudholaat the intersection of Water and Merchant streets. Boxes are being placed to convey the water across the street instca-- l ot going down tho street. The low plac-.- are aU bring tilied up. The work is under the supervision ot Deputy Road Supreyisor Amos IV;, staff, We arc very glad of this, as It fills a long felt want. s Wc are much pleased to aea that Dun-klc- y beaming countenance of Alfred G. counter ol the once more lchind aiTords ns much also It store. Dunkley'i will lie treatplessure to know thet one ed courteously when trading there. Al. la a good salesman, and will no doubt prove a great addition to the already increaaing trade of that popular mid Tiik Ins lias An MiwaNe Laxative and Kran Tontx BokJby Dnirrtoeoreent toyman. rtotkia and tfJO jtwjacfcaira. Fawptoe Ira The Favorite Tmmrssi for tbo Teeth aadLreaUi, an. ir Hw liV un I'JL PlmCU., Captain B weary. Mil lob's Catarrh Itemed r la the first I have ever found t hat would do me any Kvod," Vrlootfctu Hold by PntfilstB. e CHiLOHS CURE; Ccwa Couotr Tara rvomBtiyeores i iL For Coaaaamiwa Where all It has nor v:: bo cured thouaau and will cirna voo. ii uitu Intiese. MmS3m.03cIil,i1:3. ci'-t-v- CRANK D IIOBIIS ,uV lh'qinter lT. S. I. Tand ,sv: Si I. Mining tie City, nil kinds of ,) l.lmiks will lC sold ill udlll'i ii I 'tit s i'uli't luigi'l i;. Ilhi-uni- Grant Hotel. r.tir-child- - I (irr. Attorney Hah Oni-iiiu- CO Hafi-:i- . N J Bcnt'.cy. ; II . . , Foil Till' WiT.k Mis. Ai.aiv Tsik (iiv;E. a Hiker. Ringhmn; McDonald. Ii Y II..,. Dr. Ilrant. W. II K llu-i- ,11. lCmsis Sail Lake. gio.l. ,1 ( 'In City: W it Itaiton, Yi-- arm mndk-tn- :i t - gi'i-il.- i;.; I.mi::,, V K Salt Lake; F W Cochin, RacK'T, I.vliisG Mattie, lVincr; A T Mai'n, Wntahaw, N Y: C F Wiinr, ,t p Pnie, Salt Lake; W J Tro 11.1:1! Woi'ds. Newtoni Ksn;G K l'.'Will, J Msniu y, Chicago. . sati-i-icii- - hv-n- in-r- 1 jMi-.l- - s |