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Show i i Henry Lee, UVASIXK'K UATTEU& TWO CENTI MES ULR Local Timt! Ut.nl One of tho Landmarks of Pretty Clileopoo, Mrs& a IIont fuHiwil I. I. ami I of Vt-a- rly Indian Attack ail Ailvrn.nm. FfcET Two Hundred - II lirlwd Ilwl Olliar Quaint olil Cliiei'iHV is the location oi uhl, a ln.ir.c suppos'd to U- -- .i mu- f 1 In oiliest houses in the atati. It is, says tlic Itost.Hi Globe, in 4 gsid Mule of preservation, u ml ut tli j rcs-ii- it time is us.-- ns a residenca by a nariMlio tin-- saw the light of day there lifty-sci-years ugn und luis always lived in it. Tim history of the house rannot be evidence; traced back bv diH'iinu-nlarit is pnibuhlc that all the records that could prove the a ire of the old pluee have I men destroyed by a fire at North-ampt.i- d t SM AMEKILN FOKK FOR IN ii n. l.iwrv lVwl AlMULaUMU iu About Whi6 Yftrilutirjr H rltfr JlwTUHr Kiiimlvdnv Mot Too Kiln Whoa ilo,a' Yiiime Hum' Tttff Ire Ttrad and (Jut f Cimtlltlui :Ar. : Nu. il-- l . I no. 1. A.- WI.ST. - li: i. i. 1 iirnl Sales Stables IN F.FFKIT Iufftia - THE INTEflFERlN NORSES. REMEDIE8 ftOfcE m. in SH ('!. TuiUiUils aleaY A line Sl ut ilorM-- uml lluggieh. ice-t;,.- to Kuiin llm-nil trains s,i. 7 0:03 N . a m Nil. at Stubios. Leave orilt-rIn turning to our text Looks wo find in American 1 Main k. StriMt, Fol only tha this, as in many other i Spanifili most lueager notices, i.r,d r such head U brushing u'd rutting, cte., i. g.: la WOMEN FARM LABORERS. Proft-.iso- r William' in many rc'iccts KaIm Yestbl Thnannil ol Tlu-w nu veterinary surgery lit AImiiiI Kpw Vurh. dismiss- the sulj.vt with the following: Tlie iitlur day in a court rociin ; Brushing or cutting is chum-.- I by tha L. I., a womuti was ilctalm' Jaiuiiica, let tho ahoa of eiic a;; siriki.ig us wilncsa in a petty cum. Slit was . lock. Ucnciidiy it is tlie hind limb magnificent creature, in u way; thut suffer, lull n. t always. height anil bulk, lint with Young hoiscs out of condition ofUw a ml a ,(iuiph'-iohplcuilid poise of inuM-Ido this when they arc tin-- ami in tic ' sxnd that sho-yachtineu l with haurted. They must anil money to acquire. Prest-nllshoes. When hones h;ivo turn to U qucMtioucd. Part of ti 0 sbarjiened during a frost tlwy un very (Si n . Slip't . (i. F Agt. was this: converhiitiun tread them and soiualiiue to selves, apt "And your occupation?" eauaiug extreme lameness. very "A farm lalmrer." Older writers like Yoii.-it- t have gone a No mu in tluj Mum seemed to be tittle further. and dcarrilie it under the hi'Hd of cv'tiug. surprised at this except a city He enys: "The inside to work up reporter, who had gone-ouof the is often bruised by I La shoe or the hoof ,.f ilia opiK-nitfoot nse.l to be tried to reMany move this. The inside heel has leea 'A JSMI. raised nu.l lowered, and the outside raised and lowered, and aoinei ime one operation lias ruccneded and aometimre CJLXXD the contrary, and there was 110 point so ZJOCJLXj involved in obacnr.ly or so destitute of I11 Effort April 0, 1MU. priiicipItHi to guide the practitioner. Traint arrive ami trjvirt at taiionn "Tlie most successful remedy, and us follow: tnat which in the majority of cases all others, is to put on a shoe of ' " (Hll)KX . As ' ! Mil 1 thickness from heel to toe, and Lakk rou Halt Lkk nr. au. khum Salt bat lug hut one nail, nnd that Lear the 1 :4ri a. 111 fill :0 a. i.t No. 1 toe on the inside of tlio shoe, care, being No, 2 11:12 " No. 3 10:40 " No. fi taken thut the aline will not extend 7 :0o p. S No. 4 No. IMI the edge of the crust, aud that ike 3:25 7 .illJ No. 7 crust ahull lie rasped a little at the quart- No. fi ern. lie then continues: "There are Salt Lake. CORK HL'HKIXO IX TUB OIKX AIR, , some defect a, however, in the natural I Niiiitii-A- ii. Nokth Dr form which are the cannot of cutting, No 1 of 7:00 am a story almut one of the Crimea 3 3:00 a and which no contrivance will remedy, No 3 " which IOiig lblinid enjoys by no means 10:10" :No 0 as when the legs are placed too near to No 5 fi:00 p inNo 4 3:40 pm exclusive possession There was not nuch other, or when the feet are turned No 7 4:3.7 0:20 ;No thi! slightest nceusitui for surpriso Inward or outward. Within a mile of the New York mail al "A horse with these defects should be SOUTH. HOI'TII. thut very moment prnbublv u hundred carefully examined at tho inside of tlie No 0 gut 7:43 am women were workunr in the 0:20 am No 1 fetlock, and if theie are any sore or No 2 for market or for U (1 :10 5 :50 pm ting in the vegetalo No pin callous places there will bo a good reaThe eusloiu of employing storing. son for not purchasing tho animal KOIITII norND. I STATIOKS MltTII IluC.MI women upon tin- - truck farms near the Boms liorsea will cut only when they i un 8:4Muni0:52 pm city bus grown of I. lie. years .nm-isfi::0ani3:07piu are fatigued, or lame nnd old. Many 8:13 5:01 fi:5H Am. Folk 8:54 noticed. It lias r n l the dignity ot colta will cut before they arrive at their 8:07 " 4:55 " PI. Grove 8:50 " 7:04 a new and toleruL--- well filled prnfen full strength. " 0:20 7:33 7:45 4:32" Provo sion for llu geut'.er sex. uml the do Professor Dick says: "Cutting, brush:2D 4 :22 0 maud for their services is Niill rapidly ingvillc spi 4:14 so Mr. Garret At I ing, interfering are said to take place fip. Fork 0:38" when the one foot strikes and wounds one of the lest 3:5 9:57" Van Dill, of Puyson i 11:00 tke opposite fetlock, and they usually 2:55" known fui tiers in eeeiis nnuity, aaya 11:40 occur in young and timid home with iff 3:15 Juab t I"" formed legs. The habit requires eithei I). E. Buki.et, J. M. IIaydkn, AlniilSOX, a particular form of shoe, with which Gcn'l Agt. Agt. American Fork. yNMlKW the shoeing smith is familiar or 10 pat- Paw. Dept. Salt Lake. ting on the shoe that the crust will proCity Ticket OtliCb 301 8. Main st. E. L. Iaimax, G. P. k T. A U, S. DEPUTY 8URYBY0R ject beyond it A boot is sometimes ret E. Dickinson, quired. " Agt. n 8 iMI.Ci.AiiK. One of the most frequent esuaes 1 -. : IV. mXorAUY when a defect of tlie hoof brings the Oi.ivku Mink, K l'l.i.Miv Anokiihon, inkle over the inside heel: it is tlu-- UihIi 1 A111 rir-tFmk. placed, when advanuid too much, in .Iimx M. Dhakr, front of tho other foot; thia will Is ag- Fiikiixhii-- It (.kiriiKKT. gravated if this other on being advanced baa a twisted gait, either from weak m s QLIIKF & SHUT or defective organization or funrlinu, Aa a study this subject has fiwtmvs of significant scientific interest. It to the domain of farriery, where then i In Coiniiieicisl S. rings Han niuen w be Karced before toe Iiuihlmg ' cuntaiua are revsalud to ua. Ii na Provo iiy Utah e nt 1 : - ft e e Nev York Weekly Tribune The only evidence on which tobusi hluii the claim for its a gv that fun. hist-rtiy those who have learned its from tlie tradition handed down tc them. The picture of the house, which Is a good one, will be familiar to all who have seen what is known as "Snow house," sit uated on Field brook, now commonly known as Cooley's brook, the famous resort for trout fishing. It is now in Chicopee, but in its early history was in Springfield, anil was embraced in that part long ago set off as Chieojiee. It is about urns anil a half miles outside the village of t'hioopoc Falls, off the main highway. The present occupant of the house is Nathan Churchill Snow. lie has lived alone in the house for the last fifteen years, when his wife's death occurred, lie makes his living by farming, and ideas about has nil tlie the life of a fanner. He rises at twe or three o'clock every morning in summer and nut later tlinn five o'clock in winter. Oftentimes Mr. Snow lias a load of wiuxl, straw or bay delivered in Springfield before six o'clock in the morning. n He will be years old September IS and boasts that never in liia life bus he touched a drop of intoxicating liquor, but says he likes good tobacco. Mr. Snow served in the Thirty-seventMassachusetts regiment during the late war. A century ago the grandfather of the present on her of the house came from Iteiilgcwalcr, Conn., and took up hia residence in this old house, getting it from Urial Conley. Churchill Snow was the next owner, and now hia son lioldi 1 The Greatest Weekly Newspaper In America AND TIIE Colorado Weekly Sun, Thi GrciU.t Chain pica of the Silver Cause in the United State AND TOE ST. LOUIS fifty-seve- Globe-Democr- at, AM, FGUH FOB it The traditions handed down to tho present Mr. Snow would mike the house 240 years old, but from stories Cppyt- - THE COLORADO WEEKLY SEN TIIE NEW YORK TRIBUNE lias secured a phenomenal circulation and covers the entire field west of the Missouri river. It is a large eight-pag- e paper and contains all the news of the world, Literary Features, Mining Is a Twenty-foPage Weekly, devoted to Science, Commerce and the Field and Farm. It is a paper that may be relied upon for information concerning the Whole World. News, Departments for the Home Sh ur U-i-- t Paeifie e exiK-.lleut- System. s ,(. S- - i K!fX; 111 0.-3- s - I.t-li- l li-- Ni-ph- Gi-n'- n!iin s the Farmer and the Children. A novas so old no oxs f CASH must accompany ail orders. Address THE ITEM, FORK. AMERICAN A0El -- cai nxx in Is complete in every respect for a country office. We are pre- pared to execute plain or fancy job work to perfection, and at prices that are in conformity with the pressing times. We know 'tis hard tc get ready money, hut why should a person do business without a printed letter head, a printed statement, an envelope or bill head? lYinted stationery is of vital importance to a iirm XEGAIi mifArcBS iF2? SAiLlE, (Sail Bonds Ex! ray Notices, Venires, Warrant of Arreat Warranty Deeds, Soslico's Summons, ' Viinplaint. Sul'iHX'iias. Uriu-Coole- Hf 'Then: IjcgaU at 10c. per dozen cheaper llcin anvw : in the Territmy. Mail orders promptly nlti m.'i-- in. assbbs titie iteki irujn. AMERICAN FORK. xm.9 IT A 11. FAST LINE '(looking fit from hlapapei1 Silvurman, thaw am to be four weddings hi town next week. Uf. Silverman Eht Voutf Johi ardor two gross of pistol forks at one (Jawsler Weekly. KfiCfifis nhnnfii COBISO WiS Solomon S bBSO umpire, pa? Ur. Cutnao No, Johnnie. What mods DookV;-"po- r from other sources he thinks it is ever older. A story can be traced back which originsted with Renlien Hurt who was a veteran of the revolutionary war; he said the house was over 100 years old at the time of the war. Stillman Munger, father of Hiram n Advent Monger, tho preacher, who has preached at mnn camp, meetings than any man living remembered the house standing in the t.ame place when he was twelve year aid, and the son, Iliram Munger, is now about eighty-cm- c years old. In the north room of the old house the first Methodist meeting ever held in Hampden county took place. It was conducted by Rev. Mr. Uedding, afterwards Hisliop Uedding. Rev. Lorenzo Dow, whose name li known to nearly every Methodist, also preached in the house. Hiram Munger, who can remember events of seventy-thre- e years ago, says he has no doubt the house is much over 800 years old, for at that time it was credited with 150 or 17.1 years. Records in City Clerk Whites office show that early in tlie year KViO Trial Cooley was one of the persons to settle at Skipmuck, which was the early name for that section. That was the family from which the Snov fainily bought the bouse. . r V V, well-know- JOB DEPARTMENT Rras&jr -- Mx, ()- -- I hoard tha minister ai Jnhnnja something about the judgment of Sok T J(r w- - Reclining Chairs. -- ' VJIf : V-- 3 ' :, i 4lyi F r ticket ami information apply t" A.I.. ROGER8. Act Tubby's Abrawd Imi'', City. Airliisoi', S', Free at k that? you ClMnii;, Sr. 5 queer natural history tale come H. G. V. agent, American F- ik fpjia Scotland. At lladdingt nu n rat gava on liirth to four kittens, and with hrr took up her nbodu in the garden W. K. M MI M.AX. G.n'l Agent. fix II. Over No, 10 Wes were IliK-lliinu!:iir Iiuumi-- . Thn-f.- of (he kiMi-n. reiiK.M-d- , nnd r tie hide of the on Salt Lake ( iy. aiiiniiier hoii.e tlie next day, was nriri.i;d to find Gi:it i.he curth kitten hud dmiipeuml. Seamli via inmle, " ELEtillAFII i t) hilt to no avail. Sevriul days piucs-'d- , uml --xx--xxtiieatn-iitioi- i xxof the lnui.-itcntt rn.ted by the aninewh.-i- t stealthy movements of .Mrssiiircs Snnl lo Any i'lacr on Hu: mother cut, when it was seen to go to a thick arch of honeysuckle iu Low Rate-- , tin Line tbc garden. Hera the missing kitt--was Ihtu and Xight. found safely ensconced in a lil.ikhirds in ITEM IU;!h,.u Best. A better not have ii chosen, as Ihn nest wsui fully f.i.t Amerlesn I'orb I 'lull from thi gniiiud and In the tliiike.-,- t .arl of the Here tho k.tt-re tnilued app-- rent Ij-- comfortable ij c? n .'v' - - l s . I't-ili- id-s- i nFEKEI w.-i- -- s at Is-'- i ITMten BENJ. BATES, Inn'vsL ' When I was a Boy, Writes Postmaster ,T. C. Woodson-- , Forest Hill, W. Va., "1 liad abranchial trouble of kiic-I-i a nnd BtiihlMirn cliariicter, that tin pronounced it inciiraMe with ilm-to- r Ordinary medicines, and advised mu to try Ayers Cherry 1 did so, and rured me. For tlie last fifteen years, I have used this prejia ration with good wliencver 1 take IVi-toru- oiio-lyjttl- e Bad Cold, A and I know of numbers of people wiio keep it in tlie house all he time, not considering it safe to be without it." I have been "Using Ayers Cherry In my family for :M year, with 1 Do Y Fmil!: the 'on Know i. That on every Wednesday and Thur-daJ Malt there "leaves Ogden, ami rom- - 1'TT Luke, Fnvr other rnou points a through tourist or fHinily . sleeping car for Kansas City, Hoston anil Philadelphia via the Op!-- . :l:at I v. Scenic highway, tlie Ilio Grande Weston viflia;r.s. Railway, Berth rates arc less than half ol rale charged on first class Pullman Mr.. cars, being hut f:l. 00 to Missouri River ii and f 4 .00 to Chicago. Mice per or ex- d- -i: cursions are personally conducted and 110 Xr. : change ot cars is required. The Ttm In if n ' . Grande Western also runs daily, a (l.J!:-:-- . -i or Pullman sleeping through fiist cls MI ' ear to Denver, K.insas Ciiy and Chicago. IliC For other particular inquire of agent. ii-- . i T. n ii,! : ; ,r . , i.f 1 American Fork . t .. - - in.-e- ::j- ,,'-1J- . , Ail . i ft. ' 'WAftm TOSKSi have to to Rcuiiriug of lutggieB of ail kinds, niniin-llsetting of Tiros, fixing ma1 0 ear-- , is , 1. 1,iniiii-.l- . ., Texas chinery, ate. Klnqi Oiqifisite - . .'" - f'rs (!i.-- . Ciiii-.ign- dis- - . :ii-- , '. ; ; Imnnet. Amfriran Fork, - city IIhII - V trill .i Tiik Deseret Telegraph office is in Yoiisnid Tiik Itkm liuilding. Those who wish to i.t fponlhno talcgripli will find it cheaper than telephone, and li icily private. Message r. This isona promptly suit, received and J L. Itunkley, Operator. l the most satisfactory results, and can reconuiii-niit a especially adapted to all pulmonary complaints, I have, for many years, made pulmonary and other medicines a special study, am! I have coiue to tits conclusion that Ayers Cherry Pectoral occupies a IKwition ovor other medi-cim.of the class." Chad. Davenport, l -s nt Dover, N. J. 0 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Iipi.-ii--- i r. .1. C. Ajrcr & Cc., Lowell, Ills. Prcmpttoactpsuretocure ' |