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Show I I AMERICAN FORK ITEM. MILTON L. SCOTT, ITrircn aztzd rnor-iiic:n, afieh hi.Nnnyrs oveii. That Frae Pill Send yi.ur address to H, H. Iluf k!en A Co., Chicago, and get a tree inmpl? box cf Dr. King's New Life trial pj!S. a With kindly feeling toward all eon-- I Aiuho'.ih AVrA till convince you of their merits These ' r pills are easy in action nnd arc parprill, ,tg cerned ; with nothing luitiier from our tii I, ft ticularly effective in the cure of Consti to fan into life purpose than a de-ifco comibun at tLii aeaaon, 1 a sftriouj pirion and sick headache. For Malaria again acy of the r uiher cd tl.at tire ot ill l'r-icordiiiui,, likbla U I sad to disaatious so I Liver troubles (. .l.i-they have been proInirncd so lung in this comresolia. U la a sura algn of .V"i,.'.', 7r, Iceliue that ifachuing sed invaluable. They are guarxiiteed to munity ; with no intention to do aught jc perfectly free from every deleterious tuvit, and that tlm L'ood ia than oi!it sJ',M:ful moral, w rat) attenand Impure, The iet and instance and to he purely vegetable. ' l Tiiey do not weaken hy their artind, hut r.iO;t tion to a prominent Icature of the recent rumady la futum t 't MX'g 'ipiilr Wirnim resigned , jV giving iciiii- - to stomach and towels in thia territory, says (rfilitical campaign r ilii; I.iihii ive re i. we 'ivatly invigorate the System. Itegulnr Deseret the Stitt. e 'c er Imx, Sold vivt.l li.t nf that iinr. by Steele 3c Co., A discussion of wlm had inflicted tho Druggist. I'm Item iil.i-- wants an xthaii'.'e all n l, time cr i.'iie all. Wii'tl's the Injustice from which tl.e Mormon' Bsssflu of Raskin f. had auftered, and who had done the ;i(iT Up there) I any, Jack, change me A Which mskea rich, healthy blood, and most to make amen da, ha consumed a fve, won't you? f bile glm Rtrehth to tlics tl.-uervet, The Manti Ifutttijct crowed from one great deal ol time upon t lie tump. Jack I haven't more than enough for t Snfy o ih9 Dmwltu, o amt Wha disfranchised the Mormons! to tha wh.d Uiiy. in touch and car fart, in my yiveket. Fact Who 'id of ita columns ! the other in it ruth, Mood a baraaparilla is, I don't carry money luooe in iny took and who restored the church prop.at issue ever tU rest victory achieve any tnora. I put it in the bank pwkete Who granted amnesty ( These y the Hrpuldicsn party on election erty! and pay by check. a ot and annilnr . number (piestlona have I dont care to bother with ay. That paper had rtiise to crow, a been an asked ul! and I :il lSi,.iihl:i,in pniicra, ai it was th hy etuinp spraaeia, always cany money in my poekuta, and I never miss a cent .n"itekt land ill If in (I. hiitnry of awered hy their opponent a best the "Y a, but you are not married. " latter could renlv. 'Tiivirnn politira Ho aura to got Hood'a and -- S. Y. Weekly. only Hood's While it i true that men who suffered Hoods P::i3 are purely vegetaM, Wa trust that the Reptihlir ana will from the injustice rch rr-- to have taken Th young people were talking about iisr.ulvsi, ulsrkyt isUaLle and LeuelkisL the latter wa not part in (lie di'isirating the parlor fur Christmas. keep well their promises they made lie CorralioiwiMia. "I ll got the holly," Kiiid Harry. And re tlia election, now that liy any d in and for ratrihu they have . "Llghthonaea are exclauneil very expensive, re I'll furnish the misletoe'. . nfilrol ot the territory. of the or also lion, And oppressor, marked Mrs. Dimling, looking arraignment up from Dura. "IJut wlmt iiru all you people Under an a government report rntl that the Democrat will do like mining front the oppressed. so heartily? I didn't hear t Yea, any theatrical manager will Prvilaore a condition of vine, now that they faaya central of nvcnuliog any tiling funny." Inter Ocean. tell you that, replied htir huabani-Deti- bft county. Man; a voter hv il.slr thing wna brought to pasa in Utah Free lYess. In w former DirU who individo'd nuide All Fra. 'yea upen these promisee, and tlm paity lanuitrovvrtlbla, Those w. i Lave used Dr. Kings New hat carries them nut will lie vindicated years had len harsh and unjust in tln-iMamma You seem to be in a trestrnent of a elasi of Mndr fellow eit hurry, Discovery knows its yslue, nnd thus who at the polls in neat election . Little Frances Yea maam; if 1 have not, lisrc now the opportunity to to exculpate uadnt turn so fast I izoua, exceedingly wouldnt det here iryitFrec. Call on th kdvritisd As an evidence of the good accnntp-likhathemselves, and place in aa favorable a so fcoonlPuck. druggist and gi t a Trial Ilottle, Free. Seni ymir llHlile Hii'.l address to ii. K. Tli Only Way. h; Tuesdays Itepuhlican victery, light aa possible the wrongful conduct ('Iiiriigo, mid get a which they could net deny, while throw, and as an indication ol renewed "I wonder if a man could ace Enmpe Umklrn A Co.. sainele Imx of Dr. King's Now Life Fill, it gives ue pleasure to announce ing on others, aa far aa they could, the on two dullard a day?" Fra-- as well st a copy of Ituide to He could if lie had A rich wife." 'hat since that important event the rcaponaihility for the injustice that had U(n. and Hhusl-IioIi- I Iustruetor, Free. All id which is guaranteed to do you company, says the Park IltCorJ, has been inflicted. At tlm same time all . "Us to Ilallftis. goid mid cost you nothing nt Steele A ''oiemenreil the ronstruction of a huge concerned wer 'o claim credit lor such evil of Halifax Ir iPTlie (.Vi repute implied Drug Store. na horn made. had i lenrie Sight plant at the mouth nftha a'onement this adage cume to it by iuheritanct rain Muriel. The plrnil is designed to Here ia rseniplilii-- an eternnl pnn from Halifax in Yorkshire, Knglnnd "'chi the Ontario and Daly mines. On cld. The Mormons o Utah liavc suT Halifax law, aa may begnthon d from Vtis Iks Bays Wm svtaidi. I wonder what sign the bora who read 'arm and Mari: mill and offices and ferrd. The ixtent of their sufTi rings a letter of Lord Leicester iimti-i- l by :h Aschlieim mercantile huilding. It Iihs Hirer been uttered nor wii'leu. Hut Motley in his History of the United fhla have fur challenging or inviting one Stab's," waa that criminals biionhl ba another to go in rwtonming. The boys s iinlsnd a sign of returning confidence ll.-- y were patient, and 'i ihd not aKm I "condemned Unit and inquired upon In tho Ifcija Town used to moke the When till ir Clip w - fit. I'll' ll iW whs afterward," a law which in tlmr one aioti m of awimming with both nmu; or I II ar Was a great tight th Salt Luge at. pul, and suihlridy 'l.i le nr"e hiiioiiu particular nt least resembled "Jed burg th-- htd up thu fore finger and middle Justice. Halifax lay within the flu;;; r lu the form of swlluw tail; 7.l'.hr lusdr sgsirst I ;iviy Hntily, ii, i n who hid; id In fi'.l i. n iI'm-iiwnere the law was Uiey ild this when it waa uocesaary to Hardwick, nMimii- Aiimriiiu eiiinlniat- ,r l a, t i'h one ll pi their that if a felon wus taken with VO-iki : iol ftUjut it, as in achool, and when hriilf id tto't ) .filet I'Oiiiity. lb. never, III li'a. Tl.nl h!I 'tin H.'M 1, ll ' hrlill pence wurtli of stolen gtsHNIie Tliimhl tiiey did imt want the whole crowd of litiMdr.'.s of I l.e p'i-- ii.!.;,il he hurled in Is- - tried by four iirtli burgers fniin foui to iv, to i niiio along: and often wlum Isidy was i Icctnl hy nut ,'h'l nit.j.iiilv-mininthey l luhiiiJ hi ticket st least l.Vtli. ohlivinii, m.d Unit every raiine of the precinct towns, anil if eoinlemneil Jus' pri'teiiih'd they did not want soma lm next them the liy hanged day. uni t know. They really had to be a Vhen a ni'WspsH-gets after a r, muti- tendiii; in pri-- n the n ie-- t enrlial re After earrii d this proceeding hiul at tin:-- ., for aoue of the boys were late he i twiei- - nut tlirep tiima a UtioilS hl'IWerj, I. ii li d t.i ir tellow out to the letter the fuse ini', .t W wnt to allowed uoi in at all; others were t sod ft i i ver. i Hie way the Trih l:e inij'l-Hu' to a jury! llulifiix is also eii'-n;iiiier, mi, with forbitU 'it to go in more than once or go 1 I, i Inline in, wliii of , vfiiii'.ni the '. the tie roasted The way o I . III1 in 'I 'Itti In operate. lining twice u j'Ptici and aa they all liod to go in T I . it.lioilnivd inbi at least (Liy; is lmnl. 'I lie Mol iiidii pe j ! fill u; sack f-v- i the regent, liul'l or four time a day, some three Seotiiiml to have his own liuud sort of u had to be used thatsrae nor ih-- i n. "I o i! lii'nii. On the dsoi'iiud nj-- i sign oil with it understood among themselves alone. tl.eili llfi.it will ho t i I'l.llll ill; iry, HEX IT COVES TO IK il STIES. W. Dllo wells in Uarpor's Young Pen lHrtix I'linsK. l.p.iy nil the piloid ini'll. orii a ol the I A jsdis at Itiau Stan. ml "f am deur friend. going "ii :lnin If Ihstc la a bounty 1 tie givrn liy the final, if for mwI.it top. in ! : ViLy. myI mn Cuimd.i mid A young man who wanted to buy sotns to going ! iit dim In in i.. ' ii i loud op.'ii ) i.i ;n- ' ;i(.!y never e mir biiek, said a jile of a i emu unity to an enterpi i jewelry for his best girl, dropped fi.tnre lini i. ii, ni.H will not ini o one of the John street jewelry shops tl; . a ipaniiftirlory it ahnuld he ulli to liilhoi.ly. o '. ji given to I he oilier day. lie selected a hamboui "IT. v wil. "V i.i i.i er we you again? i.:ii,,ic to 'e di.,i:r-'.:c'al m We aprr. l'eople ta:k al.oiit ii lir.iii lct which cost Ata He didnt happen r." 1. V till' Vl IV lldn ell t'T h j'H! I. bounties to an;-- ' tiictiiries nnd i In r to have so much money with him, and told i. hii last favor. 1 aniline ths man who waited on him to put it asiil i hut thry iloi 'I talk nl.iuil llo-i- cie ilion, :.i. I liy TUi'i ei ding ii. tv i lie. 'liars." r.ir him, and he would call for it later iu TI.I ilimis III f H ll etlT!.:i! i'l p f l,f t .ii"! ivtug any to 4lie !.(:,! expound o n iis ih anylliie;; to in '.he day, ; s of our parting."-- ii wn or city . The eewapeper is nine Id l"ry id'i'iir time iinil eiiiMtiy, nmi i- ilie noticed as he spoke thut the man was i . r:1', biflh ( "ir eui feed ii . ili fiiili' fulSuws d. ca.I.', erring him very intently. It made him films cut of Ini nsj'i iikildi' Ii r part feel slightly uncomfortable, aud ths cf the inti l icence of a people, sinl lho i'i eels id' niin !i liny iil.ite iil im A r:il.l Tr innli. thought U nailed across Ills mind that tha ii I Mid mid iiimo (, lii.iir il.ir IT nr long il'd it take you in itim ni;m did not helluva that lie would return. bringing to a eouuminity tlie-- e t "1 suppoM you don't like to do that sort a esikh'n-hii:ntc who. Me first ecinli iiiii'i'ii ii iiiiioiig in iiikind. I l.dm. 'l.e ocean' ashed ins lk I.ii-t- . ni.ilii; of thing, " he said, "but I will come for it I ivluriied will live eri more hii linin' i gmw jut out clutter howls fur a h unty ; il from l''.oriiM'. surely. I will leave a deposit if you pre of II, c wthiio the newapapet t! e rent fer." v',! i! Is gnu,:, sevi ie in is Cermie I wa d mi the water." Tlie man smiled aud shook his head. V. rcreivra notln: in ii tmu. brothwhen bev, ii lias-It s the have hei-- iidlii led upon the Mormon my ':y. I wasnt thinking ' ei ll 1. d.ll.s." of "Oh, no," ha said. rewapaper tliiit i.Jm eatea nnd help to pirple, nii,t in ilii I'diuni il will utlaili er ' We 1' Hr loss to '!; hilll tli.it at all. I was just going to say t.c 'I t'v in i'r over her " ,.1'ly luttke a towu pro-- i i h the lni to the individuals irsponelhli- tor them I ymi .Imt there ia no need of your coming he i. 1'iigipassi'll-ger- , down again. Just write out a check for neat men win) di' ilutein. It The liidi'i'iis rhrtcler of ' t spiii' . d. bln' I!' proudly. lexas (lie niiioiint, aud take the bracelet along often drives away tin ,IIiiin" nioi brings ivlneli Imiif m tuatid the i'rMi ii!ois id wiili you, or, if you prefer, I will send it to ii aunshini) of thought to (i)e'a mind. that people w ill In more mid Uiie your address" I'ltf i h V'ltlli. lie took a blank cheek from a drawer ns tinof niriMit li's In fact a paper halanee wheel of Join's aa.liiis sou took the loat foi and handed it to the customer, togetliei I. w hit i! stands lin'li si:c!i ii Long liraueli. a r.cighhoihoed liem wlnrh it heralds. lory, in wii li pun. The customer wa uniiucd. I never would have lielieved there ill cedis into the It is true a sugar factory is of larger pioniiuilit li.;ii:e, I' Why, how do you know that my check was so nr.!ih witter. young sill I good for anything? he asked. oportiODs, and artttnlly covria more same. l liojK-fu, g.iing seaward from the iron "You never aaw me Mu e tml'. s t. a, Ii, in (nni'S Hint idfici- pier, i'.drrelta, hut the two ate pract'eal'y the 1 know, said tiie niau quietly, "hut ame. his that f the way wu do business. We have the li'iv I enit, t! e Mid tlist nu ll I. me .,nd observe, my non. Ixvu doing this for twenty years, anil ra'iii-ii- i in comb inning their Lillie r, i hut you eu'e only what's ou !iuie ot the buiincs people and of sever made a mistake yet. It is part of top "Judge. lax payers of American Fork aie always fellow men In eaiiH" "f difliiriifi of p onr business to judge human nut ure quickA Itlmlljr Intrrwti I m ilium. Tin1 (eiieli nitli an inipri.'vv ly mid decidedly, and it is upon our judg-nn-ping on giving Ivunlica to liilnnt Vd Mr. llayrake You city fellows that we offer this convenience to ceretc-- , when The Iiku ia a much m ss at iiiii'i' Ii'iiim and tiui.de, liic We don't do it with lu You re customers. tain come ami (ire up very sly. . i.ialler and weaker infant that innls need tliiit ii'.eti hiive !u he iliiiiit:i! !e ta'i.e our pretty girls out Bailing and hotly, yon may he sure." He had mndb no mixtitke ia this instance, r 'll iiiiiIIi ib, l u'.h i I l e nursing more than the Utah Pugo Co v) nrd each boggy riding; but I notice you never Slid tlie customer filled out the rliivk, uud end yet moat of our business mi n I oil itet and bt lieii in put u.'.i.ee dim i f, v,;. talk none 'limit it. took the bniculul along. New York Sun we Witt Toni when lie No; to see go t even patronirc us with 2$ cent ad to tlie vi ry buu'i.lry tl.iit marks th'a girl more tlmn once, the whole village of o'.lit is, l.ct the hs-o- n leiorid doe y. rtisemeut a moutli. The businos men klaU er Ihibi k the talking. Fuck. At the county fairs tiie took of mtmat American Park should, we imaginr, by all the ii"r- l's of I'ta'.i lej li,u Invlliilltm Arcrpteil. the f.irniers take in poultry was very and ful'y i t pr' ji'liei nul Hahamed of theroselyca to cry, give wTobetii'-u-r- s Mr. Saphead Ive got h fail, ton, Acti. .'able this season. Yet rggs in New , 1iitiea to infnnt inditnes,v wlun ill, ,!l line no !. mi. thili. in iv pi ill don't ye know. 1 collect old and rare York city went as high as eight for or violins. ' ir poor little local paper, who needs ii ifiii'i'e of opii. ii'ii mi leiigu Hiie around and sec 'em. cents the first of October, Miiiei.i'i--l"iiiu.il! sill jvi ls, lie ludveir'ii'.iy si know-- i ami times when tender fowls aro ud Mel. play? ft you there set is mg patronage, pi Mr. Saphead- - Hless you, no. mn a note caunut le had at any price. in I. I.et llle pni eipb be ,'ili.Th tieeli and l to ebli oi.t an J vi!l Miimi':iii (enthusiastically ' There is one universal law of reprowill . hi n We d:- iii urs ef otr i ilir.'ii, Bianca to the benefit tin t N. Y. Weekly. Come. duction to be observed in both the veg. nr new : ft:'. 1'i'H . i w the "ii to i have say if ,".;r aamething y I Ike UN Slut her. etable and animal kingdoms. It is this: ' it iiWi tunl' 'I'd hirr . and m n pai.M in the M ". il patron Siniler Our new ueigldwiT Reproduce or breed only from the nnt Mr. l.'n'i !;v of :.J. n i ' I rl. r future . think our dear little Toneni takes perfect siiecimena Dont save a lame auv nfter ine. 1 hi you think he do.--'el hin.inm.' ci ii niuro or a scrubby cow for breeding. Mr. Smi ier Yes, indeed. r:i."iiiai 1, e:i when tlie most perfect siwitnen k.' i. Do Yon Know . ,m. half a il.dl.ir yesterday to ire employed in tvproductien the result That i'll fiery Wcdin'sdu, nu i 1 li'i;-.m.l lie spent every win of it. r enough soitietimes. eaiiiiy S:dt leaves tniTi t'g.liii. tiood New if.rtl Ki S In till The new tariff bill imposes a dnty of com- r o!li' ami Provo ' Mer ,ki', i ''..-Mm'iie- - 1! v .ii five cents n dozen on foreign eggs, of M NIihI. touri-- t or family i ..in imiu's a through v- i; ii i1" i ue lit lis. ) i 'i 'ia.'e il.iflt heretofore 70,000.000 down have verdict wa the cf the. Watt Kmish for tMiat I'itv, car fliicigo, .oping ami 'He. ii.if ;i who liew out the gas. did y,u; bun imported annually from Canada ina'.i iistou and l'liiludelpliiu via the Croat e i P.ipa .'.y.iUiei ' tiol'.c n ; mic highway, the Kin (Sraml'1 liear? . 1.:, e. I don't l.l' e. Vl t ')' h w;-than half I t'.iinU the coroner prorates are it does lotts When a fowl is m lliilway, tl C u i die lialuli tii tii'lli'e 'oil. o death front gaspliyvia. v. l,a. cln Pullman on fust ! rale nounced inuch time it mt to divtoring charged Bjiend -- in'. iy lies. Journal. ever that Thin is a tolerable certainty that it will irs, being but $i) .00 to Missouri Kivcr A Motlrffi Miilma. uiflOOto Chicago. Slcfpet nr he hiiviiow. lirirri'.iig Scrlptor. .i:h-.'isam personally conducted and no ucus- - Wlmt d ' IV. : i y'l. Finn ihe lime the l:;itch:i:g Wl.at Mrs. j, (tear sighted)The Kid did iiltee he found I'.ai he ;"e.l Wu run:iig u I hangc ot cars ia required, but mv w. 1 r e i no p."Cl:dl' the ooi.-- 1 t.i. t . ti on that tree? ramie Western also run daily, a riiblsd to pii.v l'ii'd . slunll if ji' lout it rends lie. H it lav. j';t) im, Curt - ProKOdv he Ii 1 Paul arrestm' W .1I'aiilingt who svs trough firat class or Pullman sleeping the to iu tis; t: ; :d u i r.t f there 1 It .ha, he oi put that iv dog" Life. ir to Denver, Kansas City ami Chicago. aa an ncccksorv iMti'i' t1, f.n i Kti'.t toy hww'.io iv ids may run. Judge. r other particular impure of ageut. AVi-iy- . ;. .i,' f.V Tired Feeling ' re '.i F. Wickersliam, J lfcjWatcfcs. CIOCB. Y Jewelry ad i Spectacles - iiicet-akfu- (.-!- HOOD5 ..-'H- t'' Nest llwi tu Itrm Makes the Weak Strong S iWSig r-- i E'lik, i Sarsaparilla ri,r eJ rC5 SSSSEKSteX SFLJE (JRAVEL'ToT-Co-n Thornton I A. K. asassaizszATsassrassEsaBssssaa ALL DEALER IN WIBES. IIQU0RS Family orders a epoeialty. 1 Hth On-ari- n fur-esto- f s i -- --W- rirl I .iiv I.- t r lo-e- I i : I i . 1 i - pe-tt- i; lie v. I. .i v ii S;.:u!l 1n.y ,!.. r 1 i re-i.'- itinnii-I'actonn- i !, ''y jii-li- f ien . - - I tlr-ts-- I hii-in- Sift-ings- is-- - ed - -- cv-tr- 1 you hope to ; up? frr-n- 1 .'..mt ter bo a circus act.'r. Will, I dc lure! Why do you want to he a ervus uctiir? I wont Imre to crawl under the Good News. S-.- i : .tii, :it , Iti(clli;.vi;T I" v.d;;.' r parlor e:i i I .it'-- l t yoe i.i-B 'iv.niiita.'!' e sir. f ; p :m t yahle nil viMi'iiur i T 'rumtiou. You ure l Iim.di hu pnl'li.- li:.-- , Dlstiiiiv li: ! ..in.'r .m.-rii'aI b'u "ili'iiic.it governor. i. i.i Chii'iigf, Tri'".. - f:j An KgTocahk) laxative and Kenya To via Bold hy Druegisls or cent by nail. ZS&tSUa, and b00 per package, gamplca frees - The Ihvortt TORI RYin IFA HA Hv HO foriiiaU.'jethandlkeath,ai& N-- A 1 I .'ciiiru iu In your travels tlirourh .Ippun, Mr. i'id viii not ufleii :dr rve tiling;, tlmt hlus'l:-.-jour -- your Bcnse of pro-pr- i. 1 toe-uai- ! w ! in. Miss I)-- 1rewd. I was never mi the min nit for tilings of that kind." Chicago Tribune. . 1 ' 1 i ! - replied Johnny, with deep Yep, J ndge. Knt Illdluf- y. present. The liride Pupa He lit his cigar v. ,;ii it. : absent-minde- ye: O. - 1 . Ih-rt- -- 1 li.-v- 1 !s t you are, you should bo identified 1: it'i THE AMERICAN PfiCTCCTIVE TARIFF LEAGUE, 133 W. 23D ST., NEW YORK. ; ).n.r three different com- each-blow- ? She Isn't that rather Impertinent? He Oh. excuse ine. How young are you, 1 meunt to say. Jury. A Dorr's Reception. Smithson- - Anything I can do for yon, call again: Yes, :r2 i SAMn3S r&zmssstsx aaew 'Yilili. AiItuiimiii Jt (o., Ill. p ji l!ir. Ail - II Easily Made. Vi1 want mniir kinD'.;Cf LI'O'jchs Kill" II. i tr-- h AnjCioars nil I 'uoi Km mi in p'li'iu- - liomt.- :ivsti! T!m buMm Von , Imvp a ip Ufti r linn urn rU:ir .1 lit M uini l1 cia! ulesJI'x u: dikI f ' is'ijnirtil. y,itn :r i:i i. ilj.v yu mui Id. ii oii t arn i iii::n v;, Di.ii Wni,. tin nu will nit li, fiii 1 In r:i poo it;i v. Anv totmulifps', rim fin ! !. ! wurk. Ai i i f .lis w 'ui !uri::iui nin . wurk nil! Minlj lr:s.. pl slirtioii. i you jrnat 1imI cf iidjiMv AikI in grat ili'in.iiil. Write -.afor o:u . circular, mul rrcfi i.il j,i' N, harr, il mp if you Cuntlu.K- not to jo on uitli ri rytliinto ii Stinscm&Co. George 2ox Asa, PORTLAND. MAINE. gooi ADu ;:. ;'.! Every patriotic liiLe-i-V.- , personal effort nnd inii .cT.i:? to the circuiatien of his heme p:i teachrs the Amori m ; v , ! tion. It is his duty t . in every way possible. , paper ia taken rare . scribe for thu Aviv; i . , ; published by the A Tariff League ? U:!c (l! dents says: No ir:. ,. get along without i :. , . greatest and the United Stah..-.-'' Sead ''.ici'i. postal samj.acojn-.e-V- ii:-p- Avuccin Fo"s. bo. c . 1 lr ; p;i t'oniii'iii')!!. M n m y iil.-- 1 o, wanwn, a iVwImuis daily, fijrhl inni.ti..! nt wpU . - V.Nt. and PER DAY Yankee SSZ:X?SSSZSZS3tSitSZ-SSS!- - 'bl'iuri. DOLLARS ISrown? Drown I o The Question Revised. U.uiic. ;u..l sriid it lu the League, a hrljiliig hand. :' ,s itli he was insured for lie How old are you, Miss F ? Are you willing to work for theraura Irotiction in placing rjlialde ii.for-i- . niiuniii the hands of your acquain- - Faixth-id1'- Texas Sifting. panies. of ' Life. Covered liy Insurance. Widower W os your lute husband prepared to go? Widow Auex'escts rria;i. iiiMinr.iblo.aui pnv d. Liia (10,000 in each of o OLvucricaw - F.xaminer of Zoology (to email asplninti Can you tell me anything peculiar about the cuckoo in regard to nesting? Student Yea, sir. Flense, air, he don't lay Ids own eggs himself, sirl Texas Siftings. Not to lie Caught, Mild Old (ientlcman (peddling tracts) My deur young friend, will you permit ine Young Mr. R. Lee Ryzcr (just In from Pike) No you dont, b' gosh! Ive read all about these bunko gomes Tribune. Ilii I'mn:iturf Death, A young Frenchman of Dos Moines, Ia., advertised for n wife, and as there wan no response he killed himself. If he had succeeded in getting the wife he might have lived at least throe month longer. Judge. A Thoughtful Parent. The Groom I cant sec that check youwfather placed among the wedding i We-ter- c causo iu PrdVeciVxon. . Ct self of il? i 1 a Pneudo son, I don't like tlie way you have of of yes. Now tell me, wiving yep iik.ti-uwont you honestly try to break your -- - Q:je vox Ilf Would Try. "Johnny, sold Mrs. Ctuuso to her ( l Trie OttcsT Coucn Cnee prrmpHyewrs VrUerunllothcrofstl. For Consumption It hta bsscared thousands, aud trill craa Dor.ml;tsioointlBH. FrksSiSnt.63ett..yiC3. Tou.lt tyV" V.-r- - 1 SHILOHS CURE. . a . Captain Bweenejr, VAAganPirgasCs!., ia tha first says: hhiloU's CK-.i- , - rU medicine I have c.r:- found that would do mn Foiii any good." 1rlco ffieia by Druggistfr Triivi-lcni- , lluv-r- . 1 IMO-.- r tv.,1 led. .; What ilo . . - d ! .' I' Si--j,- r ' s :o ihal I late. ca:i t li -. Y. i. 1 eti-ina- ji l.jt iv. ijr-jiw:e I . I'TIH. He Didn't do a Thing, muku the trip to Chicago on the but .: a just at Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Time llm quickest, roliil Line. Why -) that hit truin. 1 1 chants of concii nt yestii.uled hi street. at the Missouri Diver. Tiimugh first and f ' r snd Dining Cars. second class ! n he c mc For full information call on or address n '.'idy where J. M. Hayden Agent U. P. rybtim. k : confl-lei.r- , - Foiie, p. :i)le! ana-on- d Pool Room in Connection. AmE(J((..N- - a'l ly 25c. Many .Wen of Many .Winds, hut the; tlisgree tlist tlie mliil led trains oi the (.'liicnii. Uniidi Puci-fi- c 3c Northwesurn I.im- disti.iice sil competitors with ease. No rhsnge or delay at the Missouri Iiiver. For ful! intiirmation call or addris. J . M. Hayden Agent U. F. System. j,fr-lert- lr Billiard and For Sale Druggists. Trial Size ABD CIGARS. K ! sti patio n. tt BLADDER. .a3 f KIDNEY DISEASES INFLAMATION elu-eka- i More Back Ache No i ii : man, General f St., New Yoik. crd r - 1 . ir. r .r.MtV..b. rrcl...-.- r Y ijy 'Yi,1 , |