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Show FORK ITEM. A dvertise Your Wants The Item" In PUBLISHED WEEKLY n tiOIMi Noil W - Steele . a.m. 12:10 - p. m, 4:1-- 1.. in W 45 0.10 51 oik . m. ill. -- Arrives IS.ilOp. m. il:Uu p, ni, OFFICE UOl ll.c . The gcucral delivery, stamp and regAgeiita for istry windows open at 8 ,0J u. m. and and Dead Shot closes at 5:80 p. in. On Sunpnys the general delivery and Powder- stamp windows arc open from 8:00 a. m. Come and ret u Gt W $1101' OCX Cheap till 10 :00 a. ill . and from 4 :00 till 0 :U0 Auerienu Turk, Utah p. m. Timothy McCauty, Postmaster. Hazards CITY OFFICER? Services- CluticSi of American Fork City, Utah. riiKiiYTi.iu School. 11:30 a. in 111 a. ::U - 111. Mi . Ihc I . Subball. Mayor Thomas II. Parker. m., Prayer Conference; 4 Councilors James II. Clark, Robert C. E. Society; 0:45 Junior p. m., Proctor, B. Y. Greenwood, Henry Millar, James W. Preston. p. in., Senior C. E. Society; 7:30 p. Recorder George F. Hielley. m,. Preaching . Treasurer Thomas E. .Steele. 7:30 Wednesday. p. m., Prayer Collector Isaac Alc-- . Marshal Wm. King. Meeting, Justice of the Peace Joseph J. Jackson. Friday. Biblo study. Watermaster John M. Miller. J . A. Li vikostox Smith, Road Supervisor F. I). Cussity. Pastor Charles Whitikcr. t. Sexton Latter-DaSaints School at Sunday TI Poundkeeper E, Holey. 10 a. in. in the Meeting House. Meet Council meets fourth Haturd.iv in each at 3 and 7 :30 o'clock p. m. ing tunntn. An l.Xiert Opinion. New Owner (proudly' showing horse) Rather high bred, dont you think, cli? rvR. o. ii, do;;e, Horse Expert rather hybrid, Physician and Stn'gcon, that's a fact. N. Y. Weekly. Office at Rciidence , American Fork y 1'. McGrath Produce Go, i Salt Lake, shipped this week from here a ear load of choice apple. A. Ileckcr wu pulled by Marshal Ilsiliday on the uiglit of.our Republican rittiiicatsoD tor crying, Cannon!" IIclw Clark spent Thursday night of last meek in jail for disturbing a Republican ratification meeting, while Mrs. Fanny Stewart was speaking, John Hayes was arrested last week fur pasting J. Y. Walker iu the physiog, Jennie Stewart has gone to Provo to attend the B Y. Academy. That was a most pathetic and oratorical speech made by Mrs. Fauny Stewsri on Thursday evening of last week at tlu open uir Republican ratifies! in. Alaiut 80 people attended the ratiliea tion at Salt Lake Monday. They all P. went over the U. Mr. Daydon, the temperance saloon ami barber man, is still On deck. Csll on him nnd get a cool drink or good shave. Thorne Broa. have the beat ind cheapest goods iu town. The boyi are taking the lead. s, A. O. F. J. B COURT LAKESIDE (No. 8128.) Roiiehts, Chief Ranger Meetings held every Monday evening at 8 00 p. m. Visiting Brethcrn Invited. . J. L. Denki.ey, Finuncia. Bcc'y Thornton's IIul!. American Fork, Utah. SHIPLEY W T0SS0RIAL ARTIST Ilair Cutting iu any Stylo. Guaranteed RatisfHoiiun Jf ad-vpn- . mi-irab- -- QR. A. CgTENSEN.. DENTIST. -- V Office at Bromley House. Utah - American Fohk. Y JJIRA Attorney- At I -aw Pnovo City. C. QR, U iah n, F. WESTPIIAL. DENTIST,. Utah CRANK D HOBBS Lite RifiUtrr V. S. Land Office. Tand a Mimeg Attobbey I - Salt lake City. t(,l . RYR0X filSOO ! REGISTER .s. I.AXV Vtuh - S ilt Lake City, Bare, Preiayt, Fostttr j Cun far tmwttHtt, Lou I of UankF. Seminal Emleelont, J Henouentee. 8ilD!etrueU A;. Kill I lots of Stans-I make you a tffflO.VP. V'.gor- -, ,1 man. Price (t.00, 0 m r. w, . vhm ii M "Vi'1-- "(11 cac.l Bax. i " ' Aadnte Cs IT. 11 3 l.ir LOi1 'f Mi.r ,i. ':T;y fir7i. 1 1. .), 1 Avr. t'O. it "ifl MIM prn. r ! i b j nn-nlh- er lm-.i- pii-bi- Thiiul-'sgivicg- v-- t Yn-ckly- . . r . -i ll-r- i 1 NMIEW AD ;: ON. god-line- ." : U, S. DEPUTY SURVEYOR fi" NOTARY American Fork, XO 12 LOCAL AND TEKSONAL. COiHANY. - u arc Bari :ir. UIDAl-v- - ('lilng Ci-o'- t your l'.oV Jlr. li.T UUruHlon. ll-rr- getting quite bald, I recommend something for Why, Utah lat ts awn ;,t r' yes; ible.-- - -- T'd Fuck. like PQJ in i vide 1 by nnv -- ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. Hi Dr. Merrihow, dentist, Lehi. Receives a Grist of Orders. Business Knelling at the Factory. New Oood rived Tl. turnin', time has mure Ilian come ia the allairs of the Utah beet sugar lays the Trihum. An silyance in the Western priv ot sugar, come iis oiHisequFDtly upon the Ktitfining iu the Hunks to the New York market. Utah citizens, the Lehi facloplly tory baa withstood the storm of opposition until this tarn in ths tide of things hss come. On Saturday last the price or of refined sugar went up cents In San Francisco, and on Monday the local factory followed with an advance ot 10 centa. This is exactly the maigln betwc&i profit end loss to the Lehi refinery. It puts the wholesale price at $5 .GO per nck, the retail pries at $5.75. At $5 .GO the refinery can secure a alight profit; at lo pi ice of $5. 50. which lias prevailed fir two weeks or more, there has been practically no margin. There can be no donbt now that the price will continue to advance. The trust has retched the limit of tlio stores it accumulated uuder ilia McKinley law, and haa before it the necessity of purrhasog raw sugar from abroad at th" new tariff rates. Down at Lein business is rushing, and the mill are turning out an enorBroker Gcoghegan mous daily productis hustling througout the Territory, and orders for Ttah sugar only are piling in on Balt Lake jobbers so fast that it is found difficult to supply them. ti - at Dunsley'i Just ar- . iiwif enpl'.-l- n f: 'Yaniwakui riii. Send f Viii'csl 2 or 3 ,.c" iV I' Phi'ado'i.lii. nighest prices paid for EGGS and DRIED FRUIT at DunklryV Tuk Item bu all kinds of legal blanks thstwill be sold at reduced rates. Dont forget it, Yon can get your goods the cheapest st Dunklcy's. President of the United States. people should gratefully render thanksgiving sod praise to tlx Supreme Ruler of the umvereo who watched oyer them with kindness and fostering care during the year that has passed; they should also with humility and faith aupplicate the Fatlicr of all tneoy for continued blesxlng according to uce,ig BU,l they should by deeds of charity sock the favor of the giver of every good and perfect gilt. Therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby and set apsit Thursday, the 2!lth of November, instant, as s dny of day thanksgiving sad prayer to he kept nnd observed by all the people of the land. Witness my hand and the sent of the United States which T have caused to he hereto affixed. on Done at the city of tlie lat day of November in th- - year of our Lord 18(14, and of the of the United States the 11!uh. Grover Ci.kvklvnh, By the The American ,ar ap-pm- I'retiiib-ut- . Hs Usd Vo I'm far a l'ereon That Ridiculed a Babbit's Foot. "It saved megin! exclaimed an old darky who dodged au icc wagon on Monroo avenue yesterday and pulled out and waved on high a rabbit's foot. "What is that?" asked one of the men who grouped around him. "De Lindfutof an Alabama rabbit, sah de liestcrt clia'm iu de world fur a v j pus son to cany in Lis "IIow does it net like a charm? "Keeps ghosts nwnv donn let nny 'i Whur would I hev bin jist now but lux dis rabbit's fut "Bosh! I dont Imlievc there is any food in it, Yon donn'! hear him! Doan' oplii-vfn un rabbit's fist! Why, sail, 1 wouldn't c in yo-- .r fur no fo' Jit "tin u:d 1 ih--. if, n - isT-.- :i-- i 1, i, : tr ' i I un- do wid ph - liir I1 want e 'lii'i. sail. tidllii t gli-i-t- s l'u b-- - l i!-.ui"-- e by fVI o' are id ci'.-'- j ls i- :i paeut-lmte- T,ken 00 . Whpnt init-u-i- w . v IIaydkb TnANR, of Lehi, ia vis her sister, Mrs. Will Uhipman, this iting Miss week. S. Hinds, the dentist of J. S. Davilkr. foreman of the Salt Luke Tribune is a very efficient and His invitation to couitious employe visitors on ratification night to examine g the tr.urliim was an actype-settin- commodating one. American Fork seemed to have lost Us usual luraly UuaitiUK sinsibiim on Monday, duo to iho ratification at Salt Lake, Many businesses were closed nd others did a slim business. ud ' - I- i , OAPT. LAWLOR ON F .. I Till '.dies and do wonderful things, it is 'rthy of record. TIks wotuler lies in lie tact that tlieir respective captuinr :re still alive. Tlio two bouts started I'rom Boston, each Imaringone man, on room tho ocean for a silver enp Two ind tlireu thousand dollars. lost 'uviirs nfter starting tlic .boats iglit of each oilier, aiul neither was of until August 5, when tlic willi t'lq't. Laivlor on board, ireived si i'oversck, iienr Li.anl piinL "lie bait was jib ntal inninsuil rig, feet long, and buoyed, fire and compartments. .lit, with water-tigh- t Twice ilurisf the voyage site cap .icd, nnd was righted liy Cnpt. Law !or elaiiilioring nlong tlio keil; and ti largo birark attacked the Imal the .: ! threatened to overturn it. until ear-:.had to feed him a dynamite which cffeetudly disiiosed of :.:y d.mgcr from that parlieular shark. V, ry bail wc:..! her was encountered l, ns ind C.ij'l. Luwlor reached i h n state, "in a greatly fa-,i The Mermaid was t ndili-m.n :: mc days later, nnd nil was well t'iipL Andrews; but to the Seji-f'- rpcnt lielong ull the emolument arising from the perilous jonntry. i t, Dr. J. B. Cooper and son George went on a hunting expedition out in Cedar Valley last Saturday and the result of their hunt was thirty dead rabbits. The doctor isn't much of a lover of ths meat, so ho dixtributeJ gams to various fumihei about town, John Devmn was down from for lie has the two months, timbering on the Dutchman and no ore ot any ennai'quonceliiis boon taken out, lie reporta tilings imving aloog mini's lust week. la-e- up there. ii ip--- v, Kiq-iiiu- f. , 1 -d Gro. I.akiikrt, Jr representing the Lambert P.iper Co., of Salt Lake, was !ii town Hi's week iu the interest of the uml to find him a young ludy, Dncklctis Arnica SaI vp. sv.cretd in the later, lb will no The Best Sai.vk in tl.i world for Cutb, (teiij pr is a i;nnd fellow but Ills devotion Bruises. Rows, Ulcers, Salt lijieum, Fevu In il.e fnir wx is strong tlmt it uter-fe- n Sons, Tetter, Clmiped Hands, t;hil-blaiCurns, and ail Skin F.ruptions, C. t v. illl l:is and poftivcly cures Piles, or no psy required. It is gnsrsutccd to give perfect atiafnetion or money n funded. Price Miny ofoiirml.serilier FOR SALE BY : per box. (heir papers uiilil 25 ingofn-.-f-'- i. Stci-lDrug Slore. (lie following Monday or Tuelar sfle' puhlienticn day, Why thin i wc esn- i,h " rlcrhs. I. tab hss s gnat pea rti'tnring. , our 'stoflir s take the For bits D M, Rinitli. of Pleasant Gro-'-- , fifty rrrr-- of eo"d pasture land, llucmn rid will lake fifty bows for pasturiu!; low rales. Apply at one-- . ns, bn-il- K -- aroc-umdhi- a t .r r" . nrgb-gence- I Danger of Imi:rrlmliinl Ilrngglng. to tlic Medienl Journal. New York, ndates the following cem of antipyrine poisoning, as it seems to lem Ike recklessquite unique and indicates ness of some of oar h- - - conscientious druggists: The path nt, a woman of about thirty years of ng, went- to drug store and, complaining of a headache, aske I the clerk i r soinething to cure what l,e pronoun.' I the grip. lie b.-- r to take uldlicr a powder and ii and, after half of it on licr lake the waiting a half lour. In air ".it fifteen mimiUvi after taking the flr.-- l ' she weak and fell on :j a coniatrwe and nose condition. Her 1111.0: not be were cyanotic, hi r i felt and her heart t med Us have a short time ceused beating: in fact she appeared dead. Wlu u she did como :.::J au to her pro!r::'ij:i v:-.-- : eruption of while Hatches resembling hives appeared on licr only tbcj were much larger, u it K i"h th knee. The down the tliigii months, fir after effects which time l!:c suffered much. A contributor , hind foot. Hu! lf-- ar him! know of you. salii right av.i-.- In. in mssale: a rabbit's fit v. lucky, t.n' I ii. him. De ci : bones soor.r nr no trm k wid i.;. si lielioit Fr H.ule ill lliia Butt IMriiu; NuitjfHtors. The instinct of man is to hold on to l:i . life nt all huurdu, and. t tier Subscription. " are generally ways, of fn.rklng a llviug other than risking that life in the atDuxkley's for fresh groceries. tempt. Most jx'ople regard sueli exnr, savoring of bravado rather It is asserted in Salt Lake's social ploits uud the nten thus gaining than circles that Governor C. W. West is soon notoi-iutare til In. placed on a pur with to marry the widow of the Isle William tlio tiers ii who points un unloaded gun It is tempting lrvjri-dene- c at hia Jennings. and exhiliiting n must uuclirist iau Men grow earelesa in the presMabi-kal King is making it "hard to spirit ence of continual danger, ns ia illuscatch for that clique ot Lehi hoodlums and the aeeiden-l-i- l trated by the lmzz-suw ha exptir-lonHint deni destruction to frequent this city onco or twice s week. IiO;a imbitnully engag'd iiihundlingex- ilosive-- ; so it inuy Im that sailors grow hi miliar with tlio deep nnd scorn its Wm. Don't forget Grunt's. You gat At least that is the impression s beautiful prize liy buying a 25 cent hat one receives after rending ubout isn of baking powder. he juOMcyof the Sea Srient and vlernmi.i across the At hit die. Th..-- .of the Macs are Charles Tihed, who killed his wife tlu ori;'ina!i are credited ;i st Murray lort spring, has been sentenced it : .,11 rorts of aquatic perform.-- ! i ices, to lie hanged on Friday, December 18th. jut when small oen baits adopt thes W. Q Gresiiam. Secretary nf Stulv. HIS MASCOT. r ii'ol parachute turn in Kpectui-b-n- . nor, s k I: at Weekly, are tlu-i in the interests of heieru-t or I'l'actii-ii- l iiiorulity. Fortunately th iin-uhii gi into Mich thiivrs are not lii:i:'..-.- 1)3' the tliiiusauiLs or even hun-dr.mid there is no likelihood of Jii ir alt. ti ling L Iho dignity or liuiu-t.- -. i'sid a pnifesaion. Cr"iiig Niagara :i :i ti.rlit iinie may lie a degree lietter, r p:-:-. tire and skill are here necessary, white the element of liu-- predom-iiiii'c- k bi jumping from u bridge or dr--- ; ping from the clouds with the aid Id:: Gpringville, who advertised to bo hers last week, did not como, for which ws sre not responsible. . The Prendent hss issued ths a Jmiriu-j- of Mr. F. Clevelands Proclamation, thini'-m- A YEAR IN ADVANCE. 17. ISM Big-Tre- Ilcataiit drove " le Ikv-li-l- ('tali Il McDougall took liifc regular to Ameiican Font this week. There trip Why Hi Ciivu Ip Art. is no flies on "Tim when it comes to 'Why di-- your friend Bronson tire K "mashing American Foik girls. quickly of nrtV He said his palette couldn't supply Prof. E. E. Ifhrrii, the bsloonist, and us palate." Life. wife, sre visiting here for s few days. Captain Sweeny, U . 8. A., San Diego Niels Peterson went over to American Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Cal., says: is the Drat remedy I have ever found Fork last Tuesday on biz. that would do me any good," Price 50c. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough Sold atSieele's Drug Store. and Croup Cure is in great demand. CHANGtU THE WORDINGS. Pocket size contains twenty-fiv- e dosei A Dramatic Critic A. ij. Was Equal to an only 25c. Children !oyo it. Bold nt Steele's Drug Store. Kmcrutiiry. The dramatic editor rolled up hia Frofn-- in I .pm. Jeeves, cocked hia cigar a little higher, did wrote: Another evidence of nyu-- l "Last night the theater-goin- g in western civil'. Ln i t! fact portion that the women of that cnirit-- y have it oar community was treated to a i wommaudlin melodramls of to journalism. An taken farrago Xnsc nse, written for the purpose of an, Mrs. Burnett, while in Kit- was xploiting the notorious bruiser and visited by a member of the Japanese sough, John Sluggeran, the hero of the fair sex. who wished to interview her. play. It is a matter of sincere regret The caller introduced herself by saying:1 and deep humiliation" "My husband he make the paper nnd Here the oflicc lioy came in. Said hei do the part of visitin.j the outside counY'ort to tell de boss to send a feller try to help forward l.:n." The Kioto rat to get some news of the wreck os fqurnalon the following morning con-tnea long account of Mrs. Burnett. he J. A. & G. Doy say dcrc won't be lo trains run out 'fore nine termorror KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify light. All dem actors has to stay over dll den." your Blood, clear pour Complexion, reThe dramatic editors copy fluttered gulate your Bowels and miike your liud dly to tlic floor. lie (lid not pick it clear ns a bell. 25c.. 50c. mid $1.00. ip, but began anew, something like Sold at Steele's Drug Store. i his: AN IMMENSE TREE. "When one considers the brief dras matic training which Mr. John Slug-feraOns mt the Won ilen of the Taotsmai who delighted our lovers of the k Crova til California, histrionic last evening, has received, Frank Leslies Illustrated Newspaper ihc marvelous manner in which he acgives an illustration of one of tlic wone ders of the Tuolumne quitted himself of his difficult task," in Calijtc, etc. Indianapolis Journal. fornia. This is the stump of one. of the largest Wellingtoniuns in the grove, Rbe Weakened with a tunnel through which tlio rood A very pretty young schoolmarm In a and vehicles nre driven. The passes public school not a thousand miles from standing stump, tlic trunk having been mouse across run saw a Branch Long severed about 00 feet from the ground, floor one day last week. the class-roomeasures 30 feet 8 inches in diameter; Scholars, said blic, "a mouse is in the but the diameter of the trunk with its room. Do not he frightened." The litbark, which is now removed, is said to tle girls all tightened their skirt-- 1 round have been over 40 feet The tunnel I..-.iLr.0 boys their legs and the eyes of 13 feet in through the tree glibteued with suppressed excitement. height by 10 V feet w iiic at th". bsse a::d said be nfrai the Don't anylWy ," 8 feet at the top. T noluinnc prove e young schoolmarm, but heavens just about thirty big specimens of the then the mouse dashed across the floor giant Wellinptoniuns, but there are frantic a she made and toward her. leap trees now growing whi.-h- . if the world to the top of a bench. The mouse uhot should not come to an as predicted out of the door, and in time the tremby Prof. Totten, will, in the course of and descended taught time, uttuin dimensions which will be bling teacher school again. N. Y. Sun. surprising to coming generations. The Calaveras grove also has s numPublic. Before th Keeping ber of these piunt Wciiir.gtoiiions. In Wife Must you go out grove one five measured 4"0 feet Husband Indeed, I must Important, that bi by 110 feet in circumference do to stay very important. . It won't and the first branch was at the biiM, tV-c d.,y... A man must around 210 fed firm the ground. Another tlio or before be hiiuaclf public, keep nvnsur.'d "':7 feet in height. Still forgotten. : n:vs IPJO feet in le.nfrth, and Wife How arc you going to beep has cl:'. a jmfcrcDce of 07 feet. One th" public your'. lf be Husband (plough. Ill just until 1 run across some look sort of a meeting somewhere or other, A Hn'it. and then I'll go in and r.r.mintitc Chaun-ce- y '"f Hie ecu on will l In The li:t for ouiPthing or other, M. Tl.ursday, 'in I,i in fill t.io papen and my i:j:n.' N'lvc.ii'-eTi hunt 'vi!l j r -N. Y. :,.!,'i. li.ibly t .e hei! nil Im Vo luruillle Uflr. ::i i iiu;'.ei:ig n.ade t ) Maimaa. if we can't go to Heaven l.iiiiithe ii fuljeviu: ivcnhig to Philadelphia?" now. can we ur-vii l!i" what put that notion if.: :,t tlie Wh imi iult--i "liuir mTi'r I: i!l .nto y. or hi :n'.,., M.v 1. says Tliilndeiphia is nnt.--- i s:g M s:i: b r i muimnc..Ihirss, andm another s is to iliness next i .a.'-i it and m c l'eik Alim. place viciuity. Ju eo:,iii!.-- ions p:.i'l. ind wc f" 'Tim 1 Street.i3 Merchant Parlors on American Fork. 81.25 AH. - The POWDER. SHOT, AND HUNTERS SUPPLIES-Oian- t Powder, Ease and Caps. uml Wednesday Saturdays (t l.is legs. J. I.. Codas: 1, f V.!- Lskf, ship, of rtatnf- - this week over prd tun Headquarters fi,r r GUNS, LOADED SHELLS, Fur Aljiine: Monduys. from a emt while It bud last week bioke oue ARTICLES, CIBAKS. ETC. i.niTi:. UTAH & Go, nil LET DRUGS, m. UTAH SUGAR PLEASANT i SHOVE DOTS, Dr.AI.EHS IS liHIVi SulTU AMI J5 5r Impartial to AMERICAN FORK, SATURPAY, NOVEMBER Closing of Mails. J?- Politics1, an in Independent VOL 2 nd Get Handsome 1 eturns- - b-- 1 i.s f-- esU-i-.d-in- |