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Show AJ! EHIC AN FORK ITEM. MILTON L. SCOTT. Hsztcjs aato ritcrsiicrc-Enteral at Anu (Kt ywfnjMi'r, far Jit through ELECTION titan Folk Bid lit lit tt'.onii ii'iM flutter. line JVif in Sit A risk cjuuty mg J J. Jai ulilican and won i .ny b'l on Lchi going R. ji a V. thirty majority and kviii Democrats Win. !3asi!3awtfuwaBaaBgi raaaawgs Grants Emporium. HOLIDAY GOODS. . 'l'inrf His ility Scuoji Eveiythlrg iu sight in Huh ounty, ' C !'li Ed (aniplu'll. a staunch 0 af , after h that Lchi fell otf in her It,;.ii,ii;i,'iii vole, gut upon t!,i M the city hail and moved tint th-sugar factory be moved right into Am Month Month Tkrti Dr. Meriihsst, denti-- Lchi. t, erictn Fork. t lOIiUTEv Santa (.'lain HEDICED. MUCH 1 HEADQUARTERS' Ihl ; iliirtSli-iniiii- I'.nliirut. Dunaiey's-Ju- st t New Ymk Republican by leftat 13ft "(Vi r, .j.iiiry lor Levi P. wi-n- , I he r.--- Ex.' nator David tmi, Cumj.Iuia sad (lOliclal JEV ,! M-i- U. Hill, a never been heard ot i ! .on in American Folk wan exciting one . Piobslily not hi an one town iu ti.c in the Empire state. was taken a was indulged in by ur local poliiticians and those who Considerable bsttikg tooa place in were confident of TiikItem has all kind of legal blank! victory. that will be told at rcducid rates Don't American Fork. Great iieiarutiona were made leng beforget it. t a fore and up to the day of election, by Considerable lielliug took place in both Yur can get your goods the rbrsieat parties in their tffo.ta to out do Ameriran Fork each other. nt Dunk try's. s The poll opened at aunrise with fifty Ben Greenwood says be would vote Tl,keB Hn persons present, Aunuou Shelley, II. tire Democratic ticket if lie was the suit Subscription. Si. ami Ammon Oisun were the Lee, one left in the parly . a judges ot electiou, and they were all on i for fresh Dcnklet' groceries. The vote The enthusiasm of Republicans and time at the opening hour. a a a all almut the the averaged day through led some of lliia evening despair i f tli.i Him i.ic AN club nut-tinfor with (.suuou tame, leading delegate, them diink, and almut town it t Uiiiiiaiia hall, one of the lively old times of 2H majority. A heavy vote was polled. a a a Buggies and carriages were in readiGo to Dunk ley's for good prosperity when the mines of American ness by it.!;, parties to take voters to and lair treatment. Fork were iu operation. and trout the pulls. It was a a a busy Ai.m Adam is erecting a neat little Jed Mercer bet on Bpringville going scene, sure, and one which American trick Louse on Camp street, near the Democratic and won. Fork his nut seen tor many yeari. No Rio Grande deHit, ft is now up to the disturbance to speak of took place, Hilly Grant seemed to feel better tlian while cnnsidirablo noise filled tho air. square As was anticipated by conservatives of Ruukh-v' any Republican in town, and it proved FnKaiirelery at hia both Hint was parties, Utah county, in which we a a a liberality unquestioned. Go to Lee's lor your liv ry rgis, are directly interested went close, the a a a R. Y. Greenwood was a disappointed Dcuioeruts slightly Iu the lead. Mistauu uiul siieea tor your pickle Democrat, but took defeat good natur-cdly- . Jos. L. Rawlini took well in the at Dunkleys. county, and especially at Lchi, where a a a J sines Chipman, Republican, seemed lie rrr. ahead of liia ticket by 10. FollSniMiuukiis not leeeiving thuir to be worried almut Utah county ow iug is the complete election rewill notify this please tly prom turns uf Utah f'ounly. The Democrats papuis cilice at ones. After the votes were counted at Alpine elected avery othcer, A. D; Gash, for most ot the pi'.iticiana came to this city Attorney, as against Thomas John got a Dcnblet's have received some o't to take in thf demonstration, The demclose shave with 7 majority. Go and their Fall anil Winter UiHide ocratic majoritiei have been greatly rea a a Al. Dunklcy and Ben Greenwood duced since tho last election. Messrs. O. A, Mtaxr.ii, W. H, Chip-ma- we:e two Driiis. who were much enthusJohn W. Chipmaiu and Emmett iastic. Ib-- cried fur Rawlini uutil his to the Robinson, uiibMonariss voice gave out, Al. talked on the quiet. Southern states from American Kuik, all left this morning for their field of It was 5 o, clock Wednesday morning tuber. Good luck to thu boys is the before the shouting for Cannon and Raw wish of The Item. lina ceased. Highest (iiiriit i mil fur EGGS DRIED FRUIT u Dui.kity'a. mill s- iiiaj-irit- h ax has in, Echo. j 1 n, a a And Oh! how Cheap . . Jwt Amoved! Rube Iloggard was an enthusiast10 Ladies, Gent's, and Republican. Children's SHOES, at DUNKLEY'S. a a a C. D. Turldon was the artist who Till beautiful resilience of W. B, wrote the bulletin. Chipman on Harrington street was a scene of mcrrinieut and good will to Joe L. Dunkloy, assisted by Tim all" on Wednesday evening. It was on ot Pleasant Grova. done well McDougall the oacaaion ot Mr. Chipmnn'a departure in the returns ovar the wires, receiving on a mission. About thirty people wrre present and all joined in wishing John B. Roberts surprised everybody Wash spiritual success and good health in from the west in time to durlughta absence. Itayden'e harmon- by popping vote the Republican ticket. ica and guitar club gave the party a for the Quality I hail All serenade, sociable time. pleasant a good Fancy Goods, J. H. ot election were jolly Tho judge good fellows, especially Hairy Lee. who TrayelH mm Eveiy r.iit u John McNi. ,l:r.r - e : KU.- -i went R- puldici" io for years Next day pn.-uJa- A: i. V. . by, It Wild, D I Uo-- t alter el Wo are e cv R 1'iMntal, D vm t . Fork 1'recinct. American i it k pep u. ... tis 2t4 i'u a . ij vtah ; us the following information regarding that country: Editoh Itim: lore is a few lines of our trayela out west if it would be of any interest to . A3JAMSOPJ, your reader : On September 10 th, Mrs. Josiah Smith, Bessie Preston and family and myielf left American Fork. We had to go over the moat driest country that have ever yet seen. We went by way of SOUTH OF SALT LAKE Fish Springs, It u a dry rocky, sandy, and hard looking c iuntry and water all tft; way from twenty to fifty milei 2 apart, and not much of that in some places, for a small bunch of cattle will drink it all and look around for more. On the day that we left Fish Springs for Trout Greek we came across n sign that some intruder had put up on the aids of the road saying; This is the road to Trout Creek." We thought the right road had been waabod out or some other trouble so we went the way the sign laid and we got badly left, for we traveled all of twenty miles out of our way without feed or water tor our team or eunelvei. Just thing ot this. Out on a deseret with two ladies and a lot of children and no water for them. Aft er traveling for a long way we got back We expected again on the right road . to have t camp for the night without feci or water, bul thank God, our teams held out better than we expected. We came to Mr Jos. Parkers ranch on Trout creek at 9 o'clock p. m., tired AND hungry nnd nlmost worn out. We found Hue He accommodations here. very treated us all royal. He lias got a very fine ranch and raises lota ot grain ami vegatablea of all kinds. Parker is a jolly and an old time friend of Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Preston. We at Mrs. Smith's rancli at Smith-rills- , Millard county, Utah, 22, ail alive. We found good accommodations there. Tho ranrh is picas., sntlv located. I was well fed and looked after all the time I was out there. I John Nichols is down from Put visited Pleasant Valley, Fish Springs for a few days. City s of mining camp and many other pliu-eA grand ratification will be note and found some good looking given : and a very fine marble ledge, Salt Lake on Monday evening in lion, and myself went duck of tlis Repnbiicun victory . Every Ir. Murdock found thousands them of is there from ni! ov, ln.t'ing;we fly. Utah. iiid can say we made the feather we were out of meat so I went out to the yard that was full of wild cattle, AMERICAN FORK and with my lasso caught the fat teal exit .d dressed it with the aid of Mr. Smith, Mrs. Preston and tha children. Mrs. Smith has met with lots of OPEN trouble, disippointment and expense in we regard to selling her cattle aince feel ln:r aud it is makiug first got there, and look quite sick. IN BASEMENT GRANT HOTEL. I started for home on Saturday, Nov. brother 3rd, 1894. I met the Murdock , mountain going .i ih Hucklend Arnica Sake. top of Dugway nut o buy and receive Mra. Smith and Tiik Rest Salve m tl.e world for They were the )trs. Preston's cattle. Sore, Ulcer,, Suit Few return trip. I only on el I met on my Election Night, Tom Askew, (opposite Sores, Tetter, Chopped Hands. Chi on for dinner blains, Corn, aud all Skin put home in good order Item office) -- Ill iec the news or and positively euros Piles, or nEruption washed ot the alkali dust pnv Xoy. Gth, and bust, by thander ! It is guaranteed to give ncrti-a of the desert and then went and put satisfaction or money Pri. vote in the io cents ier iwx. Fl)R SALE I'., g.Mid. clean Republican t of 200 imics to )i)kln. btele A C'o' , Drug Store. box. and I travlcd nearly I say, Jaek, change me a But I am sorry to do to here five, won't you? get It.OTMlNi. saics ll.'i'i! Wi.titCii that there are lot of Republicans Jack I haven't more than onongh for AiiiericMii from than lunch and vicinity. more and car fare in my pocket. Fact LiU ttat were not loose in my C"iimiiifii, ll'i di 1 n.-- Is. I don't carry caout-paid, ami we furnish tweutv to filty m:le and moat mn ictihome to pockets any more. I put it in the bunk pr in to 'the trouble of coming and pay by cheek. Tided v nnv IhuimUtah that county is f. , . result che.-ksJ,te and the "I don't eare to bother with terms. Send 2 account. I this on in Democratic went L.is my pucheU, always carry money MrAr v m k 1; A Itiin w fm.n and I never miss a cent.'' A few dxyx ivlore my departure but married." are o "Y a, But Piill:idi-!-i:ii- , l.is on you arrived Mix Pa. tl. ranch, Mr. X. H. N. Y. Weekly. latest new, li the us 1W1 and brought taring t!.c tr-.D M, 11111!., l' i im phased to say that L. i I am teeing much Pvpi.e will do well to look over the fifty i.ctis of good l uni, (l imr. j my health aud an l will t ike fi!ty Imr, f,- -r Ucr than I did when I left home lor advertisements in Trt Item iJetore p:tnrr.g low rates. A; at ply ut once . the VVeat- - T 2 GRANT. o 0 O 1jfiGP, . Finest Sample Rooms MEAD 0UABT EES MEN &SR . TRAVELING TOURISTS. Electric Bells. Rates, the Lowest AMERICAN FORK New York - American Fork Item, Buiinsig and Nigh SSs s. I.H. Soiii wlicic in American Fur'. J, . i. ! Fi-i- t - ... j remarked: (Vntamiii!: two mtiflv iu-- ot mihipc, I I had I leen In.i'e'i : I. a though wthr .ck cu Alpine Iri.T;. n Co.. tlinmgli a threshing tuaihine nnJi'lbar papers, of In u,. t,..( The fnre for the round trip to Balt ciiepi owner. Kinn- -r nate at Tuk dog Lane for the Republican ratification lit.N office and receive suiui-'.reward. on Menday will be fl.Ud. has his day. to toil, tai.o olc tc-- Hie Icgi Ail Denioi-iatiUtiuv stroii-- . ii.. Ids went hi.-- for the g. o. p. Collier ivtio-- Ihetwo jxditical parlies (Rp SEE Rh.-mn- Tin: total corrected rote ter governor in New York state outside of Sullivan county was J20S,2"H, of which Morton 314.104; ; rociived 007, Hill, Morton's plurality. Winder. 24.511. l.'i.UUii; Morton a majority, 120,238, Murphy 'CALL Day , ! 1,000 Articles Given Away. & Mrs. Juaiali Smith's stock. lie furnishes American Fork, a-- x Aru a two months visit out on Snaxe Crenc Ney,, J. B. Robert returns home. He has haen cut there in the intereet of 4b v eeiia '.r I GLASSWARE AND CHOCKEKV, LAMPS, WINDOW GLASS, Etc. Kepoblican Ticket Atur (teim And All Kinds ot Musical Merchandise, also !t323IB YfiaLSQR, SLLSO, Last year I'syaon went Democratic by The Item office was headquarters 85; ricasaut Grove by 27 ; Spanish Fork for rlu"ii. Ly 103; Santaquin by 05 and Spriug-vill- e by 21. Frovo gave a Republican Balt Lake ronntv Liberal elected majority of 52; American Fora 14; Lclil every man in 1S92. 4$. Park City elected the entire city ticxet. Last year Brown, D, for sheriff, got a majority of 129 in Utah county. Road Supervisor Dean is doing good workers down on work with the poll-taLast year, in the t2tli district, John the Deasniir Grove mad, Moore, of Spanish Korn got 233 majority and in tho 1 1th district, .Robert sou of Nought Vote, It extravagantly asserted that some Springviile got 2 majority for the legistwenty votes were bought at Lchi, and lature. those that had signed the Republican TiiKlriu bulletin boards at Chip roll were the ones that sold them. Some man's hall and tVi'-l- A Umun A Co's , of these fellows work at the sugar saloon gave good satisfaction to patrons. factory' rW to Vote the ed first-clas- ' 20(iIiles good-follo- e ! mi - had his usual smile to r1;.' KOBEKTS KEITRNS. 4 WEEKLY TRIBUNE greet nesriy every weather soon comes on. We voter . advise people to make their stoves ready before they get caught in a cold snap. If Msny Isdies were seen in front of our auy; ling needs repairing, ante or see office watching returns as lats as 3 H. J. Mortcnacn, of Spanish Fork, and o'clock a. iu. ho will fix them. He lias linings and extras far any kind of stoves imported to Murh enthusiasm and only two elecs Ho will give you Utah. However several tion fights recorded. prices. goods at bluffs were made. The cold Boys, Books, an s lire,.., Wlipnt -- ice nii-p- t nt OuDii . . i Li-lii- LOCAL AND iEliSONAL. New r bul u Rawlins M.-- l. Aiiiimiiu T ECHOES. YVi-u- p I Pic-ir.i- ni - |