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Show Tha Y. f She IVnr me. thili; y. m U rn In m Lu.ji--j '' utu-r- . Iiy. tht-M- m-- t.-!- ! Wu.-- j e aw rtlmr! 1 much al of l.lill'. He 1a rival uf Arlbm'-- . for her hnndt Wliv. ll.ii.v. I'm I.:, beet friend ltaur. 'Harper's A For i .! I.- f Miss Merveilieic. tiiur is v,-last. sternly us he i Miss Uedili;:--t.-- . , ieh - - Ar'l.i; you'll m.irry Press. - uit Ar- ins exiled, v is US j.nriii, wl.il. travuoiiul Then, of (S.nrsC, l'ii.lii.ielpl.ia TsUIiik THE Landlady W-- .111 Coffee, Mr. Slioln': f.f ano . fresh. AMERICAN Mr. Snuherlr I'm thrniili a lio first, you know. FORK New York Weekly Tribune Y. i:i, win i my t'lisinca T-a- . Wrti, Why Da They Ibti? "Secretary Franklin Dye, of the New Jersey stale Agricultural society, haa been ou a four of imjiectiaii through until Jersey. He took the trip in order to ascertain the eznet condition- of the Jcisey fanner. Mr. Dye is bark,. and ha says his oW'-ratiproved to him that the Jersey fanner and his condition luid been misrepresented. He fonud tha farmer jireity generally roperou Instead of in had shape, with depreciated farms and a dismal outlook. While tlie section of the state visited by Secretary Dye is the wealthiest agricultural region, lie thinks wh.it he ascertained in that section is lurgely trne of the farmer in other portions of the state. He was surprised to find people going west, away from the advantages at home, and paying about as much per acre for land, when the outlook, agriculturally, is so bright here. Trenton (N. J.) Special to New York Press. - on The Greatest Weekly Newspaper in America AND THE OODS ter-riti.- - Nwsajtarilla is carefully prepared ly eiperienosd pharmacists from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mau- drake. Doch.Pinslssewa. Juniper Berries, aud other wall known vegetable remedies. The Combination, and Process are Peculiar to Hood's Susaparllla, giving it strength and curative power Peculiar to Itself, not possessed by other remedies. Hood'a n s arsaparilla Owes Scrofula. Bolt Rheum, Sores, Bolls, Pimple and all other affections caused by 1'ipure blood; Dyipeia, Biliousness, Sick Htadaqhe, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Uver. Com-plaints. It is Not What we Say, but what nood's Sarsaparilla Docs, that tells the story Hood's C Hood'a Pills Sarsaparilla URES 1 r6RANDE Local Time QWatche. LWESTERNj IlN EFFECT APRIL 30. 1K1 .Railway, KANT. - No. No. U.-- No. : 3;i I 1 I'. 1,-fi- iW Nil. l o. i:IH 4 iV M3 7 ;iK) :42 09 111. uu . Next KAST BOVKU a. m. p. m, stations, 5;00 Lv. Suit Lake Ar. 9:43 0:43 Spectacles i. FoiL Spanish WKST HOl'Kl) a. in. Jewelry and- - WKST. u. i. Springvillc " Sp. Fork N:13 st; 7:33 7:33 Payton. Etin-ka- . 0:33 9;40 8:03 p. m. 13:30 8 ;20 Ar Silver Cy. I.v ti;40 D. C. Dois.k, Gen. Mg'r. A. E. Wei.iiy, Gen. Sup't. J 11. - ' Fork, Irrm Utah 9:42 3 1, 1 .39 1:00 Hexxrtt, I. A. T. Agt. II. ll.iiu oi a, G. K. Agt. !. S. Amerifan Ior t. p. in 3:40 4:90 -- DEALER IN WIDES. AED LIQUORS CIGARS. Family orders a ppecially. Billiard and Pool Room In Connection. u. are purely Vegetable, F. Wickersham, J rniF Padfis (No. 2300.) NOTICE FOK PI IILICATION. - American Fork, Sgstem. gqaEM ctau. Land Office at Salt Lake (Tty, Utah, September "13, 1894. Notice is hereby given that the (ol 3LOCJL3L, TliuCE CJk.Xbr loving named settler liss filed notice of Wilde, Adamson & Co., In Effivt April 0, 1804. Lis intention to make final proof in supProprietors. Train i arrirt ami dtpart at rariou port of his claim, and that said proof 0 will be made More the county clerk of BlitioM a fMmn : All kinds of Utah county, Utah, at Frovo City, Utah HIDKN. W i N3sr Liquors AndCicars os November 8, 1894, viz: Malcolm T. The Greatest Cbainpicn of the Sihcr Cause in the United States. Woods, II. . No. 9030 for the SW Fine Billiard and Pool Room in 8W , Sec. 23, 8 Ji SE H Sec 23, an Connection, XIV U NE if 4 8. R. 1 E. lie names the following witnesses to When" scurf or encrustation appear Merchant Street, prove his continuous residence upon end AND TnE ST. LOUIS jn the back of cattle, as they sometimes Amkiiiran rsltivation Fork. said the of, Utah land, viz: James out, paint fio, and the hair droj of Brown, James Tuckfield, Peter Smith ipot every other day with tincture beStephen Moyle, all ot Alpin, Utah. tndina- - To prevent tha spot from Byron Groo, soming to? sore rub it occasionally with Register. ndiM on the off days Globe-Democr- at, Booth & Wilson, Atty's for claimant. Lively Food anil 1st. pub. Sept. 19th, tl4. Questions to the l'olnt. W. M. Bcnninger, through The Rural CKPOCKc ! uF PARIS. New Yorker, asks his brother farmers First Class Turnouts always of Pennsylvania the following among of 11. c I: Ml J in Readiness. A fine Selecother questions: Farmers, are yon satis- fho Skill Usht-eiiin- it. tion of Iloraes and Buggies. fied to sell all your products for from 23 ROCKD. STATIONS NORTH SflL'TU ROUND j The majority of ,:i is piokpnek to SO per cent, lew than the cost of pro8 ;48atn0 :53 pm ; Ruhr Hack to to M 8:10ain5:07pin i duction? Gan you afford to sell wheat its and pickpocket.- " 3:01 Am. Fotk 8:34 0:38 8:13 !i are Vaco, all trainii me forulguo:-for 80 cents per bushel, the raising of ,'i Pi. Grove 8:39 8:07 4:53 7:04 which costa, in most sections, $1? Can Italian being the t i Tha 7:43 4:33 Provo Loave orders at SlablcH-Mai9:20 7:35 you afford to pay nearly all the taxes, English piekjiie!-- t , t. 4 :23 hpriiiKvillo 9 :29 American Fork Street, Im.iwu; both direct and indirect? Do you know Dae meets him ' o 4:14 Fork 9:38 vj is Sp. that out of 111,000,000 of taxes raised in Iff n menu tin- i3 :5(! H i iui ;. 9:37 INyson BBBESBBSSSSSXBBBOBEBSSBE m mwuaw Pennsylvania yon pay $34,000,000, while obtained a reputiiti.i.i Ni-p2:53 11:00 lie does your property represents $130,000,000 lot deserve, lie . sli.T in I. is ir.ove-Oon2:13 Juab 11:40 leu than the other property in the stale? J. M. IIavdkn, and, although very e ever with D. E. Buhi.kt, r rsK.. Do yon know that your taint haa depreMe hands, he haa too uni: h of ilm NaGcn'l Agt. Agt. Americau Fork. BEccsxasBBOBsstassazssasstaki dated in value from 80 to 00 per cent in Pass. Dept. Salt Ike. recent year? Do yon know that the tional phlegm about him. itu' l.o is ar City Ticket Oflici. 201 S. Main at, Ilo e ill visit sheriff sells, on an average, twenty Penn indefatigable wulker. E. L. IjOmax, O. I. & T. A. all pro-rdthe in prlne'pid sylvani.1 firms per day? E. Dickinson, Gent Agt, -hiris in m ti: aa' iy tiros THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE out the detect! a wli.. jilowhiin He S. H. H. Ci.ahk, Ho. lippew Figaros Poreoalsge. GOXiS Obd JL SrEGXJLXiTST I Ouvrr W. Mink, Dr. Depewa brotherly talk to the is as wise os a ar.ii :ic-'iloti E. Ellkrt Anderson, lias seenred a phenomenal circu- Is a Twenty-fo- ur Receivers. Page Weekly, grangers was suggestive and interesting hlmsolf bo cnlic d from t!ie path oi Jonn M. Office al stwle'a Old Drug 8tnre. ) Doanr, lation and covers the entire field devoted to Science. Commerce in many respects. But there was jnst prudence by tempt,.! :i ;i to . danger Fredkrick R.Coudeht. west of the Missouri river. - Utah American Fo:k, and the Field and Farm. It is a one statement which the doctor inads Ous attempt, lie never remains more in onr that is consistent ten than opinion e minutes in one hardly nnd eight-pagis a It crowd, paper paper that may be relied upon with the fact that he still draws hii large seldom makes more than one victim and contains all the news of the for information from the New York Central's same pine-;- . Tha ranrcour.-t- i concerning the salary QLUFF & SCOTT . treasury inconsistent, too. wo ninst world. Literary Features, Mining Whole World. 'favorite Hold of All wiili his degree of LL. i). conferred the E ig!ih, pickpockets of th.-- Nm-tl.-- , News, Departments for the Ilome Yale by university. "R:iihi:id rates, the Farmer and the Children. he said, "in the last twenty jours, liara Russian, Polish, Gcrii.in, In Buacinrnt Commercial methodical and tcnncii):!, ami seldom Savings Ban gone down over 100 per coat.'' let a before victim Building. have go , they emp wlint fail a was Oh, Provo City. my counL'tuli tied hi pockets. Tlio German is extrymen! -- Hartford Courunt cellent at tbo method known as s DOME OU 'esbrouffe, which consists in hustling TIME FIGURE& TO -(he victim violently, and ribbing him CASH must accompany ail orders. Address Thanksgiving Xlnsty eight during the confusion which ensues. Tsars Ago. He also excels in the vol au radin Chicairo, Omalta, Sf. Louio, Ibe following is taken from Tha Nor Inverting tlio of a shopman wich (Conn.) Weekly Register of Novon and then Kansas City, Atchison, St, Joe annexing the contents of the bar, 1798, published by Messrs. Bnsbnel) tllL AMERICAN FORK. fit Hubbard; But the No th 1j not alone in Thanksgiving day may be a good in Paris with pickpockets. Italy ftitution, bat it is more like the day of destruction than any other day. It may and Spain furnish n numerous continThe Spanish pickpocket denot be nnamudng to take a peep at tha gent. transactions and expense of the whole serves special mention. He combines For tickets and inforniNtion spply to week, and see what real good we derive theft with dovnli.iii, and wh n arrested A. L. ROGERS. from this day, and it requires no un- makes a rcvolli ng cl i ji' uy of hypocrisy, R. G. W. agput, American Fork Is complete in everv respect for a country office. We are pre-lar- ed common intellects to ken the deeds dons protesting hij innoconco all the by on execute to plain or fancy job work to perfection, and at hy 083,000 people, for the same tragi- saints in the calendar. The Italian is w. Givi Agent, McMillan. f. in are that with the comical prices scenes are conformity in every fam- extremely clever, is cunsi.uus of hi Room pressing times. We know 11, Over No, 10 West Second So.. 'tis hard tr get ready money, but why should a person do business ily in this state acting Rhode can and often finConnecticut, suporority, snap his Salt Lake City, Ula without a printed letter head, a printed statement, an envelope Island and Massachusetts. gers at all the detectives in Europe. I or bill head? Printed stationery is of vital importance to a firm Monday waa washing day. Tuesday Full of confidence in and re a day of darkneu and despair among jolcing In his Writes Postmaster J. C. Woodson, triumph, he. neverthe-ess- , RAIMI CO pigs, turkeys, geese, liens, docks and ends in ruining himsolf, If the DESERET TELEU Forest Hill, IV, Va.t I hurl n bron---MMXXXKl.allaa only had the prudence ot the Sgeona. Today is a day of eating and chial trouble of such u True it is, a few attend di- Englishman ho co ild laugh at the enSent to Any Place on and stiiblxirn charucter, that the IiUSQAL H3I.AKHS 1FD3B vine service, but just enough, however, tire r police of the universe; but, car to say we the principal business of the Line at Loir Kates, the pronouneed it incurable with riod away by the Southern Bail Bonds fougno, he to gormandize. Every son and day aud Venires, medicines, and advised ortlinary being Dug Sight. guts Notices. caught through remaining to t Estray Warrant of Arrest daughter, and to and daughter-in-law- , ine try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ia ITS if hid triumph iu tho tamo Ihultltng usficps Summons, with the whole litter of grandplacu I did so, am! one lsottle cured me. Warranty Deeds, I 'lull Globe. Ini.rlcMii fork plaints. children, thir day make the annual visit Subpoenas. For the last fifteen years, I have " ' 1 the old cupboard. is a used this preparation with good Does It Not Coat at 10c. Lcgals ADyihlnir per dozen cheaper than anywhere day for apprentices and servants a day effect whenever I take SUr CUre' .in tlic Territory. Mail order promptly attended to. A ft freedom and merriment to every bondman and every bondwoman. Satpeculiar to women. A urday cornea the physicians day, and ffi0nwd!?RBi,our pu,ralced plan. a I and 1TIEIH P3JID. know of numbers of jieople Bros. tartar emetic by wholesale and retail who keep it in the house all the time; And aa Tis good prictice to settle every American Fork AMERICAN FORK, UTAH. not considering it sure to lie withDo Yon Know Saturday night, wo may aa well close the out it." account with the That on every Wednesday and Thurs- I have been using Ayer's Cherry Allowing eight jersons to a family, Hull Ofi'lm, then are iu this state Connecticut, Lskc, Provo lc,ve? Pectoral in my family for .10 with and comother a.' Rhode Island and Massachusetts 83.G04 mon points a tlie nifmt sntlHfurtnry results, amt can through tourist or rumilv families; consequently, upon a moderate sleeping car for Kansas reenmnii-iiit as epe-pl-,,- v City, Chirii'rn, RKiiriug of buggies of nil kimK calculation, theso three states must to all pulmonary com-- I Kilupted of Tiros, tt fixing ing make Thanksgiving day Dr. to drain 1 have, for tl,e Ri0 Gran,1 'Venera mnito 5dlhWhw ninny etc. and other mvdic'iipsa special fS,H mufcr of flip, sro iTn Ti Bcr,,h jm less m:iary than half nt nluu. puddinca Hull Mi up Ojimitr (,'ity si u l v, nnd I have come to t e conclusion fir8t cla NI.CM turkeys or gaum, Pullman UN.M1 cUcin-- n plea , l't"h tlirii Ayers Cherry Pert, :il occupies a American minced T&a Htlii Extra Hi:tiiu- ; -- i'sn,lni!nt CL,caK- niher niedi- ML 184 apple pi Sleepers or 8W.0 rfco or potato riiH' i : '. cia'rs.-"- i1 conducted and no lwraonally pn .'hivenport, i. Dis.-re- t in office is M.inuorta Tin: ' , li'ivi-r1. The II, o Tiik w08 ia ..(ssaj pumpkin plea Those who wih to Itkm liuiliiingPWi;lrrn aI,n runs daily, besides wine; nuts and apples. Tlio exthin telegraph sill fiuiJ iteheaM-act amount of Ilia wholo is easier calcu- nr tfTn,1 CT8r 8 or sleeping Httd strictly rivate. Messages I lijrIir..T. f C,,y a,,', Uhirsgo. lated by a married man than hy your For other and delivered. nt, promptly inquire ofugent. huiublo servant, a baehulor. .. J L Dunklt v, tperutnr. Colorado Weekly Sun, sAl0s3g Henry Lee, All. FOUK Sales Stables F03B r lu-li- n-- u n.-j- r I'..-:- - - e'-:ie- Bios it-- t ASSAYERS ?! 3 J:---. r ittAiRiBimss oji.M-nlion- tln-re- FAST LINE THE ITEM, aup-plyin- g QUF Free Reclining Chairs. JOB DEPARTMENT When was a Boy, -- SAM. l(H-tf- re-p6- son-in-la- w C-oi- w BENJ. BATES, THE Bad Cold, CO., . WAGON WD3IE& elni-rfiill- Ft-rl- . - - Ayer's Che. er,-Ka- Picmpttr ...ral |