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Show THE AMERICAN FORK 0M1 DB1 Ru.tlf P.mt Andrew Foster and Will Jaraa1 two young farmers who resided at Gain, went of Dellas, Tex., have had an xmnter. The former la fatally wounded Several mouths snd the latter te ago Foster assisted the lover of J ernagia'S lister to elope with lier. The young men have been enemies since. Returning roin a meeting, they met In a highway. Jamagtn drew his pistol and almost at the same time Foster was ready. They tired sbnulUneoualy. Eaoh shot took ai feet, a baU entering Foster's right cheek and lodging oo the Inside of the aldn m 'lie left temple, while onepderaed Jarna-gi- n throngb jnst above the heart They wne both on hanoback and their honee ran with them in the same direction. liev continued firing until Jaxnagla anptied his pistol and Foster had shot three times, Jarnagtn drooped from Ms horse at the end of 100 yards and died in few minutes. Foster eras taken to a Faster is 19 years of sighborie boos was 9A8L Louis and Jamagia ige hlobaDeenocrat i N ew York Weekly Tribune YTOODS Local Tane Card Sarsaparilla is careful f I prepared by from Sana pharmacists parll! a, Itendelion. Juniper Barries, and other well known vfgetabU remedies. The Combination, Fra. portion and Process are Peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving R strength and curativa power Peculiar to Itself, not pom seared by other remedies. Hoodte s arsaparilla Cures Scrofula, Soil Hhetun.iAaree, Boils, Pimples and all other affection caused by impure blood; Dyspepsia, BlIkMNUieis, Sick HSadaclio, Indigestion, DtbUlly, Catarrh, BhciuualUnt, Kidney and Llm Com plaints. It U Not What wa Say, but what Hood' Sarsaparilla Doss, that tells tho story Hood's F. Wickershanry fgaP-b- f Watches, r.FVECT N AlBIL Clocks, Jewelry 5W, 1X1)4 - aad Soectaclee WEST, tiu a.-a- iaa j.-it- Repaired p. Span ink Fork. wur MOUND a.m. p. u, stations, SAW 6:43 9:49 7 AH) m. M7 m America 6 :4U A. K. Silver Cy. Lv 6;40 1:00 -D- C--. J. II. Bxnnktt, G. P. A. T. Agt S. II. Basom i, G. F. Agt. Doduk, tieu. Mgr. A.K. Wilbt, rtah Fork, 4:00 3:43 7:55 3 17 0:55 1:30 Eureka. BOAr 13:30 a. m. p. Sp Fork Payaon. 9:05 ;4 Neat Door te Item CAST BOl'MD Salt Lake Ar. 9 :45 -Lv.Springville 8:13 7:33 . Thorntopj EALER 1- N- ABD LIQUORS WIBBS, flSIQAfl8.fr Wo esse. Gen. ftnpl. Sarsaparilla ladlaaa have thstr own way of watching, Family orders a apemlty, pod whea earring with white soldiers da act take kindly to sentry or picket duty. An anecdote of a Fawnoo Indian picket wo Billiard end IPool Room In Hoad'S Pills are purely vegsubk. tea, .Powder river, reported in 'War Path and . red man's die Bivouac," illustrates the Connection. The Weekly Newspaper in A a erics lasts tor the methods of the pale face. Amkrican Fork, One afternoon la March Lieut. Schwatkl lTAH( AND THE was ordered to make a detail for picket (No. 2360.) . KOT1CR FOK PUBLICATION, duty, and as the Pawnoescoau were doing nothing, It eras thought expedient to gi,-- l them a turn. A sergeant took half a dasae Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, St them with the regular guard, and hav15, 1894. September to tin the poet, picket explained ing placed CgQKB GJLXtS Indian chief as well as he could that he Notice is hereby given that the follofiled has and his men won Id hare two hour on and wing-named notice of Wilde, A (lain soil Co., settler In Effwjt 'April 9, 1894. (our hounruff duty until the guard was r- - bis Intention to make final proof ia supTrains amt Proprietors. ad depart at. oariout port of his claim, and that said proof 0 I'll lend yon my watch, said ho tj tlw will Iw made before the county clerk of iMioiu at fellow t All ikinds or Pawnee, and striking a match ha pointed Utah Provo City, Utah, at Utah, OODRN, county, to the diaL It's bow 6 o'clock. Whea The Greatest Champion of the Silver Cease in the United States. Winsi, Lkajors And Cigars via: Maioolm T. ax. non Salt Lxb ur. roa Salt Lakk the shorter hand move, two 'points your oo November 8, 1894, ' Jfiae Billiard and Pool Room in first watch will be relieved. Do you under Woods. II. E. No. 9680 for the 8W 2 1 80 m N8, No. a; l:45a.m 8W U, Sec. 28, 8 K BE Af Sec 23. rn stand met" 6 No 10:40 No. 8 9:12 Connection, Hey, hy, good! answered the Indian NWjf NE M Sec. 27, Tp 4 8. R 1 E No. 4 ' 8 7 .05 p. m p. m No. 5 lie names the following witnesses and stalked away on bin rounds. The ser 7 A0 No. 8 No. 7 Merchant Street, 8:25 residence fitful his Into a continuous geant, being fatigued, dropped upon sn' AND THE ST. LOUIS . pflive Anrrican Fork. low Laxr. firs watch Salt of tho mala cultivation of, said sleep by tbs land, vis: Utah guard. Suddenly ha was aroused by the James Tnckfleld, Peter Smith North An. Dr. North was Pawnees hand. Tbs chief standing (Stephen Moyle, all ot Alpin, Utah. 8:00 a m No 9 No l 7 .00 am aver him, the watch In bin hand. Btuon Gunn, 10:10 No 8 No 6 9:80 What do you wantf asked tho Register. No 5 2:40 prg Globe-Democr- at, 8:00pm No 4 geant. Booth A Wilson. Attya for claimant. No 7 . No 8 4:35 Livery-FeeInjun heap cold; much hasp stiff," iw and 1st. puli. Sept. 19th, 94. plied tho chief. Ugh! That thing tho watch) much Ha, Long finger booth. south. , (the mlnnta Laud) been all right. Short 6 No 6:80 am No 1 7:45 ani Coat It Don Not Anything finger (tho nour hand) him heap tired." First Class Turnouts 6:10 pm No! 6 A0 pni: A specific No 2 To trv Paike'Sure Cure. alaayh The laughing sergeant triad to show th in IteadiaesR. A fine Sclec-tio- n enrenf all diseases peculiar to women. NORTH BOUND. STATIONS SOUTH Lief his mistake for be had been bnt BOUND of Horses anrt Buggies, J abort time on guard. Ugh!" was all tha Ask your druggist onr guaranteed plan. 8;48am0:59 pm 8:19am5:07pm Lclii disgusted brers would say, and ho would Bold by Roberta Bros. 5 Hum Rack to 8:18 " 6m " Am. Folk 8:54 ? 6:58 Bars nothing man to do with pfokat duty. ii 8 all trains 4:55 PL Grovs 8:50 7M Do Yon Know 7ri5 4A3 Provo- What tha Ca.ndUM lax. 9:29.7A 'Leave orders at Stabiea. 4:23 "Springville 1:29 Sir John Macdonald attendod a Roman That on every Wednesday and Thun Main 'Street, American Fork : 4:11 tm-rCatholic picnic at Morrisburg recant!; day Sail leaves 8p. Fork 9.38 Ogden, 8:56 Payaon 9:57 com And in tho conns of hla address arid other tnd Luke, Provo f-- : 11 A0" J2 :55 Nephi non points u through tourist or family substance: 9:15 u Juab 11:40 In regard to reciprocity the govern- sleeping car for Kansas City, Chicago. ment had begun and is now desirous of Boston and Philadelphia via the Grew D. E. Buhlnv, J. M. IIatdrn, Gen I Agt. closer trad relations with too United laeniv highway, the Rio Grande Western Agt. Amarinaa Fork. States, but toe feeling is not reciprocal. Kkilway, Berth rates are leas than half Pare. Dept . Salt Lake. City Ticket Offico 261 6. Main st. It was too United States that recalled cl rate charged on first claas Pullman E. Lomas, G. P..AT. A tlw treaty of 1854, and ever ainoe an at- ears, being hut $8.00 to Missouri River or exE tempts made by Canada for closer trade ud $4 00 to Chicago. Sleepers and no 8. II . n. Clark, relations had been refused by the United cursions are personally conducted THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN THE NEW YORfy TRIBUNE Rio The la nt care ) required. chsnge Oozos OxtB&. erECT ALTT OuvirWMink, States, and they w era now passing the BL Ellkrt rune daily, Grande Western also Has secured a phenomenal circu- Is a Twenty-fo- ur Receivers. Andkrwn, an measnra bill, unfriendly Fage Weekly, McKinley J Office at BteeleV Old The would like freer trade rela- tbrongh first class or Pullman sleeping John M. Doavr, the entire field devoted to Science. lation and Drng 8ire. and Chicago. KRRDXRICK to Kansu cir Commerce tionsspeaker Denver, City our with if bnt neighbors, the; of For west of the Missouri river, Amerloan other agent. Inquire particular Fork, and the Field and Farm. It is a would not grout it ha believed in look-InIt is a large eight-pa- ge for nowmarkata. ' Ha advised fem- - paper paper that may he relied upon Trials of Nabarbaa Lite. ora to grow two 'tpvtod barley, fol and contains all the news' of the for Information Mrs. Suburb Oh, my dear, that mag QLUFF A SCOTT concerning the which, he eaid, tbey would find a road; aifieent O 0 O watch dog you brought home o world, Literary Features, Mining Whole World. market In England in gone I yesterday Ho also raid that London would be a News, Departments for the Home Mr. better market for Canadian eggathan chain?ouburb Eh? Did he break the the Farmer and the Children. la Basement Commercial New Tork, and that Canada had already Saving Ban g No; but an eime tramp Building. opened np markets both in China anf around and acted so Provo city. terribly that I let Cub Japan for a large portion of her mans the dog loose, but instead of tearing (actnmd goods. He said Australia wa the to pieces he went off with tendons to have more intimate trade ra him."trump lationa with Canada, and advocated flit TO Great snakes! It must have bean tha CASH must accompany all orders. Address laying of a cable from Australia to Brit same tramp I bought him of." N. Y. Ish Columbia, thsnoa across Canada to CliicAKO, Umahs, St Louis, Weekly. Canada must meet the hostili England. Ho Bow to Know Came About ft legislation of the United States, not in a Kansas City, Atchison, Sr, Ji.- "Witness, were you present when spirit of imitation, not in a hostile manAMERICAN FORK. ner because American had a perfect the fight took place?" I was." right to past ohataoever laws they chose Will you pleusa explain how It haj bnt by opening np new markets. psned?" Ottawa (Ont) Dispatch. I was sitting quietly at a table drinking beer when, without my seeing For tickets and information apply to Compsat sag Pal US. George B. Sprague, (he ex president of him, a fellow came np behind me anij A. L. ROGERS, the Fanners' Allianoe, was one of the smashed a beer mug all to flinders on R. G. W. agent, American Fork Is complete in every respect for a country office. Wears prominent grangers assembled in tha the top of my head. That's what called OR corridor of the Merchants' hotel. Mr. my attention to the affair."1 Texas W. F. Gen'l Agent, McMILLAN, . Sprague said he had beat on a tour Siftings. Room 11, Over No, 10 West Second Ho. a of the and through great portion state, Arranging for a Speedy Trip 1,114 uu uusion rM Salt Lake City, thout a printed letter head, a printed Lecturer (to hackman) Now you're statement, an envelop ha declared that toe Alliance party! I bill head? Printed stationery is of vital importune to a fin compact and united. sure your hones are in good condition? As an evidence of tote, said ha Hackman Oh, yes, sir. Trust ms for Writes Postmaster J. C. Woodson, 'look at the party papers throughoig that DESERET TELEGRAPH CO Forest Hill, W. Va., "I had a bronthe state. They ere, with one or two W"It'a only proper for you to know Mt chial trouble of such a persistent that on I when X mum exception, absolutely politics. get through my lectors Messages Sent to Any Place on and stubborn character, that They know that if they came cat against like to leave ia a hurry." thq the Line at Low Rates, doctor pronounced it incurable with tho Alliance toay would ha bo cotted by "What time ahall I expect you, air?!) Bail Bonds "Cm! ah well that will depend a jyOprn Lay aud Jfigkt, tha farmers, and whoever hays their ordinary medicines, and advised venires, Estraj Notices, Warrant of Arrest will here to pay for their circulation good deal on the audience. Texas in ITXY Building me to try Ayere Cherry Pectoral, trOglet Justice's Summons, Warranty Deeds. As to the talk of toe farmers and the Siftings. Amrlm terk I'lih I did so, and one bottle cured me. Complaints.. labor element not assimilating. that fa For the lost fifteen years; I have The Odds Agalast Him, Subpoenas. all bosh. They are perfectly harmoni used this preparation with good t'l don't feel right about going in na. HTTbeao Legate at 10c. per dozen cheaper thin anywhere St Paul Pioneer Press. effect whenever I take said Chillson Feevor, in front of there," in the Territory. Hail order promptly attended to. a physician's house. A Moiy from Harvard. A He's one of the beat doctofl It fa almost n century ainoe the ens i and Coffin know cIy. replied I of numbers of people Coles. tom nt Harvard of requiring the freshI know; but look at his who keepit in the bouse all the timei 'Kins men to take off their linta to the seniors sign Fork to Amorlcan one.'" not considering it safe to be with, AMERICAN FORK, UTAH. in the college yard was abolished. A Well?" out It." sturdy member of the class of 1793, who T Mch chance afterwards became a prominent mem- as.iw1 1 on t uk I bora been using Ayer's Cherry puck. ber of the college faculty, in hie freshPectoral In my family for 90 yean, with man year neglected to perform this act the most satisfactory results, and can r,u r Batinas of reverence to a senior whom he met, mBttp with yo tw w-- Repairing of buggict of all kinds, rhnerfully recommend it as being espe. who thereupon ordered him to take off cially adapted to all pulmonary com.,ai patrolman to two tramp his hat He did so. "And now, said etting of Tin'll, fixing maplain ta. I have, for many years, mads he, "take off yours, or 111 knock yon ..w t0 you ffMl1 yourselves?" chinery, etc. jmlmonory and other medicines a special busy," explained one. down. The senior saw that it was ex Hall hup Opposite City "Busy at wl,at?" at inly, and I have come to the conclusion pedient to obey, but he went directly to Utah "Scourin the American Fork, that Ayers Cherry Pectoral occupies a President Willard and complained of with IohIMod ovor other metli-cinthis lack of deference. Did he Bay ha Voice. of the clasa." Cluia. Davenport, would knn-- k you down if you didnt Tux Deseret Telegraph office is in Dover, X. J. take off your hat?" asked the president Tnx Itkk building. Those who wish to Captain Sweeny. U. 8. A, San Diego telegraph will find it cheaper than tele."Yea, sir." "Then I advise yon always kliohla Cstarrli Remedy phone, and strictly private. Messnges to take it off, for if he said bo, he'll do A Co., LovrN, Pitpared by Dr. J. C. A it From that time the freshmen kept is the first ,remedy I have ever found romptly sent, received and dohmetl. Iw, 1 L. Dunklcy, Operator. their hate on in the presence of seniors Price 50c 0. anJ 8od. ;v to sure to cure Prompt act, at Sold Steeled N. E. Magazine. Drug Store. URES fiiien ' Pauifis Suilssm. Colorado Weekly Sun, BM LOCAL Mojj t :4-- Jump-Brow- nr 6.-3- Henry lee, d Sales Stables (indi-ostin- ALL FOUR FOR A ' I TSooltoa figoo.Ti ASS AYERS men r yah ' I3 ngly-lookin- FAST LINE THE ITEM, Free Reclining Chairs. JOB DEPARTMENT -- When was a Boy, -- LEGAL BLANKS FOR SALE. . BENJ. BATES, THE ITEM PUB. CO., Bad Cold, WAGON WORKS riw!,the ..nt . es Ayer's Cherry Pectoral |